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Espaol 1,2 Describiendo una persona

Seora McCullough

Project You have studied and practiced the enduring essentials as well as other content that your teacher selected for you. This project will allow you to work alone to demonstrate proficiency in several ways. You will be expected to: pply functions in authentic ways !se appropriate learned vocabulary "iew# write# share# discuss# read# rewrite# and present pply grammar with increasing accuracy $nclude appropriate cultural knowledge. %or this project# the following practiced and learned vocabulary will be helpful: Time and dates djectives of character and physical description &ikes and dislikes 'asic food &ots of verbs (eather# seasons# etc. The home# family and friends )ocial and leisure time activities *olidays and cultural events Presentation You will need a photograph of a family member or friend who you will describe to your classmates. You will create a mini+booklet# which $ will describe in class. Your description should include both character and physical descriptions. o These may include: (ho this person is 'irth date ,age *is.her most important character strength /hysical appearance ,as much as you have learnedYou should be able to also talk about some of this person0s likes and dislikes o These may include: %ood and drink ctivities he.she enjoys and does not enjoy %avorite holidays You will have 1+2 minutes to make your presentation. (rite your rough draft $f you are in an editing group# share your rough draft# make corrections and then submit the final draft to your teacher. 3ake your presentation to the class. Y4! 3 Y 54T 67 8 Y4!6 67/46T. .

&ate presentations will not be accepted. )o be prepared to present on

Rubric This project will be done one day in class and the rest at home. $t is worth 29 points total. 7ach student will be evaluated based on the rubric on the back of this sheet.

Criteria Master Autobiographer 4 points The speaker0s delivery was well paced with minimal pauses and for the re:uired length. The speaker0s pronunciation of practiced vocabulary was uniformly correct. The speaker0s use of practiced# essential grammar was uniformly correct. The speaker0s visuals and gestures significantly enhanced comprehension. The speaker was well understood and spoke with good volume. The speaker includes all information re:uired. )tudent incorporated color and creativity in the visual presentation of their person. Apprentice Autobiographer points The speaker0s delivery was satisfactory despite pauses.restarts# approaching the re:uired length. The speaker0s pronunciation of practiced vocabulary was satisfactory. The speaker0s use of practiced# essential grammar was satisfactory. The speaker0s visuals and gestures satisfactorily enhanced comprehension. The speaker was ade:uately understood and spoke with good to ade:uate volume. The speaker includes most of the information re:uired. )tudent incorporated some color and creativity in the visual presentation of person. De!eloping Autobiographer 2 points The speaker0s delivery was marked by halting speech and did not meet re:uired length. The speaker0s pronunciation of practiced vocabulary indicated the need for more practice. The speaker0s use of practiced# essential grammar indicated the need for more practice. The speaker0s visuals and gestures were insufficient to maintain or clarify comprehension. The speaker was understood with difficulty despite good to ade:uate volume. The speaker includes some of the information re:uired. )tudent incorporated minimal color and creativity in the visual presentation of their person. "o!ice Autobiographer 1 point The speaker0s poor delivery interfered with meaning regardless of length. The speaker0s poor pronunciation of practiced vocabulary interfered with meaning. The speaker0s use of practiced# essential grammar interfered with meaning. The speaker0s visuals and gestures failed to enhance comprehension. The speaker attempted the task but was not understood. The speaker includes little or none of the information re:uired. )tudent did not go beyond a description of their person.

#luenc$: *ow well did the speaker0s oral language flow across the presentation Accurac$ 1: *ow correct was the speaker0s pronunciation; Accurac$ 2: *ow correct was the speaker0s practiced grammar; Co%%unication strategies: *ow well did the speaker maintain communication; &!erall Co%prehensibilit$: *ow well was the speaker understood; Content: $s all the necessary information included; Creati!it$: *ow well did the student incorporate color and creativity;

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