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$he children are learning to respect each other.

#taff commented that they are aware of their interactions with the children so as to role3model respect. ,hildren6s capacity: #taff spoke of how ama7ed they are at the 8can do capacity of the children. $he /earning 9nvironment is designed to be safe for the children, to be accessible, to be interesting and, to be developmental across many areas. :ou get this in place and the children are invited to run with it 8earned freedom6. #taff spoke of positive changes: consistency establishing in routines, the happiness of the children, the important difference which is made for an individual child. Recent e2amples: a child emerging from individual play to being aware of others and including them in play even if not to a full level; a child feeling confident enough now so as to be able to approach a #taff member for help; a child confident in separating from the parent in the morning now, then completing the many parts of the first routine of the day and initiating work. *ore: learning about independence, evidence of taking responsibility and wanting to, inviting discussion and #taff noted the children initiating this, an interest in re3cycling which is all the time building momentum, the children becoming more aware of their meaningful community with one another. Gara&e 'a%e: <=th >ctober we thank .ary /eslie 4past parent5 for his interest in kicking this off. ?@AB was raised a great effort. We are happy that almost everyone was able to contribute to this big success. /ibby and Ronnie lent us tressle tables 3 thankyou. Parent! $e%p"n&: $hankyou )ruce for fencing and wire for the beans to climb, thank you to team *cWilliam last #unday. $he grounds look great. /eonie has helped us out recently as has >riane with e2tra 1obs. ,raftsman ,o has been &uietly making a difference.
5 November 2013

Parent Update 5.11.13 Hello everyone: Welcome to a big week for us our review week and the launch of the website. NQF: As previously mentioned in communications to our parents this year, we have new Regulations: the ational !uality "ramework. #taff have worked tirelessly to overlay our work with the !". $hankyou to our #taff for your huge commitment. %arents you have been our partners in this. #o many on the ground helpers many &uiet' %lease feel free to speak to the reviewer, (nga when she visits later in the week. AGM 24.10.13: We sincerely thank Anita )arbara, $rudi *cWilliam and *elissa +ohnstone for their time on our )oard. How strong they have made us' Our Board for 2013 2014: ,ontinuing: -amela Henry , ,hris Walsh, Andrew .arratt Welcome: Wayne ,ottrell, *artin /efmann, 0arlie #cott We !"te: we hope you will be able to view the website. A lot of work has gone into this. (t became a tad bigger pro1ect than we had planned. We e2pect that it will be a great source of information for our families and welcome your feedback. (t will reach to the wider community as well. $hanks for permission to present photos of your child. %lease note the web3site %olicy. Our #$"%dren: recent thoughts on how the ,hildren are travelling 4from the #taff and presented to the A.*5:

$hanks #tephanie and *ark for your continuing work on formatting %olicies. 0ellie prepared all our receipts for ,entrelink over many hours. 0ellie you have done a thorough 1ob. $hanks you from each of us.. 'u!ta"na "%"t( 'trate&(: 0arlie presented work to date by herself and Anthea on the #trategy at the recent %arent *eeting. We have some parents reading up on it. $hankyou for your interest. We have #taff keen to share their views as well. $here6s a bu77 about this pro1ect already. Artists in the making +ack and Hugh found the #urrent e)$" "t"on at t$e Art Ga%%er( ama7ing, #on1a reports: Huge metal animals and artworks. #he recommends this to us all.
http://www.tamworthregionalgallery.com.au/ex hibitions.php

,hildren take their behavioural cues from the world around them. #creen time the time spent watching television, playing computer games, and being on the internet is a big influence on kids6 understanding of right and wrong and the way they develop socially. $hink of all the $F shows and theme songs lodged in your subconscious from childhood' "or families, it can sometimes feel like a massive task to ensure children aren6t coming into contact with bad language, overly3mature content, or inappropriate role models through the media. #tudies linking e2cess screen time to childhood obesity and impaired brain development in babies and toddlers is also concerning. 4"or more, see the .overnment6s physical activity recommendations for children.5 $he upside is that with effective limits and adult guidance, school3aged children can generally learn to take an element of responsibility for their $F, internet and gaming habits. Here are some ideas you might like to try at home:

.oodforkidsCgoodforlife: 0eep up to date with utritionC92ercise issues as an informed parent. ewsletter and /inks. http:CCwww.hnehealth.nsw.gov.auChnephCgo odDforDkids W$at t$e *$"%dren !a"d: 0endra visited and played the violin. How did the music make you feelE 8$hat felt like ( could go to sleep.6 >livia 8#he told us how the violin works6. Hamish 8#he showed us all the parts and their names.6 +ack 8>ne was a neck.6 >scar

,hoose appropriate programs, computer games and websites together.

=. $alking through why some content is acceptable and why some isn6t involves kids in the decision3making process. G. ,hoose a list of acceptable programs, games and websites together and show them that you trust them to stick to it. $his way there are no surprises for them if they deviate from what has been agreed.

#et a time limit on their daily or weekly screen time habits. "or e2ample, you could introduce an Hhour of power6 once a day or several times a week during which they are free to choose from your preapproved games, programs and websites. )eing up3front about the time frame means fewer arguments when it6s time to switch off and go outside. $reat screen time as a privilege, not a right. :ou wouldn6t feed kids chocolate and sweets for every meal as they6re not the healthiest foods around. )ut you may not e2clude them entirely from the pantry either. :ou could treat screen time in the same way with children as a privilege, not as a given, and one that is linked to their behaviour.
5 November 2013

'#reen +",e: (n August last year, we surveyed our parents re use of screen time in our families. We will follow up on this again soon. *eanwhile these are recently published #trategies for screen time -."d!,atter.Fa,"%"e!: Nurtur"n& "ndependent /"d! 0 1!!ue


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