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Algos already implemented in your research paper:

1. PageRank Algorithm (PR) 2. Iterative Method o Page Rank !. "eighted Page Rank Algorithm ("PR) #. Page $ontent Rank Algorithm (P$R) %. Page $lassi ication and Importance $alculation &. 'I() Algorithm

Algos you have to implement additionally in my thesis and I am sending you research paper related to these topics:
*. "eighted Page $ontent Rank ("P$R) +. (opic sensitive ,eighted page rank 9. "e- Mining .sing Page Rank (PR) Algorithm /ased on 0enetic Relation Algorithm

Algos you have to implement additionally in my thesis according to a-ove paper o genetic algo:
11. "e- Mining .sing Page $ontent Rank (P$R) Algorithm /ased on 0enetic Relation Algorithm 11."e- Mining .sing "eighted Page Rank("PR) Algorithm /ased on 0enetic Relation Algorithm

Can you implement all these new algos???? And finally comparing the performance with outputsthat which algorithm is better than which?

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