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Lesson 2: The Internet and World WIde Web Lesson Questions and Vocabulary, pgs. 21 2!

Bianca Saucedo

"o#plete the sentences belo$ as you re%ie$ the lesson. Sentence Starter &eople use the Internet to... What the Text Says 'esearch in(or#ation, to shop to go to school, to co##unicate $ith (a#ily and (riends, to read the daily ne$spaper, to #a)e airplane and hotel reser%ations, and so on. Wor), at ho#e, and $hile tra%eling. "onnect $ith and co##unicate $ith anyone else in the $orld $ho also has internet access.

They use the Internet at... *nyone $ith access to the Internet can...

The birth o( the Internet * co#puter net$or)ing pro+ect started by a is tied closely to... go%ern#ent di%ision called *d%anced 'esearch &ro+ects *gency. The goal $as to... "reate a net$or) that $ould allo$ scientists to share in(or#ation on #ilitary and scienti(ic research. ,-panding co#puter use in schools and $or)places. .e$ opportunities e%eryday to learn and research, to )eep in touch $ith distant (riends and (a#ily #e#bers. /roup o( t$o or #ore co#puters lin)ed together. Loose association o( thousands o( net$or)s and #illions o( co#puters across the $orld that all $or) together to share in(or#ation .

The increased use o( the Internet is (ueled by... The Internet is creating... * net$or) is a... The Internet is a...

The beauty o( this That all brands, #odels, and #a)e o( co#puters net$or) o( net$or)s is... can co##unicate $ith each other. 0o$ do $e "onnect $ith any other net$or)ed co#puter co##unicate across the any$here in the $orld as long as you )no$ the Internet1 2ro# your address or )no$ ho$ to (ind the address. co#puter, you can... T"&3I& is the... It is considered... *greed upon international standard (or trans#itting data. The language o( the internet and supports nearly all internet applications.

.orris, 2415

Lesson 2: The Internet and World WIde Web Lesson Questions and Vocabulary, pgs. 21 2!

Bianca Saucedo

"o#plete the sentences belo$ as you re%ie$ the lesson. * host co#puter allo$s you to... ,nter an address and send it to another co#puter: (ro# there the T"& protocol ta)es o%er and established a connection bet$een the t$o co#puters. 7icroso(t "orporation8s co#puters that are connected to the internet, you open your Web bro$ser and type the do#ain na#e into the bro$ser8s *ddress bo-. Blogs., chat roo#s, e #ail, 2T&9(ile trans(er protocol:, instant #essaging, #ailing ;lists, and ne$s groups Subset or an application that #a)es use o( the internet. The language co#puters $ould use to co##unicate hyperte-t docu#ents o%er the internet.

I( you $ant to access a co#pany6s co#puters that are connected to the Internet... So#e o( the #ore popular Internet ser%ices include... The Web is a... This progra#, 0TT&, beca#e...

"lic)ing a lin)ed $ord or Trans(er you (ro# one $eb page to another or to i#age... another part o( the sa#e $eb page. With the introduction o( *nd the $eb bro$sers that (ollo$ed, the $eb 7osaic... beca#e a co##unications tool (or a #uch $ider audience. <ou can send and recei%e Web pages o( the Internet because... When you enter a Web site address in your bro$ser... Web ser%ers and $eb bro$sers both understand 0TT&. 2or instance, this sends an 0TT& co##and to the $eb ser%er to tell it to locate and trans#it the re=uest $eb page.

,%ery Web ser%er has... Its o$n I& address and #ost ha%e a do#ain na#e . The (irst part o( a Web page address indicates... The second part speci(ies... 0T7L co#puter language deter#ines... What protocol to use, and the second part speci(ies the I& address or the do#ain na#e The I& address or the do#ain na#e $here the resources 0o$ $eb pages are (or#atted and displayed and allo$s the users to e-change te-t, i#ages, sound, %ideo, and #ulti#edia (iles
.orris, 2415

Lesson 2: The Internet and World WIde Web Lesson Questions and Vocabulary, pgs. 21 2!

Bianca Saucedo

"o#plete the sentences belo$ as you re%ie$ the lesson. 0yperte-t is a... * Web page is nothing #ore than... Lin) to another location, o(ten re(erred to as a hyperlin). *n ordinary te-t page that is coded $it 0T7L #ar)up tags and then displayed $ithin a bro$ser

7ar)up tags consist o(... >( a set o( te-t co##ands that are interpreted by the bro$ser

Table 2-1: Top le%el do#ain na#e abbre%iations. TOP-LEVEL DOMAIN ABBREVIATIONS edu co# go% #il net org T PE O! OR"ANI#ATION

,ducational institutions "o##ercial business, co#panies, and organi?ations /o%ern#ent institutions, such as the I'S 7ilitary organi?ations, such as the @.S. *r#y .et$or) pro%ider *ssociations and organi?ations

9&age 2!: What three ite#s deter#ine ho$ a Web page displays1

1 The type and %ersion o( the bro$ser displaying the Web page 2The 0T7L #ar)up tags used to code the page 5The user8s #onitor and #onitor resolution
V$cab%lary: 2ind the page $here the $ord (irst appears and its glossary de(inition.

.orris, 2415

Lesson 2: The Internet and World WIde Web Lesson Questions and Vocabulary, pgs. 21 2!

Bianca Saucedo

host node bro$ser 22 22

Pa'e N%&ber

"l$ssary De()n)t)$n
* node $here a host processor is located Is a so(t$are progra# that pro%ides a graphical inter(ace (or the internet. The beauty o( this net$or) o( net$or)s is that all brands, #odels, and #a)es o( co#puters can co##unicate $ith each other. "o#puters on the internet co##unicate $ith each other using a set o( protocols )no$n as T"&3 or Trans#ission "ontrol &rotocol and Internet &rotocol. Is a standard (or#at (or trans(erring data bet$een t$o de%ices. * co#puter to $hich other co#puters are connected so that the host can #anage ti#e intensi%e co#puting tas)s Wor)s $ith the addressing sche#e. The uni=ue na#e that identi(ies an Internet site. * net$or) o( ser%ers lin)ed together by a co##on protocol, allo$ing access to #illions o( hyperte-t resources.



T"&3I&: Trans#ission "ontrol &rotocol and Internet &rotocol




host co#puter


I& protocol do#ain na#e World Wide Web 9WWW:


.orris, 2415

Lesson 2: The Internet and World WIde Web Lesson Questions and Vocabulary, pgs. 21 2!

Bianca Saucedo

0TT&: 0yperte-t Trans(er &rotocol

Pa'e N%&ber

"l$ssary De()n)t)$n
"o##unication protocol used to connect to ser%ers on the World Wide Web. The pri#ary (unction o( 0TT& is to establish a connection $ith a Web ser%er and trans#it 0T7L pages to the user8s bro$ser * te-t based progra# used to create docu#ents to display in a bro$ser; a series o( tags that are integrated into a te-t docu#ent and describe ho$ the te-t should be (or#atted. * co#puter that deli%ers9ser%es up: Web pages. ,%ery Web ser%er has an I& address and possibly a do#ain na#e. *n address (or a resource or site the W>'LB Wide W,B. Bro$sers use this address to located (iles and other re#ote ser%ices.

0T7L: hyperte-t #ar)up 2A language

$eb ser%er

@'L: @ni(or# 'esource Locator



Is a highlighted $ord or i#age $ithin a hyperte-t docu#ent $hich, $hen clic)ed, ta)es you to another place $ithin that docu#ent or to another Web page. * short (or# (or $eblog, a personal +ournal published on the Web *n area online $here you can chat $ith other #e#bers in real ti#e.



chat roo#


.orris, 2415

Lesson 2: The Internet and World WIde Web Lesson Questions and Vocabulary, pgs. 21 2!

Bianca Saucedo

instant #essaging

Pa'e N%&ber

"l$ssary De()n)t)$n
, #ail (eature that allo$s you to send and recei%e #essages $hile you and the contact are both logged on to the Internet * group o( e #ail address that are used (or easy and (ast distribution o( in(or#ation to #ultiple e #ail address si#ultaneously *n online discussion group $here participants e-change #essages on a speci(ic topic. *lso called Web con(erencing; is used to hold group #eetings or li%e presentations o%er the internet. *n Internet standard that allo$s users to do$nload and upload (iles to and (ro# other co#puters on the Internet.

#ailing list




online con(erencing


2T&: (ile trans(er protocol DDD

9&age 2D: 2ill in the #issing parts o( the (ollo$ing paragraph. 7any people use the ter#s FFFWorld Wide WebFF or FFFWebFF (or short, and FInternet FFFF interchangeably. In reality, they are t$o di((erent things. The FFFFWebF is a subset or an FFF*pplicationFF that #a)es use o( the InternetFFFFF. The FInternetFFFF can ex)st *)th$%t the FFFWeb,FF but the FFWebFFF cann$t ex)st *)th$%t the FInternetFFFF.

.orris, 2415

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