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Instructions for Writing a Paper

No late papers are accepted!

It is your job as the student to ensure that the assignments are turned in on time. Please do not attempt to tell me that; your printer broke, your computer went down, or you tried to print it at AS and something went wrong, or you lost your

internet connection. !he only thing these e"cuses do is tell me that you waited until the last possible minute to get the work done. #or in person classes$ All papers assigned are due at the start of class. If class starts at %%am, then the papers are due at %%am. #or online classes$ All papers are due by &am Ari'ona time. (o not wait until the last possible second to take care of your papers. Also remember to put your names on the papers, you)d be surprised how often people forget. Papers will follow the following guidelines$ % inch margins all around %* point font; no larger, no smaller. #ont should be +ew !imes ,oman, Arial, etc. (o not use cra'y fonts Write in full paragraphs. +o paragraph should be less than four or fi-e sentences. In order for a page to be counted as a full page it must reach at least . of the length of the page. Papers are allowed e"tra length at no penalty but ne-er go under

(ouble space +o e"tra spacing between paragraphs All pages shall be numbered on the bottom of the page in the #ooter After the title page, all pages shall ha-e the students last name in the top right corner in the /eader

All papers will be stapled in the top left corner No unstapled papers will be accepted.

0i-e your paper an interesting title !itle pages and1or bibliography pages (2 +2! count toward page length If 3uoting consult a decent handbook. se 45A or 6hicago Style.

A FEW WAYS TO LOSE POINTS ON YOUR PAPERS Any formatting issues Short page length Scholarly sources source +o bibliography 7%9 points 78 points 78 points per page 78 points per missing

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