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Victoria A.

McDonald 3rd Grade Long Range Plan

1st Nine Weeks Aug./Sept.

3. .1 !o"pare #$ole nu"%ers &uantities t$roug$ '''(''' %) using t$e ter"s is less than, is greater than( and is equal to and t$e s)"%ols *( +( and ,. Represent in #ord -or" #$ole nu"%ers t$roug$ nine hundred ninety-nine thousand Anal)/e t$e "agnitude o- digits t$roug$ '''(''' on t$e %asis o- t$eir place 0alue.

Envision Math
3opic 1 Lessons 4.5

Math Out of the Box


3. .

3opic 1 Lessons 1.3 3opic 1 Lessons 1.3 3opic 2 Lesson

3. .1



3. .3 Appl) procedures to round an) #$ole nu"%er to nearest 11( 111( or 1111. 3. .2 Appl) an algorit$" to add and su%tract #$ole nu"%ers -luentl). 3. .' Anal)/e t$e e--ect t$at adding( su%tracting( or "ultipl)ing odd and/or e0en nu"%ers $as on t$e outco"e. !$. 392 68arcourt7 !$. :.11( 1 ( 13 68arcourt7

3opic Lessons 3(4 3opic 3 Lesson 1.4 3opic 4 Lessons 5.' 6S$ould %e taug$t #$en recogni/ing patterns in ans#ers.7


3. .2 Appl) an algorit$" to add and su%tract #$ole nu"%ers -luentl). 3. .' Anal)/e t$e e--ect t$at adding( su%tracting( or "ultipl)ing odd and/or e0en nu"%ers $as on t$e outco"e

3opic Lessons 3.4 3opic 3 Lessons 1.4

!$. 392 68arcourt7

Victoria A. McDonald 3rd Grade Long Range Plan

3opic 4 Lessons 5.' !$. :.11( 1 ( 13 68arcourt7

nd Nine Weeks No0./Dec.

Standards 3.2.1 3.2. <denti-) t$e speci-ic attri%utes o- circles= center( radius( circu"-erence( and dia"eter. !lassi-) pol)gons( as eit$er triangles( &uadrilaterals( pentagons( $e>agons( or octagons according to t$e nu"%er o- t$eir sides. !lassi-) lines and line seg"ents as parallel( perpendicular( or intersecting. !lassi-) angles as rig$t( acute( or o%tuse. !lassi-) triangles %) t$e lengt$ o- t$eir sides as scalene( isosceles( or e&uilateral according and %) t$e sides ot$eir angles as acute( o%tuse( or rig$t. ?>e"pli-) points( lines( line seg"ents( ra)s( and angles. Anal)/e t$e results o- co"%ining and su%di0iding circles( triangles( &uadrilaterals( pentagons( $e>agons( and octagons. Predict t$e results o- one trans-or"ational...slide( -lip( or turn...o- a geo"etric s$ape.

Envision Math

3opic 11 Lesson 4 3opic 11 Lesson : 3opic 11 Lesson 3 3opic 11 Lesson 2 3opic 11 Lessons 2(5 3opic 11 Lessons 3(2 3opic 11 Lesson 2 3opic 11 Lesson 1

Math Out of the Box Lesson ' AS$apes and Pat$sB

Other !$. 1: 68arcourt7

3.2.3 3.2.2 3.2.4

3.2.5 3.2.:


Geo"etr) Lesson 3 68ands on Standards( Grades 3.27

Victoria A. McDonald 3rd Grade Long Range Plan

Months Unit 1st Nine Wee s August
3$1%&. !lassi-) o%Cects or e0ents in se&uential order
Scientific !n"uir#


# of lesso ns

S3Docoume nt
Science Module 3.1.1 Science Module 3.1.

Other Resources

3$1%1= !lassi-) o%Cects %) t#o o- t$eir properties 6attri%utes7.

3e>t%ook pg. :'

Septe"%er ;cto%er

3%1%3 Generate &uestions suc$ as A#$at i-DB or A$o#DB a%out o%Cects( organis"s( and e0ents in t$e en0iron"ent and use t$ose &uestions to conduct a si"ple scienti-ic in0estigation. 3%1%' Predict t$e outco"e o- a si"ple in0estigation and co"pare t$e result #it$ t$e prediction.

Science Module 3.1.3 Science Module 3.1.2

Scientific !n"uir#

3$1%( Ese tools 6including %eakers( "eter tapes and sticks( -orceps/t#ee/ers( tuning -orks( graduated c)linders( and


Victoria A. McDonald 3rd Grade Long Range Plan

)*om+lete ,# Se+t -th.

graduated s)ringes7 sa-el)( accuratel)( and appropriatel) #$en gat$ering speci-ic data. 3$1%1 <n-er "eaning -or" data co""unicated in grap$s( ta%les( and diagra"s. 3$1%2 ?>plain #$) si"ilar in0estigations "ig$t produce di--erent results.

Module 3.1.4

Science Module 3.1.5 Science Module 3.1.:

/a,itats and 0da+tations

3$1%3 Ese appropriate sa-et) procedures #$en conducting in0estigations.

Science Module 3.1.@

3$&%1 <llustrate t$e li-e c)cles o- seed plants and 0arious ani"als and su""ari/e $o# t$e) gro# and are adapted to conditions #it$in t$eir $a%itats 3$&%& ?>plain $o# p$)sical and %e$a0ioral adaptations allo# organis"s to sur0i0e 6including $i%ernation( de-ense( loco"otion( "o0e"ent( -ood o%tain"ent( and ca"ou-lage -or ani"als and seed dispersal( color( and response to lig$t -or plants. 3%&%3 Recall t$e c$aracteristics o- an organis"Gs $a%itat t$at allo# t$e organis" to sur0i0e t$ere. 3%&%' ?>plain $o# c$anges in t$e $a%itats o- plants and ani"als a--ect t$eir sur0i0al. 3$&%( Su""ari/e t$e organi/ation o- si"ple -ood c$ains 6including t$e role o- producers( consu"ers( and deco"posers7.


Science Module 3. .1

3e>t%ook pg. 1( 3@(21 A<MS Li-e Science 3e>t%ook pg. 2@ A<MS Li-e Science

3e>t%ook pg. :1(: A<MS Li-e Science


3e>t%ook pg. 115 A<MS Li-e Science

Victoria A. McDonald 3rd Grade Long Range Plan &nd Nine Wee s Month)s. Units 3$3%1 !lassi-) rocks 6including sedimentar#4 i5neous4 and metamor+hic7 and soils 6including humus4 cla#4 sand4 and silt7 on t$e %asis o- t$eir properties. Standards
# of lesso ns

S3 Document Module 3.3.1

Other Resources

;cto%er/ No0e"%er

3e>t%ook pg 11( p. 1@ S3! Hit ARocks and MineralsB A<MS ?art$ Science

3$3%3 Recogni/e t)pes o- -ossils 6including molds4 casts4 and +reserved +arts of +lants and animals7.

Module 3.3.3

3e>t%ook pg

. 4

S3! Hit ARocks and MineralsB A<MS ?art$ Science

3$3%' <n-er ideas a%out ?art$Gs earl) en0iron"ents -ro" -ossils o- plants and ani"als t$at li0ed long ago

Module 3.3.2

S3! Hit ARocks and MineralsB A<MS ?art$ Science

Social Studies
Iirst Nine Weeks 3.3.4= ;utline t$e structure o- state go0ern"ent( including t$e %ranc$es o- go0ern"ent 6legislati0e( e>ecuti0e( and Cudicial7( t$e representati0e %odies o- eac$ %ranc$ 6general asse"%l)( go0ernor( and supre"e court7( and t$e %asic po#ers o- eac$ %ranc$.

Victoria A. McDonald 3rd Grade Long Range Plan 3.1.1= !ategori/e t$e si> land-or" regions o- Sout$ !arolinaJt$e Klue Ridge( t$e Pied"ont( t$e Sand 8ills( t$e <nner !oastal Plain( t$e ;uter !oastal Plain( and t$e !oastal LoneJ according to t$eir cli"ate( p$)sical -eatures( and natural resources. 3.1. = Descri%e t$e location and c$aracteristics o- signi-icant -eatures o- Sout$ !arolina( including land-or"sM ri0er s)ste" suc$ as t$e Pee Dee Ri0er Kasin( t$e Santee Ri0er Kasin( t$e ?disto Ri0er Kasin( and t$e Sa0anna$ Ri0er KasinM "aCor citiesM and cli"ate regions. 3.1.3= ?>plain interactions %et#een t$e people and t$e p$)sical landscape o- Sout$ !arolina o0er ti"e( including t$e e--ects on population distri%ution( patterns o- "igration( Second Nine Weeks access to natural resources( and econo"ic de0elop"ent. 3. .1= !o"pare t$e culture( go0ernance( and p$)sical en0iron"ent o- t$e "aCor Nati0e A"erican tri%al groups o- Sout$ !arolina( including t$e !$erokee( !ata#%a( and Ne"assee. 3. . = Su""ari/e t$e "oti0es( acti0ities( and acco"plis$"ents o- t$e e>ploration o- Sout$ !arolina %) t$e Spanis$( Irenc$( and ?nglis$. 3. .3= Descri%e t$e initial contact( cooperation( and con-lict %et#een t$e Nati0e A"ericans and ?uropean settlers in Sout$ !arolina. 3. .2= Su""ari/e t$e de0elop"ent o- t$e !arolina colon) under t$e Lords Proprietors and t$e ro)al colonial go0ern"ent( including t$e settle"ent %) and trade #it$ t$e people oKar%ados and t$e in-luence -o ot$er i""igrant groups. 3. .4= ?>plain t$e role o- A-ricans in de0eloping t$e culture and econo") o- Sout$ !arolina( including t$e gro#t$ o- t$e sla0e tradeM sla0e contri%utions to t$e plantation econo")M t$e dail) li0es o- t$e ensla0ed peopleM t$e de0elop"ent o- t$e Gulla$ cultureM and t$eir resistance to sla0er).

Victoria A. McDonald 3rd Grade Long Range Plan

En5lish 6an5ua5e 0rts

Area o- -ocus
1 Nine Weeks August Septe"%er

RL. 1. Ask and ans#er &uestions to de"onstrate understanding o- a te>t( re-erring e>plicitl) to t$e te>t as t$e %asis -or t$e ans#ers. RL. . Recount stories( including -a%les( -olktales( and ")t$s -ro" di0erse culturesM deter"ine t$e central "essage( lesson( or "oral and e>plain $o# it

Literature 9 <n-or"ational

Writing 9 Language

is con0e)ed t$roug$ ke) details in t$e te>t. W.3. Write narrati0es to de0elop real or i"agined e>periences or e0ents using e--ecti0e tec$ni&ue( descripti0e details( and clear e0ent se&uences. W. 2. Wit$ guidance and support -ro" adults( produce #riting in #$ic$ t$e de0elop"ent and organi/ation are appropriate to task and purpose. W.4. Wit$ guidance and support -ro" peers and adults( de0elop and strengt$en #riting as needed %) planning( re0ising( and editing W. @. Recall in-or"ation -ro" e>periences or gat$er in-or"ation -ro" print and digital resources W. 11. Write routinel) o0er e>tended ti"e -ra"es 6ti"e -or researc$( re-lection( and re0ision7 and s$orter ti"e -ra"es 6a single sitting or a da) or



t#o7 -or a range o- discipline.speci-ic tasks( purposes( and audiences. RL. 1. Ask and ans#er &uestions to de"onstrate understanding o- a te>t(

Victoria A. McDonald 3rd Grade Long Range Plan re-erring e>plicitl) to t$e te>t as t$e %asis -or t$e ans#ers. RL. . Recount stories( including -a%les( -olktales( and ")t$s -ro" di0erse culturesM deter"ine t$e central "essage( lesson( or "oral and e>plain $o# it is con0e)ed t$roug$ ke) details in t$e te>t. RL. 3. Descri%e c$aracters in a stor) 6e.g.( t$eir traits( "oti0ations( or -eelings7 and e>plain $o# t$eir actions contri%ute to t$e se&uence o- e0ents. Writing 9 Language W. 3. Write narrati0es to de0elop real or i"agined e>periences or e0ents using e--ecti0e tec$ni&ue( descripti0e details( and clear e0ent se&uences. W. 2. Wit$ guidance and support -ro" adults( produce #riting in #$ic$ t$e de0elop"ent and organi/ation are appropriate to task and purpose. W. 4. Wit$ guidance and support -ro" peers and adults de0elop and strengt$en #riting as needed %) planning( re0ising and editing. W. 5. Wit$ guidance and support -ro" adults( use tec$nolog) to produce and pu%lis$ #riting 6using ke)%oarding skills7 as #ell as to interact and

Nine Weeks


colla%orate #it$ ot$ers. RL. 1. Ask and ans#er &uestions to de"onstrate understanding o- a te>t( re-erring e>plicitl) to t$e te>t as t$e %asis -or t$e ans#ers. RL. . Deter"ine t$e "ain idea o- a te>tM recount t$e ke) details and e>plain $o# t$e) support t$e "ain idea. RL. 2. Deter"ine t$e "eaning o- general acade"ic and do"ain.speci-ic #ords and p$rases in a te>t rele0ant to a grade 3 topic or subject area. RL. 4. Ese te>t -eatures and searc$ tools 6e.g.( ke) #ords( side%ars( $)perlinks7 to locate in-or"ation rele0ant to a gi0en topic e--icientl).

No0e"%er Dece"%er

Victoria A. McDonald 3rd Grade Long Range Plan RL. :. Ese in-or"ation gained -ro" illustrations 6e.g.( "aps( p$otograp$s7 and t$e #ords in a te>t to de"onstrate understanding o- t$e te>t 6e.g.( #$ere( #$en( #$) and $o# ke) e0ents occur7. RL.@. Descri%e t$e logical connection %et#een particular sentences and paragrap$s in a te>t 6e.g.( co"parison( cause/e--ect( -irst/second/t$ird in a Writing 9 Language se&uence7. W. . Write in-or"ati0e/e>planator) te>ts to e>a"ine a topic and con0e) ideas and in-or"ation clearl). W.2. Wit$ guidance and support -ro" adults( produce #riting in #$ic$ t$e de0elop"ent and organi/ation are appropriate to task and purpose. W. 4. Wit$ guidance and support -ro" peers and adults de0elop and strengt$en #riting as needed %) planning( re0ising( and editing. W. 5. Wit$ guidance and support -ro" adults use tec$nolog) to produce and pu%lis$ #riting 6using ke)%oarding skills7 as #ell as to interact and colla%orate #it$ ot$ers. W.:. !onduct s$ort researc$ proCects t$at %uild kno#ledge a%out a topic. W.@. Recall in-or"ation -ro" e>periences or gat$er in-or"ation -ro" print and digital sourcesM take %rie- notes on sources and sort e0idence into pro0ided categories. W.11. Write routinel) o0er e>tended ti"e -ra"es 6ti"e -or researc$( re-lection( and re0ision7 and s$orter ti"e -ra"es 6a single sitting or a da) or t#o7 -or a range o- discipline.speci-ic tasks( purposes( and audiences.

Victoria A. McDonald 3rd Grade Long Range Plan

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