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Effectiveness Factor for Thin Disks Consider porous catalyst particle in the shape of thin disks,such that the

surface area of the edge of the disk is small in comparison with that of the two circular faces. Apply the method of 1 .! to show that the concentrarion profile is "

#here $ and % are descri%e in the figure. &how that the total mass transfer rat at the surfaces is

'n which

Elemen volume (eraca massa " 'mput)output * generation + acc ,-.


,dari persamaan 1 .!)/., maka "

Dalam %entuk kedua, diasumsikan %ahwa 0difusisitas efektif1 konstan. 2ersamaan differensial ini dapat diselesaikan dengan kondisi %atas "


4a5u kecepatan total transfer massa

6ntuk disk se%anyak n, diperoleh kete%alan , persamaan diatas men5adi

7ika n +8, maka "

Faktor effektif ,Effectiveness factor.

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