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Teacher Candidate: Amber Jordan Lesson # __5__ Subject/Grade: English Language Arts/ Second Date and Time of Lesson: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 10:45 am Learning Objective: Students will be able to identify the authors craft by successfully completing a graphic organizer. Alignment with Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.4 Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song. Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: Learning objectives are appropriate for development because they state exactly what the students should know after given a lesson on the standards. Prerequisite knowledge is important for students to be able to understand the lesson being taught. Prerequisite knowledge gives students knowledge that they can build off of. In first grade, students are able to identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. This prepares students to pick out information from stories or poems, which is what they will be doing in this lesson except looking for different elements. This lesson will prepare students to be aware of what they are reading and why the author uses different ways to make the text more appealing to the reader. We will fill out a chart that shows students e xamples of all the crafts the author used. Assessment(s) of the Objectives: Lesson Objective Students will be able to identify the authors craft by successfully completing a graphic organizer. Assessment(s) of the Objective Pre-Assessment- Students will be assessed on their previous knowledge of what authors use to make the book entertaining or worth reading. Anecdotal notes will be taken for further instruction. During-AssessmentStudents will be assessed on their behavior, and providing correct, respectful responses and attitude. Post-Assessment- Students will fill out the authors craft graphic organizer and the graphic organizer will be evaluated and assessed. Use of Formative Assessment Future instruction will be based off of the assessment data gathered at the end of the lesson. I will take these graphic organizers and grade them to see what the students understood and what needs to be reviewed.

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Accommodations: Accommodations will be made for any student that may need it. For both, the speech and the ESOL students, I will provide them with examples by modeling exactly what we are learning. As always, they will have their buddy partners to ask questions. I will also repeat any instruction that the ESOL and speech students may need. The extended resource student should not be in the classroom, but if the student is, I will give extra help when needed. Early finishers will pick a book out of their reading basket and identify the authors craft throughout the book. They will write these down on a sheet of paper to turn in. Slower paced learners will be given extra time after lunch to finish their graphic organizer. All learning styles will be addressed throughout the lesson by having a hands-on activity, listening to the material, and seeing examples of the material being taught. Materials: Copy of the lesson plan Authors craft graphic organizer (one per student) Pencils Shortcut by Donald Crews Authors Craft Chart Markers to write on chart (teacher only) Procedures: 1. To begin our lesson, students will be seated at their desk quietly, ready to listen, and have their eyes on me. 2. I will ask students about their prior knowledge of authors craft. Questions like, What do you know about authors craft, what do you notice in books that tell us the author wants us to use a different tone of voice for? (Ex. Capitalized words), How do authors show emotions in their books? (Ex. Capitalized words, onomatopoeias), and Do authors use such words like onomatopoeias to help us understand what is happening? Anecdotal notes will be taken as a pre -test for the students. 3. First, I will show students a couple of pages to get them thinking about authors craft. I will show them examples of what authors craft means. (How the author uses repeated lines and onomatopoeias to strengthen stories) 4. After showing students examples of authors craft, I will read the book, Shortcut by Donald Crews. Throughout the book I will have students help me read onomatopoeias to engage them in the story. I will also ask questions like, Why do you think as the story went on the, WHOO, WHOO became bigger?, What do you think is going to happen to the children?, Why are there multiple pages within the book that has only the train and Klakity-Klak? 5. When I complete the book, we will recall what happened in the book, by raising our hands and being called on. Several students will be called on to tell me what happened throughout the book, especially the beginning, middle, and end of the book. 6. After recalling and retelling the book, we will discuss what authors craft was used throughout the book. Authors craft used throughout the book is, Onomatopoeias (sound words), use of big Ws, ellipsis, repetition of lines, and capitalized words. As we discuss these, we will fill out a chart to help us remember these. 7. After the chart is filled out, students will fill out their own graphic organizer to help them remember what authors craft was used during our story and why the author uses these techniques. 8. After students have completed the graphic organizer, I will take these up to be evaluated as their post-

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assessment. Activity Analysis: Authors Craft Chart This activity is to give examples of the authors craft that is being used. I want the students to be able to identify authors craft throughout all books so that they can understand why authors use these techniques to make the book more appealing to the reader. The chart will show the name of the authors craft, an example, and why the author uses the craft in the book. This chart is used so that students can see and hear the crafts being used and to be able to point it out. The students will be able to look at the chart for a reference while doing their graphic organizer. There will be no technology for this activity as the chart will be on poster board. Authors Craft Graphic Organizer The graphic organizer will be used as an assessment tool to see if the students actually understood the different types of authors craft that was used throughout the book. Students should be able to do this successfully after given direct instruction as well as plenty of examples within the book. The students will be able to refer back to the poster board if they are struggling filling out their graphic organizer. Their graphic organizer will include on one side, What tool did the author use? and on the other side, Why did they use it? There will be no technology in this activity, because the students are completing this activity individually at their desk. References: Brown, L. (2012, August 09). Author's craft graphic organizer. Retrieved from http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Authors-Craft-Graphic-Organizer-277373

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