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Technische Universit at M unchen Institut f ur Informatik Tobias Neckel

GRS, June 2013

Python course - Tutorial 4

A tutorial task for a real application with NumPy or SciPy would go far beyond the time for a single tutorial. Thus, we suggest that you use the time to practise those topics of the course which you are least procient in and to ask questions. You could also work on the last tutorial sheets. For example, you could: Implement a class and two subclasses (vehicle, car, and bike, e.g.). Think about possible properties of the superclass (that all vehicles have in common) and special properties of the derived subclasses. To really understand object oriented programming, it is crucial to practise it yourself. Work on the Tutorial 3, if desired. Create a list with at least 50 entries using list comprehension. Apply a function to each element to alter the list and nally lter some elements. Create a n n-Matrix A and a Vector b and solve the resulting system of linear equations Ax = b. Take any of the functionality you just implemented, put it in a module, and use it in some other python program.

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