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Les mathmatiques sont fantastiques !

Math Activities for Families

Grade One French Immersion The following are a few activities that you can play with your child at home to help him/her with some Math skills. These activities focus on numbers 1 to 20. If your child is able to complete the activities to a higher number, please dont hesitate to challenge them. An audio clip and vocabulary sheet for numbers 1 to 100 in French are posted on the website: www.mllejessica.weebly.com under family projects. Please encourage your child to say their numbers in French. These are intended to be fun, engaging activities for your family. I do not recommended that you completed them all each night. Choose just one activity and spend no more than 10 minutes at a time. 1. Make two sets of cards with the number 1-20 on them. You can use these cards to play Memory or Go Fish. Or War. These games will help your child recognize the teen numbers for easier recall. 2. Help your child practice counting a group of objects up to 20. Give them a handful of cereal, buttons, crayons, Lego, etc. to count the total. Remind them to make a group of 10 first if possible. OR Tell your child a number up to 20 that you want them to create. Remember, en franais sil vous plait. 3. Practice printing numbers. Watch how he/she is actually creating the number and help to correct any irregular number formations. Ask questions about the numbers: What number comes next/before? What number is two more than your number? 5. Ask your child to help you sort the laundry. Have them count how many socks, shirts, or pants there are. Ask questions about the numbers: Are there more socks or shirts? How many more socks then shirts?

Amusez-vous bien !
-Mlle Schultchen

Jaime le franais
French Language Arts Activities for Families
Grade One French Immersion Here are some ideas of activities you can do at home with your child to develop their language skills. Continued practice reading combination sounds and high frequency sight words will help your child build confidence and increase their chance of becoming a successful and fluent reader. The following activities are just some ideas of how to make learning more interesting. These activities are intended to be fun and leisurely. I do not recommended for all be completed each night. Choose just one activity and spend no more than 10 - 15 minutes at a time. Please use as much French as possible. 1. Continue to read every night with your son or daughter. Although it would be ideal to read and discuss in French, it is also great to do so in English and with any books you have available. In order to develop reading skills and understanding, have him/her look at picture cues and track each word with their finger. Take a break during the story and have them retell what has happened and make a prediction. Ask them who was in the story in order to develop an understanding of character. 2. Make 2 dice and write vowels on one and consonants on the other. Roll the dice and then place the consonant in front or behind the vowel. (a, e, i, o, u, ) Have your child sound out the combination. Have your child practice with the following consonants before introducing other letters. (l, m, p, r, f, p, d) 3. You can make up flash cards of sight words or sounds or play a game of Bingo, Go Fish or Memory. (see attached list) 4. Practice naming letters and their sounds in French. Your child could: identify letters in words around the house and in grocery lists identify combination sounds in their French Library books that they bring home think of words that start with the letter ___ 5. Included is a list of sounds that your child can practice sounding out. These not real words, they are the sounds we have learned to date to help with decoding. You can write the sound on a strip of paper, and then literally cut it into syllables to make it easier to read. Ex: l o a m na ni Thank you for being a partner in your childs learning. I hope you have fun and enjoy the time you spend together.

Salutations, -Mlle Schultchen

Les sons dcoder

Grade One French Immersion

Sounds to Decode

el mo si as pu zi lo oul son zin cha chou ro

nani lili sal meli am lize pipa lapo rar mulin ziche lmin rucha

chpou chinlu rinzo bal rupo us fr issu tt pazo larmia plach minche

Liste de mots de haute frquence

Grade One French Immersion

Sight Words

Les couleurs (colours)

rouge (roo-jeuh) orange (oh-ron-geuh) jaune (jeuh-oh-ne) rose (rowz) vert (vay-er) verte (vay-er-t) bleu (beuh-leuh) noir (nwar) violet (vee-oh-lay) violette (vee-oh-le-t) blanc (bl-on) blanche (blon-shh) gris (geuh-ree) grise (geuh-ree-z) brun (br-un) brune (broo-ne)

Les formes (shapes)

cercle (s-air-k-leuh) carr (ka-ray) triangle (tree-on-gleuh) toile (aye-twa-leuh) rectangle (rek-ton-gleuh) cur (k-euhr) ovale (oh-va-leuh) pentagone (pon-tah-go-neuh) hexagone (ex-ah-go-neuh) octogone (ohk-to-go-neuh)

Les verbes (verbs)

sont (son) est (aye) suis (swi) vois (vwa)

Les articles (articles)

le (leuh) la (lah) les (lay) un (euh) une (ou-ne) des (day) ta (tah) ton (ton) tes (tay) ma (mah) mon (mon) mes (may)

Les structures de phrases (sentences starters)

cest (say) il y a (eel-eee-ah) voici (vwa-see) jaime (jaye-meuh) jai (jaye) je vois (jeuh vwa) je pense (jeuh pon-seuh) il a (eel ah) elle a (el ah)

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