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Case Study Spring 2013

Language Skills of 6-10 year Olds YES 1. Language is, for the most part, grammatically correct 2. Understands language well enough to "get" the humor in simple riddles and jokes. (E amples! ". #ncreasingly uses words, rather than physical action, when disagreeing with adults and other children. $. %ay use slang and profanity, mainly for attention& may find "'athroom talk" funny. (. )peaks more than one language fluently. *. +dults in child,s family are 'i-lingual. .. Enjoys reading "chapter 'ooks" ( 'ooks of some length!. (E amples! /. 0re1uently "e aggerates" the truth. 2. Enjoys writing simple letters or e-mail messages to friends. 13. 4emonstrates knowledge of the "pragmatics " of language. (E amples! 13. )peech is difficult to understand for someone who does not know the child 5ery well. 11. )peech is fluent, with a minimum of repeats or pauses. 12. Understands and carries out multiple step instructions (up to ( steps! 1". 4escri'es personal e periences in great detail. (E amples! 1$. 6arries on a con5ersation, with appropriate turn-taking and appropriate responses. 1(. 6hild,s 5oca'ulary de5elopment is at age le5el. Summary of the school age child's language develo ment! 4escri'e the strategy7materials you used to further in5estigate the school age child,s language de5elopment. 4ocument your results (description, materials, photo, etc.! NO

"ognitive Skills in the "oncrete O erations Stage 1. 6lassification and 6lass #nclusion8 #n5estigate the child,s a'ility to sort and classify o'jects. 9ou may use geometric shapes as :iaget did, 'ut it might 'e more interesting to use a set of classification materials you design and make. #f you design and make a set of materials, you may use this task as your "e tra" cogniti5e de5elopment task and document it at the end of this section. 2. ;he a'ility of school age children to "conser5e" se5eral commodities (from lumps of playdoh to weight of o'jects! was first in5estigated 'y <ean :iaget and the e periments ha5e 'een replicated 'y se5eral other researchers. ;he a'ility to conser5e is one indicator of the le5el of thinking of a school age child. #f you like, test the child you are working with on one or more conser5ation tasks. #f you design and make the materials, you may use them for your "e tra" task for cogniti5e de5elopment and you must document your e periment at the end of this section. ". 4e5ise a task to check the critical thinking (i.e. pro'lem sol5ing! skills of the child. 4escri'e the task as well as the child,s response(s!. (+n e ample of a task may 'e to put something up in a high spot and ask the child how he7she might get it down& you may make the task more difficult 'y asking them to do it without the use of the o'5ious tools such as chairs or ladders.! $. 4e5ise a task to test the memory skills of the child you are working with. Either 'efore or after you conduct your "test", ask the child what strategies he7she uses to help in remem'ering things. )ummari=e these strategies along with the child,s performance on your task. (. +sk the child to copy "patterns" you ha5e made using the following materials and document how closely the child,s work resem'les yours8 a. manipulati5e 'locks (e.g. lego 'locks, wooden ta'le or floor 'locks, etc! '. colored 'eads on a string c. par1uetry 'locks



*. 4e5ise tasks to test the child,s knowledge of the following concepts. #f you make your own materials for the task, you may count it as your "e tra" task for cogniti5e de5elopment and document it at the end of this section. a. %oney concepts '. ;ime concepts .. #nter5iew the child,s parent(s! and ask (in general! how the child does in school. 4oes he7she seem to like school> ?ow are his7her grades> @hat su'ject areas might the child struggle a 'it with> ?as he7she sought help in those areas> ?ow do the parents help to moti5ate the child to do well in school> 4escri'e Aardner,s "multiple intelligence" theory to the parents and ask them to discuss which of these types of intelligence their child e hi'its. Summary of the school age child's cognitive develo ment! 4escri'e the strategy7materials you used to further in5estigate the school age child,s cogniti5e de5elopment. 4ocument your results (description, materials, photo, etc.!



#otor Skills of a 6-$ year old 1. 6an completely dress self with indoor and outdoor clothes. 2. 6hild,s mo5ements appear "fluid" and coordinated. ". 6an jump a'out three feet hori=ontally and a'out one foot 5ertically. $. 6an throw and catch a 'all much like an adult would (i.e. with two hands! (. Enjoys a 5ariety of 5igorous physical (gross motor! acti5ities (4escri'e! *. Enjoys a 5ariety of fine motor acti5ities. (4escri'e! .. 6an throw a smaller 'all a'out BBBBBBBBBB feet. /. :articipates eagerly in competiti5e games. (4escri'e! 2. +rms and legs are growing at a faster pace than rest of 'ody. (can tell 'y child,s appearance if he7she has 'egun the growth spurt! 13. 4eli'erately and confidently writes letters and num'ers. (:ro5ide descriptions7e amples! 11. Engages in "rough and tum'le" play with peers. (4escri'e! 12. :ractices new skills o5er and o5er to perfect them. (ask child how he7she learns new things or o'ser5e this! 1". 6hild is appro imately the same si=e as his7her peers. (4escri'e!



Summary of the school age child's hysical%motor develo ment!

4escri'e the strategy7materials you used to further in5estigate the school age child,s physical7motor de5elopment. 4ocument your results (description, materials, photo, etc.!

Social Skills of "hildren 6-10 years of age 1. E periences sudden "mood swings"8 may 'e "'est of friends" one minute and "worst of enemies" the ne t. (4escri'e! 2. )pends less time with parents as peer circle e pands. ". %akes friends easily, 'ut keeping them is more difficult. (4iscuss friendship with child-how do they make friends, what happens if they disagree with a friend, etc.! $. ?as a few "'est friends". (4escri'e! (. 6hild has friends from a 5ariety of cultural groups. (4escri'e! *. Ceeds and seeks adult appro5al, reassurance, and praise. (4escri'e! .. ?as difficulty 'eing corrected 'y adults or peers. (4escri'e! /. ?as difficulty losing at games. 2. ?as a good sense of self esteem. (ask the child to get a sense of his7her "categorical self" as well as their feelings a'out percei5ed talents and shortcomings! 13. #ncreasingly a'le to share, though still possessi5e a'out toys 'ooks, parents and friends. (4escri'e! 11. Eager for the teacher,s attention and praise. (4escri'e! 12. %ay e5en e aggerate "hurts" (physical or psychological! to get a teacher or caregi5er,s attention Summary of the school age child's social develo ment!



4escri'e the strategy7materials you used to further in5estigate the school age child,s social de5elopment. 4ocument your results (description, materials, photo, etc.!

Emotional Skills of 6-10 year olds 1. %ay 'e fearful of thunderstorms, monsters, the dark, unidentified noises, dogs, etc. (6haracteri=e fears as either "realistic" (e.g. a ro''er! or "unrealistic" (e.g. a monster! 2. 6annot tolerate 'eing corrected or losing at games& often goes "all to pieces"& may sulk, cry, refuse to play or rein5ent rules to suit his7her purpose. (4escri'e! ". Easily disappointed and frustrated 'y self-percei5ed failure& intolerant of own "imperfections". (4escri'e! (. +n ious to please, and seeks adult appro5al, reassurance, and praise& seeks attention in more su'tle ways toward end of de5elopmental stage (at a'out / or 2 years of age! *. +cceptance 'y peer group is 5ery important& self esteem is greatly dependent upon it. (4escri'e! .. 6hild has a good understanding of emotions-'oth those he7she e hi'its and those shown 'y other children and adults (if you design materials to in5estigate this, you may use this as your "e tra" task for emotional de5elopment and document it at the end of this section! /. 6hild is a'le to gi5e strategies he7she might use to "manage" emotions in a socially accepta'le manner.



2. 6hild has the perception that he7she is in control of rather than controlled 'y emotions Summary of school age child's emotional develo ment!

4escri'e the strategy7materials you used to further in5estigate the school age child,s emotional de5elopment. 4ocument your results (description, materials, photo, etc.!

Language skills of 6-10 year olds 1. 9es

2. 9es- DD. ". 9es $. 9es (. Co *. Co .. 9es- Lego Cinjago series /. 9es2. 9es- @riteEs simple jokes to my sister on a chalk 'oard for her to see when she comes home to 5isit. 13. 9es- )peaks differently to me during different games. #f #Em a =om'ie he yells and speaks aggressi5ely, #f #Em a team mem'er, he speaks in encouraging, friendly tones. Uses facial e pressions and hand gestures to detail stories. Fephrases sentence when misunderstood. 11. 9es7 Co depends on le5el of e citement. ;ends to get ahead of himself when speaking while playing. )peaks slowly and clearly during one on one con5ersation. 12. 9es with guidance. #s unlikely to follow multiple steps on his own without getting distracted. 1". 9es- 4escri'es and re-enacts many different e periences, some of which are e aggerated or make 'elie5e. GEloise pinched me 'ecause # took her pink church coat and wouldnEt gi5e it 'ack. )he pinched me right here, like this. #t was really hard. #t 'led.H 1$. 9es, in a calm setting. @ill descri'e his school day in detail if talking to one or two people, tends to get distracted if more people are around. 1(. 9es +sked him to share stories o5er dinner time. Arayson enjoys making up, writing, and illustrating his own stories with the help of my 'oyfriend Irian. # sat in on their 'ook writing acti5ity, listening and documenting AraysonEs suggestions, while paying attention to structure, descripti5e words, and word placement.

Emotional Skills1. D

2. Co, handles corrects and losing well. 4oes not pout, whine, or cry. Aenerally if corrected, Arayson chooses to laugh it off or shyly accept the correction and mo5e on. @ill slap his forehead and say GJh yeahKH and then continue with the correction as if nothing had happened. ". Co. Arayson sometimes struggles remem'ering how to spell words he has spelled se5eral times 'efore. ?e shows some hints of frustration 'ut will sound words out. )hows pride in his a'ility to spell out words 'y sounding them out. $. Co, since Arayson is the youngest in this family, our con5ersation tends to focus around him and his stories and opinions. Arayson is generally happy to 'e center of attention. 4oesnEt seem to notice adult opinion. (. Co, Arayson gets along well with children of all ages. )hows self-confidence in most situations. AraysonEs friend +dam, also si , joined Arayson and IrianEs 'ook writing session. Arayson likes to sit ne t to Irian whene5er possi'le. @hen +dam sat 'etween Arayson and Irian. Arayson said, G # like to sit ne t to IrianH, and mo5ed his chair to the other sider rather than arguing with +dam a'out where he was sitting. (&hoto '! *. Co, Arayson does not seem to show any signs of an iety or self esteem issues due to peer appro5al. ?e has many friends, 'ut has yet to settle into a true group. .. 9es, when asking Arayson a'out his friends, he told me a'out the time his cousin ?a5en came to spend the night. ?a5en got sick and threw up in the middle of the night. Arayson descri'ed feeling 5ery sad and upset 'ecause ?a5en was sick and would ha5e to go home. ?e descri'ed 'eing worried she would 'e sick for a long time. /. Co. 2. Co. # would normally say yes, 'ut # think Arayson has figured out that 'ecause his si'lings are so much older, family e5ents tend to focus around him and his needs. #f Arayson doesnEt want to do something such as a taking a family photo, he will pout and whine. ?e does not understand that the photo is important to the family, and is not used to not ha5ing his needs 'eing a num'er one concern. @hen asked why he chose to act like this, he will insist that he was just so sad he had too. ?e tends to act off and 'lame his emotions more than control them. (See &hoto 1!

#otor Skills 1. 9es 2. 9es

". 9es $. 9es (. 9es- Arayson plays ;-'all and soccer in group leagues with other children. ?e also spends a lot of time at home playing 'asket'all in the dri5eway or 'ase'all in the 'ack yard. *. 9es- Arayson likes to play typing and math games on the computer. ?e hasnEt learned correct typing skills, 'ut can pluck the right letters and num'ers, as well as use the arrow keys. ?e also likes to make picture scenes with small foam cutouts on paper. .. Cot measured, across the a5erage family room. /. 9es- ;-'all, )occer, likes races or acti5ities in5ol5ing 'eing timed. 2. Co o'ser5ed 13. 9es (&hoto (! 11. 9es- Arayson is 5ery rough and tum'le, his fa5orite acti5ity is hunting down =om'ies, monsters, ghosts, and 'ad guys, all of which are normally me. +ny chance he gets Arayson likes to tackle me and yell G# AJ; ?EFK # AJ; ?EFKH 12. 9es- Arayson has a spelling 'ack that he writes the alpha'et, followed 'y all of the family names e5ery morning. #tEs part of his daily routine. ?e writes +-L, 1-13, +manda, +shley, %om, 4addy, ;ony, ;eri, Irian, <ake, Fipley, and 0inn (our dogs! 1". 9es- Arayson is neither short nor tall for his age. Social Skills 1. 9es- Arayson can get dramatic if he is enjoying an acti5ity and you lead him away from it, e5en if the acti5ity you are leading him towards is e1ually fun. 6an depend on whether or not he is hungry. 2. Co ". 9es- Arayson has many new friends, @yatt and +dam are his M'est friendsE they 'oth li5e in the neigh'orhood and all spend a lot of time together. ;hey get in arguments and fight often, 'ut they generally donEt last long and are not 5iolent. ;hey 'icker 'ack and forth more than actually fight. $. 9es- @yatt, +dam (. Cot known. *. 9es, my family is 5ery attenti5e and encouraging, so Arayson 5ery rarely has to ask for praise for something heEs done. Aenerally, e5ery word spelled correctly earns a 'ig Ggood jo' 'uddyKH from my parents, words spelled incorrectly are meet with G?mm # think there might 'e a letter missing there. @hich one do you think is missing>H Arayson is also 5ery 5ocal in his successes, especially do his dad, he often yells G# did it 4adKH when finishing any acti5ity. .. Co, Arayson accepts corrections in an easygoing manner. Jften sighs dramatically and puts his palm on his forehead saying GJ? 9E+?KH and laughing it off.

/. Cot o'ser5ed. Aloats when winning though. 2. 9es- Arayson is a huge daddyEs 'oy& his self-esteem seems to rest on the praise and appro5al he recei5es from his daddy. ?e lo5es my mom and does not act out towards her, 'ut he seeks appro5al from his dad. ;hor (my stepfather, AraysonEs dad! has always 'een 5ery hands on with AraysonEs de5elopment, instructing and helping him with new things. ;hey ha5e a 5ery close relationship, Arayson finds comfort and security in that relationship gi5ing him confidence and a high self esteem. 13. 9es, shares his fa5orite cap guns, light-sa'ers, and swords with his friends for =om'ie hunting missions. ?e used to ha5e a hard time gi5ing up his light sa'ers, he likes those the most, 'ut he has gotten much 'etter up sharing them. 11. Cot o'ser5ed- Arayson rarely talks a'out his teacher other than to say she is nice. 12. 9es. Arayson has G'rokenH his leg, arm, hands, feet, jaws, and fingers multiple times from minor falls and simple tum'les.

6ogniti5e )kills
1. 9es, # asked Arayson to sort a large handful of legos # had picked out into separate groups 'y si=e. ?e first picked one lego of each si=e and placed it outside the group. +fter all si=es had 'een identified, he sorted the remaining legos in the large pile into its correct si=e group. 2. Co, # took used two cups of e1ual si=e, and measured N cup of colored water into each. # then asked Arayson which had more or if they had the same. ?e answered the same. # then poured the water from one cup into a tall, slim 5ase, and repeated the 1uestion. Arayson now said the taller glass held more water. ) hoto 6! ". Co, # had difficultly e plaining the situation in a way that Arayson could understand. # tried a lot of different things, like G#f your kite was stuck in a tree, what do you think you could do to get it down>H other situations. Arayson answered e5ery 1uestion # asked him with G # would get my dad and heEs get it.H # think he can use critical thinking and pro'lem sol5ing& # was just una'le to find a good way to test it. $. 9es, @e played AraysonEs fa5orite memory 'atman game. @e use 23 cards, lined up in ( rows of $. Arayson does well at this game 'y remem'ering where his fa5orite and least fa5orite characters are. (. +. 9es, # made a tall tower using different colored legoEs and asked Arayson to copy it. ?e was a'le to copy it e actly. (&hoto *+ I. 9es, we used colored 'uttons on a string. # used a pattern of 1( 'uttons, Arayson was a'le to copy them e actly was they were. (&hoto ,+

:hoto 1-

:hoto 2-

:hoto "- Iook writing.

:hoto $-

:hoto (-

:hoto *-

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