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CounLry roflle Wlkl AsslgnmenL

An1P 312 eoples of Lhe World, Lurope

!"#$ age creaLlon and baslc demographlc daLa - lrlday, Week 3, 11:39 p.m.
CompleLe counLry proflle - lrlday, Week 4, 11:39 p.m.
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?ou wlll use selecL daLa resources Lo explore Lhe demographlc makeup of a parLlcular counLry,
Lhe eLhnlc groups composlng lLs populaLlon, and Lhe languages and dlalecLs spoken Lhere. A
serles of quesLlons wlll gulde you ln Lhe developmenL of a wlkl enLry on your counLry.
8efore compleLlng Lhls asslgnmenL, you wlll need Lo have:
WaLched/read Lhe Luropean uemographlcs" presenLaLlon
WaLched/read Lhe LLhnlc Croups of Lurope" presenLaLlon
8ead noLe on Languages"
8ead Lhe requlred arLlcles ln Lhe week's readlngs folder (Sallabank and Cornellsse)
LocaLe lnformaLlon relaLed Lo a counLry's demographlcs, eLhnlc groups and languages.
ldenLlfy demographlc Lrends LhaL help shape Lhe lssues relevanL Lo a counLry.
uescrlbe Lhe demographlc, eLhnlc and llngulsLlc dlverslLy and/or homogenelLy of a
Lmploy daLaseLs and Lools commonly used by scholars Lo develop a proflle of a counLry.
1. 8y SaLurday of Week 1, slgn up for a counLry CounLry Slgn up" buLLon on Lhe lefL-slde menu bar.

2. use Lhe followlng slLes and resources Lo bulld a porLralL of your chosen counLry:
uemographlcs -
ClA World lacLbook: hLLps://www.cla.gov/llbrary/publlcaLlons/Lhe-world-facLbook/
unlLed naLlons SLaLlsLlcs ulvlslon: hLLp://unsLaLs.un.org/unsd/defaulL.hLm
Luropean Commlsslon uemographlc Analysls:
Luropean uemographlc uaLa SheeL: hLLp://www.oeaw.ac.aL/vld/daLasheeL/
opulaLlon Lurope: hLLp://www.populaLlon-europe.eu/

LLhnlclLy -
LuromlnorlLy.eu: hLLp://www.euromlnorlLy.eu/verslon/eng/reporLs-deLall.asp?ld_acLuallLe=1363
LLhnlc Croups of Lurope: An Lncyclopedla (avallable ln elecLronlc formaL from Lhe CSu Llbrary)

Language -
Luropean uay of Languages:
Luropeans and Lhelr Languages:
Languages Across Lurope:

3. ConsLrucL a wlkl page for your counLry provldlng whaL you feel ls lmporLanL demographlc
lnformaLlon, a llsL and brlef descrlpLlon of Lhe eLhnlc groups of Lhe counLry and a llsL of language
communlLles and dlscusslon of llngulsLlc dlverslLy.

?ou should sLarL your enLry wlLh baslc demographlc daLa: LoLal populaLlon, populaLlon denslLy
(how many people per square kllomeLer), and age sLrucLure (how many people ln parLlcular age
groups). oot cooottys wlkl poqe wltb tbls boslc lofotmotloo oeeJs to be op by &. 2+'%( '7+&
>("-+/ .5 !%%# 8

4. 8e sure Lo clLe Lhe daLa sources used ln your wlkl enLry. ?ou mlghL consulL Lhe Wlklpedla page
on Lhe uemographlcs of Lurope as an example of how Lo slLe sources ln a wlkl:
hLLp://en.wlklpedla.org/wlkl/uemographlcs_of_Lurope. Powever, do refraln from uslng
Wlklpedla as a source for Lhe developmenL of your counLry proflle. l wanL Lo see Lhe above
resources (see sLep 2) used and clLed wlLh dlrecL llnks Lo where Lhe speclflc lnformaLlon ls, noL
81#0(9(0 :"(.#;()#+
1. 8eyond Lhe lnlLlal baslcs (LoLal populaLlon, overall populaLlon denslLy and age sLrucLure)
selecL oLher demographlc daLa LhaL you feel are relevanL Lo undersLandlng Lhe counLry.
1hese mlghL lnclude growLh or decllne raLe, blrLh raLe, llfe expecLancy, lnfanL morLallLy,
marrlage raLe, dlvorce raLe, neL mlgraLlon raLe, ouL mlgraLlon (emlgraLlon), ln mlgraLlon
(lmmlgraLlon), populaLlon denslLles ln parLlcular reglons of Lhe counLry, gender, gender and
age, or oLher lnformaLlon LhaL you have uncovered uslng Lhe demographlc daLa sources.
lnclude an explanaLlon of why Lhe parLlcular demographlc numbers you've focused on are
lmporLanL Lo undersLandlng LhaL counLry.

lmporLanL noLe: demographlcs are Lhe sLaLlsLlcs of a populaLlon. uemographlc daLa are noL
Lhe same as economlc daLa (Lhe numbers relaLed Lo Lhe wealLh of a counLry, such as Cu or
economlc growLh). Powever, you may lnclude lnformaLlon regardlng lncome per person,
poverLy and economlc lnequallLy ln your demographlc proflle lf you feel lL ls relevanL Lo
undersLandlng Lhe counLry (and lL probably ls.).
2. LlsL and brlefly descrlbe Lhe eLhnlc groups LhaL make up Lhe populaLlon of your counLry.
ulvlde Lhem lnLo ma[or eLhnlc groups and mlnorlLy populaLlons, provldlng demographlc
lnformaLlon abouL Lhose populaLlons (e.g. whaL percenLage of Lhe LoLal populaLlon).

3. Among mlnorlLy communlLles of Lhe counLry, dlsLlngulsh beLween naLlonal mlnorlLles,
LransnaLlonal mlnorlLles, lndlgenous mlnorlLles and lmmlgranL mlnorlLles (see LLhnlc
Croups of Lurope" presenLaLlon for an explanaLlon of Lhose caLegorles).
4. LlsL Lhe languages spoken ln your counLry and caLegorlze Lhem by language famlly (e.g.
Cermanlc, 8omance, Slavlc). ulvlde Lhem by ma[orlLy/mlnorlLy llngulsLlcs communlLles,
provldlng demographlc lnformaLlon abouL Lhose communlLles (e.g. whaL percenLage of Lhe
LoLal populaLlon).

3. Lxplaln Lhe connecLlon beLween llngulsLlcs communlLles and eLhnlc groups - are Lhere
eLhnlc groups LhaL speak a parLlcular language or dlalecL, llngulsLlc changes happenlng ln
parLlcular eLhnlc communlLles, language revlLallzaLlon efforLs assoclaLed wlLh eLhnlc

6. uescrlbe Lhe llngulsLlc cllmaLe of Lhe counLry. ?ou mlghL wanL Lo address Lhe followlng:
! WhaL percenLage of Lhe populaLlon ln mulLlllngual?
! AL whaL age do chlldren sLarL learnlng a second language ln school and whaL ls Lhe mosL
common one?
! Are Lhere groups pushlng for llngulsLlc monlsm (agalnsL llngulsLlc plurallsm, advocaLlng
for a homogenous 'naLlonal' language)?
! ls Lhere a naLlonal language?
! Are Lhere mulLlple naLlonal languages?

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