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Kala Coker Professor Bolton English 101 November 5, 2013

Coker 1

Annotated Bibliogra h! "hen !o# $lose !o#r e!es !o# see darkness, b#t imagine if %hen !o# o ened !o#r e!es !o# still sa% nothing b#t darkness& 'rom the man! different $a#ses for a o%er bla$ko#t the most $ommon %o#ld be lightning strikes& (iving in a small to%n, %hen the o%er goes o#t ever!one )#st lights a $andle and %aits #ntil ever!thing boots ba$k # , b#t %hen in a $it! a o%er bla$ko#t $o#ld be otentiall! deadl!& *a! a o%er bla$ko#t $a#ses a s#b%a! to sto in its tra$ks and ever!one onboard is tra ed in a $old dark t#nnel& An elderl! $o# le, a regnant %omen or a $hild $o#ld be la$ed in a bad sit#ation& +he stor! ,An A$t of -od. tells abo#t one of the %orst o%er bla$ko#ts %hi$h o$$#rred in /anhattan, Ne% 0ork man! !ears ago& Bill, one of the o%er lant o erators had )#st taken a ne% higher osition %ithin the lant& +his shift %as one of his first $han$es to rove his skills& "hen lightning st#$k the # er state1s main o%er s# l! Bills o erating board %as notified& 2is

res onsibilit! %as to %at$h for %here he needed to redire$t o%er lines to kee the larger o%er $ir$#its from overloading& Another big art of his )ob %as to boot # the generators %ithin the $it!& 'ailing to do so the $ities main o%er tie o ens and the %hole $it! is in a bla$ko#t& 3amasio, Antonio 4& Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain& Ne% 0ork5 P#tnam, 1667& Print&

Coker 2 +he a#thor, Antonio 4& 3amasio, of ,3es$artes8 Error5 Emotion, 4eason, and the 2#man Brain. e9 lains ho% different emotions $an affe$t de$ision:making& 3amasio e9 lains in his book the h#man mind %ill redi$t the %a! the bod! %ill f#n$tion based on instin$t, ,;n general, drives and instin$ts o erate either b! generating a arti$#lar behavior dire$tl! or b! ind#$ing h!siologi$al states that lead individ#als to behave in a arti$#lar %a!, mindlessl! or not&. <3amasio 115=& 3amasio goes on to e9 lain ho% the mind takes $#es from !o#r s#rro#ndings to tell the bod! ho% to rea$t& 3amasio sa!s that in an! $haoti$ sit#ation the minds first rea$tion is ani$& "hile !o#r mind is in ani$ mode the o tions of %hat to do seem bl#rr! therefore sending o#r mind into overload& +his book seemed $redible to me be$a#se 3amasio is a >niversit! Professor of Ne#ros$ien$e at the >niversit! of *o#thern California& 2e st#died at the >niversit! of (isbon %here he did his ne#rologi$al residen$! and $om leted his do$torate& 2e has %ritten fo#r different books %hi$h have all s$ored ver! high ratings& 2e %on the a%ard for ,Ne% 0ork +imes 10 Best Books of the 0ear.& *in$e ; am %riting abo#t ho% o#r s#rro#ndings affe$t o#r %a! of thinking this book %ill be erfe$t to hel me better #nderstand ho% e9a$tl! o#r brain re$eives information& Not onl! does this book e9 lain it in a s$ientifi$ manner b#t also is a more $ommon %a! of s eaking so that eo le, s#$h as m!self, $an a$t#al #nderstand it& 3amasio does a good )ob of breaking do%n ho% ea$h fa$tor, s#$h as fear or ain, $an affe$t !o#r tho#ght ro$ess& ?Bla$ko#ts&? Encyclopedia of Urban America: The Cities and uburbs & *anta Barbara5 ABC C(;@, 166A& Credo Reference& 2 *e t& 200A& "eb& 5 Nov& 2013& +his arti$le is all abo#t bla$ko#ts and ho% dangero#s the! $an be& +he a#thor talks abo#t ho% bla$ko#ts are more dangero#s in $ities than an!%here else& ,>rban areas are es e$iall! v#lnerable to

Coker 3 o%er fail#res, and $haoti$ $onditions t! i$all! revail #ntil o%er is restored& Ele$tri$all! o erated elevators be$ome ino erable, often stranding eo le bet%een floors& 4ooms ma! be$ome $om letel! dark, even d#ring da!light ho#rs& 4efrigeration eB#i ment sh#ts do%n %itho#t o%er, and food s oils B#i$kl!& Ele$tri$ #m s that rovide %ater to the # er floors of b#ildings be$ome ino erable& +raffi$

signals fail to f#n$tion, and traffi$ )ams res#lt& Comm#ter trains are halted, and airline flights are dela!ed& Conditions are es e$iall! $haoti$ at night %hen visibilit! is oor&. <"ohlenb#rg= 2ere the a#thor is giving )#st a fe% of the man! e!e o ening e9am les to ho% im ortant managing a $ities o%er is& +his arti$le seemed $redible to me be$a#se it $ame from the 2-+C librar! %ebsite& ;t also gives fa$ts abo#t bla$ko#ts %hi$h ; had seen in other so#r$es& +his being an a$ademi$ arti$le hel s me to tr#st the a#thor and %hat he has %ritten& Before reading this arti$le ; did not even think abo#t elevators or flight dela!s& (iving in a small to%n m! %hole life ; needed to gain more kno%ledge abo#t other bigger la$es d#ring a o%er bla$ko#t& ; am #sing this arti$le to learn more abo#t ho% bla$ko#ts affe$t a $it!& ;n order to make a valid oint in m! resear$h a er ; need to kno% as m#$h information abo#t the s#b)e$t as ossible and this arti$le is doing )#st that& ?2o% @#r Emotions Can Affe$t @#r 3e$ision /aking Abilit!&? !e"in#D$com& N& &, n&d& "eb& 07 Nov& 2013& +his %ebsite +ells the stor! of a lad! %ith some mental roblems and ho% she feels tra ed in her o%n bod! and emotions& +he a#thor, Peter Cafirides, #ses her stor! to e9 lain ho% the h#man mind rea$ts to the emotions %e are feeling& +he lad! honestl! felt like there %as no %a! o#t of her sit#ation&

Coker 7 *he tho#ght that %o#ld be her life forever& +he a#thor goes on to e9 lain ho% $ertain feelings make #s believe %e have no o tion& ,; tr! to hel them see ho% their emotions D like fear, for e9am le D $an im a$t their abilit! to a$t& ;n realit!, %e reall! do have man! o tions and available sol#tions %hen %e are fa$ed %ith an obsta$le or a $hallenge in o#r lives& All of #s do& @ften times, o#r o%n self:do#bt and inse$#rit! %ill make #s feel as if %e are tra ed&&&. <Cafirides= 2ere the a#thor e9 lains ho% o#r minds are blo$ked b! o#r emotions& 2aving se$ond tho#ghts abo#t o#rselves and %hat %e $an a$$om lish $an $a#se the mind to blo$k off $ertain o tions leaving #s feeling tra ed& +his arti$le seemed $redible to me be$a#se Peter Cafirides, /3 is a h!si$ian and also a thera ist& At the bottom of the arti$le he has a $omment bo9 %here an!one $an get on and ask him B#estions and he has res onded to most of them %ith in de th ans%ers& 2e #sed a stor! in the arti$le that %as eas! to relate to and hel ed me better #nderstand %hat e9a$tl! he %as tr!ing to sa!& +his arti$le %ill be #sed for m! resear$h a er b! hel ing me better #nderstand the %a! o#r emotions and feelings affe$t o#r %a! of thinking& +his arti$le made it $lear that not onl! s #r of the moment emotions <s#$h as fear= b#t also long term emotions <s#$h as de ression= $an affe$t o#r thinking ro$ess& +his arti$le %ill also hel me form m! $o#nterarg#ment b! e9 laining ho% %e $an #ll o#rselves o#t of the tra %e la$e o#rselves in& ?/ind 0o#r /ind&? %ilms on Demand& Eo#rne!man Pi$t#res, 2012& "eb& 05 Nov& 2013& Fhtt 5GGdigital&films&$om&storm&hgt$&ed#GPortalHie%Hideo&as 9I9tidJ51602K& +his film is all abo#t ho% a brain sees things and ho% o#r #n$ons$io#s and $ons$io#s er$e tions la! a big role in ho% %e f#n$tion on a dail! basis& +he films talks abo#t ho% o#r mind %ill $ons$io#sl! do things like reg#lated the tem erat#re in o#r bodies or breath, b#t o#r brains at the

Coker 5 same time o#r brain is doing the things %e tell it to like %riting or br#shing o#r teeth& ;t is amaLing ho% o#r brains $an manage to do so m#$h and still f#n$tion ro erl!& +he film sho%ed ho% the brain %ill lead #s to believe things that a$t#all! are not tr#e and also make #s not believe things that are tr#e& 'or e9am le the film asked !o# to fo$#s on a bird that %as not the ro er $olors& "hen !o# first started looking at the bird !o#r mind a#tomati$all! kne% the bird %as not the right $olors b#t after staring at the bird for a %hile !o#r brain began to $hange the in$orre$t $olors to the ro er $olors of the bird& @#r minds tri$ked #s into seeing the bird %ith the right $olors& +his %as one of the man! e9am les given to rove ho% o%erf#l the brain reall! is& +his films %as $redible be$a#se it $ame from the 2-+C database %ebsite& ; am also taking a -eneral Ps!$holog! $o#rse at 2-+C and the same st#ff %e learned in $lass from o#r te9t book %ere in this film hel ing me better tr#st the information ; %as being given& +his film hel ed me #nderstand that o#r brains are b#s! all the time& "ith $ons$io#s and #n$ons$io#s orders from the bod!& +his information from this film mi9ed %ith the information ; have resear$hed abo#t emotions affe$ting o#r thinking makes me realiLe ho% the brain $an blo$k off o tions making #s feel tra ed& +hats %h! %e have to slo% do%n and a$t#all! breath and $alm do%n before %e $an ro erl! f#n$tion in $haoti$ sit#ations& N!e, 3avid E& &hen The 'i(hts &ent )ut : A History )f Blac*outs +n America& Cambridge, /ass5 /;+ Press, 2010& eBoo* Collection ,EB C)host-& "eb& 5 Nov& 2013& +he book ,"hen the lights go o#t. is a b#n$h of different stories of bla$ko#ts and ho% the! affe$ted so$iet! in ameri$a& +he book talks abo#t ho% bla$ko#ts have be$ome more dangero#s and in$onvenient be$a#se no% eo le rel! on elevators, flights and s#b%a!s for their trans ortation& +he

Coker M book goes on to talk abo#t ho% bla$ko#ts ositivel! affe$ted %ar b! allo%ing soldiers to hide in $om lete darkness& Bla$ko#ts gave soldiers a better o tion for atta$k, ,A militar! bla$ko#t disg#ised a f#ll! f#n$tioning s!stem& ;t demanded that the rationalit! and order of an ele$triNed so$iet! $ontin#e #nder the $over of darkness& ;t im osed a mask& Elevators still %orked, resta#rants %ere still o en, and trafN$ still moved efN$ientl!&. <N!e 36=& +he a#thor does a good )ob of adding a variet! of e9am les of different bla$ko#ts thro#gh ameri$a& +his book seemed $redible to me be$a#se of the #se of e9am les the a#thor gives& 2e makes !o# think abo#t ho% a bla$ko#t $o#ld reall! affe$t someones %a! of living for a %hile& +he book also $ame from the 2-+C %ebsite %hi$h makes it seem more $redible& 4eading the stor! ,An A$t of -od. it ainted a i$t#re in m! head of onl! a $it! d#ring a bla$ko#t& ;t %as hard for me to i$t#re a bla$ko#t an!%here else& ;t %as also hard for me to i$t#re a bla$ko#t in a ositive manner& +his book %ill hel me to $reate a stronger arg#ment %hile also hel ing me gain more kno%ledge of the s#b)e$t&

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