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By: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com)

Definition of Explosive Casting

Explosive casting is the technique used by many surface
coal mines to control the displacement of overburden by
means of explosive energy. The casting moves 30-80% of
the overburden into the mined-out pit, while the
remaining spoil is removed by draglines or other

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 1


By: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com)

Introduction: Overburden Blast Side-Casting is the procedure of displacement of a portion of

overburden horizontally by blasting, to a desired distance in a required direction away from the
working area. Generally, the area to which the overburden is directed to throw is in de-coaled
area. Overburden Blast Side-Casting is directional blasting. It is also called Blast Casting, Side
Casting or Throw Blast. The remaining of overburden is handled by mechanical means.

Therefore, this system of overburden side-casting by blasting reduces considerable amount of

work on deployment of excavating equipment for removing overburden. Moreover, this technique
allows much improved fragmentation thereby causing the excavating equipment to work more
efficiently and with much ease.

Another important point regarding control of Ground Vibration of Blast Casting is system of Pre-
splitting of Main block of blast. This system reduces the blast induced Ground Vibration greatly;
thereby the nuisances arising due to Vibration is effectively controlled. Therefore, overall
efficiency of working in Mines is improved considerably by adopting Blast Side casting with Pre-

Advantages of Overburden Blast Casting: Conventionally, the blasted overburden is removed

by Draglines, Shovels or Loaders. Now, Overburden blast Casting has emerged as cheaper
alternative to the conventional method of removal of overburden. In the following ways the
overburden blast casting is advantageous and reduces the cost of removal of overburden in
comparison to the conventional method.

• Saving in operating and capital cost of excavating equipments for removal of overburden.

• Saving in maintenance cost of excavating equipments for removal of overburden.

• Time for removal of casting overburden by excavating machines is reduced and thereby
productivity is increased.

• The saving in operating, power, capital and maintenance cost of excavating machinery is
much more in comparison to the cost of additional explosives required for overburden
blast casting, therefore overall economy is achieved in removal of overburden. This has
been explained in Fig-1 graphically.

• Because of reduction in requirement of spares for maintenance etc., other hidden cost
related to inventory management of spares of excavating machine also reduced.

• Smaller size of excavating equipment needed with lesser manpower, as they have to
handle comparatively lesser volume of overburden.

• In working mines, if there is under capacity of primary stripping unit (i.e., less number of
loading units to handle overburden), in other words, if there is mismatch of capacities of
excavating equipment for stripping and coal removal, overburden blast casting can tackle
this problem, thereby coal production can be improved.

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 2

Fig - 1

Because of the above economical advantages, more and more opencast projects are
experimenting with overburden blast casting in India. This technique has been experimented
extensively in open pits in many countries like USA, Russia, South Africa, Australia etc., and
found that cost can be reduced considerably in comparison with conventional method of

The main objective of blast Casting method is to blast the overburden bench in such a way, so
that a portion of fragmented overburden material is removed directly into de-coaled area. The
factors on which percentage of cast depend are:

a. Geo-mining and Strata condition of the site.

b. Parameter design of blast.
c. Nature and characteristics of Explosives.

A properly designed parameter in suitable strata condition may lead to higher percentage of
cast. Recently, in several countries with better parameter design could achieve percentage of
cast upto 60-65%. More the percentage of cast, better is the over all economy / saving

Blast design parameters for overburden blast casting: The blast design parameters for
overburden casting are mine specific. Properties and abnormalities of rock mass must be
taken into consideration while designing the parameters. The Explosives energy, quantity, its
distribution in the mass and timely release of it for necessary displacement are to be studied
properly. In fact, overburden side casting by blasting is very much sensitive to design

A number of experiments have been conducted in open pits to standardize the parameter.
There are many factors associated with effective design of blast for overburden casting. We
will discuss one by one in the following paragraphs and also profile of blasted muck.

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 3

condition and Geo-mining condition, i.e., physical and mechanical properties of
overburden rock, any discontinuities, any available weak planes, presence of water in
the strata etc., of the area have great deal of influence on overburden blat casting and
hence proper blast design, i.e., selecting spacing & burden, location of blast holes
in a row, inclination of hole, dia. of hole etc. and selection of Explosives are
essential for achieving better results and higher percentage of cast.


developed countries like USA, Canada, Australia etc., high energy explosives can
give better casting results. However, due to cheapness ANFO is being used in dry
holes for casting purposes. In India, due to non-availability of better quality of prilled
Ammonium Nitrate most of the overburden blast casting experiments in open pit
workings was done with high density aluminized cartridge Slurry explosives or with
Site mixed Bulk Emulsion explosives. In fact, in overburden blast casting the
energy of explosives going down in boreholes is most important factor. A study
of blast casting with various types of explosives using high-speed photography
showed that by maintaining constant hole diameter, burden could be increased when
going from ANFO to higher energy explosives. At the same time for a given hole
diameter and constant burden, throw velocities could also be increased when going
from ANFO to higher energy explosives.

Side Casting requires increased burden ejection velocity. This can be accomplished
only by increasing Energy of explosives per unit of mass of overburden thrown. The
way of increasing energy is to keep higher specific charge, i.e., at higher Kg of
explosives per Cum of rock. As in cast blasting the ejection velocity and lateral
displacement of burden rock is most important, and are related to the weight rather
than the volume, thus energy factors of the explosives used must be used in designing
pattern for blast casting. Therefore, it is the amount energy rather than the quantity of
explosives that controls the displacement of rock. It may be mentioned here that,
breakage mechanism of rock by explosives is done by two ways, i.e., by stress wave
generated from explosive detonation (Shock) force and by the borehole pressure
created by the detonation gas pressure. Majority of shattering in rock, rock breakage,
fragmentation etc. are effected by stress wave generated by explosive and detonation
gas pressure is mainly responsible for heaving and throw. As better-fragmented rock
(acquires more surface area) is displaced more effectively at longer distance than
poorly fragmented rock, the explosive characteristic should be such that it provides
sufficient shock wave for achieving better fragmentation and considerable amount of
gas energy for maximum throw of blasted overburden. It has been observed that,
Emulsion explosives address both shock and gas energy well and effective in
overburden blast castings.

iii) PARAMETER DESIGN AND BLAST GEOMETRY - Under the parameter design
and blast geometry the fixing of Spacing and Burden, Stemming height, Inclination
of blast hole, Diameter of blast hole, Initiation sequence and fixing of delay intervals
are the most important variables upon which one has to decide.

• Fixing of Spacing and Burden – Burden of a blast depends on various factors,

like Bench Height, Hole Dia., Type of Explosives used, Rock characteristics etc.
In fact, the burden should be decided by conducting number of trials in a given
strata condition. Spacing is determined by taking ratio of Burden and Spacing.

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 4

Generally, Spacing is taken as 1 to 1.3 of Burden. The main objective is, the
spacing and burden are so decided to achieve Maximum ejection velocity and
fragmentation. Moreover, spacing and burden are so adjusted in relation to
diameter of blast hole that higher specific explosives charge (Kg/m3) can be
accommodated. For effective overburden blast casting the post explosion gasses
should exert tremendous push over a largest possible area in the plane of the row
of the blast holes. The spacing should not be so great that gasses vent out
from the face before they fully penetrate the cracks between adjacent blast

The standard square pattern was in use where no blast casting was involved. It
has been observed 9m X 7m (S x B) with staggered pattern gives better result
in overburden blast casting. It has been established that, first three rows are
primarily responsible for casting overburden into the de-coaled area. Therefore,
placement of first row is the most important factor; tow-burden is to be
taken into consideration while deciding the location of drilling holes in the
first row and if needed some relieving holes may be drilled in the front row for
better fragmentation and ease in movement. For effective overburden blast
casting, many authors have suggested a higher specific charge with higher
explosives energy, by a factor of 1.4 to 1.6 than the conventional blast.

• Stemming – The stemming height should be such that, proper explosives energy
is utilized in fragmenting the rock and for achieving maximum ejection velocity.
Therefore, the quality of stemming should be checked properly to prevent loss of
gasses released by explosives to atmosphere. Small decking of charges some
time may be provided when there are intervening weak strata. Generally,
stemming should be between 1 and 0.7 of Burden.

• Blast hole Inclination – it is a well-known fact that if the blast hole is inclined
from vertical, the fragmentation is improved. Because of difficulties in drilling
inclined holes of large diameter, Indian mines rarely use inclined drill in open pit.

As per the projectile theory, the throw is maximum if the inclination is kept 45°.
However, in practice it is difficult to have hole inclination at 45°. Therefore, it
recommended as far as possible (if suitable drill machines are available with the
mines) for overburden blast casting inclined holes are to be used. Some of the
experiments have also achieved throw of approximately two times by using
inclined holes keeping the same specific charge. Inclined holes parallel to the
slope of the high wall could be adequate for effective side cast. High wall should
be as nearly vertical as possible to get an effective throw with vertical holes.

A number of mines have introduced the Pre-splitting operation to control front

row burden. Apart from preventing Back-break formation, pre-splitting
have the added advantages of controlling ground vibration and improving
safety standard in the mines.

• Blast hole Diameter - Diameter of blast holes generally depend upon the
available drill machine with the mines, Bench height, geology and strata
condition. In practice generally, in India, the diameter of blasted holes
approximately kept as per the following formula:

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 5

D=H/(90 to 120); where D is dia. of blast hole and H is bench height or depth of
high wall.

• Initiation sequences and selection of Delay Intervals - Initiation of sequences

and selection of delay intervals are one of the most important criteria in
overburden blast casting. Effectiveness of casting can be increased when all the
holes in the rows are detonated simultaneously and subsequent rows are
detonated with milli-second delays. Here our prime objective is to have throw,
row by row without hindrances. For that, clear free faces are to be achieved for
each row and the movement of materials of each row should not have any
hindrances like air collisions or flight collisions of the fragmented material.
For that purpose, row-by-row initiation sequence is preferable for creation of free
faces at the front of each row. Secondly, the delay intervals between rows should
be selected in such a way to prevent any hindrances in movement of fragments
like air collision. It has been observed with increasing inter-row delay intervals
from front to rear row the casting of overburden is better (Fig - 4). On an
average, the delay interval of about 10 milli-second per meter of burden
between first and second rows, while increasing proportionately to bout 20
milli-second per meter of burden between fifth and sixth rows, should be

Where there is restriction in respect of ground vibration, a group of holes in the

row, subject to allowable maximum charge per delay can be fired with minimum
delay interval between the groups of holes in the same row (Fig – 5).


Following additional points are to be considered in regard to achieve efficient
overburden blast casting.

• Relationship between Bench height and Bench width - Higher the height of
Bench more percentage of material thrown into spoil dump. Percentage of cast
also depends upon width, i.e., distance of high wall from the free face. More
energy needed to throw overburden, if the distance of high wall is more from the
free face, i.e., if width of bench is more. Thus, there exists relationship between
the percentage of blasted material thrown and H/W ratio (Bench height and
bench width ratio). The relationship between percentage of cast and H/W ratio is
shown in Fig-2 below. For successful overburden blast casting H/W ratio should
be kept between 0.7 and 1.0.

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 6

Fig – 2

• Characteristics of Overburden material - Overburden blast casting is suitable

in hard and medium hard rock, when heavy blasting is required for
fragmentation. In general, overburden blast casting is not feasible enough in
unconsolidated, loose rock like soft clay, loose sand etc., which does not
require blasting at all. Blast casting can effectively be done in dry as well as wet
ground conditions, only suitable explosives are to be selected as per ground

• Ground vibration due to overburden blast casting - For effective blast casting
of overburden the requirement of specific charge (i.e., requirement of explosives
in Kg per Volume of rock blasted in Kg/ Cum) is quite high as compared to
blasting required for conventional workings. Because of that, the ground
vibration, in case of overburden blast casting is higher than that of
conventional method of workings. But strangely, the degree of increase in ground
vibration is not as per the increase in specific charge. This may be because in
successful overburden blast casting the excess energy of explosives used for
better fragmentation and for moving the blasted material away from the
blasting site and not in generating ground vibration.

Since, slightly higher ground vibration is generated in case of overburden blast

casting, it is suggested to adopt this technique in the mines where residential /
industrial buildings and permanent structures are far away from blast site, and in
mines closer to permanent structures should carryout some experimental blasts to
assess the effects on ground vibrations before carrying out this technique on a
regular basis. Techniques such as, introduction of some delays for group of
holes in a row subject to restriction of maximum charge per delay and use of
pre-splitting of production blast, may be tried, in order to reduce ground

In fact, in Mega blasts (as of Side Cast Blast in Large Opencast Mines)
conducted in opencast mines, the Interference of Ground Waves result. A very
complex phenomenon of resultant waveform occurs, which is very difficult to

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 7

control only by use of delays for group of holes in a row, NONEL or Electronic
Detonators. Pre-splitting of production blast is the best method of controlling or
restricting the waveform to propagate outside such Mega blasting zone and
thereby enhancing the safety standard (Details of Pre-Splitting has been
discussed at later part. Refer Fig - 6 and Fig -7).

v) POST BLAST PROFILE OF BLASTED MUCK - The post-blast profile of blasted

muck, in case of successful overburden blast casting, is shown in Fig – 3 below.
Please note that, a sizable portion of the overburden is thrown in de-coaled area. The
maximum depression is generally observed at the high wall side from the top and the
blasted muck profile smoothly goes towards de-coaled area resulting notable
depression at the free face side also.

Fig - 3

vi) Blast pattern and other details of some Blast Castings (Case Studies): Details of
patterns used for overburden blast casting carried out in some of the open pits in
India are given in Annexure - I. It can be observed that direct cost saving have been
obtained by using blast casting is quite substantial, in comparison to conventional
blast without blast casting. Also, the cost effectiveness is dependent on the
percentage of casting obtained in individual cases.

Typical Blast Initiation Sequence and Delay Patterns for Blast Side Castings : General blast
initiation sequences used and their delay pattern for blast side casting are shown below. Row to
row delays has been shown (Fig – 4). In some cases to reduce ground vibration, delays for a
group holes in rows are also shown in Fig -5.

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 8

Fig – 4

Fig - 5

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 9

Pre – splitting of Main Blast in order to control Ground Vibration: An effective way of
controlling Ground vibration is by Pre-splitting of the production blast. As discussed above, the
Ground Vibration generated in Side Cast blast is more than the conventional blast, the reduction
of vibration level is all the more necessary.

Pre-splitting helps in isolating blasting area from remaining rock mass by creating an artificial
discontinuity along the final designed excavation line / plane against which subsequent main blast
breaks. A row of holes are drilled at the periphery (three sides) of the main blasting block at a
closer spacing, charged preferably with lesser quantity of explosives than the production blast and
blasted prior to the main blast in an effort to create a fracture line and a reflective plane at the
excavation limit or plane. Some of the shock waves from subsequent main blast are reflected at
the pre-split plane which results in arresting a considerable portion of blast induced ground
vibration generated in the main blast to propagate.

The theory of pre-splitting is that when two charges are shot simultaneously in adjoining holes,
collision of shock waves between the holes places the web in tension and causes cracking that
give a sheared zone between the holes to open a narrow crack / separation along the three sides of
the production or main block before the main blast goes-off (Fig – 6). This results in a smooth
wall with little or no over break. The pre-sheared plane reflect some of the shockwaves generated
from the primary blasts that follow, which prevent them from being transmitted into the finished
wall and minimizes shattering and over break.

Fig - 6

The separation of timing between blasting of pre-splitting holes and production blast are kept
with the help of delays. The delay gap of 200ms to 250ms between pre-split and main blast is
considered to be enough.

The quantity of explosives to be used in pre-split holes, burden and spacing are estimated keeping
in view the insitu tensile strength of rock mass. The borehole spacing of pre-split holes is
normally kept at 8 to 12 times the blast hole diameter and the burden may be kept as of the
burden of the Main Blast. Depth may be kept as of last row of main blast. Mostly, light

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 10

distributed decoupled charges are used in pre-splitting holes. Air-deck in between deck charges
improve the quality of pre-split fracture and avoid extension of radial cracks around the holes
(Fig – 7). Generally, the quantity of explosives kept in pre-splitting holes is 8 to 12 % of the
explosives charged in one hole in the Main Blast.

Fig - 7

Advantages of Pre-splitting: (1) Field observation reveals that with the introduction of pre-
splitting the back breaks are eliminated, improving the stability of high-wall slopes and to provide
uniform burden to the front row of holes for next blasting round. (2) As back breaks are
eliminated, formations of pre-formed boulders are reduced resulting better fragmentation in the
subsequent blasts. (3) Field observation reveals that, there is substantial reduction of ground
vibration level to the tune of nearly 1/3rd of normal production blast due to pre-splitting. (4) Pre-
splitting is most suitable for controlling ground vibration level in the case of Overburden Side
Cast Blasts. (5) In the Mega blasts (as of Side Cast Blast in Large Opencast Mines) conducted in
opencast mines, the Interference of Ground Waves result. A very complex phenomenon of
resultant waveform occurs, which is very difficult to control only by use of delays for group of
holes in a row, NONEL or Electronic Detonators. Pre-splitting of production blast is the best
method of controlling or restricting the intensity of the waveform to propagate outside the Mega
blasting zone and thereby, enhancing the safety of Surface Structures located in the vicinity of
blast site.

Modern Technology & Equipment used: The various design parameters for cast blasting
discussed above are broadly Geology, Face height to width ratio, Blast hole Dia. & angle, Burden
to Spacing ratio, Explosive energy, Shot timing, Mine plan & equipment, Potential problem areas
and Economics. The utilization of these parameters the blasting engineers must use the data at
hand and that gained from previous blasts as a basis for current and future designs. Although, trial
and error and common sense are still part of equation for design, modern technology has provided
a means of obtaining accurate and usable data. Some of the modern equipments available which
can be employed purposefully are:
a) Modern surveying equipment and its Computer Software provide a wealth of
valuable information on a blast and post-blast scenario. These include overburden – coal ratio,
optimum front hole location, custom loading information for front row hole burden, pre-blast

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 11

mapping, post-blast mapping & determination of cast / throw, volumetric calculation for swell
factor and cast percentage for basis of evaluation of economic advantages.
b) High Speed Photography recording is very efficient and extremely useful instrument
for analyzing of blasts. Any hindrance in free movement of projectiles or air collision of
fragments can be detected and accordingly delay sequence timing can be adjusted. Now a days,
high speed photography to the tune of more than 500 frames per second is in vogue, which is very
useful for the purpose.
c) Velocity of Detonation Recorder is another useful instrument which can be used to
determine explosive performance in the hole.
d) Seismograph or Ground vibration recorder is essential in documenting the un-
wanted side effects of blasting such as Ground vibration and Air blast.
e) It has been observed by use of sophisticated, precise and perfect timing Electronic
Detonators in Mega blast in opencast mines reduces intensity of Ground Vibration as compare to
NONEL or Cord Relays, as the scattering (deviation of actual timing from nominal delay timing)
of delay timing is almost negligible or nil. Because of precise timing the higher percentage of
casting of overburden has been reported by many Authors.

Conclusion : Thus, it has been observed from the above examples that the technique of
overburden side casting by blasting is very much cost effective. The optimum blasting parameter
is mine specific. Therefore, more experimental blasts required to carryout, in order to establish
the technique in a particular mines for effective cost benefits.

Some of the inherent problems should be addressed while planning for side casting by blasting.
Since the concentrated amount of explosives energy is used for displacement o overburden, high-
wall stability may pose a problem. Also, as discussed, blast induced ground vibration may
slightly be higher. If proper precautionary measure is not taken, coal damage may occur due to
rapid horizontal displacement of overburden.

As discussed, for achieving higher percentage of cast in order to maximize overall cost benefit,
the energy factor of explosives used is one of the most important criteria; for effective overburden
casting explosives with higher energy / strength is necessary. Therefore, the Coal Mining
Authorities should evolve proper strategy / pricing policy to encourage explosives manufacturers
for supply of explosives with higher energy / strength for this purpose, in order to achieve decent
percentage of cast.

Also, the aspect of peculiar phenomena of vibration waveform arises in Mega Blast (like
Overburden Side Casting by blasting ), when Ground Vibration waves interfere with each other
and the resultant waveform is very much complex in nature. The Pre – Splitting of such Blasting
block is the effective way to restrict / control blast induced vibration to propagate.

Therefore, overall efficiency of working in Mines is improved considerably by adopting Blast

Side casting with Pre-splitting.

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 12


Blast pattern and other details of some Overburden Blast Castings (Case Studies)

Blast pattern Mine No. 1 Mine No. 2 Mine No. 3 Mine No. 4
Details & cost
Av. Type of Strata Med. Hard Med. Hard Med. Hard Med. Hard
Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone
Av. Spacing x 9m x 9m 10.0m x8.5m 10.0m x8.5m 10.0m x8.5m
Dia. of Blast Hole 270 mm 270mm 270mm 270mm
Av. Bench height 32.5m 26.5m 26.5m 26.5m
Av. Hole depth 32.5m 28m 28m 28m
Av. Width of the 36 m 34m 42.5m 51m
Av. H/W ratio 0.9 0.78 0.62 0.52
No. of Rows 04 04 05 06
Sub-grade drilling Nil 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m
Total No. of holes 49 39 39 39
Av. Deck height Nil Nil Nil Nil
Av. Stemming 7m 6.5m 6.5m 6.5m
Type of explosives 0.2%Cast Booster 0.2%Cast 0.2%Cast 0.2%Cast Booster
used as prime charge Booster + Site Booster + Site + Site Mixed Bulk
and Al. Bulk Mixed Bulk Mixed Bulk Emulsion
Slurry as column Emulsion Emulsion Explosives as
charge. Explosives as Explosives as column charge
column charge column charge
Total explosives 75624.20 kg 58500 kg 72140 kg 88200 kg
Av. Charge per 1543.35 kg / hole 1500 kg / hole 1470 kg / hole 1470 kg / hole
Delay sequence Row to row delays Staggered Staggered Staggered pattern
used used. pattern with row pattern with row with row to row
100 ms delay to row delays to row delays delays increasing
between 1st & 2nd increasing from increasing from from 50 ms to 150
row; 125 ms 50 ms to 150 ms 50 ms to 150 ms ms
between 2nd & 3rd
row and 150 ms
between 3rd & 4th
Total insitu vol. 128992.50 Cum 90257 Cum 113400 Cum 135150Cum
Insitu Powder 1.70 Cum/kg of 1.54 Cum/kg of 1.57 Cum/Kg of 1.53 Cum/Kg of
factor kept for blast Expl. Expl. Expl. Expl.
Estimated %age of 49%(Insitu) 40 % (Insitu) 36 % (Insitu) 30 % (Insitu)
Casting obtained
Av. Cost 37.5 % 35.0 % 32.0 % 26.4 %
Effectiveness (Approx.) (Approx.) (Approx.) (Approx.)

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 13


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2. Langefors, U & Kihlstom, B.K. – The Modern Technique of Rock Blasting, John Willy
& sons, 1963.

3. Hagan, T.N & Just, G.D. – Rock Breakage by Explosives – Theory, Practice and
Optimization., Int. Proc. 3rd Congress, ISRAM, Danver 1974.

4. Gupta, R.N. – Design of Optimum Blasting Pattern for Surface Mines, J of Mining Engg.
Society, 1990.

5. Gupta., R.N., Ghose., A.K., Mozumdar., B.K., Nabibullah., Md. - ‘Design of Blasting
rounds with Airdeck pre splitting for Dragline and Shovel benches near populated Areas
– A case study’, Int. Symposium on Explosives and Blasting techniques, N.Delhi, Nov. –

6. Rzhuvsky, V.V – ‘Opencast Mining, Unit Operations’, MIR Publisher, Moscow.

7. Sharma, P.D. – Overburden Blast Casting with SMS Explosives – A case Study, Special
Issue on Explosives & Blasting, Indian Mining & Engineering Journal, November 1998.

8. Gupta, R.N; Adhikary, G.R., etal – Advances in Overburden Blast Casting, JMMF,
November 1986.

9. Chiappetta, R.F. etal – Design of Overburden Casting by Blasting – Recent

developments, JMMF, Sept. 1990.

10. Chronis, N.P. – Blast Casting succeeds at Multi-seam Western Mines, Coal Age, Nov.

11. Sharma, U.D & Sharma, P.D. –Blast Casting with SMS – A case study at Sasti Opencast
mine, “Visfotak” ‘98, National Seminar on Explosives, Nagpur (India)

12. Lal, M & Agarwal, M.R. – Planning for large scale Blast and scope of Side Casting on
Dragline Benches in opencast mines, Experience at Jayant Opencast mines of NLC,
JMMF, Sept. 1990.

13. Mereer, J.K. & Hagan, T. – Program towards Optimum Blasting – a key to increase
Productivity and Profitability, Proceedings of the Eleventh Commonwealth Mining &
Metal Congress, 1978.

14. Nicolson, Kai – Optimization of Open pit Bench Blasting, Procc. of 1st International
Symposium on Rock Fragmentation with Blasting, Sweden, 1983.

Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 14

15. Sharma, P.D. - Overburden Side-casting by blasting-An effective way of reducing
operating cost in large opencast coal mines; Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels, November
2004 (Sp. issue on development in surface mining technology- Calcutta)

16. Atlas Powder Company, Dallas, Texas, USA - “Explosive and Rock Blasting” 1987.

17. Sharma., P.D. – ‘Overburden Side casting by Blasting – Operating large opencast Mines
in a cost effective way’ , Proc., of 1st Asian Mining Congress, 16-18 January 2006,
Kolkata, India, (Page No. 307 – 315), MGMI Centenary Vol.-1.

18. Watson., John. T. – ‘Developments with Electronic Detonators’, Proc., of Int. Conf. On
Expl. & Blasting Tech, ISEE (2002).

19. Blasters’ Handbook – E.I.du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.), Wilmington, Delaware

20. Sharma, P.D.; - ‘Controlled Blasting Techniques – Means to mitigate adverse impact of
blasting’; Procc. of 2nd Asian Mining Congress, organized by MGMI at Kolkata (India)
dt. 17th – 19th January 2008 (pp: 286 – 295).

Author’s Bio-data:

Author is Graduate (B.Tech – Hons.) in Mining Engineering from IIT, Kharagpur (1979) and was
associated with number of mining and explosives organizations, namely MOIL, BALCO, Century
Cement, Anil Chemicals, VBC Industries, Mah. Explosives etc., before joining the present
organization M/s Solar Explosives Ltd., Nagpur, few years ago.

Author has presented number of technical papers in many of the seminars and journals on varied
topics like Overburden side casting by blasting, Blast induced Ground Vibration and its control,
Tunnel blasting, Drilling & blasting in metalliferous underground mines, Controlled blasting
techniques, Development of Non-primary explosive detonators (NPED) etc.

Currently, author has following useful blogs on Web:

• http://saferenvironment.wordpress.com
• http://www.environmentengineering.blogspot.com
• www.coalandfuel.blogspot.com

Author can be contacted at E-mail: sharmapd1@rediffmail.com, sharmapd1@gmail.com

Disclaimer: Views expressed in the article are solely of the author’s own and do not necessarily
belong to any of the Company.


Author: Partha Das Sharma (E.mail: sharmapd1@gmail.com 15

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