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1. Hellos and Greetings

Bonjour (Madame, Monsieur, Mademoiselle). Hello, (Madam, Sir, Miss). Comment allez-vous? How are you? (formal) Comment vas-tu? How are you? (informal) Je vais bien. Im fine. (formal). Salut, a va? How are you? (informal) a va bien. Im fine. (formal) Pas trop mal. Not too bad.

2. Introductions

Je mappelle John. My name is John. Il sapelle Peter. His name is Peter. Elle sapelle Mary. Her name is Mary.

Je vous prsente Peter. May I introduce Peter. (formal) Je te prsente Peter. This is Peter.(informal) Voici Peter. Here is Peter.

3. Good-Byes

bientt. See you soon. demain. See you tomorrow. la prochaine. Till next time. Au revoir (Madame, Monsieur, Mademoiselle). Good-bye (Maam, Sir, Miss). Bonne journe / soire. Have a good day/evening.


Sil vous plat. (svp) Please. Excusez-moi, svp. Excuse me, please. Merci beaucoup. Thank you very much.

De rien. Youre welcome. Vous tes trs gentil. You are very nice. Je suis dsol. Im sorry. C'est pas grave. Thats all right.


Jai une rservation au nom de Girad. I have a reservation in the name of Girad. Je voudrais rester 3 nuits. I want to stay 3 nights. Je voudrais une chambre pour deux personnes. Id like a bedroom for 2. quelle heure est le petit djeuner? At what time is the breakfast served? Est-ce que vous pouvez me rapeller a sept heures? Could you wake me up at 7:00 oclock? Est-ce que vous pouvez menvoyer une serviette? Could you send me a towel, please? La television ne marche pas. The TV is not working. Il ny a pas de papier higienique dans ma chambre. There is no toilet paper in my bedroom. u est la piscine de lhotel? Where is the swimming pool? u est le restaurant? Where is the restaurant? Est-ce que vous pouvez appeller un taxi pour moi? Could you call a cab for me? Est-ce quil y a un message por moi?

Is there any message for me?


Jai besoin dun mdecin. Ineedmedicalhelp. uestlinfirmire? Whereisthenurse? Cestuneemergence! Itsanemergency! Jaimalletomac. Mystomachhurts/Ihavestomachache. Jaimallatte. Ihaveaheadache. Jetranspirebeaucoup. Imsweatingalot. Jaidelafivre. Ihavefever. Jesuisalergiquelaspirine. Imallergictoaspirin. Jaibesoindaide! Ineedhelp! Jesuisdiabetique. Imdiabetic. Jaimallagorge. Mythroathurts. Jailenezbouch.

Ihavealotofcongestion. Jaibesoinduneambulance. Ineedanambulance Il/Elleauneattaquecardiaque. He/Sheishavingaheartattack. Jenrretepasdetousser. Icantstopcoughing. Jesuisenceinte. Impregnant.

All? Hello? All,HotelParis,Marielappareil. Hello,HotelParis,Peterspeaking. Bonjour.JevoudraisparlerM.Martin,silvousplat. Goodday.IwouldliketospeaktoMr.Martin,please. Cestdelapartdequi? Whoisthat? CestJean. ThisisJean. Ilestenligne.Vouspatientez? Heisbusyontheotherline.Wouldyouliketowait? Ilnestpasl. Heisnothere.

Uneminute,svp. Oneminute,please. Nequittezpas,jevouslepass. Pleasehold,Iwilltransferyourcall. Est-cequejepeuxluilaisserunmessage? CanIleaveamessageforhim/her?

Combienacote? Howmuchisthis? Oestlacabinedessayage. Whereisthefittingroom? Ya-t-ilundiscont? Isthereanydiscount? Acceptez-vousdescartesdecrdit? Doyouacceptcreditcards? Avez-vousunetailleplusgrande? Doyouhavealargesize? Avez-vousunetaillepluspetite? Doyouhaveasmallersize? Pouvez-vouslenveloppercommecadeau? Canyouwrapitasgift? Ceschaussuressontserres. Theseshoesaretight. Quelestmontotal?


Vousariezunetablepourdeuxpersonnes? Wouldyouhaveatablefor2? JaireservunetableaunomdeGirad. IhaveatablereservedinthenameofGirad. Garon!/Monsieur!/Mademoiselle! Waiter! Qu-estcequevousvoudraismanger? Whatwouldyouliketoeat? Vousavezfaim? Areyouhungry? Qu-estcequevousvoulezboire? Whatwouldyouliketodrink? Qu-estcequevousnousproposez? Whatdoyourecommend? Jevoudraiscommandermaintenant. Iwouldliketoordernow. Lemenu,svp. Themenu,please! Ladition,svp. Thebill(check),please.


CouldIhaveyourtelephonenumber? Onpeutsevoirdemain? Canweseeeachothertomorrow? Tumemanques. Imissyou. Mariememanque. ImissMarie. Tuestrsbeauaujourdhui.(toaman) Tuestrsbelleaujourdhui.(toawoman) Youareverybeautifultoday. Jetaime. Iloveyou. Jetaimecommeunefolle(toaman). Jetaimecommeunfou(toawoman). Iloveyoulikeacrazyone. Jenepeuxpasvivresanstoi. Icantlivewithoutyou. Excusez-moidetavoirbless. Iamsorrytohavehurtyou.

English alligator ant bat bear bee French alligator fourmi chauve-souris ours abeille

bull butterfly cat cow crab crocodile dog dolphin duck eagle elephant giraffe gorilla hen horse kangaroo lamb lion lobster monkey mosquito ox parrot penguin pig rat rooster shark sheep shrimp snake tiger turkey turtle whale wolf

taureau papillon chat vache crabe crocodile chien dauphin canard aigle lphant giraffe gorille poule cheval kangourou agneau lion langoustine singe moustique boeuf perroquet pingouin porc rat coq requin mouton crevette serpent tigre dinde tortue baleine loup

English Ankle Arm Back Beard Belly Bones Brain Cheek Chest Chin Ear Eyes Face Feet Foot Forehead Hair Hand Head Heart Knee Leg Lips Mouth Muscles Mustache Neck Nose Skin Teeth Thigh Throat Tongue Tooth French LaCheville LeBras LeDos LaBarbe LeVentre LOs LeCerveau LaJoue LaPoitrine LeMenton L'Oreille L'Oeil LeVisage LesPieds LePied LeFront LesCheveux LaMain LaTte LeCoeur LeGenou LaJambe LesLvres LaBouche LesMuscles LaMoustache LeCou LeNez LaPeau LesDents LaCuisse LaGorge LaLangue LaDent

English accelerator airfilter antenna antifreeze battery belt bike brake car engine exhaustpipe headlight hood horn jack jumpercables key mirror motorcycle muffler oilfilter pickuptruck plate sidemirror sparetire steeringwheel tank tire truck trunk vehicle wheel French lacclrateur lefiltreair lantenne lantigel labatterie laceinture levlo lefrein lavoiture lemoteur lepotd'echappement lephare lecapot leklaxon lecric lepullovercbles laclef(cl) lemiroir lamoto lesilencieux lefiltred'huile lecamionette leplat lemiroirlatral larouedesecours levolant lerservoir lepneu lecamion letronc levhicule laroue

English artichoke asparagus beans beet broccoli cabbage carrot cauliflower celery chickpeas corn cucumber eggplant garlic greenbean leek lentils lettuce mushroom onion parsley potato pumpkin radish soybeans spinach tomato turnips zucchini French l'artichaut l'asperge lesharicots labetterave lebroccoli lechou lacarotte lechou-fleur lecleri lepoischiches lemais leconcombre l'aubergine l'ail l'haricotvert lepoireau leslentilles lalaitue lechampignon l'oignon lepersil lapommedeterre lepotiron leradis lesoja lespinards latomate lesnavets lacourgette

English bacon barbecue French lelard lebarbecue

beef chicken chickenbreast chickenwings crab duck eggs fish ham hamburger hot-dog lobster meat meatballs pork ribs salami salmon sausage shrimps steak tuna turkey veal

leboeuf lepoulet leblancdepoulet lesaillesdepoulet lecrabe lecanard lesoeufs lespoissons lejambon l'hamburger lehotdog lalangoustine laviande lesboulettesdeviande leporc lesnervures lesalami lessaumons lasaucisse lescrevettes lebifteck lethon ladinde leveau


English Armchair Candle Ceiling Chair Coffeetable Curtain Sofa

French lefauteuil lebougie leplafond lachaise latabledecaf lerideau ledivan

Fireplace Firewood Floor Lamp Pillows Rugs Saladbowl Tablecloth Telephone Television Vase Wall Window

lechemine leboisdechauffage leplancher lalampe lesoreillers lecouvertures lesaladier lanappe letlphone latlvision levase lemur lafentre

English auditorium binder board book calculator calendar class clock computer desk diary/organizer envelope eraser field gym/gymnasium homework lecture library map organizer pen French lasalle lareliure lepanneau lelivre lacalculatrice lecalendrier laclasse l'horloge l'ordinateur lebureau l'organisateur l'enveloppe lagommeeffacer lechamp lagymnastique laleon laconference labibliotque lecroquis l'agenda lestylo

pencil presentation principal projector reading rubberband ruler school screen sharpener stamp stapler teacher

lecrayon laprsentation ledirecteur leprojecteur lalecture labandelastique largle l'cole l'cran l'affteuse letimbre l'agrafeuse leprofesseur

English Blender Broom Cabinet Cloth Cup Detergent Dishwasher Faucet Fork Freezer Fryingpan Glass Grater Iron Knife Microwave Mixer Napkin Oven Refrigerator Saucepan French lemlangeur lebalai lecabinet letissu latasse ledtergent lelave-vaisselle lerobinet lafourchette leconglateur lapote leverre larpe lefer lecouteau lemicro-ondes lemlangeur laserviette lefour lerfrigrateur lacasserole

Sink Spoon Stove Teapot Toaster Wineglass English backyard balcony barbecue basement bathroom bedroom ceiling chimney closet deck door doorbell garage garden kitchen lawn livingroom mailbox patio porch roof stairs swimmingpool window

l'vier lacuillre lefourneau lathire letoster leverredevin French larrire-cour lebalcon lebarbecue lesous-sol lasalledebains lachambrecoucher leplafond lachemine lecabinet laplateforme laporte lasonnette lagarage lejardin lacuisine lapelouse lesalon laboteauxlettres lepatio laporche letoit lesesclaliers lapiscine lafentre


English apple apricot avocado French lapomme l'abricot l'avocat Listen

banana blackberry blueberry cherry fig grapes guava lemon tangerine mango melon orange passionfruit peach pear pineapple plum raspberry strawberry watermelon

labanane lamre lamyrtille lacerise lafigue lesraisins lagoyave lecitron lamandarine lamangue lemelon l'orange lefruitdelapassion lapche lapoire l'ananas laprune laframboise lafraise lapastque


English Aunt Boy Boyfriend Brother Brother-in-law Cousin(female) Cousin(male) Daughter Family Father Father(informal) Father-in-law Friend(female)

French latante/latata legaron lepetitami lefrre lebeau-frre lacousine lecousin lafille lafamille lepre lepapa lebeau-pre l'amie

Friend(male) Girl Girlfriend Granddaughter Grandfather Grandmother Grandson Husband Mother Mother(informal) Mother-in-law Sister Sister-in-law Son Stepfather Stepmother Uncle Wife

l'ami lafille lapetiteamie lapetitefille legrand-pre lagrand-mre lepetit-fils lemari lamre lamaman labelle-mre lasoeur labelle-soeur lefils lebeau-pre labelle-mre l'oncle/letonton l'pouse

English beer champagne cocktail coffee cognac gin greentea juice lemonade liquor milk orangejuice rum soda tea tonicwater French labire lechampagne lecocktail lecaf lecognac lagenivre lethvert lejus lacitronnade laboissonalcoolis lelait lejusdorange lerhum lasoude leth leautonique

vodka water whiskey wine-red wine-white

lavodka leau lewhisky levinrouge levinblanc

English applepie cake candy carrotcake cheesecake chocolate chocolatecake chocolatemousse cookies crepe custard donuts fruitsalad icecream jello lemoncake meringue muffins pie pudding French latarteauxpommes legteau lasucrerie legteaudecarotte legteauaufromage lechocolat legteaudechocolat lamoussedechocolat lesbiscuits lacrepe lacrme lesbutes lasaladedefruits lacrmeglace lagelatine legteaudecitron lameringue lespetitspains latarte leflan

English backpack belt bikini blouse boots French lebaluchon laceinture lebikini lechemisier lesbottes

briefcase cap coat dress earrings gloves hat jacket jeans leatherjacket luggage mini-skirt necklace panties pajamas pants ring sandals scarf shirt shoes shorts skirt slippers sneakers socks suit sweater tie tuxedo wallet

laserviette lechapeau lemanteau larobe lesbouclesd'oreille lesgants lechapeau laveste lejeans lavesteencuir lebagage lamini-bordent lecollier lesculottes lespyjamas lepantalon lanneau lessandales lcharpe lachemise leschaussures leshorts lajupe lespoussoirs lesespadrilles leschaussettes lecostume lechandail lacravate lesmoking lapochette

English airport bakery bank French laroport laboulangerie labanque

bar bookstore church coffeeshop drycleaners gymnasium hairsaloon hospital hotel kindergarten library movietheater museum pharmacy postoffice restaurant school stadium store market theater toystore university zoo

lebar lalibrairie lglise lecaf lenettoyage legymnase lecoiffeur lhpital lhtel lejardin labiblioteque lecinema lemuse lapharmacie laposte lerestaurant lcole lestade lamagasin lemarch lethtre lemagasindejouets luniversit lezoo

English bridge building busstop corner crossroads dangerouscurve detour firestation highway house French lepont lebtiment l'arrtd'autobus lecoindelarue lecarrefour lacourbedangereuse ledtour lastationdepompiers laroute lamaison

lane mailbox park parkinglot pedestrians plaza policedepartment road schoolzone sidewalk street sign toll trafficsignal two-waystreet

laruelle laboteauxlettres leparc lesortdestationnement lespitons laplace ledpartementdepolice laroute lazoned'cole letrottoir larue lesigne lepage lefeurouge laruebi-directionnelle

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