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July 03, 2009 14:14 to 14 Participates: DANIEL BOYD WITNESS BOYD discusses the Meccan period of Islam. BOYD states Muslims are not in the Meccan period. BOYD talks about several scholars and what they have in common. The scholars are all majahideens (a person that engages in Jihad qa:14 BOYD quotes a Muslim scholar: For those who make Jihad in the name of Allah we will guide them to our path and there is Allah with the majahideen. BOYD tells the group that if they think this is too harsh they will not make it one day in the battle field. Don’ doubt what you are hearing. BOYD continues to talk about the Muslims that think it is all right to just sit here chill in America, make some money, and work for the day when they have enough knowledge to make jihad. BOYD said “those people are tripping and have left Islam” 14:16:25 BOYD quotes another scholar: If you live amongst the Kufar and they are comfortable with you, you have left Islam. 14:17 BOYD said people have called him: An extremist, weird, crazy, out to lunch, and he has no degree from any school. BOYD argues that he agrees with all the scholars’ way of thinking. 14:18 BOYD continues to preach and quotes a After Iman (faith) there is no duty but Jihad, defending the Muslim land. There is no offensive jihad today because there is no Sharia government sending out the parties (fighters) . cholar: BOYD continues to preach that this means there can only be defensive Jihad today. BOYD goes on to described what defensive Jihad is getting land back in Algeria jetting the stolen wealth back that was taken from the Muslims, stop the killing of women children and stop the raping of Muslim women BOYD goes on to say this is why it is not the Meccan period This is why BOYD does not go to the local Masjids. Boyd is not going to go and argue with those people in the Masjids. Boyd is afraid he will punch them in the nose. BOYD states this would cause a big fitnah (rivalry among Muslims). BOYD can not go there and pretend he does ni happening. know what is 14:22:15 BOYD states “this book" (Quran) is about jihad and how to deal with hypocrites. BOYD states there is no du’a (personal request to God) without Jihad. 14:25:35 BOYD talks about how people are out to frighten Muslims out of Islam and obeying Allah. BOYD includes: the Kufar, FBI and the CIA

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