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Evangelist (2099) “a messenger of good”;

can’t stop telling people about God’s

goodness, always want to bring Christ’s hope
Pastor (4166) “shepherd”; ensure the well-
being of the flock, keep everyone together
Teacher (1320) expound on the truth and
train others to do the same; when you learn
something new from God, you have to share
it with everyone
• Original shalom: completion, perfection,
fullness. Unity in the body, partnership and
l. 13 What is the “whole measure of the reconciliation, working together to spread the
fullness of Christ” and how do we get it? news of the gospel and raise up new leaders.
To begin to grasp how wide, deep and great
God’s love is for us.
• Speaking the truth in love holds the body
l. 16 How does “speaking the truth in love”
accountable to itself and others. It
relate to growing up into Christ?
encourages openness, cooperation and
l. 18 Does that mean being a ligament is a
• Yes, a communal calling: we are all ligaments
calling, too?
when we each do our work.
l. 18 How does each part doing its work help
grow and build up the body of Christ into His • It doesn’t mean working alone, but working
image? side-by-side at your calling: involving others,
training others, sharing your gifts with those

2 minutes: Leader summarizes

In Ephesians, Paul encourages the whole church to remember why they started
following Christ in the first place and what that will mean to their lives if they live out
the calling. He reminds them that it is not an easy path, but it is rewarding. In chapter
four, Paul reminds the church what an honor it is to be a part of God’s great work in the
world, and how that calling unifies us as one body in Christ. Paul also reminds us that
the way a body grows and matures is by functioning properly: each part doing its work
together, intricately binding them together into one cohesive identity.

10 minutes: Respond and Pray.

• What gifts has God given you to use within the body to further the kingdom? Are you an
apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher? We are all called to perform all of these
functions, but not at the same level. Which one speaks most to your desires and

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