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Goal #8

Candidates demonstrate the ability to be reflective practitioners by identifying a problem, examining research, advocating solutions, implementing a plan, and measuring and evaluating outcomes. Artifact Reflection I am reflecting on an artifact from my MAT735 Meeting the Needs of Diverse Students class. This artifact is the advocated solutions form that I wrote at the start of my research. It showed that I identified a ro!lem" e#amined research and came u with a solution. I also measured and evaluated outcomes at the end of the im lementation eriod.

Summary of ro!lem%

Advocated Solutions $orm

&ecently a s ecial needs student in one of my co'taught science classes needs more accommodations. (e )ust started a new unit that deals with measurement" motion" s eed" velocity" and acceleration. This semester will deal with *uite a !it more math ro!lems then first semester. This student has a hearing deficit and an I+, math and reading goal. I will !e su orting the general education teacher to get the student to successfully com lete classroom o!)ectives. This will !e done !y differentiating homeworassignments and using the .A& strategy. To !e successful" this student will use a variety of different methods to answer the classroom o!)ectives. This is a significant ro!lem !ecause of the im ortance of inclusion in the general education setting.
Rationale #Cite $nly the Research that Supports the Solution or ntervention that %as Chosen&

Solution or ntervention

!argeted Aspect of the "roblem The target as ect of the ro!lem is to rovide differentiated and .A& instruction that will allow the students to successfully com lete all cha ter o!)ectives and ass all *ui//es and tests at the eightieth ercentile.

'Teacher will use .A& 'Differentiating homewor- assignments.

Fenty states the key to success is having both the general education teacher and special education teacher working together to plan, deliver, and assess. This study shows how you can use Question Answer Relationships (QAR) strategies in content area and steps for collaborative planning ( !" , p.

#!). To be successful the general education teacher and the special education teacher needs to work together to find the ti$e to organi%e instruction. &oth need to e'ually share instructional ti$e. Fenty states that, ()hen co*teachers share instructional duties, students are $ore likely to receive instruction that includes both content and speciali%ed strategy instruction, such as QAR+ ( !" , p.#!*#"). Researchers who have e,a$ined the use of QAR have found student i$prove$ents in reading co$prehension 'uestions. QAR consist of five ele$ents of instruction that directly increase student achieve$ent, (") an anticipatory set, ( ) $odeling, (#) guided practice, (-) independent practice, and (.) closure.

+valuate and analy/e the advocated solutions you have develo ed. +very day the teacher will e#ercise the strategy .A& with the students. The student will com lete differentiated homeworassignments" *ui//es" and a final test.


$enty" N. S." McDuffie'0andrum" 1." 2 $isher" 3. 456758. 9sing :olla!oration" :o' Teaching" and .uestion Answer &elationshi s to +nhance :ontent Area 0iteracy. Teaching +#ce tional :hildren" ;;4<8" 5='37.

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