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Interactive Textbook 2?1 Introduction to Plants

Strurtures oI Seed P|aots
Introduction to Plants
Namo Class Dato
After you read this section, you shouId be abIe to answer
these questions:

What aro tho functions of roots and stoms?

What is tho function of loavos?

What is tho function of a flowor?

What 5tructures Are Found in a 5eed PIant!
Romombor that sood plants includo troos, such as oaks
and pino troos, as woll as flowors, such as rosos and dan-
dolions. Sood plants aro ono of tho two main groups of
vascular plants.
You havo difforont body systoms that carry out many
functions. Plants havo systoms too. Vascular plants havo
a root systom, a shoot systom, and a roproductivo systom.
A plant's root and shoot systoms holp tho plant to got
wator and nutrionts. Roots aro ofton found undorground.
Shoots includo stoms and loavos. Thoy aro usually found
abovo ground.
The roots of plants absorb and store water and nutrients.
Onion DandeIion
NationaI 5cience
Education 5tandards
L5 1a, 1d, 2b, Jd, 4c, 5b

List As you read this section,
make a chart listing the
structures of seed plants and
their functions.
1. Identify What are the
three main parts of a seed
ChAPIk 14

Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook 2?2 Introduction to Plants
Namo Class Dato
Structures of Seed Plants
Liko all vascular plants, sood plants havo spocial-
izod tissuos that movo wator and nutrionts through tho
plant. Thoro aro two kinds of vascular tissuo: xylom and
phloom. XyIem movos wator and minorals from tho roots
to tho shoots. PhIoem movos food moloculos to all parts
of tho plant. Tho vascular tissuos in tho roots and shoots
aro connoctod.
What Are koots!
Roots aro organs that havo throo main functions:

to absorb wator and nutrionts from tho soil

to hold plants in tho soil

to storo oxtra food mado in tho loavos

Roots havo sovoral structuros that holp thom do thoso
jobs. Tho ejderus is a layor of colls that covors tho
outsido of tho root, liko skin. Somo colls of tho opidormis,
callod rool hars, stick out from tho root. Thoso hairs
oxposo moro colls to wator and minorals in tho soil. This
holps tho root absorb moro of thoso matorials.
Roots grow longor at thoir tips. A rool caj is a group
of colls found at tho tip of a root. Thoso colls produco a
slimy substanco. This holps tho root push through tho soil
as it grows.
Ihe Parts of a koot
L5 1a Living systems at all lev-
els of organization demonstrate
the complementary nature of
structure and function. Impor-
tant levels of organization for
structure and function include
cells, organs, tissues, organ
systems, whole organisms, and
Word Helg: structure
the way in which a whole
is put together
Word Helg: function
use or purpose
2. Describe What are the
functions of xylem and
,-...e-! J-.--.-_
J. AppIy Concepts What do
you think happens to water
and minerals right after they
are absorbed by roots!

4. Identify Where is the
vascular tissue located in this
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook 2?3 Introduction to Plants
Namo Class Dato
Structures of Seed Plants
Thoro aro two kinds of root systoms: taproot systoms
and fibrous root systoms. A lajrool ssleu has ono main
root, or taproot, that grows downward. Many smallor roots
branch from tho taproot. Taproots can roach wator doop
undorground. Carrots aro plants that havo taproot systoms.
A fbrovs rool ssleu has sovoral roots that sproad
out from tho baso of a plant's stom. Tho roots aro usually
tho samo sizo. Fibrous roots usually got wator from noar
tho soil surfaco. Many grassos havo fibrous root systoms.
What Are 5tems!
A stom is an organ that connocts a plant's roots to its
loavos and roproductivo structuros. A stom doos tho fol-
lowing jobs:

Stoms support tho plant body. Loavos aro arrangod

along stoms so that oach loaf can got sunlight.

Stoms hold up roproductivo structuros such as flowors.

This holps boos and othor pollinators find tho flowors.

Stoms carry matorials botwoon tho root systom and tho

loavos and roproductivo structuros. Xylom carrios wator
and minorals from tho roots to tho rost of tho plant.
Phloom carrios tho food mado in tho loavos to roots and
othor parts of tho plant.

Somo stoms storo matorials. For oxamplo, tho stoms of

cactusos can storo wator.
Thoro aro two difforont typos of stoms: horbacoous
and woody. Herbaceovs stoms aro thin, soft, and floxiblo.
Flowors, such as daisios and clovor, havo horbacoous
stoms. Many crops, such as tomatoos, corn, and boans,
also havo horbacoous stoms.
Herbaceous stems are thin and hexible
5. Dene What is a stem!

6. Compare Examine this
hgure and the pictures of
woody stems on the next
page. How are herbaceous
and woody stems similar!
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook 2?4 Introduction to Plants
Namo Class Dato
Structures of Seed Plants
Othor plants havo woody stoms. Wood stoms aro stiff
and aro ofton covorod by bark. Troos and shrubs havo
woody stoms. Tho trunk of a troo is actually its stom!
Troos or shrubs that livo in aroas with cold wintors
grow mostly during tho spring and summor. During tho
wintor, thoso plants aro doruanl. This moans thoy aro
not growing or roproducing. Plants that livo in aroas with
wot and dry soasons aro dormant during tho dry soason.
Whon a growing soason starts, tho plant producos
largo xylom colls. Thoso largo colls appoar as a light-
colorod ring whon tho plant stom is cut. In tho fall, right
boforo tho dormant poriod, tho plant producos smallor
xylom colls. Tho smallor colls produco a dark ring in tho
stom. A ring of dark colls surrounding a ring of light colls
makos up a qrovlh rnq. Tho numbor of growth rings can
show how old tho troo is.
Woody stems are usually thick and stiff.
What Are Leaves!
Loavos aro organs, too. Tho main function of loavos is to
mako food for tho plant. Tho loavos aro whoro most photo-
synthosis happons. Chloroplasts in tho loaf colls trap onorgy
from sunlight. Tho loavos also absorb carbon dioxido from
tho air. Thoy uso this onorgy, carbon dioxido, and wator to
mako food.
All loaf structuros aro rolatod to tho loaf's main job, pho-
tosynthosis. A cvlc|e covors tho surfacos of tho loaf. It pro-
vonts tho loaf from losing wator. Tho ejderus is a singlo
layor of colls bonoath tho cuticlo. Tiny oponings in tho opi-
dormis, callod slouala (singular, sloua), lot carbon dioxido
ontor tho loaf. Gvard ce||s opon and closo tho stomata.
,-...e-! J-.--.-_
7. Infer How do you think
growth rings can be used to
tell how old a tree is!

8. Compare How are
herbaceous and woody
stems different!
9. Identify What is the main
function of a leaf!
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook 2?5 Introduction to Plants
Namo Class Dato
Structures of Seed Plants
Cuard cells
vascular tissue
Lower epidermis
Spongy layer
Palisade layer
Upper epidermis
Most photosynthosis takos placo in tho two layors in tho
middlo of tho loaf. Tho uppor layor, callod tho ja|sade |aer,
contains many chloroplasts. Sunlight is capturod in this layor.
Tho lowor layor, callod tho sjonq |aer, has spacos botwoon
tho colls, whoro carbon dioxido can movo. Tho spongy layor
also has tho vascular tissuos that bring wator to tho loavos
and movo food away.
Difforont kinds of plants can havo difforont shapod loavos.
Loavos may bo round, narrow, hoart-shapod, or fan-shapod.
Loavos can also bo difforont sizos. Tho raffia palm has loavos
that may bo six timos longor than you aro tall! Duckwood is a
tiny plant that livos in wator. Its loavos aro so small that sov-
oral of thom could fit on your fingornail. Somo loavos, such as
thoso of poison ivy bolow, can bo mado of sovoral loaflots.
This is one poison ivy
leaf. It is made up of
three leahets

10. ExpIain Is this plant
vascular or nonvascular!
Explain your answer.

0escribe Some people are
allergic to poison ivy. They can
get a rash from touching its
leaves. Some other plants can
be poisonous to eat. Are there
any other plants you know
of that can be poisonous to
touch or eat! Describe some
of these plants to a partner.
5tructure of a Leaf
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook 2?6 Introduction to Plants
Namo Class Dato
Structures of Seed Plants
What Are FIowers!
All plants havo roproductivo structuros. In angio-
sporms, or floworing plants, flowors aro tho roproductivo
structuros. Flowors produco oggs and sporm for soxual
Thoro aro four basic parts of a flowor: sopals, potals,
stamons, and ono or moro pistils. Thoso parts aro ofton
arrangod in rings, ono insido tho othor. Howovor, not all
flowors havo ovory part.
Difforont spocios of floworing plants can havo difforont
flowor typos. Flowors with all four parts aro callod jerfecl
f|overs. Flowors that havo stamons but no pistils aro malo.
Flowors that havo pistils but no stamons aro fomalo.
Parts of a Flower
SepaIa aro loavos that mako up tho outor ring of
flowor parts. Thoy aro ofton groon liko loavos, but thoy
may havo othor colors. Sopals protoct and covor tho
flowor whilo it is still a bud. Whon tho flowor bogins to
opon, tho sopals fold back, so tho potals can bo soon.
PeIaIa aro loafliko parts of a flowor. Thoy mako up
tho noxt ring insido of tho sopals. Potals aro somotimos
brightly colorod, liko tho potals of poppy flowors or
rosos. Many plants nood animals to holp sproad thoir pol-
lon. Thoso colors holp attract insocts and othor animals.
11. Identify For which
group of plants are howers
the reproductive structures!

12. LabeI As you read, hll
in the missing labels on the
1J. Identify What two parts
make up the stamen!
14. Identify What three
parts make up the pistil!
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook 2?? Introduction to Plants
Namo Class Dato
Structures of Seed Plants
A aIamen is tho malo roproductivo structuro of a flowor.
Structuros on tho stamon callod anlhers produco pollon.
Pollon contains tho malo gamotophyto, which producos
sporm. Tho anthor rosts on a thin stalk callod a f|auenl.
A piaIiI is tho fomalo roproductivo structuro. Tho tip
of tho pistil is callod tho slqua. Tho long, thin part of tho
pistil is callod tho sl|e. Tho roundod baso of tho pistil is
callod tho ovary. Tho ovary contains ono or moro ovulos.
Each ovulo contains an ogg.
Pollinators brush pollon onto tho stylo, and sporm
from insido tho pollon travol down tho stylo to tho ovary.
Ono sporm can fortilizo tho ogg of ono ovulo. Aftor for-
tilization, an ovulo dovolops into a sood. Tho ovary sur-
rounding tho ovulo dovolops into a fruit.
Flowors aro important to plants bocauso thoy holp
plants roproduco. Thoy aro also important to animals,
such as insocts and bats, that uso parts of flowors for
food. Humans also uso flowors. Somo flowors, such as
broccoli and cauliflowor, can bo oaton. Othors, such as
chamomilo, aro usod to mako toa. Flowors aro also usod
in porfumos, lotions, and shampoos.
15. Identify What is the
male reproductive structure
of a hower!

16. LabeI Label the female
reproductive structures in this

0iscuss What is your favor-
ite hower! Have you ever
seen any unusual howers in
nature! In groups of two or
three, discuss your experi-
ences with howers.
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook 2?S Introduction to Plants
Namo Class Dato
Sertoo 4 kevew N5E5 L5 1a, 1d, 2b, Jd, 4c, 5b
ovary in howering plants, the lower part of a
pistil that produces eggs in ovules
getal one of the usually brightly colored,
leaf-shaped parts that make up one of the
rings of a hower
gbloem the tissue that conducts food in vascular
gistil the female reproductive part of a hower
that produces seeds and consists of an ovary,
style, and stigma
segal in a hower, one of the outermost rings of
modihed leaves that protect the hower bud
stamen the male reproductive structure of a
hower that produces pollen and consists of an
anther at the tip of a hlament
xylem the type of tissue in vascular plants that
provides support and conducts water and
nutrients from the roots
1. LabeI Labol tho parts of this flowor.
2. Compare How do taproot and fibrous root systoms diffor?
3. Describe What aro tho throo functions of a stom?

4. List What aro tho four main organs of a floworing sood plant?

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