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Urvashi Patel

Total Calories: 1750
Macros: 174g Protein, 151g Carbs, 50g Fats

Oats, Protein Shake
22g Carbs
30g Protein

Morning Tea
Tuna/Chicken Salad
20g Protein

Wholemeal Sandwich with your choice of filling
20g Carbs
20g Protein

Pre workout (1.5 - 2hours Prior)
Kumara, Chicken/Fish
50g Carbs
20g Protein

Post Workout
40g Protein (Shake)

Dinner (1-1.5 hour post workout)
Red Meat/Chicken/Fish, Brown Rice, Roti
35g Carbs
30g Protein

**Fat Content is not listed as you may wish to cook/ prepare your food
differently to avoid boredom. Adjust accordingly

Recommended Protein Sources

Tuna or most any fish.

Cottage cheese.
Eggs (especially the whites).
Chicken breast (boneless skinless).
Turkey breast (boneless skinless).
Lean beef.
Low fat or no fat cheese.
Low fat pork.
Milk protein isolate.
Whey protein.
Soy protein.

Recommended Carbohydrate Sources

Sweet potatoes.
Oat meal, oat bran, oat bran cereal
Bran cereal.
Brown rice.
Wheat bread (try to limit to 2 slices per day).
Low fat popcorn (low fat butter spray makes this a delicacy).
Fruits (limit to 2-3 servings per day).
Stay away from refined grains and anything that says enriched or high
fructose corn syrup on the label!

Recommended Fat Sources

Omega 3 capsules (i.e. fish oil capsules).

Flax seed oil.
Primrose oil.
Olive oil.
Nuts (limit to 1 serving per day), peanut butter (Natural Only).
Egg yolks.
Fish (salmon especially).
All other fat should come as a by-product of your carbohydrate and
protein intake.

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