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Unit One: Second Grade Launching Reading

Unit Objective: Teachers Create Classroom Environments Where Reading for Understanding & Fluency is Valued Building independence & volume Building a repertoire of comprehension strategies Setting up long term partnerships Independent word problem solver Part 1 Helping Children Make Decisions Based on Habits Volume, & Stamina (pages 17-21) This time is for Kidwatching what do they remember from first grade?
Independent Reading Procedure youll be learning how to make decisions about how your reading will go. Readers make decisions (pg. 17-18/29/30)
Decide if this is a Just right book Will you read the cover and the blurb on the back Will you take a picture walk to see how the book is organized Use post-its pg. 18 midworkshop interruption RL RI 2.1/ RL 2.10/ RF 2.4a

Mentor Texts: Taking Charge of Reading

Fluency & Volume Procedure Paying attention to reading rate is important, because it is one way to look at fluency. & knowing rate to monitor volume Readers check to see if the book fits/ just right book (pg. 18/30)
Five finger rule See table pg. 18 (rates/level)

Fluency & Volume Procedure You may suggest that readers make better use of bookmarks Readers use bookmarks to know where they left off/start in again (pg. 19/30)
Scanning & refreshing memory of where you left off reading Reread to remember Nonfiction name the who or the what can picture what is happening in the topic RL RI 2.1/ RF 2.4a thru 2.4c

Noticing how many pages you read at home/school When is reading good/bad Making goals for self

Goal Setting for Stamina Procedure youll want to teach them how to use reading logs to set goals for themselves One way to push ourselves to read more is to invent a system for keeping track (logs) (pg. 18-19/30)

Goal Setting for Stamina Procedure Readers jot down notes to make ourselves think about our reading. If we want to find more time to read we carry a book bag (pg 31) Post-its in books or logs to track minutes to set goals for next day Eno board timer/class timer

RL RI 2.1/ RF 2.4a- 2.4b

RL RI 2.1/RF2.1a

RL 2.10/ RI 2.4a-c

Part 20 Reading is Thinking Before, During, & After (pages 21-23)

5 minute Partners Share SL2.4 & SL2.1

Special Note (page 20-21) This part is all about informal assessment Kidwatching. We recommend that children work with a partner each day for five minutes per day. This will give you natural opportunity to listen to children read while giving them something to talk about. More information about how to differentiate is on these pages. Independent Reading Predicting & Revising Clarify/Monitor Characters Literal/Craft Strategy Skill Strategy Skill Literal/Craft You read the title and the blurb; As we read we hold our As they read its essential that Keeping track of everything you read the table of contents & predictions in mind and change it you monitor the books they are thats happening in the story & think how will this books go as we learn more and more about reading... Today I want to teach the how the characters feel & Today I want to teach you, you the story I want to teach you you readers reread when why We dont just pay attention can begin thinking all these huge that readers pay attention to the (pg. 22/32) to whats happening in the book Whats going on so far? thoughts from the second that you story throughout (pg. 22/ 32) Whats happening here? pick the book up (pg. 21/31) the entire book (pg. 21/31) Why is the character Reread when you lost your place Characters actions Survey book parts & text Think about each part and or with whats happening? features to get ready to read how it fits together with the Characters feeling Mid-workshop Stop & Think initial idea Whats happening

Unit One: Second Grade Launching Reading

RL 2.7/ 2.2 / RF4a-c

RL 2.7/ 2.2 / RF4a-c Monitor/Clarify Strategy Skill We listen carefully to everything they say & react or respond To make it awesome we (pg. 24 32) We ask questions We compliment each other when we use strategies

RL 2.10/2.4/RF 2.3 Retelling & Making Claims Strategy Skill We are going to teach you that reading partners are friends, and friends recommend books to each other (pg. 32)
Start with the title Tell about the characters or subject Why you think your friend would enjoy reading this book

RL 2.3/2.7

Part 3 Partners Can Talk About Books to Grow Ideas (pages 23-24

Monitor/Clarify Strategy Skill To remind kids of the active listening that they learned in first grade Readers work with partners (pg.32) We share tricky parts Help each other figure out parts When things are not clear we use each other to make sense

Planning for Partners Strategy Skill We teach children to be better prepared for partners to mark places in the book Today I want to teach you (pg. 24 32) We mark places where We had big ideas Used strategies Places when we are confused

SL2.4 /SL2.1/RF3a-f

SL2.4 /SL2.1/RL2.1

SL2.4 /SL2.1/RL2.1

SL2.4 /SL2.2/ RL2.2/2.3/RI 2.2

Special Note (page 23/24) For the first two weeks of school a lot of the teaching about speaking / listening and growing ideas about books happens in the read aloud. Part 4 Being an Independent Problem Solver (pages 24-26
Clarify/Monitor Strategy Skill Reading workshop is a time for long un-interrupted sustained independent reading Today I want to teach you that there are times when we notice that something is not right - (pg. 24/25/33) Fix up strategies you can refer to the Chunky Monkey chart from first grade/Fundations Posters Clarify/Monitor Strategy Skill This part of the unit is meant to help your students understand that they need to be smart problem solvers Today I want to teach you that when youre stuck on a word that y do dont know, you have decisions to make (pg.25/33) : Think about whats happening & what makes sense We can start right in with the letters chunking them Celebration - These Habits Last for the Whole Year! As you near the final days of your unit, youll want to remind students of the whole repertoire of strategies theyve learned from goal setting using their book logs to using Post-its to mark places to stop & think to strategies for talking with partners. Its important that these habits dont wind up lasting only a day or two. This whole unit is meant to last the year everything they have learned is for every day, not just one day. Ideas for Reading Celebrations for the Unit: Create a then & now museum you might ask children to display a book that was their favorite when they were a kindergartner along with their current favorite (from school library or home). You might even include a photograph of each child from then and now! Visit a Kindergarten classroom - they tell about themselves as readers and then listen to the kindergarteners do the same Look at logs for the month reflect on what they read & make book lists with personal recommendations L2.6/SL 2.4/W2.1



Unit One: Second Grade Launching Reading

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