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Biacesteve mene GAanza, 05 March 2008 Time: 12:06:01 ~ 12:16:37 EST Participants: Daniel Patrick Boyd Dylan Boyd bylan asks Daniel [his father] if Daniel needed to talk to him about something, Daniel says he wants to talk about “what preparation you got going. Because the parts that I was supposed to be doing, I’ve been doing." Dani says he has "11 grand [$ 11,000] saved from people, and a couple others who have committed." Daniel says Dylan should be careful the whole way, but once he gets betwee: numbers one and two, “that’s where people started honing in and going, ‘what are you doing here?’" Daniel then makes a remark telling Dylan to play it off when he hears about a "granola head" who recently lost his brother and is "ou! there checking it out." Daniel says, “if that all works and you get from two to three," then Dylen will have to do the best study he can with the information that is available. Daniel says there is no longer one little teeny area you have to get to any more; now there are severa Dylan can get to. Daniel says "they" will find Dylan Dylan will have "to go for it" because they are not jus: going to be hanging around at some café. Daniel says if someone comes to Dylan and says, "‘Hey, you look like you're looking for so-and-so. I can help you,’ they’ re lying." Daniel says if they really were there for tha’ they would never do it that way. Instead, Daniel says "they would tail you to see if you're attracting insurgent on them." put Dylan says he has looked around at some of the executive protection agencies including some, such as CSI and Engineering Eye [PH], located in North Carolina. Dylan says some of them will even send you to Russia to study intelligence and be trained one-on-one to be a bodyguard t. a top government official-or to knock out someone else’s top government official. Dylan says he als ia German company, but it seemed to be there for the money. Daniel agrees these are interesting, but says they are also designed to be traps, calling them spider webs Daniel says the best thing is the plan Dylan already has-"use your brain the best we can and put it together with others who are with you on this and trust in Allah Daniel counsels Dylan to get up before fajr [early morning prayers] and stay in "that village" for no more than a couple of days. Daniel tells Dylan to "think about it" because "we’ve got to be tourists," then says Dylan should do all the things tourists do, "just like it says." Daniel says Dylan should look and look and then he will see Daniel also says Dylan may have to buy a couple of stupid things to play the part, all the while looking for "where is the way?" Daniel then says "this is north, this is south, and all that." Daniel says Dylan will already know ahead of time where the places are from 2.1 to 2.2 all the way to 3 and the directions from place to place. Daniel says this will tell Dylan a lot. Then when Dylan gets to the area he wants to use as his launching point, Daniel says Dylan should have a back-up one or two. Daniel says the best thing for Dylan to do is to head out before fajr so he can get "out of eyeshot™ before anyone can see which direction he goes. Daniel says once Dylan is away from the constraints of the city or village "now the role of tourist is off and the role of what you really are is on." Dylan asks if this place is number three, saying he knows what it looks like on a map because he has it memorized. Daniel says Dylan should go from one to two on his way to three, his final destination, and not delay. Daniel says Dylan may hear another language along the way to his launching point, but Dylan should act oblivious to this-even if he hears "the ‘M’ word or the * word or any of those things" ~ and play it off as if he does not know what they are talking about. Daniel also counsels Dylan to make all his prayer tines like a normal Muslim and to "watch how they pray” and to "pray just like them." Again Daniel tells Dylan to get up and out of sight before early morning prayer when Dylan decides to "launch." Once there, Daniel says Dylan can use his directional and focus them on the direction [UI] are heading. Daniel says Dylan should then head out until they capture him. Dylan asks, "You think they will?" Daniel rep.ies, "definitely And when they do, you kiss the ground with a, a sajud [prostrate prayer position] and say ‘Thanks be to God’ [in Arabic}]" and several other (Arabic] phrases including "God is the greatest [in Arabic]." Dylan says this will be the hard part, but Daniel says this is the liberating part. Then afterward there is a period of trust which Dylan should look forward to while he purifies his intentions and learns everything he can. Daniel says, "if Allah even lets you go from three to two to one,” Dylan will "use that information." Daniel also says, "I’ve given you guys probably 95 per cent of the mental information that you need. But the other stuff? There’s only one place you can learn it. You know, I can tell you all about it, but [laughs] you just don’t know until you know. And you guys know how to hike. You know how to mountaineer. You know how to survive. Those things, those are all very good." Daniel then makes a remark [partly UI] about obedience and Dylan being challenged for the rest of his life.

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