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Exercise Planning Task

Sequence Exercise Sequence Who is responsible? Who will lead and teach the team members? Ben Notes


Dynamic warm up Arms

Dynamic warm up Legs


Dynamic warm up Core


Hug yourself: You have to hug yourself and then unhug yourself. You will do this 10 times. Burpys: You have to drop to the ground so that you are on your stomach. When youre on the ground you jump back up and reach for the sky. Repeat this ten times. Walk-outs: When you bend down on your feet and start to walk slowly forward on your hands.


Exercise movement
Please choose



Exercise movement legs


Exercise movement core


Row: Lean over and lift one leg. With weights in each arm start flapping your arms like they are wings. Do this at a slow but steady pace. squats: When you are doing a squat you put your hands out straight in front of you (shoulder height). You lower yourself to the ground keeping your arms straight and shoulder height. Then you go slowly up the same way you came down. Repeat this ten times. Planking: When you are doing this exercise you put your lower part of your arm on the ground. You have to stretch you body out. Put your toes on the ground. You


Exercise movement
Please choose



should be in a sort of laying position. Watch out that your but is not pointing up! Hold this for 15 seconds. Lay down sit up throws: You have to lay down on the ground with a 5 kg ball in your hand. Do then a sit up and throw the ball. Keep legs flat at all times, start movement from the core. Always touch ball on the ground above head. Repeat this for five times.

Exercise movement legs


Exercise movement core


Static stretch cool down hamstrings

Static stretch cool down quadriceps

Static stretch cool down neck


Lunge rotation pass: Stand in a lunge position. Take a 5kg ball. When in the lunge position rotate to the left with the ball in your hand and pass it when you turn 180. Do from left to right five times. Then from right to left five times. Berend Hand to foot sit up: Lay flat on the ground with right hand next to your body pointing to your feet and your left next to your body point the other way. Bring your right foot up and touch your foot with your left hand. Do this exercise ten times, then do it ten times with your right handand left foot. Berend Lunge: You put your left foot back on your toes and your right foot in front. Your back as to be back as far as possible. Then you start pushing down. Do this for ten seconds, then do it with the right foot back and left up front for ten seconds. Iris Hold your foot up against your but for about five seconds, then kick your foot up as high as possible. Ben Sun-Necks: Tilt your neck backwards as far as you can, hold it for 2 seconds then bend forward and hold that for 2 seconds. Wake me up by Avicci The Alphabeat David Guetta Radio Active by Imagine Dragons

Silhouetes by Avicci F for you by Disclosoure

Download from Edmodo 1. Exercise planning task sheet (above) 2. Body Weight Exercise Routine Unit Plan Complete - Exercise Planning Task with your group members with supporting unit plan Your plan includesAt least 1 person demonstrating basic moves and at least 1 person advanced Create a Weebly subfolder Body Weight Exercise Routine Save all Body Weight Exercise Routine documents from Edmodo library into this subfolder Each student will email Mr. Hooke - your Weebly web link of your COMPLETED Exercise Planning Task sheet Challenge there are two questions that you need to ask Mr. Hooke what are they?

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