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My discourse community will be that of lmmaking. The Film Journal http://www.thelmjournal.com/issue13/eischerlms.html Filmmaker Magazine http://lmmakermagazine.com/76413-hacking-arts-using-technology-to-connect-with-your-audience/ http://www.thelondonlmandmediaconference.

com/conference-goals/ Annual London Film and Media Conference Issues: One big issue is always on lm distribution. With emerging and changing media and technology it isn't clear what the best way to have people pay for and watch lms is. Another thing that is always discussed is the topic of violence in lm and its place in the debate in censorship. One last topic is that of women and sexism in lms. This is a very common topic that is often debated when people discuss where lms comes from and who writes them. Are they sexist because only men write them? Or because nobody will hire a woman to write and direct?

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