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Learning Styles Sylvia L. Rodgers-Clark Ivy Tech Community College

LEARNING STYLES VARK Scores: Visual: 2 Aural: 8 Read/Write: 6 Kinesthetic: 9

The VARK Questionnaire Result for my learning style is right on target. I think that as I lifelong learner I have evolved in my learning style. As a child, I never had to really study to understand a subject, but as I continued to stay in school and learn more challenging courses, I had to learn the hard way how to learn. I think, for me there are factors that contribute to my learning experience that make it more productive. The first factor that makes my learning experience productive is to fully utilize my prime learning time. My prime learning time is early in the morning before the other situations in my life that require deep thought drain that vital energy for learning away. My highest score was Kinesthetic, which was 9. This means that I am a hands on learner. I think I learn best this way because it incorporate all that senses. I see, I feel, I smell, and even on some level I even taste the learning experience. My second highest score was Aural, which was 8. I think this learning style is most valuable with my love of music. I love classical music because it takes me to a deeper level of thought. I can often hear the different levels of music and each instrument. I studied music as a child, but got away from it as my teenage years drew me to different interests. My third score is the most interesting one to me because it has proven to be the most successful form of learning for me in math. If the teacher shows me on the board how to do a problem, I still have to read it (sometimes out loud) and write it before it will make sense in my brain.

LEARNING STYLES My strengths are in music, language and nature. This assessment is also right on target. I love to listen to classical music when just relaxing. I also love to listen to natures music. I listen to the sounds of praise that the birds make every morning, and the clap of the ocean waves as they crash against the sand at the beach. As a child we were taught to love and respect words and books. We were taught to respect the classics like Charles Dickens, and poets like Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Although, the means of learning has greatly changed through technology, internet and computers, I think the basic process of thinking and problem solving will remain the same, as individual as it may be, it is still a vital necessary process. We now have books that read to us instead of us reading them. We now have computers that do the math for us instead of us processing the steps out in our mind. The two assessments, VARK and Find Your Strengths was confirmation of my learning styles and will be of great assistance to me as a lifelong learner. The way that I will incorporate my learning style and strengths into my classroom are I would have a great deal of hands on experiences? Such as planting a seed in a glass container and

writing the process of growth from beginning to end. Or actually counting out the measurements of the ingredients of a science experiment and noting the change in the total product. I will also listen and watch the children as they learn to incorporate the standards.

LEARNING STYLES References Downing, Skip (2012). On Course http://www.vark-learn.com/english/results.asp http://www.litacyworks.org/mi/assessment/cgi-bin/results.cgi

Course Objective #16 and INTASC #19

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