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Date of Recording: 06/26/2009 Participants: Daniel Patrick Boyd, Sabrina Boyd, Noah Boyd, Zakaryah Boyd, Dy Boyd, Maryum Boyd, Zizi, Witness Begin 13:28:00 Daniel Patrick Boyd speaking: It is very important that we understand the 6 things that are sacred for the Muslims that must be protected at all costs. It is without a doubt, the Deen, the Deen of Islam. Our Lineage, those who came before us. “We do not let anybody trash-talk the Mujihadeen who came before us, in any way, shape or form.” What is also protected is our intellect, our honor, that would also be the honor of our sisters. Our wealth and our blood. ; Deen of Islam Lineage Intellect Honor, including the honor of the sisters Wealth Blood AOkWNne The Muslims have allowed each of these to be attacked or taken from the Muslims. The American troops even occupy our 2 holy sites, Mecca and Medina. ‘They are helping the Jews at our third holy sight; Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, a.k.a. the Dome of the Rock). The prophet forbids that they can be in Mecca and Medina, and they are there. The blood of the Muslims has become cheap in the world market. This is because the Muslims have abandoned Jihad. “Everything with the Muslims has become intellectual and metaphorical while the Kuffar are taking the real world right from out om under our feet.” Recite a Hadith: “Beware of a time that is coming when all of t nations will gather together like wild beasts gather around a plate of food to wipe you out.” On that day, you will be so many, like the scum on the surface of the water when it hits the shore. Allah will take from the hearts of the Kuffar, respect of you and fear of you. Your hearts will be filled with love of this world and hatred of death, love of this world and hatred of fighting. he End at 1 1:09 Date of Recording: 06/26/2009 Participants: Daniel Patrick Boyd, Sabrina Boyd, Noah Boyd, Zakaryah Boyd, Dylan Boyd, Maryum Boyd, 2iZi, Witness Begin 13:36:00 Daniel Patrick Boyc speaking: Boyd questions why he has to speak quietly and meet secretly. Why can’t we meet in a normal Masjid? Because of the Kuffar and the things the other Muslims are going to say. “This is the reality we are living in. This should make you beside yourself with fury, that Allah says invigorates the Muslims with this fury so they will fight with this passion. We don’t have this. Where is your Deen?” If Muslims leave Jihad, Allah will humiliate them until they return to their Deen. What I hear is that when you leave Jihad, you leave Islam. What is wrong with you that you don’t fight for the cause of Allah? For the weak and oppressed who ask Allah to be rescued from this town whose people are oppressive and raise for us from you one that will protect us. “Fight them so Allah will punish them through your hands. He will disgrace them through your hands. You don’t even have to do anything. You just go for the side of Allah with your heart, intended to please and obey Allah, and Allah will fight for them and disgrace them through your hands . . . and give you victory over them.” He (Allah) will heal the breasts of a believing people. ‘Those breasts that are tight right now, all tore up about what's going on in the world.

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