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qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjkl Eyes of a Sixth Grader zxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj A Lesson For Ryan; Experience For Me klzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd

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Fall 2013 Heather M scatell

TA B L E ! " # ! $ T E $ T %
A thor(s "ote !ntrod cin* of Ryan ) +,-

.AR# !
$/ser0ation of Ryan #i1e 'hart 12,11 #i1e 'hart 212,13 Analyses 1) !nter0ie3 3ith Ryan #ranscript Analyses Artifacts of Ryan(s School 5or6 5ritin* S r0ey Reader Response 7o rnal8 2,29,13 Reader Response 7o rnal8 2,24,13 Reader Response 7o rnal8 10,1+,13 Reader Response 7o rnal8 10,22,13 Analyses !nter0ie3 3ith Ms: ;etch p < estion Responses Analyses !nter0ie3 3ith Ms: 5e/ < estion Responses 30,31 2 = .a*e 29,22 22,24 21 22 23 2) 2+ 2+,21+,14 14,20 13,



.AR# !!
Rationale $ tline of &nit .lan Lesson .lans Lesson ! Lesson !! Lesson !!! Assess1ent of &nit .lan 3+,33-,39 39,32 34,)0 33 3)

3 = .a*e


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A&#H$R(S "$#E
#his case st dy 3as to pic6 a st dent of choice at an assi*ned school: #hro *ho t this report> ! explained 1y reasonin* of 1y actions /y annotation: E0erythin* is confidential and na1es ha0e /een chan*ed ?@A: #he p rpose of this report 3as so ! co ld practice o/ser0in* st dents to find the 3ay that they learn /est: #o f rther this> ! 1ade a nit plan to /enefit the st dent of 1y choosin*: #he process of co1pletin* this report 3as to o/ser0e a st dent> inter0ie3 hi1> pro0ide exa1ples of his school 3or6> inter0ie3 his lan* a*e arts teacher> and inter0ie3 another teacher of choice: After each part> ! pro0ided 1y analyses of the st dent(s lin* istic> readin* strate*ies> and literacy s6ills: #his case st dy has ta *ht 1e the i1portance of noticin* all st dents; the ones 3ho stand o t and the ones that do not: ! ha0e learned all that it ta6es to 1a6e a nit plan that can /e specified for one st dent: Another thin* that ! learned 3as that it 1 st /e hard for a teacher to *et to 6no3 each st dent indi0id ally /eca se d e to 1y B estions for 1y st dent(s teachers> so1e ans3ers 3ere not that specific: Ho3e0er> so1e ans3ers 3ere *i0en d e to 3ritin* pro1pts 3hich leads 1e to /elie0e that this is a *reat 3ay to *et to 6no3 one(s st dents e0en 3ith a fe3 classes of t3enty,fi0e:

+ = .a*e

!"#R$%&'!"G $F RCA"
! 3al6 into Ms: ;etch p(s@ lan* a*e arts classroo1 in #o3n Middle School@ on the 19th of Septe1/er> 2013: After introd cin* 1yself and tellin* her a/o t this proDect ?3hich she had prior 6no3led*e ofA> she sho3ed 1e the seatin* chart: $n it> Ms: ;etch p 1ar6ed 3hich st dents> in her opinion> 3ere the B iet ones and the o t*oin* ones: ! too6 this seatin* chart the /ac6 of the classroo1 3here ! sat and o/ser0ed the classroo1 en0iron1ent: ! too6 notes on rando1 thin*s of st dent(s /eha0ior s ch as the 3ay they held their pencil> their 1anneris1s> ho3 they 3or6ed> and the 3ay they spo6e: #he class 3as half 3ay o0er and ! realiEed> ! a1 1ostly o/ser0in* the o t*oin* st dents: RealiEin* this> ! started ta6in* noticed of the st dents 3ho 3ere not catchin* 1y eye: #his is 3hen ! noticed Ryan@:

! noticed that Ryan 3as 0ery distanced in class: He 3o ld /e starin* into space instead of doin* his 3ritin* assi*n1ent: Ho3e0er> once he did start the assi*n1ent> he finished 1ore B ic6ly than his peers: ! tho *ht that 3as 0ery interestin* /eca se in 1ost cases> people 3ho do not 3ant to do so1ethin*> are not the first fe3 people done: ! de0eloped the idea that 1ay/e he does not li6e lan* a*e arts class / t co ld /e nat rally talented at it: Another thin* that ! noted 3as Ryan did not 0ol nteer as 1 ch as his class1ates: "or did he hold pri0ate con0ersations li6e the others: Ho3e0er> once the final /ell ran*> Ryan /eca1e 1ore social and happily tal6ed a1on*st his peers as he left the classroo1:

After class> Ms: ;etch p and ! disc ssed 1y choosin* of Ryan: She told 1e that he D st 1issed a 3ee6 of class / t did not explain 3hy> nor did ! as6 / t ! later fo nd o t it 3as d e to 0acation: She explained that Ryan is doin* a lot of 1a6e p 3or6 / t is str **lin* to hand it in: ! *ot a little 3orried of 6eepin* Ryan as 1y s /Dect / t ! already 1a6e 1y decision to stic6 3ith hi1:


#he next 3ee6 ! ca1e in to o/ser0e> Ryan 3as o t d e to /ein* sic6: ! o/ser0ed other st dents as they presented F%id Co ;no3GH posters a/o t a person or /oo6 of choice: #he third 3ee6> the class had to ta6e a pretest on their readin* s6ills: Finally on the fo rth 3ee6 ! 3as a/le to o/ser0e Ryan sin* a ti1e chart: #hese

- = .a*e

o/ser0ations really helped 1e *et to 6no3 hi1 and help / ild 1y B estions for his inter0ie3:

! learned thro *h o/ser0in* and inter0ie3in* that Ryan is a s3eet /oy 3ith a *ood heart: He is a typical sixth *rade /oy /y lo0in* sports> not t rnin* in assi*n1ents and han*in* o t 3ith friends after school: He 3as a Doy to *et to 6no3: As part of this case st dy ! 3as a/le to pic6 a /oo6 that Ryan 3o ld li6e to read and *i0e hi1 a copy: !t 3as a pleas re to 3or6 3ith hi1 and for hi1:

9 = .a*e

*A'T +
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body ~Joseph Addison

Ryans quote on his Reader Response Journal

2 = .a*e

As part of this case st dy ! had to o/ser0e Ryan to learn 1ore a/o t hi1: Ielo3 are t3o ti1e charts that ha0e 1y o/ser0ation and 1y interpretation of 3hat ! sa3: Ryan 3as na3are that ! 3as o/ser0in* hi1 d rin* these days:


#i1e 1182 4 $/ser0ation Ryan p lls o r 3ritin* Do rnal Ms: ;etch p explains 3ritin* pro1pt F5hat does it 1eanG Gi0e so1e exa1ples fro1 real life8 F!f yo don(t li6e so1ethin* chan*e it> chan*e the 3ay yo thin6 a/o t it:H Ryan 3ritin*> occasionally loo6in* at the front /oard 'rossin* o t 3ritin* Loo6in* at the front /oard> 1a6in* a che3in* 1otion 5rites> pa ses> 3rites 1183 ) Ryan is starin* into space> 3rites a*ain 5rites a little then loo6s else3here ?shirt> hands> front /oard> into spaceA Readin* his 3or6> 3rites a*ain .ro/a/ly thin6in* Ioard of 3ritin*G May/e chec6in* spellin*K*ra11arG $r 1a6in* s re he 3rote e0erythin* he 3anted toG Eatin* so1ethin*G $r is his thin6in* faceG !nterpretation

1183 -

Ms: ;etch p Falri*ht> let(s tal6 a/o t 3hat yo thin6 it 1eansH Ryan stops 3ritin* St dents start sharin* Ryan loo6s at Ms: ;etch p 3hile st dents share 7enny@ shares> Ryan loo6s at her Ryan tal6s L says the 3ord Fli6eH a lot May/e Ryan li6es her 'o ld /e a ner0o s> p /lic spea6in* tic6 or does he do it in 4 = .a*e

nor1al speech as 3ellG Ms: ;etch p s 11ariEes 3hat Ryan said Fp t a positi0e spin on thin*sH 1183 4 Ms: ;etch p as6s for exa1ples fro1 the 3ritin* pro1pt L tal6s to Malinda@ Ryan not starin* at anyone e0en if they are tal6in* L loo6s li6e he is starin* into space Ryan starts /lo3in* air o t of his 1o th 118) 2 118) 3 Ryan is sittin* fairly still Ms: ;etch p as6s to relate the 3ritin* pro1pt to the class /oo6 Ryan starts fid*etin* his le* Ryan leans /ac6 in chair and the fid*etin* stops Ms: ;etch p as6s a lot of B estions / t Ryan is not raisin* his hand Ryan leans into des6 and for3ard 3hen Ms: ;etch p tal6s Ryan rests his head on his ar1s / t he only stays li6e this for a fe3 seconds 118) Ryan starts fid*etin* 3ith /oth le*s S3itch of acti0ities L %LR ?%aily Lan* a*e Re0ie3A Ryan starts 3or6in* on %LR 3or6sheet 118) 4 Ryan p ts pencil do3n Ryan(s lips 1o0in*> / t not tal6in* Jol nteers an ans3er a/o t spellin* ?1ayd to 1adeA Ryan starts tappin* his 6n c6les on his des6 L does not do this for lon* Ryan erases so1ethin* 118+ Ms: ;etch p starts tal6in* a/o t 1aps .ro/a/ly fixin* an ans3er .ro/a/ly a fid*et or sin*in* a son* in his head Listenin*G May/e interested in 3hat she has to say As if doin* a /reathin* exercise: May/e he does sportsG

118+ 1

10 = . a * e

Ms: ;etch p re1inds st dents a/o t their ho1e3or6 Ryan 1o0es lips> 1a6es faces Ms: ;etch p collects ho1e3or6 d e Ms: ;etch p passes o t their ho1e3or6 L Ryan 3ritin* so1ethin* Ms: ;etch p tells the st dents to p t a3ay their ho1e3or6 that 3as D st assi*ned L Ryan folds it into )s and p ts it in his /ac6pac6 .ro/a/ly 3ritin* his na1e or the d e date of the ne3 ho1e3or6 %oes Ryan ha0e poor or*aniEational s6illsG "o folderK/inderG

118+ +

St dents p ll o t different sheets Ryan stares at it> then starts readin* it Ms: ;etch p p ts so1ethin* related to the sheet on the /oard L st dents start 3ritin* do3n thin*s

118+ 9

Ms: ;etch p has to step o t of the roo1 L Ryan starts tal6in*> 1o thin* thin*s Ms: ;etch p ca1e /ac6 into the roo1 Ryan starts fid*etin* 3ith his pencil

118+ 4 1280 1 1280 3

Ryan pretends to dr 1 on his des6 3ith his fin*ers as dr 1 stic6s / t does not 1a6e a so nd A rando1 class disc ssion /rea6s o t> Ryan is still 3ritin* / t not 1any other st dents are Ryan stops 3ritin* and stretches Ryan pro1pts his head off his hands Ryan loo6in* at Ms: ;etch p 3ho is descri/in* the definition of F0aledictorianH Ryan is fid*etin* his le*s

May/e he has a son* st c6 in his head or 1ay/e he plays the dr 1s

1280 4 1281 0 1281 1

Ms: ;etch p as6s if anyone has had pin6 eye L Ryan and 1any other st dents raised their hand Iell rin*s Ryan starts to doodle St dents share stories Ryan 6eeps chan*in* positions !s he tired> /oredG 11 = . a * e

Ryan is not loo6in* at the front /oard or Ms: ;etch p 3ho is tal6in* L he still is doodlin* 1281 ) 1281 1281 9 Ryan loo6s at the front /oard a*ain Ryan is doodlin* on other sheets of paper and class folder Ms: ;etch p re1inds the st dents that they 3ill ha0e a test on #h rsday that 3ill ha0e 3hat they D st 3ent o0er on it Ms: ;etch p starts a ne3 acti0ity 1281 2 Ms: ;etch p re0ie3s the class /oo6 So1e st dents finished the B estions a/o t the readin* assi*n1ent: "o3 they ha0e to dra3 pict re ti1e line: Ms: ;etch p tells the class that they 3ill *o o0er the B estions near the end of class Ryan starts tal6in* to his nei*h/or ?/oyA St dents *o off into partners ! /elie0e that the st dents *ot to pic6 their o3n partners> or if they e0en 3anted partners /eca se it see1s that 1ost st dents are friends 3ith their partners

Ryan is 3or6in* 3ith 7ohn@ on the floor 1281 4 Ryan and 7ohn are tal6in* a/o t a dance and han*in* o t on the 3ee6end Ryan is 3or6in* on dra3in* the ti1e line 7ohn is tal6in* a lot as Ryan dra3s 1282 1 Ryan and 7ohn started on their class 3or6> re0ie3 that their dra3in*s are in the correct order Ryan descri/es 3hat each pict re 3as> co1parin* it to the readin* 1282 2 Ms: ;etch p chec6s on Ryan and 7ohn Ryan explains that they are D st addin* and fixin* t3o of their pict res

12 = . a * e

1282 3

7ohn as6s 3hy Ryan(s na1e is on the chal6 /oard L it is listed nder the FAlot 'l /H Ryan does not 6no3 3hy and as6s other st dents to see if they 6no3 L they do not 7ohn is sharin* stories to Ryan

?A lot as one 3ord> not t3oA

1282 +

Iell rin*s Ms: ;etch p as6s Ryan a/o t a different proDect Ryan tal6s to 7ohn a/o t 0ideo *a1es ?M,IoxA ! a1 noticin* as Ryan tal6s to 7ohn that he does not se Fli6eH that freB ently .ro/a/ly not too foc sed on the school 3or6

Ryan and 7ohn are D st loo6in* at each other as they tal6 1282 9 7ohn starts dra3in* Ms: ;etch p co1es to 3here Ryan and 7ohn are to chec6 on their pro*ress and to *i0e Ryan old 3or6 that he t rned in Ryan and 7ohn stop tal6in* a/o t their personal life 1282 2 1282 4 Ryan *ets color pencils> 3al6s past 1e and noticed 1y 0isitor /ad*e on the floor and pic6s it p for 1e Ryan as6s Ms: ;etch p 3hy his na1e is nder the FAlot 'l /H L the cl / is for st dents 3ho t rn in 3or6 sin* Fa lotH as one 3ord> the 1ore yo t rn it in 3ritten in correctly> yo can /eco1e FpresidentH of the cl / Ryan tells Ms: ;etch p that he 3ants to /eco1e the president

Ms: ;etch p pro/a/ly chec6 on the1 /eca se they 3ere tal6in* a lot .ro/a/ly /eca se Ms: ;etch p 3as standin* near the1 A 0ery nice thin* to do

He see1s li6e he is tryin* to /e f nny /y 3antin* to t rn in papers 3ith Fa lotH spelled 3ron*

1283 1 1283 + 1283 9

Ryan and 7ohn are colorin* their ti1e line / t not tal6in* a/o t the readin* Ms: ;etch p hears Ryan la *hin* and as6s hi1 if he is o6ay: Ryan says he is and is D st la *hin* Ryan and 7ohn are al1ost done colorin* Ryan is no3 colorin* on his o3n

13 = . a * e

Ryan and 7ohn still tal6in* a/o t personal thin*s 128) 0 128) 2 Ryan and 7ohn colorin* Ryan and 7ohn *et p> Ryan sho3s his dra3in* to Ms: ;etch p and explains it Ryan as6s Ms: ;etch p if he co ld p t it on the chal6 /oard 128) ) Ms: ;etch p 3ants st dents /ac6 in any seat L st dents no lon*er sittin* on the floor Ryan left his B estions at his des6s and *ets it 128) Ms: ;etch p as6s Ryan if he has his 3or6 o t> he did not / t then he *ot it o t As st dents 0ol nteer ans3ers> Ryan is D st starin* into space> 3hen Ms: ;etch p tal6s> he loo6s at his paper Ryan starts fid*etin* Ms: ;etch p as6s Ryan to chec6 his ans3ers 128) 2 Ryan 0ol nteers ans3er to B estion + L he *ot it correct Ryan is fid*etin* a*ain> / t not as 1 ch L does not last lon* 128+ 1 Ms: ;etch p refers to a pa*e fro1 the readin* Ryan loo6s at the pa*e After Ms: ;etch p hea0ily i1plied to loo6 at it to all the st dents L pro/a/ly *oin* to /e a test B estion May/e she sa3 hi1 fid*etin* Ryan see1ed 0ery confident on this ans3er> he raised his hand 0ery B ic6ly to ans3er it

Ms: ;etch p as6s a B estion L Ryan raises his hand 7ohn ans3ers the B estion and Ryan p ts his hand do3n L Ms: ;etch p as6ed Ryan if 7ohn said the sa1e thin* that Ryan 3as *oin* to share L Ryan nods 128+ ) Ms: ;etch p as6s the class a /i* B estion Ryan raises his hand L *ets called on Ryan *i0es a lon*> filled ans3er 3ith only a co ple of filler 3ords 1) = . a * e

Ryan starts dr 11in* on hi slap and 1o0in* his lips 128+ + Iell Rin*s L 'lass o0er St dents pac6 p Ryan starts tal6in* to 7ohn as they lea0e the roo1 to*ether


#i1e $/ser0ation Ryan 3al6s in> /a*s nder his eyes 11830 Ms: ;etch p does eno nce1ents and *oes o0er 3ritin* pro1pt8 Fdefine /ra0ery and co ra*e and thin6 of exa1plesH Ryan is ta6in* his ti1e *ettin* o t a pencil All other st dents 3ritin* 11832 Ryan starts 3ritin* Startin* and stoppin* Ryan pic6in* at his hands 1183+ Ms: ;etch p tells the st dents to 3rap p their 3ritin* Ryan is still 3ritin* as other st dents start to share 3hat they 3rote 1183St dents sharin* 3hat they 3rote Ryan is playin* 3ith his /inder Ryan is not loo6in* at the spea6ers 5hen Ms: ;etch p tal6s> he stares at her Ryan is crac6in* his 6n c6les 118)0 St dents share their exa1ples fro1 the 3ritin* pro1pt !nterpretation M st /e tired

1+ = . a * e

Ryan is holdin* his nose and 1a6es 3eird faces Ryan is leanin* his head on his hands Ryan is not 1a6in* 1 ch eye content Ryan starts doodlin* 118)2 Ms: ;etch p s3itches acti0ities %LR Ryan starts 3ritin* 118+1 Ms: ;etch p *oes o0er the %LR Ryan is still 3ritin* Ms: ;etch p calls on Ryan for an ans3er L Ryan 3as leanin* /ac6 in his chair as he *i0es the correct ans3er Ms: ;etch p pro/a/ly called on hi1 /eca se it loo6ed li6e he 3as not payin* attention: Iy the 3ay Ms: ;etch p reacted to Ryan(s ans3er> ! do not thin6 it 3as 3hat she 3as loo6in* for He is daEed> pro/a/ly tired


Ms: ;etch p s3itches to 0oca/ lary ho1e3or6 Ryan loo6s at his /ac6pac6 and starts 1o thin* Ryan *i0es his copy of toni*ht(s ho1e3or6 to the *irl next to hi1> no3 he does not ha0e the 3or6sheet Ms: ;etch p explains that they 3ill /e doin* St dy !sle co1p ter pro*ra1 3ith the laptops Ryan sits and 3aits> tal6in* to no one 3hile he 3aits to *et a laptop Ryan tal6s to 7ohn 3hen they *et p .ro/a/ly friends "ot *ood typin* s6ills May/e he has a cell phone and 3as textin*G He is /ein* nice so she 3as the 3or6sheet and he 3aits for the extra copy

1280+ 12809

Ryan types 3ith his fin*ers Ms: ;etch p as6s if anyone is ha0in* tro /le 3ith the co1p ter pro*ra1 Ryan raises his hand Ryan starts p llin* on his lip


Ms: ;etch p *i0es step,/y,step instr ctions Ryan leans into his co1p ter> starin* into it May/e readin* directions 1- = . a * e

12812 12813

Ryan raises his hand Iell Rin*s Ryan *ets to 3or6 on his co1p ter

12822 1283)

Iell Rin*s Ms: ;etch p sho3s p a piece of dra3in* 3or6 and as6s 3ho it is /eca se it has no na1e L it is Ryan and 7ohn(s Ryan *i0es /ac6 the dra3in* 3ith their na1es on it and as6s ho3 1any B estions he has to do on a section fro1 the St dy !sle co1p ter pro*ra1 Ryan stops doin* his 3or6 Ryan is stretchin*> loo6in* aro nd Ryan *ets p to tal6 to Ms: ;etch p and *ets a Scope 1a*aEine fro1 her and *oes /ac6 to his laptop 5hy did he *et the 1a*aEine if he still has 3or6 to doG ! do /t he is finished




Ms: ;etch p tells the st dents 3ith co1p ters that they need to start lo**in* off and p ttin* the1 al3ays Ryan(s 1ale nei*h/or is tal6in* to hi1 and pointin* at Ryan(s co1p ter screen

128+) 128++

Ryan is p ttin* a piece of paper into a di0ider or*aniEer Ryan starts 3or6in* on a 3or6sheet / t still has not p t his laptop a3ay:

May/e toni*ht(s ho1e3or6G A different section for each classG


! noticed that Ryan sed the 3ord Fli6eH a lot 3hen spea6in* for lon*er period of ti1e in front of the class: ! 6no3 a lot of people do this either 3itho t realiEin* it or /eca se they are thin6in* on their feet: 5hen Ryan 3as 3or6in* 3ith 7ohn> ! noticed that he did not se the 3ord Fli6eH nless he 3as sin* in the correct context of /ein* fond of so1ethin*: He spo6e in *ood 0ol 1e co1pared to his class1ates 3ho either 3ere 0ery lo d or 0ery B iet: ! also did notice only a little 1 1/lin* 3hich can /e expected for so1e st dents 3hen tal6in* to a cro3d: For 19 = . a * e

the lessons> ! plan on ha0in* Ryan experience /oth class disc ssions and *ro p disc ssions: 5ith /oth types of disc ssions /ein* sed> Ryan can feel co1fort in one> and /e p shed to enhance his p /lic spea6in* s6ills in another:

R%A&ING !"RA"%GI%! !$ILL!

! did not notice 1 ch readin* strate*y s6ills expect he 3o ld occasionally r n his fin*er across the pa*e as he read: 5hen he 3or6ed on the co1p ter> he 3o ld so1eti1e lean into the screen 3hich leads 1e to /elie0e that he 3as tryin* to concentrate on 3hate0er he 3as readin*: 5hen he and 7ohn 3or6ed on creatin* a ti1eline for a readin*> he 3o ld *o /ac6 and re,read passa*es to 1a6e s re that their dra3in*s 3ere in the correct order and that they 3ere acc rate: #his sho3s *ood readin* s6ills /eca se he is 3illin* and nderstandin* of the i1portance of re, readin*:

LI"%RA#' !$ILL!
Fro1 3atchin* Ryan do his 3ritin* pro1pts> ! ha0e the i1pression that he is either not a *ood 3riter or he does not li6e to 3rite: He see1ed to 3rite a little> then stare into space: ! fi* red he 3as either thin6in* of 1ore infor1ation to add or D st procrastinatin* the ti1e a3ay: ! co ld tell> e0en fro1 a distance> 3hen Ryan 3as doodlin*: 5hen *ettin* the chance to loo6 thro *h Ryan(s Reader Response 7o rnal> ! sa3 that he did in fact doodle on so1e of the entries: Since he see1ed to enDoy colorin*> ! 3ant to se this enDoy1ent parallel 3ith 3ritin*: !n a lesson ! plan on doin*> the 3ritin* pro1pt 3ill ha0e st dents 3rite and ans3er and dra3 a pict re to *o 3ith it: #his 3ill increase Ryan(s 3ritin* s6ills 3hile lettin* hi1 do so1ethin* that he enDoys: $n the first day of o/ser0in* Ms: ;etch p(s class> she *a0e the st dents an acti0ity 3or6in* on their /roch re readin* s6ills: A lot of st dents had tro /le on this acti0ity / t Ryan see1s to do o6ay and finished /efore so1e of his peers: ! /elie0e that 3hen Ryan decides to do his 3or6> he can do it efficiently and effecti0ely / t the 1oti0ation is lac6in*: Ryan(s teachers also 1entioned this in their inter0ie3 and this 3ill /e so1ethin* that ! 3ill ha0e to consider 3hen creatin* his nit plan:

12 = . a * e

!"#ERJ!E5 5!#H RCA"

! had the opport nity to sit do3n and ha0e a tal6 3ith Ryan: ! co ld tell at first he 3as ner0o s and shy / t 3illin* to share ans3ers: Ho3e0er> ! *ot the feelin* that he 3as tellin* 1e thin*s that ! 3anted to hear and ! did not 3ant that to /e the case: 5e sat alone in a side office across the hall fro1 his classroo1: #his con0ersation lasted aro nd se0en 1in tes: Ielo3 is the 3ord,for,3ord transcript of o r con0ersation: #he /lac6 is 1e and the /l e is Ryan:

Are yo o6ay that ! record thisG Cea %o yo 6no3 3hy !(1 inter0ie3in* yo G Ceah> 3e had to si*n a paper: 5hat did the paper tell yo G ! didn(t read it: 5hat ! ha0e to do> is ! had to find one st dent in the class and 3ho ! fo nd interestin* and different fro1 1e and ! sa3 yo and ho3 yo loo6ed 0ery Eooned in class so !(1 D st 6inda doin* it for 1y class ! ha0e to 1a6e lessons specifically for yo so this inter0ie3 is for 1e to *et to 6no3 yo and ho3 yo learn so ! 6no3 ho3 to 1a6e lesson plans for yo to help 1e as a f t re teacher: $6ayG So one cool thin* ! *et to do is ! *et to rena1e yo and the school and Mrs: HintE so that 3ay no one 6no3s that ! a1 tal6in* a/o t yo e0er: So ! already rena1ed yo / t 3o ld yo li6e to rena1e the schoolG 5o ld yo li6e to pic6 a ne3 na1e itG &11 ! don(t really care: Co don(t careG 5hat a/o t Mrs: HintE do yo care at allG "o: "o creati0ity 3ith itG "o: $6ay so tell 1e a/o t yo rself: &11 ! li6e sports li6e 1y fa0orite sport is /as6et/all: ;ay ! 6inda sa3 so1e of that in yo r 3ritin*: Ceah: 14 = . a * e

So do yo play hereG Ceah> ! already handed in 1y si*n, ps: &h ! li6e 'hica*o> they(re 1y fa0orite tea1: Ceah> the I llsG &11,h 11: $penin* tip,off is act ally toni*ht: #hat(s excitin*: %o yo 3atch it 3ith yo r fa1ilyG Ceah / t 1y 1o1 is a La6er(s fan 1y /rother li6es the $6laho1a State #h nder: So 3hat a/o t yo r dadG My dadG He h passed a3ay: "o0e1/er 2 th is ten years: 5o3 that 3as a lon* ti1e a*o: Co alri*ht 3ith itG Ceah $6ay> that(s *ood: Anythin* else a/o t yo G "o> that(s a/o t it: 5hat a/o t> ho3 do thin6 a/o t lan* a*e artsG %o yo li6e itG "ot li6e itG ! li6e it Nca se ! li6e to 3rite: ! li6e to 3rite a/o t /as6et/all: ! li6e anythin* that has to do a/o t sports: Li6e> ! li6e /ein* acti0e: $6ay Nca se yo al3ays> li6e ! said> yo al3ays see1 really Eooned in class so ! didn(t 6no3 if li6e yo (re not interested or if yo don(t li6e 3hat yo (re tal6in* a/o t ri*ht no3 li6e 3ith the Helen ;eller does that interest yo at all or not reallyG Ceah: CeahG N'a se no one is *oin* to 6no3 a/o t this: #his is D st for 1e: !(1 not *oin* to rat yo o t so /e honest> it(s not a /i* deal: 5ell> ! li6e learnin* li6e all a/o t different history(s li6e h li6e old thin*s h li6eO ReallyG ! hate history: Li6e Atlantic thin*s li6e if people e0er fo nd parts fro1 it> li6e ancient to3ns: St ff li6e that: So is that so1ethin* yo 3ant to do 3hen yo *ro3 pG ! 6no3 that yo 3ant to /e on the I lls tea1> / t after that> 3hat do yo 3ant to doG ! 3o ld li6e to /e li6e tra0el aro nd the 3orld and find thin*s:

20 = . a * e

So li6e 1ay/e an archeolo*istG $r so1ethin* li6e thatG #hat(s really cool: So 3hat 6ind of st ff do yo li6e to read a/o tG #hen historyG HistoryOsports> ! li6e thrillers> *host stories: ?HaHaA %o yo > do yo read often on yo r o3n> li6e not for class or anythin*G &h,h h: ! read at ho1e: 5hat do yo li6e> 3hat is yo r fa0orite /oo6G &11O !t(s a hard B estion ! 6no3: .ro/a/ly the first Goose/ 1ps /oo6: &h the Ha nted Mas6: $6ay: So 3hat is yo r fa0orite s /DectG Lan*, history thenG My fa0orite s /DectG Ceah My fa0orite s /Dect is pro/a/ly science: ScienceGP So 3hy are yo so into history if yo li6e science class so 1 chG 5ell ! li6e science Nca se li6e all the different thin*s 3e *et to do li6e ! li6e learnin* a/o t li6e thin*s that people find that no/ody tho *ht a/o t: $ohh so that part of science: $6ay> ! *etcha: So yo r least fa0orite is 3hatG Lan* a*e arts: Co D st said that yo didn(t 1ind lan* a*e artsP ! don(t li6e> ! li6e Helen ;eller> ! li6e the acti0ities / t it(s D st> it(s not 1y fa0orite s /Dect: !f ! had to pic6 a s /Dect> that 3o ld /e it: 5hat 3o ld yo rather /e learnin* in lan* a*e arts ri*ht no3G !f yo co ld 1a6e a 3hole topic to tal6 a/o t: &hhO N'a se that is 3hat ! ha0e to do: So help 1e o t here: &hh::a topic to learn a/o t in lan* a*e arts: .ro/a/ly li6e> to li6e 1a6e a report on a fa1o s person: So ! 6no3 a co ple of 3ee6s a*o yo * ys did those posters> 3hat 3as yo r poster a/o tG Co Min*: Co Min*: Any acti0itiesG ! 6no3 yo do /as6et/all: 21 = . a * e

! play foot/all too: Foot/all tooG 5o3 loo6 at yo : Foot/all isn(t li6e 1y 1ain sport: ! play it once and a 3hile: So D st 1ore for f n> li6e /ac6yard foot/allG "o> li6e ! si*n p for a tea1> / t not li6e e0ery year li6e ! do /as6et/all: Gotcha: %o yo play 1 sic or anythin*G &11 no ! li6e the dr 1s: ! can see yo dr 11in* in class so ! 3as D st c rio s if yo li6e dr 11in*: %o yo play the dr 1s at allG ! don(t 6no3 ho3 to play / t ! li6e to sit there and ?1a6es a dr 11in* 1otionA: So 3hat 6ind of 1 sic> do yo listen to 1 sic B ite oftenG 5hat 1 sic do yo li6eG ! li6e any type of 1 sic / t co ntry: !(1 6ind of the sa1e 3ay: ! don(t li6e co ntry or rap either: Alri*ht 11 so this is 6ind of a 3eird B estion8 do yo li6e to 3or6 in *ro ps or on yo r o3nG Gro ps 5hy do yo li6e *ro psG N'a se li6e it(s f n to 3or6 3ith different people and see 3hat they ha0eta li6e offer: Ceah> ! sa3 yo 3or6in* 3ith 7ohn a fe3 3ee6s a*o: So 3o ld yo rather 3or6 3ith a friend> or do yo not care if yo (re p t in rando1 *ro psG ! don(t care: Are yo a leader or a follo3erG A leader: A leaderG Me too> ! lo0e it: So 3hen, ho3 a/o t ho1e3or6G 5hat is yo r feelin*s a/o t itG Ho1e3or6G Ceah: !t s c6s: !t s c6sG ?HaHaA %o yo > li6e do it at ni*htG Li6e are yo really *ood li6e yo *o ho1e and do yo r ho1e3or6 or do yo 3atch #J and do yo r ho1e3or6G 22 = . a * e

! *o ho1e> ! do the first part of 1y ho1e3or6 and ! s ally *et really h n*ry so ! *et so1ethin* to eat and ! *o /ac6 and finish 1y ho1e3or6 and ! pro/a/ly D st *o to 1y nei*h/ors and play foot/all or so1ethin*: #hat(s *ood: %o yo sit do3n at the 6itchen ta/le and do it or do yo 3atch #JG N'a se 3hen ! 3as in 1iddle school ! 3o ld do 1y ho1e3or6 in front of the #J and it 3o ld ta6e 1e ho rs to *et it done: 5ell 1y 1o1> she says !(1 not allo3ed to 3atch #J nless ! *et it done: $6ay so that 3or6s for yo G So ! D st do it on the co ch and ha0e 1y /oo6 laid o t and do it: %oes yo r 1o1 really li6e ho1e3or6 and school> school> school or is she 1ore laxed a/o t thin*sG She is pretty relaxed a/o t thin*s: She 3ants s to 6eep o r *rades p and do *ood: #hat(s cool: %o yo ha0e any B estions for 1eG "o: "oG $6ay ! hope to teach 1ath act ally one day so this is D st a little different teacher pace: $6ay: ! thin6 ! *ot e0erythin* that ! 3ant: #han6 yo for lettin* 1e do this: #han6s:


#here 3as a hea0y a1o nt of filler 3ords that Ryan sed as he tal6ed: His filler 3ords of choice 3ere F 11H and Fli6eH: ! 6no3 that ! p t hi1 on the spot and as6ed hi1 to *her B estions that ! do not e0en li6e to /e as6ed: ! ass 1ed that he 3as sin* the filler 3ords to try and thin6 and explain: ! also realiEed 1yself on all the Fli6esH ! said and ! did not notice it ntil ! listened to the recordin*: Ryan pro/a/ly did not realiEe the a1o nt of fillers he 3as sin*:

R%A&ING !"RA"%GI%! !$ILL!

! did not *ather 1 ch a/o t his readin* strate*ies except for the fact that he li6es to read at ho1e: !t see1s that he 1 ch prefers /oo6s of different *enera than 3hat he is c rrently readin* in school: A strate*y to 6eep Ryan interested in Lan* a*e Arts class 3o ld /e to let hi1 read a/o t 3hat he li6es: #his is 3hy ! 23 = . a * e

chose the /oo6 that ! did for the lessons: #he /oo6 is a 1ystery and a/o t /as6et/all: ! a1 hopin* that this /oo6 3ill *et Ryan 1ore in0ol0ed in readin* at school and other school no0els that 1i*ht not /e his c p of tea:

LI"%RA#' !$ILL!
! ha0e the i1pression that Ryan 3o ld read anythin* 'hica*o I lls related: He did his F%id yo 6no3GH poster on one of their players: Ryan pro/a/ly is at an appropriate readin* le0el: E0en in Ryan(s artifacts> they sho3 his lo0e for /as6et/all: His drea1 is to play for the I lls and it sho3s in his inter0ie3> his 3ritin*> and his choice of readin*: For 1y lessons> ! need to ta6e that lo0e for the sport and se it in a positi0e> ed cational 3ay:

2) = . a * e

AR#!FA'#S $F RCA"(S S'H$$L 5$R;

Ielo3 are photo*raphs of Do rnal entries fro1 Ryan(s Reader Response 7o rnal: #here is also a copy of a 3ritin* s r0ey that Ryan too6 for Ms: ;etch p in the /e*innin* of the school year: ! pic6ed these entries /eca se ! felt they really loo6ed into 3hat Ryan li6es and his style of 3ritin*: #hey also sho3 ho3 he doodles:


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! see confidence in Ryan(s 3ritin*: He is explainin* 3hat he 3rites / t so1e of his 3ritin* is 0ery short: 5hen tal6in* to Ms: ;etch p> she notices the sa1e thin*: So1e of his 3ritin* does not 1a6e sense and he contradicts hi1self / t ! only sa3 that in a fe3 of his pieces: $ne exa1ple on so1ethin* that ! 3as conf sed a/o t 3as the last t3o sentences in the 10,23 Do rnal entry8 F! 3as /ra0e once in pre ;: ! spo6e infront of the ho se:H ! ha0e no idea on 3hat he 1eans /y F! spo6e infront of the ho seH: For 1y lessons> ! 3ill ha0e to 1a6e it clear that all explanations 3ill ha0e to /e explained so there is no conf sion: ! also find Ryan(s 5ritin* S r0ey to /e contradictory startin* 3ith his first ans3er: He says that he does not find hi1self a 3riter / t his reasonin* /ehind it s pports the idea that he does find hi1self one:

R%A&ING !"RA"%GI%! !$ILL!

#he Reader Response entry fro1 10,1+,13> Ryan too6 the 3ritin* pro1pt B estion F!f yo don(t li6e so1ethin* chan*e it; if yo can(t chan*e it> chance the 3ay yo thin6 a/o t itH and /ro6e it into t3o parts to read it: #o sho3 his separation> he doodled sB i**ly lines across the pa*e and ans3ered the first part of that B ote 1eans: 5hen he 3as done> he doodled sB i**ly lines a*ain and ans3ered the second part of 3hat he tho *ht a/o t the B ote: 24 = . a * e

LI"%RA#' !$ILL!
A lot of Ryan(s sentence str ct re is the sa1e8 short sentences: #his is so1ethin* ! 3ill ha0e to try to chan*e d rin* the lesson plans: ! noticed in the 2,24, 13 Reader Response 7o rnal that Ryan 3rote 1ore than he did in the other entries: #his is pro/a/ly d e to the fact that this entry 3as a personal story and Ryan can express hi1self:

30 = . a * e

!"#ERJ!E5 5!#H MS: ;E#'H&.

! did 1y inter0ie3 3ith Ms: ;etch p o0er e1ail: ! sent her these B estions 3ith the re1inder of e0erythin* is confidential:


1: 5hat /oo6sKreadin*sKtopics is the class c rrently readin*Klearnin*G 5e are c rrently dealin* 3ith the the1e of ad0ersity and perse0erance: 5e are readin* #he Miracle 5or6er /y 5illia1 Gi/son: 5e are 3or6in* on identifyin* character traits as 3ell: St dents need to pro0ide text e0idence to s pport their tho *hts: 2: 5hat are other /oo6sKreadin*sKtopics that 3ill /e ta *ht thro *ho t the school yearG 5e 3ill st dy Fa/les> Le*ends> and Gree6 Mytholo*y> 3e 3ill read Seedfol6s /y .a l Fleish1ann ?a no0el on co11 nity and social D sticeA> and 3e 3ill also cond ct a research proDect on the 3orld(s "e3 Cear(s traditions: 5e 3ill for1 Literat re 'ircles to st dy the ele1ents of fiction: St dents 3ill choose their o3n /oo6s: 3: Ho3 are Ryan(s 3ritin* s6illsG He is a stron* 3riter 3ith *ood *ra11ar s6ills: He is tho *htf l in his responses: He s ally 3rites the least a1o nt to *et the ans3er correct: I t> he does this 3ell and 3ith fe3 errors: He is definitely readin* and 3ritin* at *rade le0el: ): %o yo notice any patterns in Ryan(s speechG

31 = . a * e

Ryan is 0ery shy and doesn(t tal6 1 ch in class: He expresses hi1self 3ell 3hen called pon: He al3ays see1s to 6no3 D st 3here 3e are or 3hat 3e are tal6in* a/o t: +: Iased on 3hat yo 6no3 a/o t Ryan> 3hat is he interested inG Ryan li6es sports and ani1als: He partic larly li6es /as6et/all: He see1s to ha0e lots of pets and he li6es to 3rite a/o t the1: -: 5hat do yo notice a/o t Ryan(s 3or6 ethicG Ryan 3or6s hard: He li6es to *et the Do/ done B ic6ly so he can ha0e do3n ti1e: He does not e0er ha0e 1issin* assi*n1ents: 9: !n *eneral> ho3 is Ryan as a st dentG Ryan is a *reat st dent: He is s1art and see1s 1oti0ated: ! 3ish so1eti1es he 3o ld open p 1ore> / t he is reser0ed: He perfor1s 0ery 3ell on tests and assi*n1ents: He is ne0er a pro/le1 in class:


5hen as6ed a/o t Ryan(s speech> Ms: ;etch p notes ho3 he is shy / t 3ill open p 3hen he is called on: ! o/ser0ed the sa1e thin* 3hen ! 3as doin* the ti1e charts: ! thin6 that Ryan 3ill li6e there /ein* literat re circles /eca se that is *ro p 3or6: A literat re circle *i0es st dents a *ood chance to open p and tal6: ! se literat re circles in 1y lessons as a 3ay of Ryan to open p and co11 nicate to a s1all *ro p to scaffold hi1 into tal6in* in front of the class:

R%A&ING !"RA"%GI%! !$ILL!

Fro1 3hat Ms: ;etch p said that the class 3ill /e co0erin*> ! thin6 Ryan 3ill start enDoyin* class 1ore: Fro1 1y inter0ie3 3ith hi1> he li6es the 1ysteries of 32 = . a * e

thin*s: !n 1y opinion> le*ends and fa/les are a 1ystery in a 3ay /eca se they are a story of a ti1e period of a c lt re and can sli*htly chan*e o0er ti1e:

LI"%RA#' !$ILL!
!t is *ood that Ms: ;etch p notices that Ryan is on par 3ith his literacy s6ills: As ! said a/o0e nder Ryan(s 3or6> Ms: ;etch p also notices that Ryan 3rites the lease a1o nt to *et the ans3er correct: Ho3e0er> ! 3as ?and still a1A the sa1e 3ay 3hen it co1es to s /Dects that ! do not care for: ! tr st that Ryan 3ill either *ro3 o t of this or this ha/it 3ill contin e:

33 = . a * e

!"#ERJ!E5 5!#H MS: 5EI

Ms: 5e/ is Ryan(s 5orld ' lt ral teacher: ! choice to do 1y second teacher inter0ie3 3ith her /eca se ! 3as 0ery s rprised at the fact that Ryan did not li6e history has a school s /Dect / t he li6es history: ! did 1y inter0ie3 3ith Ms: 5e/ o0er e1ail: ! sent her these B estions 3ith the re1inder of e0erythin* is confidential:


1: 5hat /oo6sKreadin*sKtopics is the class c rrently readin*Klearnin*G 5e se 1y classroo1 text/oo6 ?Mc%o *al Littell(s (orld )istory* Ancient #i+ili,ationsA: ! also se .ri1ary So rce doc 1ents fro1 the 0ario s ci0iliEations 3e st dy: For exa1ple> 3e are st dyin* ancient !ndia ri*ht no3 and D st read F#he Hy1n of ManH ?prose fro1 #he JedasA: 2: 5hat are other /oo6sKreadin*sKtopics that 3ill /e ta *ht thro *ho t the school yearG $ r nits of st dy are E*ypt> !ndia> Greece> Ro1e and the Middle A*es: 3: Ho3 are Ryan(s 3ritin* s6illsG ! ha0e not had 1any 3ritin* assi*n1ents in 1y class so far / t ! do recall a fe3 assi*n1ents that had short ans3ers on 3hich Ryan did 3ell: ): %o yo notice any patterns in Ryan(s speechG "o +: Iased on 3hat yo 6no3 a/o t Ryan> 3hat is he interested inG

3) = . a * e

#his is a hard one for 1e to ans3er: ! had a st dent teacher for the first 9 3ee6s of school so ! 3as not in front of the class interactin* 3ith st dents as 1 ch as ! nor1ally a1: Ryan does co1e across as a typical -th *rade /oy ?li6es tal6in* to his / ddies> see1s interested in socialiEin*> and ! thin6 ! re1e1/er hi1 3earin* a Iloo1s/ r* foot/all Dersey to schoolA: -: 5hat do yo notice a/o t Ryan(s 3or6 ethicG Ryan co1pleted B ite a /it of 3or6 3hile a/sent for1 school for 0acation and illness I&# he failed to t rn it in: ! thin6 his 3or6 ethic is a0era*e ?not irresponsi/le / t also not hi*hly 1oti0atedA: 9: !n *eneral> ho3 is Ryan as a st dentG Ryan is a pleasant 6id: He is 3ell /eha0ed in class and al3ays respectf l: ! thin6 3ith 1ore intrinsic 1oti0ation he co ld /e a 0ery s ccessf l st dent:


$ne tho *ht ! ha0e on Ms: 5e/ not noticin* any patterns in Ryan(s speech co ld /e d e to the fact that Ryan does not li6e this class: Altho *h ! ha0e not personally o/ser0ed Ryan in this class> in Lan* a*e Arts> nearly e0ery ti1e Ryan raised his hand he 3as called on: May/e Ryan does not 0ol nteer as often in his 5orld ' lt ral class:

R%A&ING !"RA"%GI%! !$ILL!

! noticed that Ms: 5e/ and Ms: ;etch p are *oin* to /e teachin* the sa1e topics thro *ho t the year: ! thin6 that this is a *reat strate*y /eca se Ryan 3ill /e learnin* a/o t topics fro1 t3o different teachers> teachin* styles> and readin* for1ats: !f Ryan li6es the str ct re of one class /etter> 1ay/e he 3ill /e a/le to ta6e 3hat he learns and p t that infor1ation into the other class:

LI"%RA#' !$ILL!

3+ = . a * e

! fo nd it interestin* ho3 Ms: 5e/ did not 6no3 Ryan as 3ell as Ms: ;etch p did: #his 1a6es 1e realiEe that Ms: ;etch p(s 3ritin* pro1pts 1 st help her *et to 6no3 her st dents: Ryan is also a/le to express hi1self in any 3ay d rin* these pro1pts:

3- = . a * e

*A'T &&

39 = . a * e

! chose the /oo6 Last Shot /y 7ohn Feinstein /eca se it had Ryan 3ritten all o0er it: #he /oo6 is a 1ystery a/o t /as6et/all: #he 1ain character> Ste0ie> is an ei*hth *rade /oy 3ho lo0es /as6et/all: Ryan is a sixth *rade /oy 3ho lo0es /as6et/all: ! /elie0e that Ryan 3ill /e a/le to identify hi1self 3ith Ste0ie: !n 1y inter0ie3 3ith Ryan> he said that he li6es to read anythin* a/o t sports and he also li6es the *enera of 1ystery: #his /oo6 has /oth traits: $ne thin* ! a1 concerned a/o t this /oo6 is it is so in0ol0ed aro nd /as6et/all that non,sport fan class1ates 3ill pro/a/ly not enDoy this /oo6: #hat is 3hy ! 3ant to se Last Shot in a literat re circle for1at: St dents 3ill /e a/le to read the description of the /oo6 and rate the /oo6 on a scale on ho3 interested they are: Gro ps 3ill /e 1ade /ased off these ratin*s: ! 3ant the *ro ps to ha0e a di0erse settin* 3ith st dents not carin* to read this /oo6 and st dents 3ho are interested: My hopes are that the st dents> 3ho are interested> 3ill enco ra*e the other st dents to read and enDoy the /oo6 as 3ell: #he the1e for teachin* Last Shot is ethics and 1orals: #3o ei*hth *raders> Ste0ie and S san 'arol> 3in a 3ritin* co1petition 3hich lets the1 /e a part of the press experience: Ho3e0er> Ste0ie and S san 'arol o0er hear a 0ery concernin* con0ersation 3hich leads the /oo6 into a 1ystery: #he 1ystery of this no0el is .rofessor 5hitin* 3ho is the Michi*an State &ni0ersity(s fac lty ad0isor is /lac61ailin* the star /as6et/all player: Ste0ie and S san 'arol ha0e to help this player pro0e the /lac61ail is false to protect hi1> his father> and the tea1: Since this /oo6 is a/o t Do rnalis1> ! 3anted to incorporate that into 1y lessons: #he assess1ents 3ill ta6e place /y sin* types of 1edia and 3ritin* for1ats that Ste0ie enco nters thro *ho t the /oo6:

32 = . a * e

$&#L!"E $F &"!# .LA"

Ii* < estion8 Ho3 can yo display *ood ethics and 1orals in lifeG Lesson !8 Iefore readin* chapter +8 5hat are ethics and 1oralsG Morals8 a personQs standards of /eha0ior or /eliefs concernin* 3hat is and is not accepta/le for the1 to do: Ethics8 1oral principles that *o0ern a personQs or *ro pQs /eha0ior: 5hat are yo r ethics and 1oralsG Lesson !!8 After readin* chapters +,28 %o Ste0ie and S san 'arol sho3 *ood ethics and 1oralsG Ste0ie and S san 'arol sho3in* *ood ethics and 1orals 5antin* to help 'hip Gra/er Ste0ie and S san 'arol sho3in* poor ethics and 1orals Lyin* to their fathers Snea6in* into Mr: Jent ra(s roo1 %o Ste0ie and S san 'arol 1eet yo r definition of ethics and 1oralsG Lesson !!!8 %oes so1eti1es *oin* a*ainst yo r ethics and 1orals for a /etter ca se 1a6e it o6ayG Ste0ie and S san 'arol did actions that did not sho3 *ood ethics and 1orals to try and pre0ent a /lac61ailer fro1 s cceedin*:

34 = . a * e

- %./ R% R%A&I N G # )A"0 %R 1 /. L A!" !)/ "

L % !!/ N 2 %!"I / N !*

5hat are ethics and 1oralsG 5hat are yo r ethics and 1oralsG

3/ "I 4A"I / N AL &%4I # %* - %L L RI N G% R

St dents 3ill /e *i0en the 3ritin* pro1pt FHo3 do yo define FethicsH and F1oralsHG 5hat are yo r ethics and 1oralsGH

A# "I 4I "I %!*

St dents 3ill 0ol nteer their definition of ethics and 1orals to the class: St dents then 3ill *et into rando1ly assi*ned *ro ps to share their personal ethics and 1orals: !n these *ro ps> st dents 3ill create a *eneral list of character traits that displays *ood ethics and 1orals: St dents 3ill then share their opinions of ethics and 1orals to 1a6e a class list of characteristics: Fro1 seein* all the character traits the class ca1e p 3ith> st dents 3ill create their o3n definition for FethicsH and F1oralsH: #his 3ill t rn into a class disc ssion and st dents 3ill share their definition: #hen the teacher 3ill re0ie3 the dictionary definition to co1pare it to the class definition:

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o o

Morals8 a personQs standards of /eha0ior or /eliefs concernin* 3hat is and is not accepta/le for the1 to do: Ethics8 1oral principles that *o0ern a personQs or *ro pQs /eha0ior:

A !! %!!3 %N "*

#he teacher 3ill read the st dents Reader Response 7o rnal entry to their response of their 3ritin* pro1pt B estion: 'lass participation 3ill also /e sed as an assess1ent:

LESS$" !!

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%o Ste0ie and S san 'arol sho3 *ood ethics and 1oralsG %o Ste0ie and S san 'arol 1eet yo r definition of ethics and 1oralsG

3/ "I 4A"I / N AL &%4I # %* - %L L RI N G% R

5rite do3n so1e characteristics of Ste0ie and S san 'arol and dra3 descripti0e pict res of these characters:

A# "I 4I "I %!*

As a class> st dents 3ill explain one characteristic they 3rote do3n for either Ste0ie or S san 'arol: $nce all st dents ha0e *i0en at least one character trait> the teacher 3ill as6 if there 3ere any others that 1i*ht not ha0e /een said: St dents 3ill then 1a6e a list for each Ste0ie and S san 'arol in partners of choice: $n each list 3ill /e a col 1n for *ood ethics and 1orals and a col 1n for poor ethics and 1orals: @5arn the st dents that the lists 1ay /e 0ery si1ilar: Exa1ples8 o Ste0ie )1 = . a * e

Good ethics and 1orals 5antin* to help 'hip Gra/er

.oor ethics and 1orals Lyin* to his father

S san 'arol Good ethics and 1orals 5antin* to help 'hip Gra/er

.oor ethics and 1orals Irea6in* into Mr: Jent re(s roo1

St dents 3ill then co1pare their list a/o t Ste0ie and S san 'arol to the class list 1ade yesterday: After *i0in* st dents class ti1e to loo6 o0er these charts 3ith their partners> they 3ill indi0id ally 3rite a letter to Ste0ie and S san 'arol co1parin* their principals on ethics and 1orals to the traits that Ste0ie and S san ha0e:

A !! %!!3 %N "*

St dents 3ill t rn in these letters to /e *raded: Graded /y8 o o o o o &sin* exa1ples of 3hy or 3hy not these characters sho3 *ood ethics and 1orals: 'orrect letter for1at 'orrect spellin* and *ra11ar &sin* a 0ariety of sentence str ct re 'o1parin* their ethics and 1orals to the traits that Ste0ie and S san 'arol ha0e

LESS$" !!!

L % !!/ N 2 %!"I / N !*

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&oes sometimes going against your ethics and morals 7or a better cause ma8e it o8ay9

3/ "I 4A"I / N AL &%4I # %* - %L L RI N G% R

A 3ritin* pro1pt to the B estion F!s it so1eti1es o6ay to *o a*ainst one(s o3n ethics and 1orals to do so1ethin* that yo thin6 is ri*htGH

A# "I 4I "I %!*

St dents 3ill share 3hat they 3rote in their Reader Response 7o rnal to the class: !n the disc ssion> the idea of Ste0ie and S san 'arol ha0in* poor ethics and 1orals to help 'hip not *et /lac61ail 3ill /e /ro *ht p: St dents can se this /oo6 exa1ple to infl ence their decision if it is o6ay *o a*ainst one(s o3n ethics and 1orals to do so1ethin* that yo thin6 is ri*ht: #hey 3ill then indi0id ally thin6 of a ti1e 3here they 1i*ht ha0e> or so1eone they 6no3> has *one a*ainst *ood ethics and 1orals to do so1ethin* that they felt 3as ri*ht: $r st dents can 3rite a/o t a ti1e 3here they chose not to do so1ethin* /eca se of their ethics and 1orals: 5ith their ideas> st dents 3ill 3rite a/o t this ti1e as a story: 5hen they finish their story> st dents can color a pict re to *o 3ith it: !f there is ti1e> st dents can 0ol nteer to read their story:

A !! %!!3 %N "*

St dents 3ill t rn in their story to /e *raded: Graded /y8 o o o o 'orrect spellin* and *ra11ar &sin* a 0ariety of sentence str ct re Goin* into detail in their story An appropriate pict re to *o 3ith their story

)3 = . a * e

ASSESSME"# $F &"!# .LA"

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#he s 11ati0e assess1ent for this nit plan is to express 3hat ethics and 1orals are sin* a choice of for1at:
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St dents 3ill se that they ha0e learned a/o t in the past three lessons to create a 1edia proDect of choice: !n this proDect; st dents 1 st define ethics and 1orals in their o3n 3ords: #hey 3ill also ha0e to p ll in exa1ples of 3hat they thin6 it 1eans to ha0e *ood ethics and 1orals as 3ell as descri/e characteristics of Ste0ie and S san 'arol: A last part the st dents ha0e to do is explain 3hy or 3hy not it is o6ay to /rea6 one(s ethics and 1orals to do so1ethin* for the /etter: St dents can choose to 3or6 in partners or indi0id ally:
0 R/J %# " I &%A!

#hese are a fe3 exa1ples of 3hat st dents can do for this s 11ati0e assess1ent8 #:J: /roadcast Radio /roadcast "e3spaper article Ilo* !nter0ie3 $ther8 if st dents thin6 of another type of 1edia to se for this proDect that is accepta/le / t it 1 st /e appro0ed first


St dents 3ill /e *i0en a holistic and analytic r /ric that 3ill /e sed for *radin*:

)) = . a * e

R - RI#

.roDect in a 1edia for1

#:J: /roadcast Radio /roadcast "e3spaper article Ilo* !nter0ie3 $ther8 RRRRRRR

"ot in appro0ed 1edia for1

Handed in on ti1e %efine ethics in o3n 3ords

$n ti1e %efinition is ori*inal

$ne day late %efinition relates to dictionary / t is 1odified %efinition relates to dictionary / t is 1odified ),+ exa1ples 3ith so1e s pported reasonin* ),+ exa1ples 3ith so1e s pported reasonin* of if they are *ood ethics and 1orals or not Has s pported explanations / t only /rin*s in 1 personal or

#3o days late %efinition relates to dictionary / t is only sli*htly 1odified %efinition relates to dictionary / t is only sli*htly 1odified 3,) exa1ples 3ith so1e s pported reasonin* 3,) exa1ples 3ith so1e s pported reasonin* of if they are *ood ethics and 1orals or not Has s pported explanations / t no personal or /oo6

#hree S days late Gi0es dictionary definition

%efine 1orals in o3n 3ords

%efinition is ori*inal

Gi0es dictionary definition

Gi0es exa1ples of *ood ethics and 1orals Gi0es exa1ples of Ste0ie and S san 'arol(s character traits

+ S exa1ples 3ith s pport reasonin* + S exa1ples 3ith s pport reasonin* of if they are *ood ethics and 1orals or not Has s pported explanations and /rin*s in at least 1 personal and 1 /oo6

Less than 3 exa1ples 3ith no s pported reasonin* Less than 3 exa1ples 3ith no s pported reasonin* of if they are *ood ethics and 1orals or not %oes not s pport explanation

Explanation 3hy or 3hy not it is o6ay to /rea6 one(s ethics and 1orals

)+ = . a * e

to do so1ethin* for the /etter


/oo6 exa1ple


Grade8 RRRR o t of 22 'o11ents8

)- = . a * e

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