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American Revolutionary War: Intro French and Indian War Essential Question/s What major conflict caused the American colonists to revolt against Great Britain? NCSS THEME Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of how people create, interact with, and change structures of power, authority, and governance. VA Standards of learning
VS. 5 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the role of Virginia in the American Revolution by

a) identifying the reasons why the colonies went to war with Great Britain, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence LA 4.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction texts, and poetry. j) Identify cause and effect relationships. Objectives Students will be able to identify with the American colonists feelings of conflict against Great Britain. Materials for Learning Activities Teacher: Anchor charts and markers, patience. Student: Thinking brains and listening ears. Procedures for Learning Activities Connection: During the morning meeting the students will be informed that due to several students in the class not keeping their chairs legs on the floor, four on the floor, they will be expected to stand for a portion of the day. To begin they will be required to stand for 15 minutes, during the first content lesson after morning meeting. This means standing up, chairs pushed in, and standing behind them. Students will not be permitted to lean against their desk or chair. If a student is caught during the day not keeping all four on the floor, students will be required to stand for an additional 15 minutes. For each incident. Introduction RAP (3-5 minutes) This morning I informed you of a new classroom punishment, who can tell me what that punishment is? Lets discuss the punishment of standing behind your chairs. (Information will be recorded on anchor charts) o Id like to know: during this mornings morning meeting what were you thinking about and feeling this morning, when you were standing for the first 15 minutes, when you were able to sit back down after that initial 15 minutes of standing, and when you were required to stand for additional 15 minutes increments.

Instructional strategies WOW and WIO (35-40 minutes) Teacher and students will engage in discussion over the information given to them during the morning message. The teacher will validate the students feelings and listen to their thoughts on the events that took place during morning message, and throughout the day. o The discussion should move towards the unjustness of this punishment and taking the consequence for something someone else did. One bad apple ruins it for the whole bunch. o Teacher and students will discuss cause and effect, cause: several, not all, students not keeping four on the floor, effect: all students are required to stand. Teacher records students feelings on an anchor chart. In history many groups have encountered similar situations, including the American Colonists. In fact, there was a major war and several battles that took place over a very similar situation. The French and Indian War was a war fought between France and Great Britain over land, the Ohio Valley, here in America. This was a cause to American Revolutionary war. Summary (3-5 minutes) Tomorrow we are going to discuss the French and Indian War and its impact on the American colonists in more detail. Connection: students will be told at dismissal that their punishment has been served. Tomorrow students will be able to sit, however if four on the floor is not followed they will be told to stand again for 15 minutes. This will allow them to feel the effects of One bad apple ruins it for the bunch throughout the unit. Extension: LA 4.7d The student will write cohesively for a variety of purposes. Organize writing to convey a central idea. Writing, students will write about the feelings they felt when the teacher punished the class for something one student did. Assessment Observation of students reactions to the classroom teacher punishes the whole classroom, paired with the verbal discussion with students about their feelings. The teacher will record the students feelings for further connections to the colonists during the American Revolutionary Unit. (Informal Assessment) Differentiation Intrapersonal learners: students who need time to process situations and emotions would be pulled aside separately and clued into the lesson beforehand.

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