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Attachment 6a:

San and Congo, with reference to the mining corporations and Fracking in the Karoo.

San and Congo, with reference to the mining corporations and Fracking in the Karoo. Pg 373 Namibia diamond mines Pg 373 The modus operandi of the mining corporations Pg 373


Mining conglomerates do not contribute to the progress of the country they are in Pg 374 Mining corporations forge links with rebel groups in Africa with reference to the Congo Pg 375 (i) Mass genocide of indigenous people in the Congo Pg 375 (ii) Gold smuggled out of the Congo Pg 375 Fracking in the Karoo Pg 376 The KhoiSan are calling for their right to self determination Pg 376 References Pg 376 Footnote 1 Fracking in the Karoo. Pg 376 Heaven forbid Pg 377 What the Frack? Pg 377 No benefits, only risk Pg 378 Rupert to the Rescue? Pg 378 Not a Clue Pg 378 The Karoo lives on Groundwater Attachment 6a

2 Pg 379 Radioactive Karoo Pg 379 Attack of the Falcon Pg 379 Famous on Facebook Pg 380

Attachment 6a

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