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Victoria Pienu Lab Paper Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus type 2 or type 2 diabetes (formerly called non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), or adult-onset diabetes) is a disorder that is characterized by high blood glucose in the context of insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency. While it is often initially managed by increasing exercise and dietary modification, medications are typically needed as the disease progresses. There are an estimated 23.6 million people in the U.S. (7.8% of the population) with diabetes with 17.9 million being diagnosed, 90% of whom are type 2. With prevalence rates doubling between 1990 and 2005, CDC has characterized the increase as an epidemic. Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by changes in Lifestyle among subjects with Impaired Glucose Tolerance seems like the most difficult things that many Americans people have to deal with everyday. Doctors can seem to help parents who are on the line and parents who have kids with diabetes do not know what to do to help their children. Many specialists have not been able to find out how this sickness comes about and how to truly fix it for good. Diabetes Mellitus is a worldwide disease, which result from the interaction between a genetic predisposition, behavioral risk and environmental risk factor. The genetic base of type 2 diabetes has not been provide yet, but there is a strong evidence that show obesity and link of physical activity are the main nongenetic determinants of the disease. The aim of the study was to find out how impaired glucose tolerance is an intermediate category between normal glucose tolerance and overt diabetes. This can be identified by an oral glucose tolerance test. Subjects with impaired glucose tolerance have an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Since glucose is distributed through our bodies by our bloodstreams, where it meets and

Victoria Pienu Lab Paper Type 2 Diabetes

reacts with insulin, ingesting too much glucose will overwhelm the body. When the body's glucose level is too high, the body becomes hyperglycemic. Hypoglycemia and diabetes are disorders that that result when the body cannot regulate glucose and/ or insulin levels, and can happen after years of consuming too much glucose. The study was designed with 35 percent cumulative incidence of diabetes and a 35 percent reduction in incidence in the intervention group, as compared with the control group during a six year period. The study focuses on high-risk. 265 intervention group (91-Male, 174 Female at age 55-57 for both group). the control group has 257 (81 male, 176 female at the age of 55-57 for both group). The first group were given general oral and written information about diet and exercise as a base line, with annual visits. There was no specific program given to them to follow. There was nutrient booklet given to them and information about public health. the control group have more information and help as to what they could eat and how often they should exercise. They have specific guild as to what to eat and when their annual meeting was. They had class on what to eat and to make the food. They were given individual meal plan and what type of food they should eat the most. They had physical follow up every week, to check their progress. Group 1 had their annual visit and completed a medical survey and did a physical exam that include anthropometric, blood pressure, and oral glucose-tolerance test. The glucose level was a little lower than before, but not very much change was seen. In group 2 the level of glucose drop and the physical activity of each individual person increase over the year. After two years on the program many were continuing to lose weight and staying health. many of the

Victoria Pienu Lab Paper Type 2 Diabetes

Control group said that the body was physically in a better shape at the end of the two years visit than it ever was their life. The glucose test level has drop in a large number of percentages. The studies show that type 2 diabetes can be prevented by change in lifestyles of both men and women who are at a high risk for diabetes disease. At the one-year visit, each subject received a grade of 0 for each intervention goal that had not been achieved and a grade of 1 for each goal that had been achieved; the success score was computed as the sum of the grades. Forty subjects who withdrew from the study when their diabetes status was unknown and 14 subjects with incomplete data were excluded from this analysis. The association between the success score and the risk of diabetes, with 95 percent confidence intervals, was estimated by means of logisticregression analysis of the observed data. The curves show the model-based incidence of diabetes according to the success score as a continuous variable; the curve whose data points align with the open bars represents the model-based incidence for the control group, and the curve whose data points align with the shaded bars represents the model-based incidence for the intervention group. The conclusion of the studies was that people are cable of being free from Type 2 diabetes from they change their lifestyles. Many American are too lazy to release what is happing to their kids. Type 2 diabetes should not consider as a disease, because a disease is something that does not have an answer or treatment to do. The study shows that there are people who would like to make the changes and be diabetes free.

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