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You will act right, with wise counsel

I highly advise in any business endeavor, to keep yourself around wise counsel. People that may be mentors, people that are mature, sophisticated and more brilliant than you in important issues concerning business. They have to be people that you respect, and have gone further than you in your field. I like to surround myself with people that challenge me. When we look at the economy today, a lot of the problems we now see are due to greed. Greed grows rapidly in an environment where there is no accountability. When nobody is responsible, they will look from the outside and point it out or speak against it. Setve, and cultivate relationships with people of influence. These are the type of people you should keep around you. Those that will not just tell you what they think you will like to hear, but give honest feedback. The funny thing

about greed, is that it grows in obscurity. This is because those that are dealing with it, often have no clue that they are. Greed is subtle and takes self-reflection to realize you have it. We live in a world where 3 billion people live underneath the poverty line. 3 billion survive on less than 2 dollars a day. That is 3 billion people being economically enslaved. It is easy for many leaders in the corporate world, because there is no conviction of responsibility they can can totally muck things up. They still getting a fat pay cheque at the end of the day. The average US CEO in 1965 would earn 25x more than the average worker. A ratio which is not too bad. In 2008 the average CEO earns 250x more than the average worker. Only God knows what the ratio is now, I am sure it is not far off. In most countries in the world, due to greed the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. If you build accountability into your business systems, and your life, you will protect integrity in those areas of your life. You will save the integrity of your business culture, as well as your own personality. Author: Leslie Poku Follow him on Twitter: @LesliePoku

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