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COMM 4091/4092/Fall 2013

Todd Fraley, Ph.D. 106B JE 252.328.2859
Pam Hopkins, Ph.D. 106A JE 252.328.6717
Fax: 252.328.1509
Email: fraleyt@ecu.edu

Company DescriptionI chose this company because I have always heard that non-profit organizations need the
most help and have the most opprtunity for you to learn PR skills in an abundance first
hand. I provided a brochure in my weebly portfolio. My main goal was to enhance my
writing skills and Pam presented me with an opportunity to do the newsletters where she
covers all of the latest information about her company, this turned in to the main thing I
was responsible for. I also have provided several samples of these in my portfolio.


Job Description-

1. Public Relations Intern, ENC Stop Human Trafficking Now,

Greenville, NC

2. Job summary- To help raise awareness for human trafficking

through an email newsletter to inform supporters, other
organizations and media outlets of activities and relevant bills
and governmental issues. Also to be able to manage a booth at
an outdoor festival to inform public and sell Fair Trade Market

3. Qualifications This person should have good verbal

communictions skills as well as good writing skills. They must
be on time and punctual with their work and be thorough in
their research ad newsletter publishings.

4. Working conditions A typical office day is at a desk where

you do the things she needs on the computer or in the office. It
is just her brother, her dad and another worker that are there so
it is quiet with little to no distraction.


Job Relationships
My supervisor is named Pam Strickland. She works for her dad and he lets her have the
office to use for her orgainzation. She is sweet and very patient with her volunteers and
interns. She gives you time if you need it and is very accomodating to your schedule.
She gives constructive crititsicm when she feels the need but it is only contructive, she
always helps shw you the correct process to get things done and she does it with a smile.
Her father walks around and says hello and talks with you now and then and her brother
is the same. Everyone is very firnedly and helpful.


Specific duties and responsibilitiesI feel strongly that I achieved the goals that I pursued. I came in to the internship hoping
to gain stronger writing skills by doing treal PR experience. With the newsletter, contant
emailing, press releases and PSAs, I feel strongly that I achieved the goals that I set out
for myself.
Responsibilities and duties include the following:
To represent the organization through in interviews and public service
To design and develop an email newsletter to inform supporters, other organizations
and media outlets of activities and relevant bills and governmental issues.
Also, to be able to manage a booth at an outdoor festival to inform public and sell
Fair Trade Market items.


Summary of Experience & Personal assessment of job performance a. To what extent have you learned new disciplines for learning and managing
your time? I learned that school and work duties are separate and those things
each have to be handled. This helped me because I was able to manage both and
do good work. I had to make sure I stuck to my same agenda to make time for
things which taught me how to be prompt and prepared.
b. Have your career goals been reinforced or have you decided to alter your
original goals? Yes, I feel I want to move in a direction more towards sports
helping people in an organization.
c. What new skills have you acquired and what present skills have been
reinforced? I have learned to do a real brochure newsletter and I also had to go
in and record a real PSA that was sent out on the radio. The biggest was taking
my knowledge and applying it so I would say that application was the biggest

thing that I was able to experiment with which in turn gave me confidence in my
ability to perform talks.
d. What specific techniques have you learned which will improve your
interpersonal skills? How will these improve your ability to be successful? I
leanred that no matter what kind of person you are, people are people and
communicating efectively, calmy and with clear direction is the only way you
can get rhough to people. I would say that elaboratioin and articulation were the
techniniques I improved the most. I feel that I am now a more clear and easy to
follow person than I was, I have a tendancy to speak quickly because I worry I
may leave something out. This internship helped me slow things down and get
out my message because the public and her volunteers rely on me getting the
message to them clearly.
e. How could your internship experience have been more beneficial? What were
the most positive and negative aspects of your experience? The most negative
thing would be that it was not paid yet I still had to drive 30 minutes to get
there. If it were closer or if there was an opportunity to work more from home
and still get the 140 hours that would have been nice but Still, this was not an
issue at all because the experience I was getting was worth the drive.

I know an intern is an intern but sometimes I feel that some of the things are busy work which
put stress on my school work. It wasnt all the time it was just some tasks like email contact
transferring that took up some time and I felt that was not what I wanted to be doing. Still yet,
its apart of the process and you cant always be doing what YOU want.

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