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Hyperprism-DX 1.5.

In order to use Hyperprism-DX 1.5.5, you must have Microsoft's DirectX Media 5.2 or higher insta ed on your system. If you don't, you can run !d"msetup.e"e! from the !DirectX Insta #DirectX! directory on the $r%oretum &D, or do'n oad it (as 'e as the atest versions of a DirectX soft'are) from Microsoft's DirectX site* http*##'''.microsoft.com#direct"# +hese DirectX effects 'i 'or, 'ith &a,e'a ,, -ound .orge, &u%ase, /ogic $udio, 0ave a%, &oo 1dit 2ro, and a other DirectX-compati% e audio app ications. In the demo version audio is muted at 13 second interva s.

41.561 758 I9-+$// H721626I-M-DX 1.5.5 If you have previous y insta ed Hyperprism-DX 1.5." or Hyperprism-DX 1.5." Demo, -etup 'i ocate these versions and automatica y uninsta them. It is recommended that you et -etup uninsta any o der versions of Hyperprism, or uninsta them manua y. If there is no uninsta er program associated 'ith the o d version, consu t the insta .t"t fi e on the $r%oretum &D for instructions on ho' to uninsta manua y.

95+1 .56 8-16- 5. &$:10$/:* +he fo o'ing effects re;uire mono-to-stereo or stereo-to-stereo input#output configurations* $utopan M-- Matri" More -tereo 2an <uasi-stereo -tereo Dynamics =ocoder -ome versions of &a,e'a , on y support mono-to-mono configurations> therefore it may not %e possi% e to use these effects.

95+1 .56 8-16- 5. H721626I-M-DX 1.3* 2resets used (or saved) 'ith Hyperprism-DX 1.3 are incompati% e 'ith version 1.5. It is possi% e that your host app ication may attempt to oad these o%so ete va ues into Hyperprism-DX 1.5.5, 'hich cou d cause certain initia settings to %e outside of the appropriate range. If this happens, ad?usting the va ues in the edit %o"es 'i automatica y constrain the parameters to the proper range. If you have saved presets 'ith Hyperprism-DX 1.3 p ugins, you may 'ish to a%ort this insta ation and record these settings in order to re-enter them 'ith the ne' p ugins.

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