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(Based on System's Approach)

By Prof. V.K. Ghoudhry, M.B.A. K. Rajesh Chaudhary, M.B.A., C.A,

72, l anpath, Ved Mansion, New Delhi 110001 Tel: 3320648,3328245 E-mail: sagarpub@del3.vsnl.net.in

S. Chapter No. About the authors Preface 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. andits Utihty Prasna Concepts of Signs Significations of Houses Significations of Planets Significations Advance Analytical Techniques IdentifyrngPrasnalndications - Prime determinants - Afflictors - Spofting the Prasna - Timtng recovery - Understanding rulershipof planets Applicationof Astral Remedies in Profession Problems I 4 8 l4 l8 2l 35 Nos. Page

8. 9.

38 42 59 69 76 86 97 103

10. New Business Matters 11. Property 12. IdentifyingHealth Problems in Marriage 13. Problems L4. MissingPersons 15. Miscellaneous



Prasnais a very important part of astrology and is verl' usefuI. In somecases,onlythe prasna astrologyis helpful. The Prasna meansrvhenwe reply a questionbasedon the horoscopeprepared for the date and time when a querent has approachedfor astrolqgical help. Generally, the prasna is madc when the querent doesnot have a birth horoscope.It is very important that whenevera querent has approachedfor the first time, the time and date are noted. The place would be the location of the astrologer. ln case of a telephonic or an e-mail query the place remains asthe location ofthe querent For the researchers and advance learners noting down the time of the first query is helpful in timing of events and rectification of the birth charts. Even the astrological remedial measuresprescribed according to the ascendant of the prasna have proved to be helpful in majority of the cases, wherever a responsewas available. The study ofprasna is very useful: When the querent or the person about whom the prasna is being made does not have a birth chart. -To ascertain the ascendantwhen the ascendantis either in the ending degreesor the beginning of a new sign. In such cases, the ascendant rising in the prasna generally matches with the of ascendantofthe birth chart. The correctnessof the ascendant the birth chart is very important to figure out the true functional nature of the planets in a particular nativity. Not only the functional natrre of planets plays a key role in the analysis of a chart

Application of Prasna Astrology

but also it is necessary for prescribingthe astrological remedial measures. - To time return of missing persons. - To time recovery of patients. - To predict recovery of stolen or misplaced items. - To predict solemnisation of marriagc. - To predict success of ncw vetrturos. of the prasnaastrologv The only requircmentfor the success the astrologerwithout an1,appo'n,is that thc quercntapproaches ment for the sole purposc of a query. If a telephonic call is made to fix up an appointment, then the time of the telephonecall is noted for the prasna while the actual meeting for the consultation may take place at the appointedtime. Sometimes, it so happenswhen a person is introducedto an astrologer,the former immediatelyputs a question. Such a question should ahvays be replied accordingto the birth chart of the querent. In casethe querent doesnot have a birth chart. then he/ shc should be asked to contact the astrologer after a rveekor ten da1'srvithout fixing an appointment. If the astrologeris not available at the tlme of the approachmadeby the querent.then the time of ofapproach shouldbe notedand shouldbe usedfor preparation a birth cliart. The prasna chart is prepared in firll for identifuing the strengthof the planets and working out the planetary periods for timing the events. The eventsare timed rvith the help of the operatingplanetary periods and the transit influences,both formative and separative. Even at the cost of some repetition, the essentialpredictive in this of the Systems'Approachhave beenmcntioned techniques book so that the case studiesincludedin this book are properly understoodby the readerswithout referring to other books ofthe Systems' Approach. Prasnabrings out the main question(s)of the querentbased on the conjunctions, aspects,placementsand the operating plan,

Prasna and its Utilit_v


ets. If the lord of the fifth house is afflicted- the prasna mav peftain to the progenicn-ntters. If the lord of the seventhhouseis the qucstionma1'pertain to spouse or marital affairs or aft-lictcd. foreign visit or foreign stal . All the conjunctions. aspects.placements and the operating planctary periods are to be studied u,ith referenceto the ascendant and not treating the house pertaining to the relation about rvhom the questionis madc as al1 ascendantfor repl-ving the question.For example,if onc rvantsto know about the spousethen the influenceson the seventhhouse are considered ofthe spouse. and the seventhhouseis not trcated as the ascendant This is further elaborated in the case studies included in the book.


Major Constituents of the System of Astrology
The divinescience of astrology has four major constituents, that aresigns, houses, planets'and theplanetary periods.It will be in the fitnessof things if the four constituents of the system are briefly discussed for developing theunderstanding for learning the Hindu system of astrology. A. SIGNS The first constituent of the system is signs. Theyaretwelve in numberand are ruled by the planetsindicatedagainsteachof them:-SIGNS l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Aries Taurus Gemini' Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricom Aquarius Pisces LORDS Mars Venus Mercury The Moon The Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter


You u'ill observethat the planets Mars, Venus, Mercury- Jupiter and Satum rule over trvo signs. Theseplanets have special attention to one of their signs and this sign is known as their rnooltrikona sign. The signs Aries, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are the mooltrikona sign of the planets Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. The signs possessthe positive and negativeaspectsoftheir lords according to their nature and according to the strength of , their lords. The most important qualrty is that they lead us to infer the extent of fructifications of the significations of a particular house. For example, if the sign Libra falls in a house and its lord Venus is in full strength.the significations of the house in particular will flourish to a very affluent level of the society in which a particular native (person) is living. The significations of the signs have been detailed in Chapter 3. B. HOUSES The secondconstituent ofthe Systemis houses.The houses are tr;velvein number and each of the trvelve houses of the horoscope deals with specific significations. The significations of the housesfructify under the planetary periods connectedwith them. The significations of the houseshave been detailedin Chapter 4. The housesare good and bad. The sixth, eighthand twelfth houses are known as bad (malefic) housesas theserule diseases, obstructions and losses,respectively. C. PLANETS The third constituent of the S1,51sm is planets. In Hindu astrology, we consider the Sun, the Moon, Mars. Mercury, Jupiter. Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu as planets. While the Sun and the N{oon are the luminaries, Rahu and Ketu are the shadowy planets. As the planets Pluto, Neptune and Uranus neither have a lordship over a house nor have a planetary period of their own, they can in no way be consideredin the predictive astrology. The planetssignifi'various things including the specific body parts and the functional s1'stemof health. For example, the Sun

6 Application of Prasna Astrologv

rulcs hcart. digestivesystemand vitality. The Moon rulesthe lungs, fluids in body, lymphatic system. etc. The significations of the planets have been detailed in Chapter 5. The planets attain benefic or malefic functional nature in a nativity (horoscope)based on the lordship of benefic or rnalefic houses.The planetsmay be weak or strong. The functional malefic planets when influencing other planets or housescauseafflictions to them. The planets,r,r,hen placed in a particular sign, are considered as exalted/debilitated.In their signs of exaltation the planets become strong while in their signsof debilitation the planetsbecome weak. The planetsbecomeexaltedor debilitated in the signsmentioned against each:

PLANETS The Sun The Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu



Aries Taurus Capricorn Virgo Cancer Pisces Libra Taurus Scorpio

Libra Scorpio Cancer Pisces Capricorn Virgo Aries Scorpio Taurus

D. PLANETARY PERIODS The fourth constituent of the Systemis planetary periods


Various tvpes of planetan/periodsfor spccificplaneta[' combinations are mentionedin classicaltexts. But- rve lvill consideronll' Vimshotri dasa system in this book as this is universally applicable for all sets of combinationsin a nativity. The planets according to their strength in a horoscope.give results of the significations and houses ruled bl' them in their sub periods. More light on this will be thror,vnat appropriateplaces in the book.


1. ARIFS: tt is a fiery sign and presided over by the significator of energy, Mars. The Sun, the significator of vitalitr'is exaltedin this sign. Thesefactors render the nativesborn in this and healthy in caseMars is sign as most active, strong, aggressive strong and beneficially disposed.In case @ of imdiseases suffers from rvounds-fevers, short-temperedness, dtsorders pure blood, inflammatory . brarn-cranlum and taclal Dones. It is violent, moveable. positive, barren and is four legged and has strongpreferences.Satum,the planet of lethargy,becomes debilitated in this sign. When this sign rises in the ascendant,the body description of the native resemblesMars and the Sun dependingupon their strength and becomes modified due to other influences on the ascendantor the lord ofthe ascendant. 2. TAURUS : It is an earthy sign. It is ruled by Venus, the significator for materialistic pursuits and comforts. This gives a health,vconstitution and the bonesofthe neck. Whenever Venus is strong the natives bom under this sign



It is mild, negative, fixed, semi-fruitful and four-legged sign and has precise,temperateand sickll'nature. the location of For nativesborn under the Taurus ascendant, in the eighth location vemrs ur the first house gives poor health and

Signiticationsof Signs

givessickly constitution rnd trvelfthhouses overby Mercury, 3. GEMINI : Thisis an airy signpresided neruous rhe s.Llg eld planet sl'stem, goveming tbe Iglp&.tqly canal. The signrulesshoulders, lungs,breath,shoulder Alm,s,ftmds.,
and hands. In case MbrCurv is the personsborn under aspected weak and the sign is malefically this sign sufTermore at the mental level and the diseaseslinked u'ith the parts mainly ruled blTris i[n.* It is a talkative. positive. cofiImon, airy and barren sign and gives ambitious nature with imaginative ideas. When this sign rises in the ascendant,the placement of congestion afflicted Mercury in the tenth house causeslleadaches, and placementin dusthanascausesweak and respiratory diseases constitution, weak nervous system, loss of assets,depreisiori resulting in partial paralysis, stammering,disputes connectedwith property matters, movementto distant places, etc.

4. CANCER: This is a r,vaterysign, generally weak, prein nature and sidedover by the planet, Moon. which is changeable region, stomach is tender. The sign rules Qleast, ch!._@astric s an4 digestive organs, bon Ea1iyTilp-ected,thepersons weat<anaTE-sign,-Cancer,-imalfr born under this sign suffer from constant mental maladies, weak rvith the body parts ruled corurected body constitution and diseases by this sign. The natives born under this sign are inconsistentin their behaviour as the Moon, the lord of the sign Cancer, is of volatile nailrre and becomesweak quite often either in pakshabala or b1' or going to its sign of going to n-ralefichousesfrom the ascendant debilitation. It is a mute, negative,moveable,watery and fruitfrrl sign and signifies grace and clevemess. 5. LEO : This is a fiery sign ruled by karka of vitalitl'. the Sun. It rules spjne.back,heart,lir,erandpancrear In casethe Sun is weak and the sign- Leo, is malefically afflicted, the natives bom


Applicltion ol'Prurrr Arlrolrgy

underthis sign arc vulncrablcto tlrc drscnscs ()f hmrt, spinc.stonlach,etc. and lack starrrirrl and slrorrg rrrll ;xnrcr, ' Its rulcr thc Sun. rulcs rrrtclligcrrcc. nrarcpr.gcn!'.srrcrnl sta'tus and magniticcncc. This sign is ficrv rn nnrurc.fixctr.posrtivc. barren,bcncvolcnt and rrhcn risingin thc asccrdlurr n,itha strong Sun,makes thc pcrsonnoblc.gcncrous and grvcsnralcsttc appcar,allco. The placcmcnt of the Sun in the third houscilrtlrcatcs ucak d;gestion andasthmatic disposition while its praccmcnt in dusthanas *."._srgnrficslack of vitality to the native. 6. VIRGO: This is an earthysign ruled bv N{ercury. thc gov,ernorof nervoussystem.It rules abdominalumbilical region.bowel and intestines. It is a negative, human- cofilmon, earthv and barren sign and givesthe power ofanalysis anddiscrimination,ifMercury is strong. The natives bom under the ascendingsign of Virgo with strong and well-placed Mercury, are blessedwith attractive personality and are charming. If Mercury is debilitated, combust, placed in dusthanas,the person has prominent veins, lacks witticism and has no charm. In case both the planet, Mercury, and the sign, Virgo, are weak and afflicted,respectively, the native suffers from the diseasesof nervous breakdown. appendicitis,constipation,etc. 7. LIBRA: This is an airy sign ruled by Venus. This sign rules lumbar region, skin, kidneys and bones of lumbar region. When the planet Venus, if r.veak.and the ascendantare afflicted for natives bom under the sign Libra, the1,5u6r by rvay of diseases connected rvith parts ruled by this sign. diabctes, vcnereal diseases, arthritis-gout pains,skin diseases, etc. It is a talkative, moveable, positive. airy and scmi-tiuitful sign and signifiessenseofjustice, claritl'. stronguill-po*,cr. optimism arrdis highlv sensitive. If thc sign Libra riscs in the ascendant and thc planetVenus is strongand well placedin thc nativity the nativegcts attractivepersonalitr'.

Significationsof Signs


by the 8. SCORPIO: It is a waten/ sign. It is strengthened rulership of a strong and fiery Mars in a nativity. It rules urinary and sexual orgaus. anus, gencrativeorgans, bladder- nasal organs and pelvic bones. If the planet Mars is rveak and the asof piles, urinary cendantis afflicted the native suffers bv diseases parts ruled by fff5 5ign. etc.. in the infectionsand boils. operations, It is a mute, violent, fixed, negative,watery and fruitful sign and signifies severesentiments. 9. SAGITTARIUS: This againis a fiery sign ruled b1'Jupiter and blessesthe native rvith good health if strong in a nativity. This sign rules hips and thighs, arterial systemand nerves. ln case Jupiter is weak and the ascendantrvith Sagittagius .rising is afflicted. the native suffers from anaemia,poor digestion, jaundice, high fevers, cold.diabetes,etc. It is a positive, common, half human, fiery and semi-fruitful sign and signifies impressivepersonality. The personsborn under this sign are best suited for training or advisory roles due to their pleasantnature and analytical bent of mind. f0. CAPRICORN : This is an earthy sign ruled by Saturn. andjoints. If Saturnis r,veak and This rulesknees,bones,kneecaps this sign is afflicted by the functional malefic planets,the persons born under this sign suffer becauseof joint pains, general weakness, emaciatedbody, etc. It is a negative, moveable, non-human, earthy and semi-fruitful sign and signifies tact, cheating, lethargy, melancholy nature, if its ruler, Saturn, is weak in the nativity. 11. AQUARIUS: This is an airy sign, ruled again by Satum, and rules legs, ankles, blood circulation, shim bone, etc. If Satum is weak and the sign Aquarius is afflicted, the persons born under this sign suffer from fractures in legs, wounds, etc., in the parts ruled by this sign. It is a talkative, positive, fixed, human and airy sign and sigetc., nifies characteristics like honesty, ideals and sensitiveness,.


Application of Prasrra Aslrology

accordingto thc strcngtlrof its lord. 12. PISCES : This is a \\'atcD' signrulcdbr f upitcrand nrlos feet and tocs.lrnrphaticsystcrn. boncsof thc l'cctand toc. Alllictions to Jupitcrand thc sign Pisccs causcsulfcrilrgs to thc natives rvith thc partsrulcd bv bom undcrthis sign by discascs conncctcd this sign. It is a mute, negative,cofirmon,non-human,watcry and fnritfrrl sign and signifies enjovments, sensitivencss. etc. HOW TO ANALYSE CHARACTERTSTICS The placr:mentof a significator in a mgveable sign makes a person dynan ic in nature. The placement of a significator in a fixed sign makes a person less flexible in approach. The placement of a significator in a commonsign makes a personof adjustable nature. The placement of the significator in a fruitful sign , indicates early gains while the placement of the significator in a semi-fruitful sign indicates slow gains. The placement of a significator in a barren sign indicates gains after lot of efforts.

Th. airy elementmakes a personthinker, creative and spiri, tualist while an earthy elementmakes a person pleasure-seeker ,andhe is persistentlyengulfedin materialistic pursuits. The water elementmakesthe person ease-lover and keepshim fully involved in worldly attachments. The positive element shows greater chance of success. The human elementmakes the approachof a person humanistic in life and he is generous,helpful and respectfulto others. SOME OTHER CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SIGNS Sex of the Signs Aries, Gemini. Lco. Libra. Sagittarius and Aquariusare male signs. Taurus. Cancer,Virgo, Scorpio,Capricorn and Piscesare female signs.

Signiticationsof Signs


PrishthodayaSigns Aries. Taurus. Cancer. Sagittarius and Capricorn are signs that riservith their hind parls first. If a significatorplanetis placed in thesesigns and is an indicator of tin-ringthe event. it r'vill cause the event early. SirsodayaSigns Leo. Virgo. Libra, Scorpio.Gernini and Aquarius signs rise with their head first and indicate that normal time rvould be taken for the fructification of an event. UbhyodayaSigns Pisces rises with both sides. The eventsare timed with the help of the strength of tl-replanet in questionand the placemefltof the planet in the srgn Piscesdoes not make a difference. Reptile Signs Cancer,Scorpio and Piscesare knoun as reptile signs. Directions of the Signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius rule the east direction. Taurus' Virgo and Capricorn rule the south direction. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius rule the rvestdirection..Cancer,Scorpioand Piscesrule analysis are the north direction. The directions in the prasna planet in a parsignificator identified from the placement of the ticular sign.


Significationsof the housesgenerallycorrespondto the signs of zodiac in seriatim. Similarly read the various body parts governed by various houses.Afflictions to houseslikewise causediseasescifthe connectedparts. First House: Representsquerent, his nature and state of health, happiness,status, body complexion, personality and the body parts - head, face, brain, facial bones,pituitary glands, cranium bones,etc. For example, afflictions to the first house cause paralysis, giddiness. wounds, scars, erratic activity of endocrine glands, derangement, brain fever, stupidity, nose-bleeding, etc. The strong, well placed and unafflicted Sun and Mars, as significators, help as a protective cover. Second House : Represents wealth, family, status, fortune, speech.vision and the body parts - neck, throat, right eye, gullet, larynx, cerebellum, bones of neck. trachea, cervical region and cervicalbones.tonsils,etc. Afflictions to this houseresultin problems to eyes,thyroid glands, cervical, gums and teeth, speech,etc. A strong, well placed and unafflicted Venus, as a significator, helps asa protective cover. Third House: Represents younger brothers or sisters,courage, short journeys, q'riting and communicativecapability and the body parts - shoulders,hands, right ear, respiratory canal, etc. Afflictions to this house result in problems of respiratory canal, shoulderpains, fracture in the collar bone region, partial deafiress, asthma,tuberculosis, etc. A strong, well placed and unafflicted Mercury, as a

Significationsof Houses


significator, helps as a protective cover. Fourth House: Representsmother, education,vehiclesdomestic peace, properties, mind. assets and the body parts heart- chest and lungs. Afflictions to this houseresult in coronary problems, lungs' disorders,mental disorders,lunacy and the problems connectcdto the circulatorl' systems.A strong, well placed and unafflicted Moon, as a significator, helps as a protcctive cover. Fifth House: Rcpresents intelligence. gains,progspeculative eny, learning,position,inclinations.spiritualpursuits,etc., and the bodv parts - stomach, gall bladder. pancreas,colon, diaphragmspleen,liver, spinal cord, etc. Afflictions to this houseresult in the diseases peptic ulcers.anaemia, of diabetes, colic pains, stonesin gall bladder,acidity, spinal cord. dyspepsia, diarrhoea,pleurisy, etc. A strong. u'cll placed and unafflicted Sun, as a significator, helps as a protective cover. Sixth House: Represents disputes,debts,enemies, maternal uncles, emploYees, diseases,lossesthrough theft and fire and the body parts - intestinal function, appendix, ovaries,fallopian tubes, lower abdomen, kidney, etc. Afflictions to this house result in problen-rs of appendicitis-generative organs, constipation, hernia. blood urea and nervous breakdown. A strong, well placed and unafflicted Mercury. as a significator, helps as a protective cover. Seventh House: Represents wife, partnerships,conjugal life, home abroad. travel, and the body parts -pelvic girdle, vagina, uterus, cervix- lumbar region, etc. Afflictions to this house result in venerealdiseases, gout pains, urination, impotency,sterilisationrenal problems, etc. A strong- well placed and unafflicted Venus as a significator, helps as a protective cover. Eighth House: Represents longevity. inheritance,accidents, obstructions, losses,misfortunes,disgrace,easygains, disappointments and the body parts - rectum, hip, testes,ovaries, etc. Afflictions to this house result in hydrocele, fissure, impotency. piles, urinary infections, boils, etc. A strong, well placedand unafflicted i Mars, as a significator, helps as a protective cover.


Astrologv of Prasna Application

spirituallcarnfathcr.preccptor, Ninth House: Rcprcscnts atld cdtt' l1lrcigrr trarel. ntcditatigtt. past dccds. ing, inclinatious. - thrghs, parts ctc . attdtlrcbodr gcucral firrtttnc. cation, llilgrirnagcs. and thc lrtcrial st'stcnl Afbortonrarrou.ltrp.iornts thigh boncs. ' f blood, i n l o r v p r o d t t c t i v i t to r c s t t l t flictionsto this housc placcd and rvcll high fcvcrs.ctc. A strotrg. loukacntia. thallasemia, hclpsas a protccti\cco!cr' unafflictcdJupitcr.as a significator. Tenth House: Represcntsprofcssion.status.karnra in lifc. from rnalcprogcnyand character,ambition, nert birth, happincss the bodl' parts kneejoints and bones.Afflictions to this housc result in arthritis, broken knees,inflammation of joints, gencral body.A strong,well placedandunafflicted and emaciated weakness Saturn, as a significator, helps as a protective cover. Eleventh House: Represents gains, friends, elder brothers. income, prosperity, etc., and the body parts - shanks,left ear and left 6rm. Afflictions to this house result in fracture of the lower portion of legs, pain in legs. problems of low productivity of blood, circulatory problemsand cancerof leg. A strong, well placed and unafflicted Saturn, as a significator, helps as a protective cover. losses,end of life, expenses, Twelfth House: Represents life in foreign lands, obstructions in life, separationfrom family, imprisonment,pleasuresof bed, etc., and the body parts - left eye, lymphatic system, ankles and feet. Afflictions to this house result in problemsto the body parts governedby the houseand weakens the immunisation power. A strong. r,vell placed and unafflicted Moon, as a significator, helps as a protective cover. NOMENCLATURE OF HOUSES ANGULAR (KENDRA) HOUSES ' '

The first, fourth, seventhand tenth housesare callcd angular housesor kendra houses. Trines (Trikona houses) The fifth and ninth housesare called trines or trikona houses. as a trinc. First houseis also considered

Signiticationsof Houses


Malefic or dusthana houses The sixth, eighth and trvelfth housesare called malefic houses houses. or dusthana Benelic houses All houses, other than the malefic houses,are treated as benefic or auspicious housesunder the Systenis' Approach. Extent of Houses Under thc Systems' Approach the extent of each house is 30 on the basis oi a-lr-s"d degre p'I5Gifr6ntof the planets in a particular house.Their longitudinal does not makg a differencefrom the degreerising in the ascendant is consideredas the difference. lhe degreerising in the ascendant effective gree rvould be consideredas the most effective point of all the in Leo. The hoilles Supposc l0 degreerises as the ascendant frfrit effective poinl of all the houses would be l0 degrees. The 5 degreeto 15 planets placed in a househaving longitude betr,veen point of the condegreewould be influencing the most effective cernedhouse. The significations of houses fructify under the planetary periods connectedwith them. The nature or extent of significationsis dependenton the strength of the lord of the house, strength of the significator of the house and the effects on the suffer if their lords of the houses houseitself. The significations lords are under the or their and significators are weak or they influence of functional malefic planets.


1. SUN: The Sun signifieshighly placed porsons, administrators, physicians,contractors,politicians, father, male child and social status.The Sun is karaka for vitality and life giver in a male nativity. He is bilious and has sturdy bones.It is hot, dry, constructive and represents health, blood, brain, digestivesystem,right eye (male) and lcft eye in the case of females. In caseit is weak and afflicted in a nativity it gives rneakeyesightand diseases of headaches,erraticcirculation ofblood, bonefractures,fevers.high blood pressure,baldness,bone cancer and low immunisation power. Its naturc is benevolentand cruel. 2. MOON: The Moon signifies rulers, administrators,hotel managers,mother, mind, nourishing agent, soother,housekeeper, trainer, public relations, etc., and its nature is benevolent and generous. It is a female planet, cold, moist, mild and is phlegmatic in nature. It governs fluids in body, good quality of blood, breast. stomach, lymphatic system, lungs and chest. It governs the left eye in the caseof males and ovaries,menstrual cycle, uterus. generattve organs and right e)'e in the case of females. Weak and afflicted Moon besidesgiving psychic problems causesdiseascs of the uterus,lungs, menstrualdisordersand the nativc is vulncrable to frequent cough and cold, fever, general weaknoss, ctc. 3. MARS: Mars signifiesarrnyconmanders, administrators. youngerbrothers,entrepreneurs, police, anii-socialclcmcntswhcn afflicted.engineers, surgeons, chemists, etc.,and its naturcis cruclunrclenting and active. It is a dry and fiery planct and is bilious in nature. It governs,marro\,v, blood, forehead,ncck, rnuscularsystem and externalgenerativeorgans.When afflicting or itself being

Significationsof Planets


lveak and/or afflicted it causes, inflammations, wounds, burns, accidents,fractures, piles, fevers, epilepsy,tumours, mental aberration, cancer, etc. 4. MERCURY: Mercury rules analyical faculties, speech, sharp intellect, power of discrimination and confidence. It is personified as,a prince, thinker, mathematician, accountant, trader, and relatedbusinessfields. He is mixture ofthree humours namely, phlegm, bile and wind. He rules skin, mind, nervoussystem,lungs, tongue, hands, arms and mouth. When weak and,/or afflicted it causespsychic diseases,nervous breakdorvn,leucoderma, impotence,vertigo, deafiress, asthma and diseases ofrespiratory canal, intestines,insomnia, etc. 5. JUPITER: Jupiter rules ministers, preceptors, teachers, advocates,financial advisors and signifies elder brothers, spous in female nativities, male progeny, wealth, morals, sincerity, friends, divine grace, father and, in fact, all good things in life. It is mild, temperate,warm and is phlegmatic in nature. It rules liver, arterial system, hearing power. absorptive power, hips, fats and jaundice, diabetesand blood. When rveak and/or afilicted it causes other diseasesof liver, anaemia,diseasesof pancreasglands and gall bladder, flatulence, etc. 6. VENUS: Venus signifies material comforts, wife, worldly knowledge and materialistic pursuits, creativity, art, rich tastes, etc. It also signifies ministers, teachers,lovers, medical practitioners, financial administration, fashion, cinema theatres, paintings, music, advertising, hotels, etc. The nature of Venus is benevolent and generous. It is warm and moist. It is sensual,phlegmatic and windy in nature. It gor,'emsprivate parts, kidneys, semen, face, neck, throat, chin, venous system.etc. When weak and,/orafflicted it causesvenerealdiseases, diabetes,stonesin bladder, or kidney, cataract,rveakness ofsexual organs and paralysis.. 7. SATURN: Saturn signifies labour leaders,sewants,jobs requiring hard r.vorkwith less remunerative,industries and industrials r,vhenother planets are strong and helping. The nature of Satum is selfish and indolent. It is cold, dry, contracting, shorttempered, wom-out and windy in nature. It rules joints, spleen,


Application of Prasna Astrology

system. When weak and/or afteeth, knees,phlegm and s-ecretive leg fracture, cancer, flicted it causesconstantand painful diseases, gout, conparalysis,rheumatism, of glands,skin disease, diseases flatulence. sumption, 8. RAHU: Rahu signifies diplomats, deceptors,manipulators, dealersin drugs and poisons,etq. It signifies cheats,pleasurc seekers,insincereand immoral acts, etc. It is phlegmaticin nature of and gives malignant growth. When afflicting it causesdiseases phlegm, intestines.boils, skin, ulcers, spleen, worrns, high blood pressure, etc. It is 9. KETU: Ketu signifiesmeditatorsand spiritualists. wounds,inflammations, dry and fiery in natrre. Is affliaion causes low-blood pressure, abenation, mental diseases, intestinal fevers, defectivespeech,etc.Ittakei a persontowardsmystic deafness, sciencesand spiritual pursuits.



The key issuesin horoscopic analysis are: (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Identiff ing the functional nature of the planets in a nativity; The techniquesfor judging the strengthof a plane! The distinction betweenthe rveak and/or afflicted planets; and/or afflicted planets; The impact of r,veak The orb of longitudinal difference for judging the impact of conjunctions and asPects; The most malefic planet; and The most effective point (MEP) of various housesin a chart.

SALIENT FBATURES OF THE SYSTEMS' APPROACH For the benefit of the readers,the prominent features of the here' Events and indicaSystems'Approach are being discussed tions in life are ruled b1' planets,houses.signs and planetary periods. The planets during their operating periods blcss the nati't'e upon their strength with the significations ruled by them depending ing the rveakness Idcntifi particular horoscope. and placementin a job and can be learnt and affliction of planetsis not at all a difficult lvith the help of the book, "SELF by beginnersor non-astrologers The Sy5lsrns'AplN ASTROLOGY". LEARNING COURSE the accuracy ofanalysis but also speeds proach not only increases up the analytical process and helps in identifling the results of analysis in an unambiguousmanner-consistentlywithout any con-

fusion. FUNCTIONALNATURE OF PLANETS as statedabove,is the Thc ftinctionalnatureof the planets,


Application of prasna Astrokrgv

kev analrticalfactorin thehoroscopic analr.sis. Bcsidcs Rah' and Ketutheplancts. u'hose moortrikona sig.s arc in rhcnrarcfic lrouscs (sixth. eighth and tu'elfth) with refcrcnccto thc lsccrrdarrt. act as functionalnraleficplanetsin a natiritr', For trrrs thc sign l)urr)osc ca'ccr is co'sidered as nrooltrikona -sigrr rll'tlrc Nlt,.rr l' cxcc,-ntionalcascs*lrc'Rahu is *,cll placcdi. n r,o,ltrrkrrra sign of a planct.uitlrout causirrg a'r' conjurrcti.'or closcasllcctrritl otlrcr houscs and planctsand tlrs dispositor prarrct is str.'g. Rarurgivcs good rcsultsduring its sub pcriods fbr rnatcrial,stic prospc-ritt. Rah'-Kctu.ulrc' cxaltcd. girc matcrialist bcrrcllts ,ri.,it.,t.triiltated Rahuinvolvesthc nativcin cxposcd scandars andacutcph'sical sufferings. under the Sy'stems' Approacrr. trreplanetsindicatedagainst eachascendant, act as functional malefic planetsfor thc concerned ascendant:

ASCENDANT Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

FUNCTIONAL MALEFIC PLANETS Mercury, Rahu and Ketu. Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu, Juprter,Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. The Moon, Rahu and Ketu. Saturn. Mars. the Sun, Rahu and Ketu. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu. Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. The Moon. Rahu and Ketu. The Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. The Moon, Mercurl,- Rahu and Ketu. The Sun, Venus, Saturn. Rahu and Ketu.

The functional malefic planets for various ascendants. mentioned above,may appear to be at variance when seenin the con_ text ofthe availableclassicaltexts and used b1'the translatorsof the classicaltexts. but when 5'ouanalyse the charts basedon the functional malefic planetsbrought out hereinabove, vou would find that all of your confusions disappearat one stroke.


Advance Anall'tical Techniques


CONJUNCTIONS AND ASPECTS When two or more planets have same longitudes, the conjunction is known as an exact conjunction.lf thc longitudinaldifference happens to be less than five degrees,the conjunction is known as a close conjunction. Similarly, when trvo or more planets mutualll' aspect each other on the same longitudinal degreeor a planet casts its aspect exactly on the most effective point of a house or houses.thc aspectis knonn as exact aspect. Ifthis aspectis rvithin a longitudinal diflerence of five degrees, then the aspect is knorvn as a close aspect. The conjunctionsor aspectswith more than fivc degreeslongitudinal differenceare wide conjunctionsor aspects.These'do not have permanent impact in life except the short lived transit influences on the planets involrredin wide conjunctionsor aspects separatelyand severely. ANALYSING STRENGTH OF PLANETS Those planets are consideredweak, which are in their signs of dlbrilitatlion,are combust, are in the state of olc! age or infancy and placed in the malefic houses in the rasi chart. The S1'stems' Approach also considers a planet weak if it is placed in the mooltrikona sign of another rveak planet and if a planet occupies its sign of debilitation in t[9_nar,'amsa and other varga charts. In all other situ;Iions, the planets ar@well placed. A u'eak planet is not capableto fully protect its general and particular signifi cations. The general significations meiu:ls the aspects ruled'by'the planet. For example.the Sun rules father, statusofthe native. heart, digestive system, etc., irrespectiveof the lordship of the Sun in a particular nativity. The particular significationsof the planetmeans the significations of the houser.vhere its mooltrikona sign is placed and the house where this planet is placed in the natal chart. The results of the significations of the r,r'eak planet fructifu


Application of PrasnaAstrologr

dtrc to planct is afTlrctcd u'ith delal' and sgffbr whcncyerthe r'veak plarrct. Thc or conjunctions'ith thc functionalrnalefic closc aspoct in the cntire sub pcriod of thc natal atfliction causesdarnages wcak planct and thc afflicting planctsrvhilc the transit influcnccs for the duratiol ofthe effectivetransit causeshort term danragcs inf'lu cncc. MOST EFFECTM POINT (MEP)

is knosn as tltc ttrostof'Thc risingdcgrccin thc asccndant if 23 dcgrccriscsin For exantplcfectivopoint of all thc housos. the mosteffcctivcpoint of all thc ltouscs ascendant. the Sagittarius on cithcr planet conjunctwithin 5 degrees Any r,r'illbe 23 degree. u'ould housc in that to 28 degrces side. that is. within ltl dcgrces be influencing the significations of the house in questionin a pronounced manner dcpending upon the functional nature of that in the the planet Moon is placed at 24 degrees planet. Suppose. is a Moon third housein the sign Aquarius ruled by Satum. The functional malefic planet as it mles the eighth house. Since the Moon is conjunct rvith the most effcctive point of the third ltouse, not only it mars the initiatives of the person but during the sr-rb periods of both the Moon and Saturnit will not allow any ventures of the Moon to succeed. The aspect or initiativesof thc persons also cause would house to the most effective poilt of the ninth obstructionsto the significations of the ninth houseduring the sub periodsof both the Sun and the Moon. The Sun is lord of the ninth the niltl, house houservhile the Mool is aspectingand inf.luencing In such cascsif the planet Sun is u'ell placedand strong, the immilder than pact of the influcnceof the Moon rvouldbc somcu'hat is badlv Saturn the Suppose, rveak. if th" Sunis badly placedand in the stateof placed in the sixth houseand is rveakdue to its being then the impact ofthe Moon on the third houseand durilg infanc-v. the sub periodsof the Moon and Saturnwould be quite gravc' MOST MALEFIC PLANET (MMP) lf there is a mooltrikona sign in the eighth housc fiom thc its lord is called the most malefic planct (MMP) ln ascendant. casethereis no mooltrikola sign in thc eiglrthhouscthcn the role of the MIvIP is plal,ed by the lord of the twelfth housecontaining

Advance Anall4ical Techniques


thc mooltrikona sign. And if there is no mooltrikona sign in the trvelfthhouse,too. then the role of the MMP is playsdl b-vKetu. the most malefic planetsare as under: For various ascendants

ASCENDANT Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

MOST MALEFTCPLANET Ketu Jupiter Ketu Saturn The Moon Mars Mercury Venus The Moon The Sun Mercury Venus

The afflictions to the planets or housesare causedby the close conjunction or aspect of the functional malefic planets in a nativitl'. The afflictions to strong planets are effective if thev are rvithin one degreerange. The afflictions to weak planets or houses are rl,ithin one degreerange while aff'licare fulh' cffective if the1,' tions are 80o - 60o ,40%^20% and 0o/oif the afflicting planet or nrost effectivepoint of the houseis havinga I deg,2 deg,3 deg.4 from the weak deg and 5 deg longitudinal difference,respectivelJ', planet or the most cffective point of the house. It is most severeif the weak and afflicted planets are badll' placed. The experience based on the responseof the people indicatesthat theseafflictions can be taken care of upto 80 - 90% with the help of the astral


Application of Prasna Astrology

t *

t r

remedies.that is, kavach and charities. If the lord is strong thc danrageis mrnimum. For non- mooltrikona signs the inrpact of the affliction is 100% to }n/odepending upon the longitudinaldiffercnccbctu'ccn thc afflicting planetsand the most effectivepoints of thc housc.as crplaincd abovc.for the planets.If a planet,being lord of a housc. is ucak one should see the strengthof the significator(karaka)of tlut houscand the supplementary houses. Wc hope. nou thc rcadcrsclcarlv understand that a weak planct and an afflictcd planutarc not onc and the samething. MEASURING STRENGTH OF THE HOTJSES The strengthofthe houses and the signs is gaugedthrough the strength of their lords and the conjunctions or aspectsto the most efilectivepoint of the houses. IDENTIFYING RESULTS OF MAIN OR SUB PERIOD LORDS Events fructif in the periods of indicative planets. Therefore, it is very important that rve understandthe methodof analysing the dasa (main period) and bhukti (sub period) results. Though various types of conditional planetary periods fbr specific combinationsin a nativitl'are mentionedin classicaltcxts, has 6een mentioned for general applicaVimshotri dasa 51,51ep tions. Basedon the longitude of the Moon in the natal charts. the balance of operational Vimshotri dasa is calculated. Thereafter, the planetshave their main periodsin a seriatirn. The order of the main periods (Dasa) under the Vimshotri dasa systemis the dasa of the Sun followed by the Moon. Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus. During the major period of a planet all othcr planctsshare periodsproportionate to their period in the Vimshotri dasa. This (bhukti) and thc tirst subshareof period is known as sub-period period in a planet's own main period is allavs its orvn fblloll'cd by other planets in the seriatim mentioncdabovc.

Il.flremarnperiodlord is a functioual nralcflc. thc subpsri-

Advance Analy.tical Techniqucs

while the sub periodsof the functionalbeneficplanetsbestow


malefic planet,


planets create onS benefic

In the main period of the functional benefic planets the sub periods of the well placed and strong ftinctional benefic planets bestorvgood results w'hilethe sub periodsofbadly placedand weak planets bestorv just average results with mishaps during the unfavourabletransit influences.During the main period of the functional benefic planets the sub periods of the functional malefic planets causemild sufferings. During the main period ofthe functional benefic planets, the sub period of the functional malefic with other rveak or aspects planetsinvolvedin closeconjunctions happenings. grave planets cause concemsand tragic The results of the general significations of the sub period lord depend upon its functional nature, strength, placement, lordship, conjunction(s) and aspect(s)to the same. The significations of the house of placementare touched when transit planets create benefic or malefic inflriences on the sub period lord. In the sub period of a planet, the following significations are touched:(l) The general significations of the planet. For example, the Sun rules father, social status, position with the government, male child, digestive system,heart, blood pressure,etc. (2) The significations of the house where the mooltrikona sign of the planet is placed. In casein the mooltrikona sign house some malefic planet is conjunct with the most effective point of the house or some malefic planet is aspectingthe most effective point of the said house,during the sub period of the ruling planet the significations of the mooltrikona sign house shall not prosper and face problems indicated by the afflicting planet depending upon the lordship. (3) The significations of the house where the planet is placed.


Application of PrasnaAstrologY

ANALYSING RESULTS OF HOIISES ('ONTAINING NON-MOOLTRIKONA SIGNS thercis that until andunlcss You rvill find in vour cxpcricncc point house, of a most cffcctirc influcncc on thc malefic a close sign lt rtolt-nrtxrltrikona of thc ltousccontainittg the significations at all. That is to savthat thc pcrsonnill lvillnot bothcrtltcpcrson. not scck astral consultationor rcntcdicsfor ths significationsof sign. a non-mooltrikona containing thc houscs RESULTS OF EXCHANGE OF HOUSES OR ASTERISMS 'A' is placed in a sign or The situation, in s'hich a planet 'B' 'B' is placed in a and the planet nakshatrarule,l by the planet 'A', planet is as exconsidered sign or nakshatra ruled by the changeof housesor nakshatra(asterisms).For example,if the Sun is placed in the sign Scorpio and the planet Mars is placed in the sign, Leo, then the classical works considersthis as exchangeof housesbV the Sun and Mars. Under the Systems' Approach, we do not recognisethis concept. Each planet is considered, separately, for its place' ment, strength, relationship with other planets, etc. ANALYSING CAPABILITY OF PLANETS TO BLESS WITH THEIR SIGNIFICATIONS

Both the positions - natal and transit - of the planet under considerationare to be studied. The planetswould be able to bless the native rvith their significations,both general and particular. if they are strong both in the natal chart and the transit. IDENTIFYING TRANSIT INFLUENCES The result of a particular housewill be influencedby a transiting planet when it is near to its most effective point depending upon its functional nature whetherbonefic or malefic. The impact of transit functional malefics is on both functional malefics and benefics. The things governedby the planets would be their general and particular significations.Similarly'. rvhenthe impact is on the MEP of a house the significations of thc houseoccupied and house aspectedwould be influencedby a transit planet.

Advance AnalYtical Techniques


Trarrsitoffunctionalbeneficsoverthenatalpositionoffunc on trantional malefics or close aspectof natal functicnal malefics functhe of sit ftrnctional benefics alio spoils the significations tional benefics. INTERACTION,BETWEEN THE ST]BPERIOD AND TRANSIT RESULTS

Duringtlresubperiodofaplanetthesignificationsofth of thc housemled b-vthe sub period lord- thc generalsignifications placed planet and tt . significationsof the houservherethe phnet is would be touched.

The transit means r'vhcnthe planetar,vposition on an)' givendate,subsequenttotherjateofbirth,isstudiedwithrefe natal ence to the ascendant and the position of the planets in the chart.

For example.let us take a chart rvith the sign Sagittarius risingintheascendant.Suppose,intlrischartthelordoftheclevent During hJuse, Venus, is placed in the twelfth houseruling losscs' andtrouble income the suf period oftheVenus loss of elderbrother, to friends is indicated. Norv in the transit the functional malefics of Rahu/Ketu may form close conjunction or aspect with any elder the of the death of event the three positions to cause the brother: i) ii) iii) most effectivepoint of thc eleventhhouse' tl.renatal Position of Venus the transit position of the sub period lord' Venus'

The sub period lord sets the trend according to the lordship the and the placementof the planet bcsidesthe other influenceson planet for the entire sub-period while the transit planets cause influence whenever they come into contact rvith the natal position or the transit position of the sub period lord. The transrt influence ceasesto exit as soon as the transit conjunction/aspec we hope this gives attains a longitudinal differenceof five degrees. the transit rebetter underitandilg ilto the interaction betr,r,een sults and the sub period lord results rvith the help of the above example.


Application of Prrsna Astrology

MEASURING THE S'TRENGTHOF TIIE PLANEl'S Infancy or old age Thc rcsultsof tlre planctsin thc state of infancy or old agc van, in dcgrccof strcngth according to thcir longitudcs. Whcn thc planctsarc in tlrc statcof inlturct tlrcirporrcr is 20,)i,.4}oh.6OY(,. 80%o and 100')1, ultcrr thcir longitudc rs I dcgrcc.2 dcgrccs. 3 degrees. 4 dcgrecs and -r dcgrccs. rcspcctivcll,. Whcn tlroplancts are in the old agc thcir po\\or is ll0'Zo. 6(l'h,-40"/u.20"1,arnJ zcro rvhcn their longitudcis 26 dcgrecs.27 degrccs,2[l degrccs,29 dcgrccs and 30 degrces. respectivclv. As a nervbom or a very old pcrsonis incapableof doing any'thingat their own, similar condition is of the planets when they are in the state of infancy and old age, respectively. Exalted Planets The placementofthe planetsin their signs of exaltation adds to their strength. Thc peak points of exaltation or debilitation has very little relevance. Combust planets When the Sun is a functional benefic planet its conjunction lvith other well placed functional benefic planets is good and gives exponentialgrowth for the significations of planets which are in close conjunctionrvith the Sun. The combust planets suffer under the transit malefic influences. When the Sun is a ftinctional malefic and is closely conjunct with other planets all the planets involved suffer as they become afflicted by the conjunction of a functional malefic planet perrnanently because of the natal affliction. The combust planets in such casessuffer in transit afilictions. BADHAKA PLANETS The principleofbadhaka houseis redundant. For variousascendantsfrom Aries to Pisces, the planetsSaturn.Saturn,JupiterVenus. Mars, Jupiter.the Sun, the Moon, Mcrcury. Mars, Venus and Mercury are treatedas Badhakaplanets. Under no circumplanetsact maleficalll'for thc variousascendants. stancesthese If

Advance Analytical Techniques


the so called badhaka planet is not closell, associatedu,ith other functional malefic planet or the most malefic planet, its influence on any planet or the most effective point of a house,would never be bad. KENDRADHIPATI DOSHA

Similarly, the Kendradhipati Dosha is also a redundant concept. It is said that lvhen a natural benefic planet owns a kendra house its functional nature for the nativitv becomesmalefic. The readerscan find out for themselves that if the mooltrikona sign of a natural benefic planet falls in a kendra house its influence on other functional benefic planet or the most effective point of a housewould always be beneficial.However, whenthis planet forms mutual close conjunction or aspect with other functional malefic planet, its own general and particular significations would suffer. These two concepts, that is the Badhaka Planets and Kendradhipati Dosha, have been stretched by those, who never did empirical studiesand failed to interpret charts with one single approach.


The particular conjunctions,mutual aspectsand placements in a natal chart areknown as yoga.It may be a Rajyoga,Dhana5,oga, Duryoga, Mahapurush yoga. Mahabhagyayoga or even Kalsarpa yoga. The impact of Rajyogasand Dhanayogas accruesonly if the planet(s)is or areplacedin a good house,unafflictedand are strong. Whenever.the planetsruling the benefichouses conjoin or mutually aspectclosely, they form good yoga (say Rajyogas)connected with the indications of both the housesinvolved provided they are strong and unafflicted. The involvementof a planetruling the house of income and./orwealth produces a Dhanayoga.In other words, mere location of a planet or a set of planets in a particular sign or house without creating a close relationship through a close conjunction or aspectdoesnot result into yoga. Similarly, until and unlessthe most malefic planet, the functional malefic planet, Rahu and Ketu form a closeconjunction with anotherplanet(s) they do not produce any Duryoga or even Kalsarpa


Application ol'Prasna Astrologv

bt'those yoga.The misnomerKalsarpayoga is bcingpropagatcd tlatttre lurrctronal thc rdcntit\' uiro havefailcd to corrccth persons polnt prll to in variousnatiliticsand haycnot bccnablc of plancts for nriscricsAny chart containingthe so called the rcasons Kalsarpa yoga will not give bad results until and unlcssRahucfluseseverecolt.ittncKetu or other functionnlmalelicJrl:tncls with wenk and/or badly placedplanetsin that tions or aspects particular nativity. Undcrtltc Slstcnts'Approachthc llalrsis is tlrcir o1'plancts. donc gitfi rcftrcnccto thc placctttcnt ulr,,o1', and thcir tnutual rclationshiprvith rcti:rstrengthand rvcakncsscs enceto tlte asccttdant. USE OF DIVISIONAL CHARTS The divisional charts are usedfor judging the true strengthof a planet u,hile studying its impact in a particular field' Any planet occupying its sign of bebilitation in a particular divisional chart will fail to protect its significations in its sub periods' We consider the lord of the ascendantof the concemeddivisional chan For example, if there is no mooltrikona sign in the ascendant of we considerthe position of the prime and secondary the dasamsa, determinants of the professional affairs of the natal chart tn dasamsa. If the ascendingsign of dasamsais a mooltrikona sign as an adof a particular planet, the sameplanet is also considered judging the ditional primc determinantof the profession. For natal the of significators secondary strength of the primary and chart in dasamsawe have to seeif theseplanetshave gone to their signs of debilitation in dasamsa' INSIGHT whenever the lord of the any house containinga mooltrikona sign goes to the sixth, eighth and twelfth housesmling diseases. accidenti and losses, respectively,the native has to suffer on account of bad health for the aspectsof the health governedby the planet and the house concerned. thcrr people When planets are indicating tragic happcnings agalnst to protect thcmselves usually do not perform astralremedies lord of the and Jupiter of rveakness the expectedlosses and the regard. in this the ninth house is always a contributing factor

Advance Anall'tical Techniques


The strengtheningastrological remedial measures are suggestsd for all the functional benefic planets even if they are not iveak and afflicted in the natal chart. The strengthening measures provide a preventivecover to the planetsagainsttheir transit rveakness.Similarlv, the propitiating remedialmeasuresare advisedfor all the functional malefic planetseven if thev are not forming close afflictions in the natal chart. The propitiatory remedial measures provide a preventive cover for transit and natal afflictions' Rahu's influence on the most effective point of the o"t"l dant, third house,fifth houseor the tenth house and the planetsthe sun, the Moon and Venus gives gambling or speculative tendencies and if Mercun, ruling analytical porver is badly placed and is under the severeaffliction of the rnost malefic planet the nativc ar^rvLJ anxiety leading to the depresulurrcurotswovrv of unmanageable a(')UUUITL UI OII account SUIIOIS on suffers sion, nervous breakdown, hypertension, insomnia, coronary disl , eases. Indications of time can only be modified with the help of the are pertbrmcdastral remedies.Until and unlessthe astral rernedies science of divine the of services in our views, the extenl of the astrology is very much limited. The planetary relationshipsgive results according to the indications in case no preventive remediesare performed' The close influenceof the lord of the eighth house during its own sub period results into obstructions. setbacksand denial of the significations of the housesand planets that are under its affliction. : The third house and the planet Mercury rules mental and intelligenceand the fourth physical growth. The fifth housego.l,erns hoor. rules pou'er of grasp and abilit.v of acquiring education' Weaknessand/or affliction of the planetsconnectedwith the third, fourth and fifth housesand the Moon and Mercury result in mental retardation. HOW TO START ANALYSIS For starting analysisof a chart, first of all rmderlinethe func-


Application ol'Prasna Astrologv

tional maleficplanetsand idcntifl' thc conjunctions or aspccts orb. Put a circlc aroundthc planctsand houscstlrat with 5 degrecs are afflicted due to the close influenceof thc functionalnralcfic planets.Noi,vyou can start the analysis. The problem is alwal's concerningthe s,eak. badl-v" placcd and afflictedplanetsor the sub periodsof thc functionalnrale lrcs fortrend resultsrelatedto the sub periods.The short tcnn problcnr is indicated by the malefic transit overthe rveaknatal plancts The close influence of the most malefic planet on the weak and badly placed planets results into denial of the significations of thc afflicted planets.The good results should be indicated for the significations of the rvell placed strong planets having close conjunctions or aspects. A functional benefic's position in any of the dusthanahouses makes it u'eak but if it is in the eighth housenear the most effective point of the house. then despiteweaknessit is good as it aspects the most effective point of the secondhouse. Caution -- Astrologers do not havetelevision and cannotgive running commentar)'. The best thing is in the shortestpossibletime indicatethe strong and weak areasin chart and prescribeappropriateremedies.


of prasna are rveakplanets and one The prime determinants or more afflictors, explainedbelow, involved in close conjunctions rvith other planets or the most effectivepoints of the houses. If a planet is under the affliction of an afflictor, the following aspects will be touched:l. 2. 3. General significations of the planet. The significations of the house containing mooltrikona sign of the afflicted planet. The significations of the house where the afflicted planet is placed.

For various ascendantsthe following planets become the afflictors: ASCENDANT Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius AFFLICTORS Mercury, Rahu and Ketu Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. The Moon, Rahu and Ketu. Saturn,Mars, the Sun. Rahu and Ketu. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu. Mars, Venus. Rahu and Ketu. The Moon, Rahu and Ketu.

36 Capricom Aquarius Pisces

Application of PrasnaAstrologv

The Sun,Jupitcr,Rahuand Kctu The Moon, Mercury, Ralru;rnd Kctu The Sun,Venus, Satum, Rahuand Kctu. SPOTTING THE PRASNA

For spottingthe indicationsof the prasna procccdas undcr : l. Identiff the malefic influcnce of thc afllictor(s) on the most effective points of various houscs and thc rrcak planets. Identifu the sub periods of the afflicting and afllictcd planets. Examinethe transit paceof slow moving or stationarl' fttttc' tional malefic planets on the most effective points of vartous housesand the weak and afTlictedplanets. PRIME DETERMINANTS OF PRASNA Afflicted Planets: Those planetsthat havc closc inllrtcncc of the functional malefic planets(afflictors as mcntiottcdabovc) either by conjunctionor aspectare treatedas afflictcd plalcts Thc dts' closeinfluenceof the lord of the sixth houseand Rahucauscs tinancral throughtheft and fire and stratncd losses disputes, eases, plancts malctic functional the of influence The close position. grvcs planct Kctu the and ruling the eighth and twelfth houses terntinationof rclatitlltshrps. major setbacks, chronic diseases, planct is u'cakartdbrtdlv afflictcd if the and obstructions accidents. problcms, fatal dtscascs lived long placed, the native suffers from and may have to undergo surgery, etc. Weak Planets:The weak planctsare not ableto protcctthcir of tltc ltouscscoltl:riltand the significations generalsignifications ing their mooltrikonasign andthereforetltc natirc sullcrs hccause of mal-functioningof health ruled by tho rvcak plancts.Nccdlcss to add that the badly placed planetsarc irrcludcd in thc woak planets. Planetary Periods: The sub periods of the afl'lictor and

2. 3.

Identitying Prasna Indications


the afflicted planets as mentioned above and the sub periods of to the lead periods sub These planetsplacedin the malefichouses. can trends irends that contilue throughout the sub periods and the be rel,ersedifthe afflicted planets are strong and the follorving sub periods are of strong, well placed and unafflicted planets' Transit Influences: The studl' of transit influenceson the the problem is inordinatelyprolongeddue to Prasna.Sometimes, the close transit influence of slorv movit'tg planets of the prasna planets. If the afflicted planets of the prasna are strong' the problern endsafter the transit impact is over. If the natal afflicted planets are weak and badly placed and the sub periods of the uffli"tot. are in progress then the problem turns into constant problem. TIMING OF EVENTS The prasnamay pertain to the significationsruled by the planets andthe significationsof the housescontainingmooltrikona signs of the afflict"d *d/or badly placed planets. Tirning of the results is worked out as per the strength of the operating or forthcoming of the rnalefic well placedlords ofthe sub periods and or separation by the operating caused been transit afflictions. If the problem has a sub period then the span of the problem may be for longer duration and can only be reversedin the sub period of a rvcll placed strong functional benefic planet. If the problem has been caused b), a transit malefic influence on a r.vellplaced or strong planet, the span of the problem may be when the causingtransit malefic For desiredresults, application of astrological ilfluence separates. remedial measuresdetailed in chapter 8 are prescribed. If the as per the native has a natal chart then the remediesare suggested natal chart. Ifthe native doesnot have a natal chart and he/shehas as per the contacted for the first time, the remediesare suggested ascendantof the Prasna.


To help pcople come out of their problcmsthc qucrcntsare advisedappropriate astrologicalremedial measures. Thc problems in life are causedby weak planetsand./or afflictions to them. Therefore, two rvay application of astral remediesis administeredafter diagnosingthe problematic planetaryinfluencesin a chart. Firstly, the strength is provided to the weak functionally benefic planets. The strengthcan be providedby variousmethods,e.g. stones, colour therapy, KAVACH (the protectiveshield containingmystical numbers of the planets) in an auspicioustime. Secondly.the malevolence of the functionally malefic planets is reduced by offering propitiatory charities concerningtheseplanets. The two r,vayapplication helps in reducing the impact of rnalefic planetary influencesto a large extent. The preventive use of astral remediesis much more useful than the curative astral remedies. Generally, people resort to astral remediesin the end after trying all other therapies ignoring tlie distinct advantageof preventive diagnostic power of the astrological science.Needlessto stress the benefit of preventi'l'c medicinelredressalmeasures as againstthoseofthe curativenlcasures. For both - curative and preventive remedies- the judicious mixture of the following astral remediesis applied. COLOUR THERAPY: This is a very potentprcvcntive remfor epilepsy.mental retardation. psl,chicproblcrns. ed-v ctc. and is practisedthrough the use of favourable colours in the matters of dress and fumishings in one's living room.

The Application of Astrological Remedies


(As per the opinion of experts compiled by a Library in Pittsburgh the grey colour of cars w'asfound to be the r,vorstin car safety.) As per our colour therapy. we had always been suggesting to avoid grey colours by those desirousofhappy living and good health. VASTU: Againthis is preventiveas well as curative therapy for solving the problems in physical and spiritual areas. Wider applications of this therapy are in the field of successof professionalventures. This is practisedthrough use ofoutlay of a building to derive geo-magneticforces for properly energising the total impact of building with the help of light, air, space and aura conducive to the main functionary. KAVACH: This is a protective shield containing mystical numbers of the functionally benefic planets in a nativity and is a measure.The weak and afflicted planets are enabled strengthening to protect and promotetheir significations. The Kavach is worn in a specially electedauspicioustime for generatingthe desired impact. This is used both for preventive and curative purpose. CHARITIES: Theseare offered for the planets causing afflictions/problems in a horoscope MANTRAS: As part ofthe meditation,the recitation of Mantras is prescribedfor propitiating the trouble causingplanetsas per the Vedic rituals. The malefic influences are effectively tackled with the help of propitiatory measuresfor the afflicting planets which are as under:-

The Sun

Give handful of wet wheat with 15-20 grams ofjaggery (Gur) to a cow or serving one's father or helprng old age needy persons. Give a doughto a cow or serving one's mother or old age women. Morning prayers for ten minutesand being considerateto one's servant.

The Moon Mars


Application of Prasna Astrology

Mercury Jupiter

fodder(about2 KG) to a cow Offeringgreen children. helpingpoorand needy Offeringonebundi laddu (a ycllou'coloured service to one's to thebirdsor ofTcring sweet) preceptor/teacher. Offering whitc colouredsrvcctto the birds or helpingladicsin distrcss. Offeringsimplcsalty foodto the birdsor helping poor.
Giving away brown coloured sweets to the birds or helping old age needy persons or lepers. Offering some food to a stray dog or serving/ helping institutions/persons working for spiritualism.

Venus Saturn


These remedies are to be performed daily in the morning after bath and before breakfast. of the significator planets,as indicatedearlier, The vveakness are madeup with the help of a speciallyprepared KAVACH to be worn by the native in an auspiciously electedtrme. For details of the design,size and mystical numbersto be engravedon both sides of the KAVACH, the readersmayplease refer to our book, "Predictive Techniquesand the Application of the Astrological Remedial Measures". These Kavachs (Yantras) get power to do good when the engravings are done in an auspicioustime as also due to a prescribed way of life. The person prescribing use of the KAVACH shoulc follor,v the follgwing:l. 2. 3. 4. Bath in the morning without any bed tea, etc. Prayersto Lord. Performanceof propitiatory remediesas per one's own chart. Practise the divine way in life - that is (l) Be content (2)

The Application of Astrological Remedies


Increaseutility to humanit-v(3) Help poor and needy (a) Be kind, generousand benevolent(5) Avoid deeperinvolvement in sensualpleasures,anger> pride. greed and enry. Continuous practice of the above principles helps in generating power for helping others to ward off evils in life and derive benefits indicated by the benefic planets in one's chart.




prospccts The professional of a pcrsonarc rulcd by the interprirnaryandsccondarl'dctorminants, play ofplanetsbecoming their placement in a house/sign,their strcngth, the influcnce of other planets over them and the operatingplanctary pcriods. The lords ofthe tenth and the secondhousesare considered as the primary determinants for analysing the professional affairs. ln case there is no mooltrikona sign in both the tenth and secondhouses. then the lord ofthe first house is consideredas the prime determinant. The planets placed in the tenth and secondhousesbecome secondarydetenninants for anall'sing the professional affairs. The planets influencing the tenth and secondhousesor their lords by way of close aspectsand/or conjunctions,act as supplementary secondarydeterminantsfor analysingthe professionalaffairs. The setbacksin professionalmatters are caused: (1) (Z) (3) (4) When the prime determinantsand secondarydeterminants, ruling professional matters, are weak. When the prime determinants of the professionalaffairs are badly placed. Significator of social status being weak or badl1,placed and or afflicted by the mostrnaleficor a functional malcfrcplanet. The close influence of the functional malefic planets or the

in Prolbssion Case Studies-Problems k"


determinants; most malefic planet onthe prime and secondary

We shall now take up case studies of Prasnasindicating the malefic influences exerted by the planetary configurations on the determinantsof professional affairs. The case studies include the charts where problems arosedue to operationof the sub periods of the afflicted planetsin the Prasnasand the casestudieswhere problems arose due to the stationary or slow moving transit influences and were short lived. The case studies also include charts rvhere the professional setbackswere aversedwith the help of the performance of astrological remedial measures. CASE STUDIES. PROFESSIONAL PROBLEMS CHART 1 PRASNA 20TH DECEMBER, 1996, 0830 HRS.
\,tsN 9.48', 58' ASDT22" ruPA" 38' sLN4"42' MER24" 15', KETU IO" T2' SAT 7o5' RAHU IO" 12' MARS I'3' KETU SAT







The Moon, Rahu The sign, Sagittarius,risesinthe ascendant. and Ketu are functional malefic planets in this prasna. Venus is badly placed in the chart and is weak. Mars is weak as it is in the state of infancy. Venus, mling the house of income, is closely afflicted in this chart dueto the closeaspectof the functional malefic, Ketu. Jupiter is weak as it is in the state of old age. As per prasna the sub period of Jupiter inthe main period of Ketu was in progress. Since Ketu is afflicting the badly placed lord of the house of income,the native was suffering on accountof lack of earningssince the inception of the main period of Ketu. Besides,the problem of income the lord of the fifth house is weak and the fifth house is


Application of Prasna Astrology

occupiedby the most malefic planet , the Moon. Thc native was also seriouslvconcernedabout the health and studiesof his two sons.The nativewas adviscdboth propitiatory astralremcdies for the functionalmalefic planetsand wearingofa Kavach for strengtheningthe wcak functionalbeneficplanctsin an auspiciously elected time. The pcrfbrnrancc of astral remedics opcnedthc new avenues for thc nativcin his import busincss within a pcriodof four months CHART 2 PRASNA I3TH NOVEMBER, 1996,IOI9 HRS.


SAT 7" KETU 13'24'

vEN 240 R-AHU13024' MARS S l#.Rs .ASDT





BALANCB DASA OF MERCURY 8 YEARS 6 MONTHS 14 DAYS. The sign, Sagittarius,risesinthe ascendant. The Moon, Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic planets in this prasna. The planets, the Moon and Mercury are badly placed in the chart and are, hence,weak. The Sun is in its sign of debilitation. Rahu-Kctu axis is near the most effective points of the housesand afflicts all the housesoccupiedand aspected. As per prasna the sub period of the Moon in the main period of Mercury was running. The priority of the native was to seek an overseasassignmentwhich was not beingachievedinspite of persistentef;lortsdueto the weakness of the planets. The other weak planet, the Sun, dcprived the native of the happinessfrom father and loss of inheritance. The good placementof Jupiter in the ascendant and Venus in the tenth house, though weak due to debilitation, made the native a chartered accountantand the well placedSatum explainshis persistent efforts. The afflictions of Rahu and Ketu, bad placement of the

Case Studies-Problems in Profession


of the lord of the Moon - ruling the easygains - and the weakness tenth house,posed all round problems to thc native. For generating prosperity, the native u'as advisedboth propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach the weah functional benefic planets in an auspifor strengthening ciously elected time. CHART 3 PRASNA 30TH APRIL, 1995, 1728 HRS.



vEN 16016' t2




sAT 27. 31',

BALANCE DASA OF VBNUS 3 YEARS 6 MONTHS. and the planets, the The sign, Virgo, rises in the ascendant Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu arethe functional malefic planets. . Saturn is placed in its own mooltrikona sign. It protects its own house qontaining its orvn mooltrikona sign that is the sixth by it. Mercury is housebut it afflicts the housesclosely aspected weak as it is in the state of infancy. Mars is near the most effective point of the house of its placementand afflicts all the houses occupied and aspected. The Moon is placed in the eighth house but asl ects the most effective point of the secondhouse and promotes the same. Rahu and Ketu do not causeclose afflictions in this chart. Jupiter is well placed. Venus, ruling the house of status, is exalted and well placed. Venusthrows light on the statusof the querent. The querent\\/asan executiveengineer'As per prasna the sub period of Mercury in the main period of Venus was in operation. As the sub period lord rvas well placed and unafflictec, though weak, we haveto considerother transit afflictions to identify the anxiety of the querent. The forthcoming conjunction of


Application of Prasna Astrologv

the most malefic planet, Mars, to the most effcctive point of the eleventhhouseand its afflictionto the second,fifth and sixth houses and Saturn ma)/ causeconcem. As Saturn is placedin its own mooltrikona sign no damagewas seendue to any disputc. Thc fast movemcnt of Mars rvas likely to clear the transit influcnce within a rveek's time and no pernanent harm was seen. Thc native rvas advised to exercise control over his temper and specch fbr one week as Mars's aspect to the most effective point of the second firouse.ruling speech,could have causedproblems for thc native. phe native was also advised propitiatory astral remedies for 'Mars in the form of morning prayers for ten minutes. As under the malefic influence of Mars people get harmed due to impulsive behaviour and haste, the morning prayers help them to control these negative traits during the day, effectively. CHART 4 PRASNA 26TH AUGUST, 1996, 1440 HRS.


sAT 12024' KET 14" 26'

RAI{U I4O 26' MER 60 I8' MOON


\EN 23057', 3 M A R S2 7 ' O I '

9"35'. 5 suH



BALANCE DASA OF THE SUN 1 YEAR S MONTHS T6 DAYS. Thesign,Sagittarius, rises in theascendant. TheMoon,Rahu and Ketu arefunctional maleficplanets in this prasna.No planet is badlyplacedin the chart. Thereis minor afflictionto the most effectivepointsof the second house by the most maleficplanet, the Moon. The lord of the ascendant, Jupiter, and the lord of thetenthhouse, Mercury,arewell placed in their ownmooltrikona signs.The native was an air hostess and had takenretirement.

Case Studies-Problems in Prot-ession


The lord of the fifth house is placed in the seventhhouse in close conjunction rvith Venus which resulted into a love marriage which u'as continuing happily. The lord of the house of fortune is u,ell placed in the chart. The native rvas enjoying good life but due to the mild affliction to the most effective point of the secondhouse felt slightly less confident about the continuance of the current status and wanted to know if she should venture into somethingto passtime as also which could be of use if there is someproblem at some stage in life. The native was advised that there is no possibility of her apprehensionsbecoming true and she should enjoy life. She was advisedpropitiatory remedial measure for the Moon in the form of offering fresh pot of water for the birds daily in the morning. CHART 5 PRASNA 24TH OCTOBER"1994.1420 HRS.



KET 20.48'


ta: lt'




BALANCE DASA OF MARS 3 YEARS 8 MONTHS 22 DAYS. The sign, Capricorn, rises in the ascendant. The planets,the Sun. Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic planets in this Prasna. No planct is badly placed in the chart. The Moon is weak as it is in the stateof old age.Mercury is weak as it is in the stateof infancy. Jupiter is near the most effective point of the tenth house and afflicts the same and the houses aspected.Rahu and Ketu closely afflict the lord of the tenth house,Venus. The affliction of the lord of the tenth house and the affliction of the most effective point of the tenth house created deep businessproblems for the native. The native rvas unableto recoverthe cost of his operations


Application of Prasna Astrology

and startedincurring huge losses.As per prasna the sub period of Satum rvas running in the main period of debilitatedMars. In vier,v of the strong position of Saturn in the prasna tlre native was advisedthat ultimately no permanenthann was seento his status. However, in vierv of the afflictions in the chart, tltc native rvas advisedboth propitiatory astral remediesfbr the functional nralefic, planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening thc weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtirne. CHART 6 PRASNA ISTH SEPTEMBER, 1996, I7O5 HRS.
sAT l0'48' KITU14" SAT KETU

8 MOON 6" 47',


MARS 11.34 vEN 18?6'



lr,lllR RAIIU

BALANCE DASA OF SATURN 14 YEARS 26 DAYS. and thc planets The sign, Aquarius, rises in thc asccndant nralcticplanMercury,the Moon, Rahu andKetu are the functiorral ets. The planets,Mars, Venus,thc Sun, Mcrcun' and Rahu are badly placedin the chart and are, hencc.rvcak. Mcrcun and thc thc as they are in the stateof infancy. Thc plarrcts. sun are r,veak Sun and Mars, are afflicted in this chart. As pcr prasnathc sub period of Mercury in the main period of Satunt rvasin opcration. The weakness of the majority of plancts.aflliction to thc Sun and the afflictionto the most effectivepoint of thc tcntlrhouscbv the functional malefic planet, the Moon, could not blcss thc native of Saturn.urd Jupiwith a goodjob inspite of the good placcnrcttt ter in the chart. The native was adviscd both propitratoryastral of a Kavach for the functionalmalcticplanctsandrvcaring remedies the weak functionalbcncfic planctsin an auspifor strengthening ciously electedtime.

Case Sludies-Problems in Prol-ession




20'c' I


asDT 12,4i' 541q2" 13' ASDT S.AT


MARS 14.47',


BALANCE DASA OF KETU 3 MONTHS 15 DAYS. The sign, Aquarius, rises in the ascendant and the pLnets Mercury, the Moon, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Mars is badly placed in the chart and is, hence, wleak. The functional malefic planet, the Moon, is on the most effective point of the house of its placement and afflicts the houses occupied and aspected.The Sun is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close conjunction of the functional malefic, Mercury. The planets Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are r.vellplaced in the chart but the affliction to the most effective point of the ninth house r,veakens their position to do good. As per prasna the sub period of Mercury was running in the main period of Ketu. Since Mercury, being the most malefic planet was afflicting the Sun, the native lvas worried for the relations with his employer and the promotion giving rise in status with the state and the ill health of his wife. The native rvas advised that he could expect a promotion in the follorving sub period of Venus in its own main period as it is well placed and well influenced in the chart. The native was advisedboth propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengtheningthe weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time. The native was blessed with a promotion in the beginning of the sub period of Venus.


Application of Prasna Astrology


sr,l.I 25034'



; i

VEN 12'43


MOONllo 24', KET 18.37'


MARS 8" 32'




BALANCE DASA OF KEIU 1 YEAR 3 DAYS. The sign. Capricorn, rises in the asccndantand the plancts Jupiter, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The functional malefic planets do not form close con' junctions or aspects in the nativrty. The planets Mars and the Sun are badly placed and are weak. Venus is weak as it is in its sign of debilitation in havamsa and dasamsa both. Therefore, the presence of Rahu in the tenth house, ruled by Venus, causedsometension to the native for his manipulative activities pertaining to the sub period of Rahu. As per prasna the sub period of Saturn was running in the main period of Ketu. As the sub period lord was strongly well placed in the chart no harm was seen and the native was advised accordingly. However. to relieve him of the tension he was advised propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planet, Rahu, and for strengtheningthe functional benefic planets, he was advised to wear a KAVACH in an auspicious time.

in Protbssion CaseStudies-Problems



'SAT I5 5. 45


MOON 2lo 38', 4


J U P1 8 " 5 8 '


MHU4"55' MARS l'51"


BALANCE DASA OF MERCURY 10 YEARS 8 MONTIIS. and the planets MerThe sign, Aries, rises in the ascendant cury, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The plansts, Mars, Venus, the Sun, Saturn, Mercury Rahu and Ketu are badly placed. Jupiter is weak as it is in its sign of debilitation. The only well placed and unafflicted planet is the Moon. The functional malefic planet, Mercury. severelyafflicts Saturn, ruling the house of income. Venus and the Sun are closely afflicted in this chart due to the close conjunction and aspectof the functional malefics Ketu and Rahu, respectively. The lords of the fifth, seventhand eleventh housesrvere badly placed and afflicted. The native was experiencing problems with regard to the educational prospectsof his son in a foreign country, his income and the disputes u'ith his employer and the health of his w.ife. As per prasna the sub period of the Sun rvas in operation. inthe circumstances The native was advisedthatimprovernent would be slorv but to reducetension he rvasadvisedboth propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional rnaleficplanets and u'earing the lveak functional benefic planets of a Kavach for strengthening in an auspiciously electedtime.

Application of Prasna AstrologY


sAT 13" 16. 19 MOON 16,3' SAT KETU VF,N MARS



vEN 28" 42', 2





The sign, Aquarius, rises in the ascendantand the planets Mercury, the Moon, Rahu and Ketu arethe functional rnalefic plansts. The Sun, Mercury and Rahu are badly placedin the chart and ar, hence,weak. The functional malefic planet, the Moon, closely afflicts Jupiter. Rahu and Ketu are involved in conjunctionsand aspects.The extent of their afflictions to the planets is very mild but to the most effective point ofthe housesoccupiedand aspected is very severe. As per prasna the sub period of the Moon was in operation in the main period of Venus. Due to the close afllicting influenceof the Moon on Jupiter, ruling income,the native was having serious differenceof opinion with his employer and was thinking of venturing into a businessof his own. Seeing the afflictions in the chart and placement of the lord of the ruling partnerships,in the houseof disputes,he seventhhousen to was advised continuein service. However, to remove the difficulties in the way of income and relationship with his employer, the native was advised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and the weak functional benefic wearing of a Kavach for strengthening planets in an auspiciously electedtime.

Case Studies-Problems in Profession



RAHU 4' I'


I uooN
JttP 26" 16',



BALANCE DASA OF VENUS 19 YEARS. The sign, Leo, rises in the ascendant.The Moon, Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic planets in this Prasna.Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu are badly placedin the chart and are,hence,weak. Venus is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close aspebtof the functional malefic, Rahu. The native rvas mentally upset becauseof the marital relationship and failure of his efforts towards earning money through journalism. Mental peaceis governedby the fifth house,whose lord, Jupiter is badly placed in the chart and is, hence,weak. The marital affairs are governed by the lord ofthe seventhhouse. the lord of which is badlv placed. Venus ruling his enterprisingnature ruling the house of communications is placed in the tenth house ruling profession and as statedaboveis closely afflicted in this chart dueto the close aspect of the functionalmalefic, Rahu.As per prasnathesub period of afflicted Venus q'as in progressin its own main period. The native u'as advisedboth propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planetsand wearing of a Kavach for strcngthening the rveakfunctional beneficplanetsin an auspiciousll'clected time.


Application of Prasna Astrology



N.trARS 23023' JUP


MER5.50' MOON l8' 51',



BALANCE DASA OF VENUS 1I YEARS 8 MONTHS 21 DAYS. . The sign, Scorpio, rises in the ascendantand the planets, Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The Moon, the Sun and Mercury are badly placedin the chart and are, hence,weak. Rahu-Ketu axis is near the most effectivepoints of the houses and afflicts all the houses occupied and aspected. Rahu closely aspects weak Venus and afflicts the same. As per prasna the sub period of Rahu in thc main period of Venus was in operation. The placementof the lords of the ninth, tenth and eleventh housesin the house of disputesand the placementof the lord ofthe house ofdisputes in the tenth house turned the professional prospectsof the native to routine and ordinary and involved disputes wheneverhe enteredinto any partnership. The good placement ofthe lords ofthe fourth and secondhousesconferredgood skills on the native becauseof which many persons\\reretempted to finance his projects and to lvork in partnership. Each time the partnership failed and the financiers earned but the native had to leavethe businessto the partnersdue to the shortageof funds r,vith him. The operating sub period lord, Rahu, was again indicative of lossesas it is afflicting Venus rvhich impelled the native to seek astral consultation.The nativeu'as advisedboth propitiatory astral remedies for the functional maleficplanetsand r.r'earing of a Kavach for strengthening the n'eak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime. The native was also advisedto make a new

Case Studies-Problems in Profession


house,Jupiter. initiative in the sub periodof the lord of the second and till then he was advisedto continue to serve with his present employer. CHART 13 PRASNA 12TH DECEMBER, 1996,0725 HRS.
slrt{ 26. 30' M00N 15"8' 16" 24' MER NP26'52', SAT 6' 51' K E T U1 0 ' 5 5 ' SAT KETU

1 2v46 i \tN

R4tru 100 55'

MARS 27'4?





BALANCE DASA OF VENUS 17 YEARS 3 MONTHS 18 DAYS. and the planets, The sign, Sagittarius, rises in the ascendant the Moon, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The Sun is badly placed in the chart and is, hence,weak. Venus, Mars and Jupiter are in the state of old age in the chart and are, hence, weak. The most malefic planet, the Moon, closely afflicts the lord of the tenth house, Mercury. As per prasna the sub period of Venus in the main period of Venus was in operation. Rahu and Ketu do not causeclose afflictions in the chart. As the not indicative of any trouble rvith regardto the sub period lord r'vas professionalmatters, the professionalproblem u'as perceivedto be the transit passageof the most malefic planet over the lord of the tenth house. The native was advised that the problem was short lived and the native's job will be done. To ward off the evil of the most malefic planet the native was advised astral remedies.
' i f


Application of Prasna Astrology


KETU VEN ASDT 12" 20' 12 q'v SAT MOON 23. 33', MARS SLTN


MARS lo ?3'5e



BALANCE DASA OF VENUS 4 YEARS 8 MONTHS 3 DAYS. The sign,Taurus, rises in the ascendant and the planetsMars, Venus, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Jupiter and Mercury are badly placed in the chart and aie, hence, weak. The lord of the fourth house,the Sun, is closely afflicted by the aspectof Rahu. Mars, Mercury and Saturn are weak as they i are in the state of old age. The Moon is weak as it is in its sign of debilitation in navamsa. The most malefic planet. Jupiter, closely afflicts the most effective point of the twelfth, second and fourth houses. The closestafflictions in the chart were of the most malefic planet to the most effective point of the secondhouseand of Rahu to the Sun. The afflictions pointed out to threaten the status of the person.The native was dismissedfrom service within Februarv. 1996, itself.

Casc Studies-Problems in Protbssion






ll sAT JUP 16" 7', VBN 29" 2' sLNr5" 12', N{ER26" 25





The sign, Gemini, risesin the ascendant and the planets Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic plancts. The plancts Jupiter, placedin the chart and are, Vdnus, the Sun and Mercury are badl-"" hence,weak. Venus and Mercury are additionally r,veakas they are in the state of old age. The Moon is weak as it is in its sign of debilitation in navamsa. The functional malefic planet, Rahu, closely afflicts the lord of the ninth house place in the ninth house,itself. As per prasna the sub period of Mercury in the main period of Venus was in operation which indicated the mental peaceof the native rvas disturbed on account of disputesand obstructionsand as the Moon is weak even the professional matters may be involved. The cause of mental disturbancewas found out to be somedepartmentalenquiry pertaining to the sub period of Jupiter in the main period of Venus. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and rvearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime. The native, who was facing suspension since November, 1993. was reinstatedin December. 199-5. u'ith the help of the astral remediesin the sub period of Mcrcury itself.


Applicalion of PrasnaAslrologv

CHART 16 PR{SNA 14TH MAY. 1995. 1152 HRS.

NL\RS I" 19'



SAT RAHU II" 47' MooN 20' :l'lt' sl.ll\t 290 KETU I I' 47' VEN 2" 55' '13'



sAT 28' ,13'



BALANCE DASA OF JUPITER 15 YEARS I MONTHS 13 DAYS. The sign, Cancer, rises inthe ascendantandthe planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The most malefic planet, Saturn,is in its own mooltrikona sign but afflicts Jhe most effective points of the tenth, secondand fifth houses. Mercury is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close aspect ofthe functional malefic, Jupiter. Rahu and Ketu do not cause close afflictions in the chart. Venus is weak as it is in the state of infancy. As per prasna the sub period of Jupiter in its orm main period was running. As Jupiter is afflicting Mercury, ruling the house of initiatirres, the native was involved in a setback in his businessdue to disputesever sincethe sub periodofthe Jupiter started. To bring him out of the trouble. the native rvas advised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional rnalefic planets and rvearing of a Kavach for strengtheningthe weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time.



The strong and well placed lords of the first, tenth and third housesand the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and tho.se placcd in the third house, during the course of their operational periods give entrepreneurial inclinations to the native. The influence of a strong lord ofthe third houseon the third. first, second, tenth and eleventh houses impels the native to go in for business for greater earnings during the course of its operational periods. capabilitiesand enA strong Sun addsto the organisational success. hance the results and The strong and unafflicted position of Jupiter and the lord of the ninth house if containing a mooltrikona sign contributes the elementof luck blessingthe native with easy success. While handling the questions whether one should venture intc a business or not the astrologer should particularly consider the influence ofthe planets governing losseson the fourth house, second house,tenth house,eleventhhouse or their lords. It is also necessarythat the lord ofthe secondhouse, tenth house and the fourth houseand the planetsthe Sun and the Moon are not under the close influence of Rahu which results into sudden sufileringsor lossesor loss of reputation and causeproblems with the state agencies.


Application of Prasna Astrology


MOON lo 57',






neHU23.49' o

23"49' l. I<ETU : sAT l" 3e'


JUP MER 26" 36', RAHU



The sign, Gemini, rises inthe ascendantand the planets Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Mercury is in the state of old age, is badly placed in the chart and is, hence,weak. Venus, the Moon and Saturn are weak as they are in the state of infancy. Rahu aspectsand afflicts the weak Mercury. The Sun, Jupiter and Mars are strongly well placed in the chart and all three closely aspect the most effective point of the third house.As per prasna the sub period of Rahu was running in the main period of Jupiter. The native was planning to expandher businessstartedin the sub period ofthe Sun with new lines. The sub period of Rahu from the house ruled by the weak Mercury however, indicated loss of assets or delayedresults out ofthe assetsas during this sub period positive developments are few. Her advancepaymentstowards purchaseof new assets both movable and immovable were being stuck. The native was advised to wait for the opportune time and she rvas advised that the results of her new ventures may not match the level of her entrepreneurial skills and ventures due to the weaknessof the lord of the fourth house and the lord of the secondhouse. The native was advisedboth propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengtheningthe weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciouslyelectedtime.

Case Studies-New Business





2 SATI2'



5' RAIil tv 24 L[4.RS




and the planetsMars, The sign, Taurus, risesin the ascendant Venus, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The functional benefic lord of the house of initiatives, the Moon, is involved in mutual close aspect with another functional benefic planet, the Sun, in the tenth house. The most malefic planet, Jupiter, closely aspectsand afflicts another functional malefic planet, Mars, placed in the fifth house. Rahu and Ketu do not cause afflictions in the chart. Venus ruling the house of financial stability is weak as it is in the state of infancy. The functional malefic planet, Mars, closely aspectsand afflicts the lord of the tenth house,Saturn. Due to the influence of the Moon over the Sun the native had started many new bu;inesses but every time his recoveries compelled him to think of'further diversification or changeof businessline. As per in operationand again he had prasna the sub period of Jupiter r,vas some businesslossesin the form of outstandingdues and thought of further diversification in retailing so that there is no credit involved in the sales. To avoid the difficulties this time he sought astral remedies. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remediesforthe functionalmalefic planetsandwearing of a Kavach for strengtheningthe weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime.


Application of Prasna Astrologv


MOON 19. 26',




]\{ARS ,

23'{6' i

ILAIJU 4" .iri

sAT t80 28', KETU 4" 38'



IW 230 42',

BALANCE DASA OF MERCURY 13 YEARS 5 MONTHS 20 DAYS. The sign, Gemini, risesin the ascendant and the planetsRahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The debilitated lord ofthe seventh house,Jupiter. is badly placed in the chart and is hence,rveak.The Sun is rveakas it is in the state of infancy. The functional malefic planets do not cause close conjunctions and aspectsin the chart. As per prasna the sub period of Venus r'vas ruming in the main period of Mercury. Mars ruling the house of gains is placed in the third house bestowingentrepreneurial inclinations on the native. Venus ruling the house of investmentsis placed in the house of income in close corf unction with the lord of the third house. The native was thinking of venturing into a new businessof sale and scrvices of the luxury items. given go aheadsignal and the native was ad. The native r,vaS vised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the r,veak functional benefic planets in an auspiciouslyelectedtime.

Case Studies-New Business



K E T U7 ' 2 1 ' sLti 3" 18', KETU SAT




lo'21' .ASDT




RAHU7" 2I'

BALANCE DASA OF VENUS 9 YEARS 11 MONTHS 2I DAYS. The sign, Aquarius, rises in the ascendantand the planets Mercury, the Moon, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. MarsrRahu,the Sun and Jupiter are badlv placed.Mars, Saturn. the Sun and Jupiter are under the close influence of the fuirctional malefic planets. Rahu and Ketu. The mutual aspect of the lord of the ascendantand the lord of the third house bestor.vedentrepreneurial capabilities on the native. Venus is r,vellplaced in the chart but is rveak due to the bad placementand affliction of its dispositor. Venus is afflicted by the most malefic planet, Mercury, to the extent of ten percent. The influence of the lord of the third house was encouraging the native to venture into a nerv businessbut the bad placernentsanc afflictions were causing the obstructions. To augment the potentialities of the weak planets the native r,vasadvised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and rvearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciouslyelectedtime.


Application of PrasnaAstrology



12 9"14' MARS

MER 14"t2' RAHU 2l'46',



BALANCE DASA OF KETU 3 YEARS 6 MONTHS 19 DAYS. The sign, Taurus, risesin the ascendant andthe planetsMars, Venus, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets The most malefic planet, Jupiter,beingthe lord ofthe eighthhouse, is placed in the eighth house, itself. It is not involved in close conjunctionor aspectin this chart. The functional malefic planet. Venus, is placed in the fourth houseand doesnot afflict the most effective point of the house. Similarly, the functional malefic planets, Mars, Rahu and Ketu, are not involved in the close conjunctions or aspect. The functional benefic planet, the Moon, is closely conjunct with the most effective point of the fourth house and closely aspectsthe tenth house.The functional benefic planet, Mercury, is closely conjunct n'ith the most effective point of the fifth house and closely' aspectsthe most effective point of the eleventhhouse. The placementof Jupiter shou'sgood inheritance. The influence of the Moon shows entrepreneurship. The influence of Mercury shows intelligence. The native u'as running an automobile service station in partnership. But during the course of the sub period of Rahu in the rnain period of Ketu. both the functional malefic planets, the business rvas slow and even the relationship between the partners was becoming tense rvhen the native soughtastral help. The native was advisedabout the operating planetary periods and their trends. For improvement in the businessand relationship among the partners, the native was advised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic

Case Studies-Nerv Business

planetsand wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the $,eak funcplanets benefic in elected time. tional an auspiciousll, CHART 22 PRASNA 6TH DECEMBER. 1996. 2018 HRS.
N,L\RS 25' I6'


RAHlJ 29.t6


vEN 22" 58',


zo'5i'R SIJN
MER9'5' JUP25"4l

2 o.lt'





BALANCE DASA OF MARS 3 YEARS 10 MONTHS 19 DAYS. The sign, Cancer, rises in the ascendantand the planets Jupiter. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The planets, Mercury and Jupiter, are badly placed in the chart and are, hence.lveak. Except the close afflicting aspect of Jupiter to Mars and Saturn to Mercury, there is no other affliction in the chart. The Moon is weak as it is in the stateof infancl'. Mars rules the tenth house and Mercurl'rules the third house.The native r,vas for astralhelp in the sub periodof a businessman. He approached Saturn in the main period of Mars. Since Satum r,vas afflicting the badll placed lord of the third house. ruling the entrepreneurialcapabilitl,, the existing businessrvas giving problems and the native was contemplating a change. The native r,vas advised of the operating planetary periods which indicated setbacksin the current or any other initiative made in tliis period. Hor,vever, to improve the propitiatory situation, the native rvas advised both astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional beneficplanetsin an auspiciously electedtime.


Astrology Applicationof Prasna


VEN ASDT23.26', II'49' RAI{U



MARS 24"22',

MOON 1 ?6" 56'

sLN 10'9', K E T U1 1 " . 1 9 ' M E R2 ' I ' 2 4 ' JUP ASDT RAHU

BALANCE DASA OF RAHU 12 YEARS 4 MONTHS 7 DAYS. The sign, Libra, rises in the ascendantand the planets MerRahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The lord cury, of the ascendant, Venus, is badly placed. The most malefic planet, Mercury, closely afflicts the most eflective points of the seventh and first houses. The functional malefic planet, Rahu closely aspectsand afflicts the Sun and the Moon. The lord of the point of the second third house,Jupiter, is near the most ef;Fective house and is indicative of status in life through the entrepreneurship. The lord of the fifth house, Saturn, is placed near the most effective point of the fifth house and exerts the benefic influence on the fifth. seventh.eleventhand secondhouses.The lord ofthe seventhhouse,though weak due to its being in the state of debilitation, is positioned in the tenth house and exerts close benefic influence on the tenth, first, fourth and fifth houses. The good influencesof Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are swept over by the close nodal afflictions to the tenth and eleventh lords. The natrve started many ventures and ultimately failed in each of them. During the sub period of Saturn, ruling intelligence,in the main period of in his Rahu, the native sought astral consultationto ensuresuccess yet another new production unit for minting the silver coins. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time.

Case Studies-New Business



SAT vEN 14.42',



21) 23' S,{T



BALANCE DASA OF KETU 2 YEARS4 MONTHS 17DAYS. Riu andtheplanets Thesign,Gemini.risesinthe ascendant and Ketu are the functionalmaleficplanets. Mercury,arebadly placedin the The planets, Jupiterand weak.Mercury is weakasit is in the stateof chartandare,hence, is exalted in infancy. Thelord ofthe fifth house, Venus, andplaced the tenthhouse.The placement of the lord of the third house the native, a housewife, to start a venture for encouraged Theplacement ofthe Moon in supplementing thefamilyincome. house,are all houseand of Mars in the second the eleventh facton.Thenativewanted to startabeautyclinic. complementary Thereason forthis ideawas theill health ofthespouse duringthe in thehouse ofdiseases subperiodofJupiterplaced position,explained Seeing above,a 'go the good planetary given. The nativeis running profahead'signalr,vas her business itably. sincethen. Thenativervasadvised bothpropitiatoryastral remedies for thefunctional maleficplanets andrvearing of a Kavach for strengthening planets the weakfunctionalbenefic in an auspiciously elected time.

rf {n


Applicarion of PrasnaAstrologv


lv{ER17"33 VEN
:6'09', SIIN uf 45' KET[,I SLN KF,TU



\r,.\Rs t
MOON 4. 57',


NI.ARS ll {5' RA}IU

28' 17',





BALANCE DASA OF THE SUN 2 YEARS 3 MONTHS 8 DAYS. The sign, Gemini, risesin the ascendant and the planetsRahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Jupiter and Mercury are badly placed. Thc lord of the third houseis in the eleventhhouseand the lord ofthe eleventh house, Mars, is in the third house. The planetsMars, Saturn,Venusand the Sunareweak.The lord ofthe second house. the Moon, is closelv influencing the tenth house. The native u'as inclined to start a new busuressunit. Both the sub period lord. Saturn, and the main period lord. the Sun. $'ere u'eak in the nativitl'. The native rvas advised accordingly and rvamod for the risks involved in repal,ment of the loans r,r'hich he proposed to raisefor buying the machinerl, in vierv of the rveakness of the majoritl of planets. Holevcr, thc native rvas adviscd both propitiatory astral rcnrcdicsfbr the functional maleficplanets and wearingof a Kavachfor strengthcning theweak functional beneficplanetsin an auspiciouslyelcctcdtime.



The property matters are governed by the fourth house and the inherited property is gol,erned by the eighth house. The involvement of the house of disputes through the placemcnt of the lord of the sixth house in the housesgoverningpropeff\' or the placementof the lords of the housesgoveming propertl, in the sixth house or the mutual relationship of the lords of the houses governing property and disputestlirough conjunctionsand the aspects indicate the involvement of thc person in the property disputes. The successdependson the strength ofthe planets. Delay in acquisitionof propert5'isindicated by the ,""uk r.s, of the lord of the fourth house and the significator, Mars. The involvement of the lord of the house of obstructions causes obstructionsand the placementofthe significator planetsin the eighth house indicate delays due to obstructions. The involvement of thc tu'e,lfthlord through placement.conjunction,aspectwith the eighth or fourth housesor their lords indicateslossesin property matters. In alJthese cases. we will consider only thosehouses which contain a n-rooltrikonasign. We will discussthe subject through the discussions in the casestudies. CHART 26 PRASNA OsTH MAY, 1997. 0335 HRS.
Ntr\RS23" 14' KETU SAT

2 6 , 1 5 ',, I JUP

KETU 40 5' s-A.T 20033',



6" 5',\EN 29'40'




Application of Prasna Astrology

The sign, Virgo, risesin the ascendant and thc planets,the Sun. Satum,Mars, Rahu and Ketu are the filrctional malefic planets.The planets, the Sun,the Moon, Mars,VenusandMercury arebadlyplaced in the chartand are,hence, weak. The propertymatters,in this nativrE are governed by the lords ofthe fourth and eighthhouses as both of containa mooltrikona sign. The sixth andt'welfthhouses, thesehouses too, contain mooltrikonasigns. The lord of the fourth houseis weak as it is in its sign of debilitationandrn the stateof old age. The lord of Venus, is badlyplacedand is in the old age. the houseof family rvealth, is badly placed in the houseof The lord of the houseof inheritance losses. The functional maleficplanet,Mars, ruling the houseof obcloselyaspects and afflicts the lord ofthe sixth house.The structions, parentsof this native stayrd in a rentedhouseand did not own any properryrvhichcould go to the nativeas a part of the inheritance. The weakness of the lord of the fourth houseand the impact of the funcfromthehouse oflosses, tionalmaleficplanet,Mars- rulingobstmctions on the Saturnruling the strengh of the native in the mattersof a dispute not only showsa delayed but obstructions and loss if acquisition there is a dispute in the propertymatter. The native wants to buy the rented property in which he is staying for a number of years but the to sell thepropertyto thenativeat any cost.fu landlordis not agreeing per prasna, the sub periodof Venusin the main periodof Ketu was for both propitiatoryastralrcmedies running.The native was advised the functional malefic planetsandwearing of a Kavachfor strengthenplanetsin an auspiciously ing the weakfunctionalbenefic elected time to expedite the acquisitionof the properry. HRS. CHART 27 PRASNA 21ST NOVEMBER, 1996,2OOO








Case Studies-ProPertY Matters


Rahu and Ketlr are The sign, Gemini, rises in the ascendant. The Sun and Mercury functional malefic planets in this Prasna' arc badh, placed in the chart and are, hence,r'veak'Mercury ruling the fourth house and placed in the sixth house is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close aspect of the most malefic planet, Ketu. Therefore,the questionsin this chart rvill pertain to the planets Mercury and the sub period lord, the Sun and the third and fourth houses.As the planets are posited in the house of disputes the matter may be pertaining to a dispute in connection with the parental property in $fiich the native raising the prasna may be activelv participating as the lord of the third houseis placed in the house of disputes. The matter pertained to a family dispute in connectionrvith the joint parental property. The early solution in the sub period of the Sun was not seenas both the main period and the sub period lord were sitting in the houseof disputes' The native was advisedto exercisepatiencetill tlie sub period of the Moon Started.Thc native u,as also advised strengthcningmeasuresfor weak and badly placed, the Sun and Mercury, and propitiatory remedial measuresfor the afflicting planet, Ketu, for an amicable settlcment in the sub period of the Moon. CHART 28 PRASNA STH JULY,1996,1800 HRS.

sAT 13'30', KETU 18"2I'


lEo 2l'


MER 190 22', sLrN 22' 48'




KETU 6 YEARS 1 MONTH 2 DAYS. DASA OF OF KETU BALANCE BALANCE DASA and the planets, The sign, Sagittarius, rises in the ascendant the Moon, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets' Mars and Vcnus are placed in the house of disputes. There are no


Application of Prasna Astrology

mooltrikona signs in the fourth and sixth houses. The lord of the house of inheritance is u'eak as it is in the state of infancy and it closely influencesthe houseof gains causing obstructionsin the matter of gains. The significator of propert-vis placedin the house of disputes. As per prasna the sub period of Venus in the main period of Ketu was running. The sub period lord, ruling the housc of gains.is placedin the houseof disputes. The nativewas facing obstructions and disputes connected with the inheritanceof property. As the lord of thethird houseis strongly rvell placedin the fourth house,ruling propertl', the success is indicatedin this case. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and rvearing of a Kavach for strengthemngthe weak functional beneficplanetsin an auspiciouslyelected time which expeditedpartial success r,vitha mutual agreement. CHART 29 PRASNA 29TH OCTOBER,1996,1050 HRS.
SAT KETU ASDT7. 17' JUP 18.34', 7 t2't5

s.AT7051' KETU I4O OI'

vEN 5"51',


M00N t4.45',



\N R.{HU

BAL{NCT DASA OF TITf, N{OON6 YEARS 5 ]\TONTHS 7 DAYS. The sign. Sagittarius, rises in the ascendantand the planets, the Moon. Rahu and Kctu arc the functionalmalefic planets.The Moon, ruling thc houseof inhcritance is badl5, placed. The exaltation of the Moon could not be of hclp due to its bad placement and close affliction by the aspectof Rahu. The significator of property is well placed but is rveak due to the weaknessof the dispositor. The lord of thethird houseexertsits influenceon the mep of the fourth houseindicating initiatives of the native for acquisition of the property. The planet. Mercury, is weak due to combustionand

Case Studies-ProPertY Matters


of dispositor, Venus, which is placed in its sign of the rveakness debilitation. As per prasna the sub period of Jupiter in the main period of the Moon was in operation. Due to the main period of the severelyafflicted most malefic planet, the Moon, andthe weaknessof the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars the efforts of the native for acquisition of propert)' were not giving results when the native approachedfor astral help. The native was advisedboth propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime for successin acquisition of property in the forthcoming sub period of Saturn. CHART 30 PRASNA 3RD OCTOBER,1996,2028 HRS.
SAT KETU zff 46' MARS vEN 5" 35', M E R2 9 ' O ' VEN MER



2 g"l7' MARS



BALANCE DASA OF RAHU 17YEARS 5 MONTHS 16DAYS. andthe planetsMars, The sign, Taurus, risesin the ascendant Venus, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The Sun- the lord of the fourth house, is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close conjunction and aspect of the functionaL malefics Rahu and Ketu, respectively.Mercury is weak as it is in the state of old age. The most effective point of the fourth house is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close conjunction ofthe Venus.As per prasna functionalmalefic, the lord ofthe sixth house, the sub period of Rahu in its own main period rvas in operation. The affliction of Rahu to the Sun and the affliction of the most effective point of the houseruled by the Sun, resulted into a propertl' dispute and loss of domesticpeaceas soon as the sub period of Rahu started. The lord of the eighth houseis strongly placed in


Application of Prasna Astrology

the eighth house and protects the inheritance and indicates the rich parental property. As the sub period of Rahu was to be followed by Jupiter and unafflicted Saturn in the chart, the native was advised that the native's property matters n'ill be protected despite the tension of the dispute causedby Rahu and Venus. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional the rveak malefic planetsand wearing of a Kavach for strengthening functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime. CHART 3T PRASNA 24TH MAY, 1995, 1842 HRS.



ASDT4.5' 43', JUP 170 SAT sAT 29. 28'


15" 33', 1 MOON


strN9" 7' MER24"34'


KETU 1I"37

BALANCE DASA OF SATURN 1 YEAR 7 MONTHS 3 DAYS. The sign, Scorpio, rises in the ascendantand the planets, Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The lord of the tr,velfthhouse,Venus, ruling lossesis placed in the house of disputes and is afflicted closely by Rahu and Ketu. The most effective point of the fourth house is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close aspectof the functional malefic, Mars. The lord of the fourth house. Saturn, is weak as it is inthe state of old age. As per prasna the sub period of Jupiter in the main period of Satum r,vasin operation. As the chart had close affliction of Mars to the most effective point of the fourth houseit was identified that the native was facing disputes in his property matters sincethe sub period of Mars. The marital rclationship was considered to be safe as the lord ofthe secondhousewas strongly placed in the chart. On the confirmation of the native, the native was ad-

Case Studies-ProPertY Matters


yised both propitiaton' astral remediesfor the ftlnctional malefic the u'eak funcplanets and u'earing of a Kavach for strenglhening time. With the tional benefic planets in an auspiciouslyelected performance of the suggestedastral remedies.the fainily dispute of the native with his brothers was amicabh'resolved.



The prime determinantsof health are the lord of the ascendant and the sixth house containinga mooltrikona sign. If the ascendant does not contain a mooltrikona sign thcn the lord of the house sixth is primary detemrinarrt and if the sixth housedoes not contain a mooltrikona sign then the lord of the ascendantis the primary detcrrninantof health in general. In caseboth the ascendant and the sixth housedo not contain a mooltrikona sign then the planet Sun, the significator for vitality, would be considered as the prime determinantof health The Sun is significator of health and vitaliw and Mars is the secondarysignificator of health and vitality. If both the prime determinant(s) and the primary and secondary significators are weak, badly placed and./orafflicted then the native is vulnerableto serious health problems. In case the planets, mentionedherein above, are strong, well placed and unafflicted then the native enjoys good health except short term sufferings due to transit u'eaknessand afflictions. The functionalmalefic planetsact as afflictors SPOTTING THE HEALTH PROBLEMS For spotting the health problems proceed as under :l. 2. Identifr the concentrated malefic influenceon the most effective points of various housesand the weak planets. Identif, the sub periods of the afflicting and afflicted planets and the significators of the health problems.

The follorving are the significators of the health problems: Afflicted Planets: Thoseplanetswhich have closeinfluence of the functional malcf-rcplancts (afflictors as mentionedabove) eitherby conjunctionor aspectare treatedas afflicted planets. The

IdentifYing Health Problems


close influcnce of the lord of the sixth houseand Rahu causesdiseaseswhich may respondto the symptomatictreatment. The close influence of the functional malefic planets ruling the eighth and twel{th houses and the planet Ketu gives chronic diseasesand if the afflicted planet is rveak and badly placcd, the native suffers and ma1'have to undergo surgery, etc. from fatal diseases Planetary Periods: The sub periods of the afflictor planets as mentioned above and the sub periods of the planets placed in rise to the trends r'rhich the malefic houses.Thesesub periods gi'u'e the trends can be reversed continuethroughout the sub periods and if the prime determinantsare strong and the follou'ing sub periods are of strong, well placed and unafflrcted planets. Weak Planets: The weak planets are not in a position to protect their general significations and the significations of the houses containing their mooltrikona sign and thereforethc native suffers planets. on account of rnal-{ilnctioning of health ruled by the r,veak in the included planets ptaccd are the badly Needlessto add that weak plauets. TIMING OF SURFACING The problems of ill health start surfacingduring the sub periods of the lord of the ascendant,lord of the sixth house, or the planet placed in the sixth house or the planet causing affliction or the planet afflicted. CASE STUDIES.HEALTH PROBLEMS CHART 32 PRASNA 4TH APRIL, 1997,2013 HRS.







Application of Prasna Astrology

The sign, Libra, rises in the ascendantand the planets Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets.The planets, the Sun, Ketu, Saturn and Venus are badly placed in the sixth house while Rahu is badly placed in the twelfth house.Rahu and Ketu do not form close afflictions in the chart. The functional malefic planet, Mercury closely afflicts the most efilectivepoint of the seventhand first houses. Jupiter is n'eak as it is in the state of debilitation. The closeaffliction of the functional malefic planet, Mercury, to the most effective point of the ascendantand the placement of the r,veaklord of the ascendantin the sixth house together with the lords of the fifth and eleventh houses caused numeroushealth problern to the native. As per prasna the sub period of Saturn in the main period of Rahu was in operation. During the sub period of Saturn the native sufferedfrom ulcers in stomacharea,tumour, bleedingdue to abortion. etc., when the native sought astral help. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional the weak malefic planetsand rvearingof a Kavach for strengthening functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime. CHART 33 PRASNA 15TH NOVEMBER, 1996, 1220 HRS.
j.6' I

26,t6', \TN 13,10 RAHU

14.39 MARS







BALANCE DASA OF VENUS 5 YEARS 8 MONTHS 3 DAYS. The sign. Capricorn. rises in the ascendantand the planets Jupiter, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The functionalmalefic planet,Jupiter.closely afflicts the Moon, ruling the seventhhouse. Rahu-Ketu axis is near the most effec-

Identitying Health Problems


tive points of the houses and afflicts all the housesoccupied and The Sun is r,veak as it is in the stateof old age and debiliaspected. tation. Venus is weak as it is in its sign of debilitation. The lord of the fourth house, Mars, is badly placed. As per prasna the sub period of Saturn in the rnain period of rveakVenus was rutlring. Ever since, the sub period of Jupiter had started. the native was suffering from persistenthealth problems relatedto heart and hlpertension. When the stationary transit malefic influences of Rahu and Ketu was exerted on their own position and the rnost health problems of thc native effective point of various housesrthe turned grave and impelled him to seekastral remedies.The native r,vasadvised both propitiatory astral reinediesfor the functional the weak malefic planetsand wearing of a Kavach for strengthening functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime. CHART 34 PRASNA 1ST JULY, T996, O74OHRS.
suN15" 43' 43' MER3" 19,06' M}IU
18" lgN l9' I5', MARS





MOON l4'39', ruP 190 23',

2 13.20'



BALANCE DASA OF VENUS 18 YEARS 1 DAY. theplanets Jupiter, in theascendant and rises Thesign,Cancer, The Rahu andKetu arethe functionalmaleficplanets. Saturn, placed arebadly planets, the Sun,Mercury,theMoon andJupiter ofthe healthis in chart. Jupiterasoneofthe primarydeterminants sign.The primary strongasit is placedin its own'mooltrikona placed, afflicted and weak. The is Moon, badly determinant, pointof is on themosteffective maleficplane!Saturn functional andafflicted. aspected andafllictsall thehouses theninthhouse in thischartdueto theclose afflicted VenusandMars areclosely


Application of Prasna Astrology

the sub of the functionalmalefic,Rahu.As per prasna aspect periodof Venuswasrunningin itsown main period The severe aflliction of Rahuto Venus andMars caused painsto thenative, whichhadspread to all thejoints. rheumatic frr vitality, of theMoon andthesignificator Thebadplacement important afflictionofSatum alsoplayedvery theSun, andtheclose partin thehealthproblems whichimpelled thenative to seek astral root nent coul d not cure the cause. remedies whenthemedicalfreafl for the The nativewas advisedbothpropitiatoryastralremedies forsrengthening malefi c planets andwearing ofaKavach functional planets in anauspiciously elected time. theweakfunctionalbenefic remedies of suggested astrological did show The performance improvement, enmuraging , CHART 35 PRASNA 6TH JANUARY, Igg4, 1550HRS.

SAT 3AT 3" 45',

,6n,?,"N, slN ?1'

MARS 19"26',





BALANCE DASA OF RAHU I 2 YEARS 4 MONTHS. andthe planetsMars, The sign,Taurus, risesinthe ascendant Venus,rJupiter,Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The planets.the Moon, the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Mercury are badly placed in the chart and are.'hence.weak. Rahu-Ketu axis is near the most effective points of the housesand afTlicts all the housesoccupiedand aspected.The functional malefic planets, Mars and Venus, are conjunct r'vitheach other in the eighth house and in addition to afflicting each other are closely afflicting the Sun and Mercury. The combustionof Venus, Mars and Mercurl'

Identitying Health Problems


wrecks their position through the transit malefic influences. As per prasna the sub period of Saturn in the rnain period of Rahu was in operation. The lord of the tenth houseis well placed in the tenth house, though slightly weak due to its being in the state of infancy. The native was working as an officer r,vith a bank. He was having multiple health problems of hypertension, weak liver, persistent stomach disorders, mal-functioning of kidney. diabetesand respiratory canal and was under great mental depressionat a very young age. The native r,vasadvised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime. The performance of suggested astrological remediesdid show encouragingimprovement. CHART 36 PRASNA 14TH JUNE.1995. 0630 HRS.





lf5l' i ' RAHU

MOON ll.




BALANCE DASA OF KETU 1 YEAR 1 MONTH 6 DAYS. Rahuand andthe planets Thesign,Gemini,risesin the ascendant the Sun, Mercury, maleficplanets. The planets, Ketu arethe functional weak. Venusand Jupiter are badlyplacedin the chartand are,hence, axis is near Satumis weak as it is in the stateof infancy. Rahu-Ketu the most effectivepoints of the housesand afflicts all the houses and aspected.The Moon is closelyafflictedin this chart due occupied malefic,Ketu.As per prasna the to the closeaspect of the functional sub period of the weak Satum in the main period of the functional Due to the closeafflictionof the maleficplanet,Ketu, was in operation.


Application of Prasna Astrology

Moon thenativehad received a severe injury in his right cye.Thenative was advised both propitiatory astralremedies for the frurctional malefic planetsand u'earingof a Kavachfor strengthening the weakfunctional beneficplanetsin an auspiciously elected time. CHART 37 PRASNA ITTH SEPTEMBER. 1996.2130HRS.
ll'4 NTARS t7'32 \EN


:" KETU l'i0,51'


MER l" 13' SLN l4ll ILTP MOON


BALANCE DASA OFJUPITERs YEARS IO MONTHS2 DAYS. . The sign, Taurus, rises in the ascendantand the planets Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The planets the Moon and Jupiter are badly placed. The Moon is weak while Jupiter is placed in its o*,n mooltrikona sign. The Sun and Mercury are rveak as they are in the state of infancy. The functional malefic planet, Ketu, severelyafflicts Saturn, Mars and Venus. The Venus is the prime determinantof the health in this case. Mars is weak as it is in its sign of debilitation. As per prasna the sub period of Ketu in the main period of Jupiter xas in operation. The native was admitted in the intensive care unit of a hospital and the query was regarding timing of recovery. Considering the afflictions of Ketu in the chart and the stationary position of Ketu at the same degreefor over a month, no real hope was given. The native died on the l9th September, 1996, morning rvhen the Moon came under the exact influence of the sub period lord, Ketu.

Identi$ing Health Problems




RA,HU 13" 12' vEN 25" 46',

KETU 13" 12' SAT 7'6'


28"41' .7' StIN

lvlooN l3'21' Jr,'P21" 19',






yEARS fArexcn rIASA ll N,roNTH re DAys. oFVENUs 19

The sign, Gemini, rises in the ascendantand the planets Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Mercury is badly placed in the chart and is, hence, weak. Rahu-Ketu axis is near the most effective points of the housesand afflicts all the houses occupied and aspected.The planets, the Sun and Venus, are weak as they are in their signs of debilitation. The Sun is further weak as it is in the state of old age and its dispositor is in its sign of debilitation. Venus is further weak as it is in the state of old age. The r,veakness of the third. fourth and fifth houses resultcd into lack of good performancein the studieslack of courage and lack of intelligence.During the sub period of Mercury and the main period of Ketu, l4ren Ketu ererting influence on the rnost effective point of the fourth house became stationar5, in September,1996- for about a period of two months, the native could not bear the burden and went under depression. The native rvas advised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and rvearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak ftinctional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time. The performance of suggestedastrological remedies did shorv encouragingimprovement


Application of PrasnaAstrology


KETU SAT A,SDT23',13' MHU4"24'
X)N N4(


1 (: (l l



KETU .1"]4'

I: VEN 26' stN t8, ASDT RAHU

BALANCE DASA OF RAHU 1 YEAR 4 MONTHS 6 DAYS. The sign,Virgo, risesinthe ascendant. The Sun,Saturn,Mars, Rahu and Ketu are functional malefic planets in this Prasna. The planets Venus, the Sun, the Moon. Mars and Mercury are badly placed in the chart and are, hence,weak. The most malefic planet, Mars, closely afflicts the most effectivepoints ofthe tr,velfth, thirdsixth and seventhhousesas also the planetsthe Moon and Saturn. The functional malefic planet, Saturn, closely afflicts the most effective points ofthe housesoccupied and aspected. In this chart the functional malefic planets occupythe angular (kendra)housesand the most effective points ofthe ascendant and the sixth houses are afflicted amongst others. In addition to this the lord of the sixth housealso afflicts the most effectivepoint of the ascendant. As statedabove, the lord of the ascendantis badly placed and weak. The severeaffliction of the most malefic planet, Mars- to the most effectivepoint ofthe third houseand the affLction of the lord of the sixth house to the most effectivc point of the fourth house resulted into the seriousmalfunctioning of the lungs. During the sub period of the Moon in the main period of Rahu the native was put on anti TB treatrnentwith no significant improvement. The medical diagnosis is that the native is suffering from

tdentit\'ing Health Problems


the lungs cancer. It is at this stageu,henthe astral help rvas sought. In such casesthe significanthelp can only be given ifthe preventive astral remediesare sought. Holvever, the native r.vasadvised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic pranets and rvearing of a Kavach for strengtheningthe weak functional beneficplanetsin an auspiciouslyelectedtime.


The problems in marriage are shown by the affliction(s) . caused b1,the functional malefic planet(s) to one or more of the :follorving weak and badly placed planets/houses The MEP of the houses signif ing marriage' which are the second, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth houses. The planets ruling the houses signifuing marriage. Jupiter as significator for the husband. Venus as significator for marriage. The sign Libra which is the seventhhouseof the natural zodiac. The rveak planets delay the marriage while the weak and afflicted planets becoming significators of marriage causemarriage problems. We shall discussthe issue further with the help of the case studies. CHART 40 PRASNA STH APRIL,1997,1158 HRS.

4'44', MCX]N MARS 'J


RAIIU 4. irl,

s.A.T 17' ?9', 4' 50' KETLT sLrN 24039'





Problems in Marriagc


andthe planctsRahu The sign.Gemini.risesin the ascendant and Ketu are the ltnctional malefic planets.The lord of the seventh house.Jupiter, is badll.placed in the chart and is, herrce. weak. Rahu-Ketu axis is.nearthemost effectivepoints ofthe houses and afflicts all the housesoccupied and aspected.Saturn and Venus are combust and are r,ulnerable to the transit malefic influences.The weaknessof the lord of the seventhhouse had dela-l'ed the marriage of the native. The onset of the main period of Ketu, influencing the most effective points of the houses pertaining to the marriage caused separation. The native sought astral help in the sub period of Rahu in the main period of Ketu The native was advisedboth propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and rvearing of a Kavach for strengtheningthe weak functional benefic planetsin an auspiciouslyelected time. But the weakperformance in ness of Jupiter came the way of of astral remedies and the problem of the native continues. As Rahu is on the most effective point of the fourth house during the sub period of Rahu without the performanceof the astral remediesno relief is seen. CHART 41 PRASNA 17TH MARCH, 1997, 1122 HRS.


N,LARS 3" 5' R/A'ItLr 40 56', MER 80 KETU 40 56' sAT 140 43',

I 28' \&lr

BALANCE DASA OF RAHU 4 YEARS 18 DAYS. The sign, Gemini. rises inthe ascendant and the planetsRahu and Ketr-rare the functional malefic planets. The lord of the seventh house,Jupiter- is badlv placedin the chart and is, hence,r,veak. Rahu-Ketu axis is near the most effective points of the housesand afflicts all the houses occupied and aspectedbesides closely af-


Application of Prasna Astrologv

flicting the planets Mars. Mercury and tho Sun. The close affliction to the lord of the fourth houseaud the Sun resultcdinto earll' death of father and the influence of Rahu on Mars in thc fourth houseand on the lord of the fourth house.Mcrcury, and thc lord of the third house,the Sun, has involvedthe nativc in an emotional relationship with a married person having two childrcn and a living wife. The person concernedhas an evc on hcr assctsas the influence of Rahu and Ketu on the lord of the fourth houseand on point of the fourth house docs indicatcloss of the most efiFective but the nativedoesnot seehis plansand is not rr illing to pa)' assets anlz attention to her mother's advice. Venus. the lord of thc fifth house ruling intelligence, is weak as it is in thc statc of intancy This relationship was developedin the sub poriod of Ketu and the rnain period of Rahu. The good placementof thc lord of the sccond house blessed the native with good family background and educationbut the operating period of Rahu/Ketu and thcir afflictions did their own job. The astral help was sought by ono of her relations but change in the circumstancescan only bc introduced with the performance of astral remedies,which thc nativc has to of Jupiter, thc afflictions perform. tnthis case,too, the rveakness and the operatingplanetaryperioddo not allow thc nativc to perform astral remediesfor deriving benefits out of it. CHART 42 PRASNA ISTH JANUARY, 1997,1415HRS.

/ r,l# l2



9'30', ]t{-AR,S 7,18 RAHU MER9"14' \EN 1z',37',




10DAYS. 8 ]\IONTHS 5 YEARS DASAOFMERCURY BALANCE planets Marsandthe Thesign,Taurus,risesintheascendant

Problems in Marriage


Venus, Jupiter. Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The planets, Mercury and Venus, are badly placed in the chart and are. hence,weak. Rahu and Ketu closely afflict Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The prime significator for marriage,the Sun, is rveak as it is in the state of infancy. The significator for rvife is badly placedThe ftinctional malefic planet, Venus, closely afflicts Mercury, the lord of the fifth housc. The functional malefic planet. Mars, closely afflicts Mercury, Venus and Saturn. The most malefic planet' Jupitcr. closely afTlicts the Sun and the lord of the twelfth houseand affliction of the fourth lord not only delayedthe The r,veakness marriage but causedimmediateproblems in the marriage resulting into a divorce. The prasna rvasraised in the sub period of Rahu in the main period of the badly placed and afflicted, Mercury, regarding remarriage and its success. The native was advised appropriate astrological remedial measures. The rveaknessof Jripiter, it this case,too, indicatesdoubts in the sincereperformanceof astral remedies.The natives are also advisedofthis fact suggested sincethe planetaryconfigurationsare suchtherewould told that and but be difficulties in the rvay of perfonnanceof the astral rernedies if they lvant benefit they rvill have to overpowerthe obstmctions and ensure proper performanceof the simple remedies. CHART 43 PRASNA 22ND MAY, 1996, I43O HRS.


2'3o', MOON


rrJP 23" ?t',

, vEN 4'24',

KETU 22" 17 s.AT 10" 58'



BALANCE DASA OF JUPITER 1I MONTHS 26 DAYS. and the planets,the Tlre sign- Virgo, rises in the ascendant Sun. Saturl. Mars, Rahu and Ketu are the functional rnalefic plap1


Application of PrasnaAstrology

ets. The lord of the eighth house is placcd in the eighth house, itself. Mercury is badly placodin thc chart and is, hencc.weak. The functionalmalcfic planets.tlrc Sun and Satum. are near to the most effectivepoints of the ninth and sevcnthhouses, respectively, and afflict all thc houscsoccupicdand aspected.The functional maleficplanct.Satum.aff)ictsthc planct.the Sun. The func. tional nralefics.Rahu and Kctu, do not causoany closeafflictions in thc chart. Thc aflliction of thc Sun and thc mostcffectivepoint of the ninth housc bl thc lord o1' thc sixth housercsultedinto differenccof opinion u'ith thc fathcr. During the sub pcriod of Mars in thc main pcriod of Jupitcrthe native developed friendship rvith a boy not liked by her father. The lord of the eighth housein its sub period gives urges for physical pleasures.The influence of the lord of the sixth house on the mid point of the seventhhouse did not keep the relationship cordial even with the boy friend. Difference of opinion persisted. The following sub period of Rahu could not give the clear cut directionto the natir.e. But as the lord of the fourth house is placed in the fourth house,that too, Jupiter, the native was tr;'ing to solicit the advice of others including astrologv for solving her emotional problem as the sub period of Rahu was coming to an end. The native was advisedboth propitiafor the functional malefic planetsand wearing tory astral rernedies of a Kavach for strengthening the lveak functional beneficplanets in an auspiciously electedtime. CHART 44 PRASNA 3RD DECEMBER. 1995.IO45 HRS.
NIARS 8' vEN 13.l4' . 2J' MER 16.45', SL]N 2E 08', MOON KETU


M00N3'55', Kml1.47'







Problems in Marriage


and the planets The sign, Capricorn,rises in the ascendant Jupiter,the Sun, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets The lords of the fourth and tenth houses.Mars and Venus, are badly placed. The lord of the seventhhouse.the Moon, is under the close afflicting influence of Rahu and Ketu. Jupiter is weak as it is inthe state of old age. The lord of the secondhouseis lvell placed strongly in the secondhouse,itself. As per prasna the sub period of the Moon in the main period of Ketu was in operation, the prasna drrectly related to the afflicted lord of the seventh house. The good placementof the lord of the second house did shor,v the marital bond in tact but the weaknessof the lord of the tw'elfth house indicated separations. The lady rvanted to knor'v when the reunion of the family was seen. As the sub periods of the Moon, Mars, Rahu and Jupiter do not shorv good hope, the sub period of Saturn was indicated as the possibletime of the reunion of the family. The native was advisedboth propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and rvearing of a Kavach for strcngtheningthe weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time. CHART 45 PRASNA OTTH JULY, 1995, O74OHRS.

.sLrN 20'44', MER0'38'




M00N 6' 42', RAHUS'57' M.ARS



BALANCE DASA OF RAHU 17 YEARS 11MONTHS Il DAYS. and the planets JuThe sign, Cancer, rises in the ascendant piter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The planets Mercury, Venus and the Sun are badly placed in the chart and are, hence,weak. Mercury is further weak as it is in the


Application of Prasna Astrology

state of infanc)'. Saturn, too. is \,veak as it is in the stateof infancv. Rahu and Ketu closely afflict the Moon and Venus. As per prasna the sub period of Rahu in its own main period was in opcration. Rahu's affliction to the lord of the ascgndantand the lord of the fourth houseplaced in che lgglfth house indicated that the native rvas completely in the grip-of Rahu's influences and was always oraving for material comforts, intoxication and physical pleasures without bothering for the morals of the society. The placementof the lord of thc secondhousein the twelfth house and the affliction of the lord of the fourth liouse did not shou' marital happiness. The querent r,vasadvised accordingly. Horvever, the native was advisedboth propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and rvearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime. CHART 46 PRASNA 2OTFI APRIL. 1997. 1424 HRS.
5 MA,RS ?3' 16


JLTP lvEN ll.5'


13' KETU4" sAT l8'58',


IBALANCE DASA OF THE SUN 9 MONTHS. tne sign, Leo, rises in the ascendantand the planets, the i rMoon. Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The lord iof the fifth house,debilitatedJupiter, the lord of the seventhhouse, Saturn, and Ketu are badly placed. The most malefic planet, the , Moon. is conjunct with ttre most effective point of the second house.The primary determinantof marriage, the Mercury, is well placed in close conjunction rvith the lord of the third house and is indicative of saving the marriage with one's own efforts. As per prasna the sub period of Venus in the main period of the Sun was

Problemsin Marrrage


in operation. The sub period of Ketu, which is involved in a close aspectwith the most malefic planet, the Moon, in the secondhouse had createdmisunderstandingand separationin the couple' The native was advised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the ftinctional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional beneficplanets in an auspiciouslyelectedtirne astrological remediesdid show enThe performanceof suggested couraging improvement. The couple was reunited in early May, 1997. CHART 47 PRASNA 26TH APRIL, 1997, 1524 HRS.

lsLNl2?1 10047 r




The sign, Leo, rises in the ascendantand the planets, the Moon. Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets' Jupiter' the lord ofthe fifth house. Saturn. the lord ofthe seventhhouseand Ketu are badly placed in the chart. The Moon is weak as it is in its sign of debilitation. The most effective points of the fourth and tenth housesare closely afflicted in this chart due to the close conjunction and aspectof the most malefic planet, the Moon, respectively.The close influence of the lord ofthe fifth house on the most effective point of the second house and of the lord of the twelfth houseon the most effective point ofthe fourth houseshorvs deepinclinations for marriage at one's own. Other supporting facand the aspectof the tors arerstrongMars placed in the ascendant lord of the third houseto the third house.The functional malefics, Rahu and Ketu, do not causeany close afflictions in the chart. The


Application of Prasna Astrology,

native's parents were caught unarl,arewhen she suddenlyannounced her decisionto go in for marriagervith a boy of her choice. As per prasna the sub periodof Rahu in thc main periodof the secondlord r,vas in operation. ln viorv of thc forthcomingsub period of Jupiterit *'as adviscdthat thc nativerr,as not likely, 1schange her mind. Hou'cvcr. to nraintainthc rnarital alliancesuccessfulthe parentsof thc natrr,c lvcrc adviscdboth propitiatoryastral remediesfor the functional malefic planotsand rvearingof a Kavach for strcngthoningthc rveak functional bencfic planets ln an auspiciously electcd timo. CHART 48 PRASNA 17TH DECEMBER, 1996,2030HRS.


[El.n'2s sLrN2'9',

10.21' KETU 6.5E', SAT 5"5',





BALANCE DASA OF SATURI'I16 YEARS 6 MONTHS 2 DAYS. The sign, Cancer, rises in the ascendantand the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The planets,the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are badlv placedin the chart and are, hence, weak. The Moon is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close corlunction of the most malefic plane! Saturn. The Sun and Mars are weak as they are in the state of infancy. Rahu and Ketu afflict Saturn and Venus by close conjunction/aspect.As per prasna the sub period of Saturn in its own main period was in operation. The prasna was raisedfor reunion of the family as the separationwas clearly seenby the lveaknessof the lord of the secondhouseand the affliction of the lord of the fourth house. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach

Problems in Marriage


for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elcctedtime. CHART 49 PRASNA 8TH MAY,1997,1025 HRS.
MAF-S 23.34'
It.4', MOON 3, 5', VEN




3'41' RA}IIJ


srN23'49 lvlER i'10'

ttJp26"27' I 2 SAT 3'tt'



BALANCE DASA OF THE N{OON9 YEARS2 N{ONTHS12DAYS. The sign, Cancer, rises in the ascendantand the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Rahu-Ketu axis is near the most effective points of the housesand Venus is closely afafflicts all the housesoccupiedand aspected. flicted in this chart due to the closeaspectof the functional malefic, Rahu. Other functional malefic planets do not causeclose afflictions in the chart. indicative of the The affliction of Venus by Rahu is clearlS, disturbanceof marital harmoniousrelationshipby the attributes of Rahu while the marital relationship is not threateneddue to the strong placement of the Sun, the lord of the secondhouse, in the chart. The husband of the native was indulging in excessiveintoxication disturbing the domestic peace. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengtheningthe weak ftlnctional benefic planets in an auspiciousl5'electedtime. The performance of suggestedastrological remedies promisedrstarted showing encouragingimprovement.


Application of Prasna Astrology


12'4I' ASDT KETU 18'17' ASDT KETU ll sAT S^AT
M E R1 8 ' 5 0 ' MOON

l3'8', ; MOON ,

suN 0'i2'


7'52'. j



BALANCE DASA OF RAHU 9 YEARS 3 MONTHS 4 DAYS. The sign, Aries, rises in the ascendantand the planets Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets.Venus and Jupiter are badly placed in the chart and are, hence,weak. Saturn is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close aspectof the functional malefic, Rahu. The Sun is weak as it is in the state of infancy. As pcr prasna the sub period of the functional malefic planet, Mercury, in the main period of Rahu was in operation. The query pertainedto marriagein which the delay was indicated due to the bad placementof the lord of the seventhhouse. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and rvearing of a Kavach for strengtheningthe weak functional beneficplanetsin an auspiciouslvelected time. The marriage of native took place on the 2nd of July. 1995, with the help of astral remediesin the sub period of Mercury itself. The performance of astral remedies give favourable results even in unfavourable operating sub periods.



This is another area in which the application of prasna (horary) astrology plays a ven' important role. A person may be missing due to variety of reasons. It may be voluntary absenceor involuntary absence.The voluntary absencemay be because.of ernotionalinvolvement, fear psyche or becauseof some difference of opinion. The involuntary disappearance may be becauseof illness on the r,vay,abduction, accident or problems r.."iththe means of communications. Such t5pe of questionsare better handledthrough prasna astrology. These can be causedby malefic transit influences. The influence of Rahu and Ketu is very important. The timing is done with the help of the separating malefic influences in the prasna. When the malefic transit influencesof the fast moving planets are on other planets in the prasna,the separatingimpact is faster compared to the stationary transit influence on the weak natal planets. The transit malefic influence is seenon the most effective point of the first, third. fourth, fifth, seventhand tenth housesor their lords. The malefic influences causedby Mars, Ketu and the lords of the sixth and eighth houseson the ascendantor its lord or any other weak and badll'placed planet result in involuntarydisappearance nhile the involvement of Rahu, lords of the third. fifth. seventh and twelfth housesmay causevoluntan' disappearance. Besides the study of the prasna, the close conjunctions or aspectsoperating at the time of disappearance or leaving the scene shouldalso be studied. Thesewill help in corectly identif ing the planct causing the event and will be helpful in tirning the return accordingly.


Application of Prasna Astrology

For obtaining the information on whereabouts.wo seewhen the significators of the infornration. that is. the Moon, Mercury or the lord ofthe third house createinfluence on the third house.the planets placed therein or the ascendant. The other important factor to be kept in vierv is the speedof the planet causing disappearance. The slorv speed or stationary position of planets delays the return u,hilc the fast speedhastens the separationeffect and rcsults in carly retum or infonnation on whereaboutsand return. The issue will be discussed further with the help of the case studies: CHART 5I PRASNA 3OTH MARCH, 1997, 1320 HRS.

4" 5r'


27-3', 8



BALANCE DASA OF MERCURY 3 YEARS 9 MONTHS 4 DAYS. This prasna was made for a boy aged 15 yearswho had gone to make a telephonecall to a nearby STD booth in the eveningon 29th March, 1997. He had already appearedin the class ten examinationsand was awaiting result. The sign, Cancer,rises in the ascendantand the planets Jupiter. Saturn. Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The lord of the first house as well as the significator for emotions,the Moon, is placedin the fifth house in the weak state. The most effective point of the third house is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close conjunction of the functional malefic, Rahu. Mercury, ruling the third house,is rveak

Case Studies-Missing Persons


as it is in the state of infancy. The functional malefic planet. Saturn, is afflicting the lord of the second and fourth houses with close conjunction. As per prasna the sub period of the functional malefic planet. Jupiter, rvas in operation in the main period of Mercury. The malefic conjunctionsin the chart rvereindicating lack of clear direction due to the influence of Rahu in the third house and the affliction of the lord of the eighth house to the lord of the fourth house. The afflicted planets, the Sun and Venus, were fast moving planets and rvereto start separatingfrom Saturn from 31st March, 1997, and,lst April, 1997, respectively. The boy returned in the eveninghours of the 3 I st March, 1997, as predicted. He had gone for fun making at the residenceof one of his friends and slept there and later could not dareto retum home due to the fear ofparents on account ofhis suddendisappearance. CHART 52 PRASNA 15TH NOVEMBER, 1994, 1901 HRS.




12 MooN SAT


/ sLrl'i 29, MER I?'3]
Vml0 Rahu2l'



BALANCE DASA OF MERCURY 7 MONTHS 20 DAYS. The lord of the third house exerts its close influence on the fifth house indicating initiative in emotional affairs. The most effective point of the third houseis under the influenceof Mars, the lord of the twelfth house. This girl left home on the 7th November. 1994. On the 7thNovember,1994, the transit Rahu was exerting its rnalefic influence on the Sun, the lord of the fourth house. The fourth house rules the character while the eighth and twelfth housesrule the carnal pleasures. In this casethe Moon was considered as the significator for retum and the return was indicated

"l 00

Application of Prasna Astrology

either when the Moon transited the ascendantor the third house as the afflicting influence of Jupiter over the Sun would have ceased to exist. The native returnedon the 22nd November, 1994. when the Moon was close to the most effective point of the ascendant. CIIART 53 PR{SNA 25TH NOVEMBER. I99{. AT 0852HRS.

ASDT28'03' suN 8'49' JUP 3'04'


24'46 MOON



BALANCB DASA OF MERCURY 6 YEARS 8 MONTHS 02 DAYS. This person did not reach home aftcr lcavirtg his office on the24thNovember,1994.Mercury and Jupitcrarc closclyafflicted in this chart dueto the closeaspect of the functionalmalcfic,Mars. Mars as a prime significatorfor health,itscl{. rras also *cak as it is in the state of infancy. There are no furthcr afllictions in the chart. In the twelfth house ruling hospitalisationthrce planets, including the afflicting Mercury are placed. Thcrcfore.the qucrent, was advised to contactthe hospitals aroundhis placcof dut1,. Propitiatory astral remedieswere suggested for the functional malefic planet. Mars. The native had fainted on the 24th Novenrber, 1994, after leaving his offrce on way to his residence and n,as hospitalised. The information about his location was receivedby the family in the afternoonof the 25th November, 1994, and the native returned home on the 28th November. 1994.

Case Studies-Missing Persons



:8.40', I MOON

ASDT 17'IO' ruP20,49',






.+ N{,AR,S







The native left home on the 22nd Aprll, 1995. Her engagement finalised in December, 1993, had broken after one year in the beginning of 1995. In the prasna the functional malefic. Mars, afflicts the Moon and Saturn, ruling emotions and the fourth house. respectively, causing mental and emotional disturbance. The Moon rules emotions and is placed in the third house. Jupiter and Saturn are very well placed in the chat and at the tirne of her disappearanceshe was running the sub period of Saturn in the main period of Mars There was no other evident affliction except the forthcoming conjunction of the Sun with Ketu. It rvas indicated that the native was phl,sically rvell and was likely to return by the 2nd May. 1995. Within a lveek'stime the to coryunctionsof the Sun and Ketu and the Moon and Mars r.vere separateand the Moon r,vill aspect the ascendant.Mercury was also to move to the seventhhouse.The performanceof the propitiatory astral remediesby the parents resulted into retum of the native on the 27th Aprll, 1995, when the Moon was on the most effective point of the fifth house.


Application of Prasna Astrology




17"55', 7


N{OON 4'39,


,11 t,20 8' lr'lER






The lords of the third, fourth and fifth housesare placed in weak state in the eighth house. Theseare indicative of poor education, lack of intelligence and carelessattitude. During the sub period of Mercury as per the chart r,r,hen transit Mercury came under the influenceof Ketu on the l4th January, 1994, the native was reportedmissing. On the l5th January, 1994,at the time of the prasna,the transit Mercury had already clearedby one degreefrom the affliction of aspect of Ketu. As the aspect of Mars to the most efTective point of the ascendantrvas going to be exact on the 17th January, 1994, it u,as predicted that the native may return on the lTth or 18thJanuary,1994.The nativereturned on the l8th January.1994. The Mercury's longitudinal diflerencefrom the aspectof Ketu was five desrees.


PROGENIC PROBLEMS Delay and denial of progeny causesgreat mental anguish to people. The reasons for delay and denial are traced through the following significators in Prasnacharts : . l. 2. 3. The strengthof the lord ofthe fifth houseas a prime determinant. If there is no mooltrikona sign in the fifth housethen the lord of the secondhouse becomesthe prime determinant. The significator planets, Jupiter and the Sun.

The weaknessand affliction of the above significators in the prasna cause progenic problems. We shall discuss the matter further through the casestudies. CHART 56 PRASNA 17TH JUNE, 1994. 1515 HRS.


ASDT 10.04', ruPllr l8' SAT



18,35', i





Application of Prasna Astrology

The sign, Libra, rises in the ascendantand the planets Mercury Rahu and Ketu a,rethe functional malefic planets. Saturn the primary determinantof progenicmattersand is placed becomes mooltrikona sign in the fifth house.Jupiter is well placed in its or'vn but weak due to its being in the sign of debilitation in the navamsa. The Sun is weak as it is in the stateof infancy. The Moon is badly placed in the chart and is, hence,weak. Venus is weak due to the weaknessof its dispositor. The MMP Mercury closely afflicts the MEP of the third house ruled by the weak Jupiter. As per prasna the sub period of Venus in the main period of the Sun was in operation. The chart promisesthe birth of a male child but the operating sub periods were indicating delay. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime for birth of a malc child in the sub period of Jupiter in the main period of the Moon. CHART 57 PRASNA 15TH APRIL, 1997, 0800 HRS.
st.rN l"2l' vEN4'34 ASDT8" E'




SAT 2 q,31'


5 MARS23"57'

4'11', 6


l0 ruP

BALANCE DASA OF SATURN15 YEARS 6 MONTHS 20 DAYS. Mars, andtheplanets Thesign.Taurus,risesintheascendant planets. malefic functional the Ketu are Venus,Jupiter,Rahuand in the Theplanets,Mercury,Venusandthe Sun arebadlyplaced weak. The rvcakand badly placedSun is chart and are. hence. maleficplanet,Venus. Rahucloselyafflictedby the functional and afpointsof the houses Ketu axis is nearthe most effbctive for the The significator andaspected. occupied flicts all thehouses



male child, Jupiter, is in its sign of debilitation. The lord of the , fifth houseis badll placed and the most effectivepoint ofthe fifth houseis under the closeaffliction of Rahu and Ketu. As per prasna the sub period of Mercury, ruling the fifth house,in the main period of Saturn was in operation. It was indicatedthat the question pertainedto the birth of a child. In casethere is no close affliction in the chart the troubled sub period lord becomesthe indicator. The native was married in February, 1991, and was not blessed with a child so far. The native was advisedboth propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planetsandwearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time. CHART 58 PRASNA 25TH DECEMBER, 1996, 1356 HRS.
SAT7" I3' KETU9'28'



RAHU9'28' f,rARs 3,4'



BALANCE DASA OF RAHU 6 YEARS 3 DAYS. The sign, Aries, rises in the ascendantand the planets MerRahu cury, and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The planets Saturn, Ketu, Rahu, Mars and Venus are badly placed in the chart and are, hence. weak. The functional malefic planet, Mercury. closely afflicts the weak Jupiter, the significator for the children. As per prasna the sub period of Venus in the main period in operation. Venus ruling the seventhhouse is badly of Rahu r,vas placed. The rveak seventhlord and Jupiter causedrveak health to the husband and lack of children. The native had gone in for an adoptedchild and rvantedto know about the health and longevity of the adoptedchild. As the combinationsin the chart rverelveak.


Application of prasna Astrology

the nativewas advisedboth propitiatoryastral remedies for the functional maleficplanetsandrvearing of a Kavachfor strengthening theweakfunctional benefic planets in an auspiciously eleited time. CHART 59 PRASNA 2STH DECEMBER, 1996,1745HRS.

RAHU8I49' 6

suN r3.14' MER23'17'



BAI,AI\'ICEDASA OF MERCURY 8 YEARS 1 MONTHI2 DAYS. , Tlre sig4, Gemini, risesinthe ascendant and theplanetsRahu and Ketu are the firnctional malefic planets. venus is badly placed rn the,chartand is, hence,weak. Jupiteris weak as it is in its ;ign of debilitation, badly placed and is in the state of infancy. Satum and Mars are closely afflicted in this chart due to the close conjunction/aspect of the functional malefics, Rahu and Ketu. As- per pr,asna the sub period of Mars in the main period of Mercury was in operation. The weaknessof the lord of the fifth houseand the significator, Jupiter, were identified as the reason for the problem in the birth of a male child and the native was advisedboth propitratory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planetsana ru.uring of a Kavach for strengtheningthe weak functional benefic plan. .ets in an auspiciouslye1..r.O,t-.. LOSSES The assetsare ruled b-vthe fo'rth house while the *ealth is ruled bv the secondhouse. Inheritance is ruled by the eighthhouse. The losses are ruled b'the lord of the tivelfth houseandthe losses througl.rtheft and fire are ruled b1'the lord of the sixth house. If




the prasna has afflicted housesor their lords ruling the assetsand r,vealthby the lords of the tr.velfth or sixth houses or the most malefic planet or the lords of the housesruling the assetsand wealth are placed in the housesgoverning the losses,the native suffers from losses. The matter will be discussedfurther with the help of the case studies. CHART 60 PRASNA 7TH APRIL. 1997. 1017 HRS.




MOON 19, vEN24' SAT 17' JUP MARS


BALANCE DASA OF MERCURY 14 YEARS 9 DAYS. The sign, Gemini. risesinthe ascendant and the planets Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Jupiter is weak as it is in its sign of debilitation and badl5,placed. Rahu-Ketu axis is near the most effective points of the housesand afflicts all the houses occupied and aspected. The planets, the Moon, Venus and Saflrrn are combust and are r.ulnerableto the transit malefic influences. As per prasna the sub period of Mercury ruling the fourth house in its oum main period u'as in operation. The native suffered a sizeableloss in speculative investments and besideslosses his reputation also rvas at stake in vierv of the close affliction of Rahu to the most effective point of the fourth house. The weak Jupiter never allorved the native to perform the earlier suggested astral remediesand to reducethe impact of the malefic transit influences and the malefic sub periods.


Application of Prasna Astrology


RAI{[,J 5. 32'

MER 2' 57 SAT VEN 2t'25' STN




ASDT]9'45' MARS 16" 58'


MOON 160 2E'


I,ETU5" 32'





BALANCE DASA OF VENUS 15 YEARS 3 MONTIIS 12 DAYS. The sign, Virgo, rises in the ascendantand the planets.the Sun, Saturn,Mars, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The most malefic planet, Mars, severely afflicts the Moon placed in the fourth house. Mercury, ruling the ascendant, is badly placed in the chart and is, hence,weak. Saturn is weak as it is in the state of infancy. Mercury is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close aspect of the functional malefic, Ketu. from the eighth house.Venus is closely afflicted in this chart due to its close conjunction with the functional malefic, the Sun. As per prasnathe sub period of the Moon in the main period of Venus r.vasin operation. Since the Moon. the lord of the sub period in operation,was afflicted by the most malefic planet, the native suffered loss of income and assets. The native was advisedboth propitiatory astral remediesfor the functionalmalefic plar-rets and rvearingof a Kavachfor strengtheningthe r,veak functional beneficplanetsin an auspiciouslyelected time.





MOON 20. 14


SLDI IOO44' MER 170 49





BAI,ANCE DASA OF THE MOON 2 YEARS3 MONTTIS27 DAYS. andthe planetsRahu The sign, Gemini, risesinthe ascendant and Ketu are the functional malefic planets Jupiter is badly placedin the chart and is, hence,weak. Mercury is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close aspectof the functional malefic, Ketu. As per prasna the sub period of Ketu rvas running in the main period of the Moon. The Moon governs the status while Ketu was afflicting the lord of the fourth house goveming the education. The native was very much worried about the detcriorating condition of his studies.The native was advisedboth propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and wearthe weak functional beneficplaning of a Kavach for strengtltening ets in an auspiciousl-velectedtime.


Application of Prasna Astrology


KETU VEN lr'34', 7 ASDT6'36' MARS4'I5'


MER21' ll', STN 5"5E' ,qSDT MARS

M00N3.25 sAT29'ls',




BALANCE DASA OF MARS I YEAR 8 MONTHS 7 DAYS. The sign, Leo, rises in the ascendantand the planets, the Moon, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The most effective point of the ascendantand Mars are closely afflicted in this chart due to the close aspect of the most malefic planet, the Moon. Venus is closelyafflicted in this chart due to the close conjunction of the functional malefic, Ketu. Saturn is weak as it is in the state of old age. As per prasna the sub period of Venus was in operation in the main period of the afflicted Mars. The sub period of afflicted Venus, the significator for vehicles,involved the native into a vehicular accident as the most eflective point of the ascendantis closely aspectedand afflicted by the rnost malefic planet. The injuries of the native \,verenot healing up even after five months when the astral remedieswere sought. The nati'r,e r,vas advisedboth propitiatorv astral remediesfor the furctional malefic planetsandrvearingof a Kavachfor strengtheningthe rveakfunctional beneficplanetsin an auspiciouslvelected time. The performanceof suggested astrologicalremedies did show encouragingimprovenrent.






ASDT I8' 25' MARS 22'16'



20,18' 8

vEN6.48', MER2l.39',

l2 1,,{OO'l

suN18,35 sAT20.54



BALANCE DASA OF SATURN6 YEARS 6 ]I{ONTHS 11DAYS. The sign, Cancer, rises in the ascendantand the planets Jupiter. Satum, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The Sun and Satum are badly placed in the chart and are, hence, weak. The functional malefic planet, Jupiter, ruling the house of disputesis in conjunction with the most ef;Fective point of the fifth house, ruling children, and closely aspectsand afTlicts the most eflectivepoint ofthe ascendant and Mars. Themost malefic planet. Saturn, closely afflicts the lord of the secondhouse. The functional malefics, Rahu and Ketu. do not causeany close afflictions in the chart. As per prasnathe sub period ofthe Moon in the main period of the most malefic planet, Saturn, was in operation. The prasna was raised for inimical relationship developedwith the son and placement under suspensionin the job. The native was advised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengtheningthe weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime. The performance of suggested astrological remediesdid show encouragingimprovement in the relationship with the son and blessedthe native with reinstatement.


Application of Prasna Astrology


RAI{U 12'35' 28',52', MOON
4 2gr1'




VEN 20"0' lEN sAT22" 16' strN29" 45',




BALANCE DASA OF MERCURY I YEAR5 NIONTHS10DAYS. The sign, Virgo. rises in the ascendant and the planets, the Sun, Satum, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The lord of the first house, Mercury, is placed in the sixth house alongwith the lords of the sixth and twelfth houses. The most malefic planet, Mars, closely aspectsand afflicts the lord of the status ofthe person. the secondand sixth housesendangering Ketu, do not causeany close Rahu and malefics, The functional afflictions in the chart. The Sun is weak as it is in the state of old of the Sun makesthe person age and badly placed. The weakness vulnerable to lossesthrough legal complications including the arrest. As per prasna chart the sub period of Saturn in the main period of Mercury was in operation. Mars was in retrogression and then had to touch the degreeof Saturn in the direct motion to clear the native from the transit affliction. All the three planets afflicted by Mars and the the most effective point of the sixth housewereto be clearedof the transit malefic influenceof Mars in middle of May, 1995. Therefore,it was indicated that the native may be acquitted within middle of May, 1995, while the cases may be fully closed by end of August, 1995, as the sub period of Saturn, the lord of the sixth house,was running upto 17th of Aufrom his imprisonment gust, 1995. While the native was released as predicted he got clearanceofthe investrgatingagenciesin the


I 13

third week of August, 1995. Totackle the mal-effects of the main period of Ketu operating from the eighth house, the native was advised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and rvearing of a Kavach for strengtheningthe u'eak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime. DRUG ADDICT CHART 66 PRASNA 1ST JANUARY,1994,2105 HRS.






BALANCE DASA OF KETU 5 YEARS 1 MONTHS 25 DAYS. The sign, Leo, rises in the ascendantand the planets, the Moon, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets' The most malefic planet, the Moon, is conjunct with the the most effective point of the ascendantand afflicts Saturn by a close aspect. The planets Venus, Mars and Mercury are combust and make themselvesr.ulnerableto the transit malefic influences.The debilitated Rahu is placedin the fourth house.Whenever,the lord of the twelfth house or Rahu closely afflicts the ascendant, the most efilective points of the fourth, tenth and twelfth housesand the planets Venus or the Moon, the native is involved in all types of vices in. cluding gambling, heavy intoxication and extra marital relationships. This native was also an addict and had suffereddue to careless speculative investments. The placement of the lord of the house of speculationsin the third house and placementof the four planets in the fifth house,ruling the speculationgave good indulgence to the native for speculative investments.The native was advised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic


Application of Prasna Ashology

planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime. The native was specially cautionedfor the sub period of the Moon in the main period of Ketu against the speculativeinvestments. The performance of suggestedastrological remediesdid show encouraging improvementin both of his problems. ACCUTE NEURO PROBLEM CHART 67. PRASNA 1OTH MARCH, 1994, IO55 HRS.
VEN KETU2" 34' ArD[ 16'{5' 12 VEN ASDT KETU

strN 25" 38', sAT il"3',

8.24' MARS MOON2r 12' MERtr4'






The sign, Taurus, risesin the ascendant andthe planetsMars, Venus, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The most malefic planet, Jupiter, is placed in the sixth house and closely afflicts all the housesoccupiedand aspected.The planets Moon and Mercury are weak as they are in the state of infancy. As per prasnachart the sub period of Ketu in the main period of the functional malefic planet, Mars, was in operation. Rahu and Ketu were moving at a very slow speedand were likely to clear their presentdegree by the end of May, 1994.They had cameinto close conjunctionwith their presentlocationin the prasnachart in middle of February, 1994, and the native had started feeling mental tension as the operating sub period, too, was of the debilitatedKetu. The native was feeling twitching in the body and this tension was not clearing from his mind as both the planets ruling confidence, i.e. Mercury and the Moon are weak in the nativity. The native.


I 15

who himself was a medico, thought he was suffering from some fatal diseaservhile all the diagnostictests were coming clear. The native was advised that his tension will clear once the Rahu and Ketu gain their normal speedand separateby attaining a longitudinal difference of 3 or 4 degreesfrom their orvn position in the prasna chart. The native was advisedboth propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the rveak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time. The performance of suggestedastrological remediesdid shorvencouragingimprovement. The prediction rvas realised. OBSTRUCTION IN PURCTIASE OF PROPERTY AND FOR. EIGN VISITS CHART 68 PRASNA CHART lST MAy, 1994, 1630 HRs.



?)t, M;N t

t2'32', \EN 0'5' KTTU

MER 18"16'


su.r17" 1'




BAI"ANCE DASA OF THE SUN3 YEARS 1 MONTH2 DAYS. The sign, Virgo. rises in the ascendantand the planets, the Sun, Satum, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Satum, the lord of the sixth house,is placedin the sixth house in its or,.m mooltrikona sign. The Sun and Mercurl, are badly placed in the chart and are, hence,weak. The functional malefic planet, the Sun. closely afflicts Mercury, Jupiter and the most effective points of the eighth and secondhouses.Mars is near the most effective point of the houseof its location and afflicts all the houses occupied and aspectedand the planet, Jupiter, ruling the fourth house.The functional malefic planet, Saturn, is near the most ef-


Application of Prasna Astrology

fective point of the house of its location and afflicts all the houses aspectedand the planets, the Sun and Mercury. As per prasana chart the sub period of Saturn in the main period of the Sun was running. As both the operatingplanets,that is the sub period and the main period lords, are causing afflictions in the chart the native was encounteringobstructionsin all spheresof life, that is, in offrcc, regardinghis foreign visits in connectionrvith presentation of his researchpapers, acquisition of property and general prosperity. Afflictions to the the most effective points of the seventh and tlvelfth houses indicate problems in foreign visits and stay while the afflictions to the tenth and second houses indicate the problems in job. Affliction to the lord of the fourth house indicatesthe obstructions in the acquisition of property as the afflicting planet is placed in the house of obstructions. The native was for the functional malefic advisedboth propitiatory astral remedies planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengtheningthe weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime. HEALTH OF THE SON CHART 69 PRASNA 24TH APRIL, 1996, 1100 HRS.
MER O" 3? vEN230 48 29.4 ASDT 22'42', MOON MARS KETU SAT





BALANCE DASA OF JUPITER 12YEARS9 MONTHS4 DAYS. and theplanetsRahu The sign, Gemini, risesin the ascendant and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Mercury and Venus are badly placedin the chart andare.hence,weak. The badly placed Venus is closely afflicted in this chart due to the close aspect of the functional malefic, Rahu. As per prasanachart the sub period


I ll

of Satum was running in the main period of Jupiter. Mars is weak as it is in the state of old age. Affliction to the the lord of the fifth housegave severehealth problems to the son. The native r.vasadvised both propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic the rveak ftlncplanets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening tional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime. The performance of suggestedastrological remediesdid show encouraging improvemerft. The fear psyche of the child was completell'overcome and he attained full confidence. DIVORCE CHART 70 PRASNA 22ND MAY, 1997,1955 HRS.
20' ASDT 18" M00N10"24' KETU SAT


27'35' JIJP

F msu

KX'IIJ 1 22'36' SAT vEN20'{7' sr,N7"43' ASDT MOON



BALANCE DASA OF SATURN8 YEARS 11MONTHS 5 DAYS. andthe planets,Mars, The sign, Scorpio,risesin the ascendant Venus, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Mercury is badly placed in the chart and is, hence,weak. The functional malefics, Rahu and Ketu, do not causeany close afflictions in the chart. The lord ofthe secondhouse, Jupiter, is debilitated and is weak as it is in the state of old age. Venus rules the house of lossesand is conjunct with the the most effective point of the seventhhouse. During the sub period of the most malefic planet, Venus. in the main period of Saturn, the native suffered on account of loss of married life due to divorce. The prasanarelatedto the secondmarriage and its success.The native was advisedboth propitiatory astral remediesfor the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengtheningthe weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously electedtime.

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