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LESSON PLAN #2 9th Grade English

Teaching in Mid/Sec School Elizabeth Purves Dr. Lanham 0 !"#!$0"

Introduction: Lesson Topic: Literar% devices Length of Lesson: 90 minutes VA SOL: 9.# & The student will read, comprehend, and analyze a variety of literary texts including narratives, narrative nonfiction, poetry, and drama by: f) comparing and contrasting the use of rhyme, rhythm, sound, imagery, and other literary devices to convey a message and elicit the readers emotion. Context: This is the first in a series of lessons examining the means by which authors elicit their literary message. Following lessons will contain a poetry slam competition to help students synthesize the entirety of the !" #.$. Global Themes: The big idea is for students to appropriately apply critical thin%ing s%ills in order to better understand literature. 'ontent (b)ectives* &. tudent will define 'rhyme(, 'rhythm(, 'repetition(, 'alliteration(, 'assonance(, 'consonance(, 'onomatopoeia(, and 'parallelism(. ). tudents will compare and contrast the aforementioned terms. *. tudents will identify examples of each term and the emotional image the author is trying to portray in various literary wor%s. $. tudents will synthesize their %nowledge of each term by producing examples of each through literary wor%s of their own creation. +ssessment +ligned to (b)ectives* Formative: &. +fter providing a clear definition of rhyme, rhythm, repetition, alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, and parallelism, the teacher will verbally ,uestion students on a series of examples of each. ). The teacher will as% students to explain how each of the terms are different. *. The teacher will provide students with a variety of literary wor%s from which the students must identify the correct literary techni,ue-s) used and identify the emotion they thin% the author is trying to portray. $. The teacher will criti,ue the students. literary creations which must contain at least one example of each of the terms listed. Summative: tudents will be re,uired upon testing at the end of the unit to do the following: &. /etermine the definitions of rhyme, rhythm, repetition, alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, and parallelism. ). 0rite out examples of each term. *. "ocate examples of each term within teacher1provided texts.

$. 2pon reading teacher1provided texts, determine the emotion the author is trying to portray and state how the author depicted the emotion. Materials/Technology & Advanced Preparation: '"iterary Techni,ue /efinitions( handout '"iterary Techni,ue 3xamples( handout '"iterary Techni,ues 0or%sheet( handout 4+5T 6oard and corresponding writing instruments 7nternet connection



$T%&E#T ACTI"#$ tudents will watch the video.

Introduction/Anticipatory Set &8 min. Teacher will play the video for Wings.

tudents will write down the Teacher will have students write emotion they feel from the video. down the emotions they 'get( from the video. tudents will highlight the %ey words9phrases that they feel Teacher will have students represent that emotion and identify9highlight the the explain why. words9phrases on the 4+5T 6oard that represent the emotion they feel and explain why they chose those words. Lesson Development &: min. Teacher will pass out the '"iterary Techni,ue /efinitions( and present definitions on the 4+5T 6oard. Teacher will call on students to read tudents will read the definitions the definitions and have them try to when called on and give examples. give an example of each. &8 min. Teacher will have students re1 examine what they highlighted in the 0ings lyrics and determine which literary devices were used and why they thin% so. &: min. Teacher will pass out the '"iterary Techni,ue 3xamples( handout present the various examples on tudents will re1examine what lyrics they highlighted and determine which literary devices were used. tudents will as% for clarification if needed.

the 4+5T 6oard. Teacher will have students -in groups of *1$) read aloud, identify, and highlight the literary techni,ues, determine the emotion &: min. the author is presenting, and explain how they came to their conclusions. Teacher will pass out the '"iterary Techni,ues 0or%sheet( handout and present the corresponding 4+5T 6oard activity. Teacher will have students -in pairs) determine the literary techni,ues, highlight them, determine the emotion and explain why for each. Teacher will call on groups to give their conclusions and record answers. Teacher will have students reveal correct answers and compare and defend their own answers to those on the board. tudents -in groups of *1$) will read, identify, and highlight literary techni,ues in the examples. tudents will determine the emotion present in each and how they came to their conclusions. tudents will wor% in pairs reading the examples on the wor%sheet. The% ,ill chec- the literar% techni.ues /resent in each e0am/le and underline or highlight the techni.ues ,ithin the te0t.

&: min

tudents will read their answers aloud when called on and respond accordingly to other ,uestions as%ed by the teacher. tudents will identify other sources that might contain the literary techni,ues discussed in class while ta%ing notes.

/r. euss.s $neetches on tudents will ta%e notes while 'eaches aloud to students while having them listen for examples of brainstorming various literary literary techni,ues within the story. techni,ues that would exemplify emotions suggested by the teacher. Teacher will pair off students and have them fill out the wor%sheet as instructed. 7f students finish early, they may illustrate an emotion they feel is present in a wor%sheet example of their choice.

Teacher will call on students to read their answers aloud and discuss whether the answers are correct and inclusive of all exemplified techni,ues. Teacher will lead a discussion on

other places literary techni,ues might be found. Teacher will lead a discussion that encourages students to thin% of what literary techni,ues they might use to exemplify particular emotions. Closure &: min. Teacher will recap by calling on students to define each of each literary techni,ues, correct students when necessary, and as% students if they need further clarification. Teacher will assign homewor% ome(or): Assignment # tudents will research and find an example of each of the literary techni,ues discussed. 4ultiple techni,ues may be represented in each example. 3xamples may be sourced from their current #th grade 3nglish literature text. 3xamples -if outside sources are used) must not contain fowl language, racial slurs, hate speech, sexual innuendos, or threats. tudents will identify and highlight -or underline) the techni,ue-s) present in each example. tudents will also identify the emotion-s) the author is trying to illustrate and explain how they thin% the author portrayed the emotion-s). Assignment #! tudents will write their own examples of each of the literary techni,ues discussed. 3ach wor% must be a minimum of $ lines and contain no fowl language, racial slurs, hate speech, sexual innuendos, or threats. 4ultiple techni,ues may be represented in each example. tudents will identify and highlight -or underline) the techni,ue-s) present in each example. tudents will also identify the emotion-s) they were trying to illustrate with their wor% and explain why they chose the techni,ue-s) they did to portray the emotion-s). tudents will define various literary techni,ues when called on. tudent will as% ,uestions if needed for further clarification. tudents will write down homewor% assignment.

!e*erences: +ll +merican* Glossar% o& Literar% Terms. 1n.d.2 3etrieved &rom htt/*//,,,.unc/.edu/home/canada/,or-/allam/general/glossar%.htm 3xamples of ;onsonance. ):&&. 7n "oet and #now It$ 5etrieved from http:99www.poetand%nowit.com9english1definitions9consonance1examples.aspx Figures of peech. -n.d.) 7n Iloveindia%com everything you ever wanted to &now. 5etrieved from http:99fos.iloveindia.com9index.html 7srael <ibration Find omething To /o "yrics. ):&*. 7n eLyrics%net. 5etrieved from http:99www.elyrics.net9read9i9israel1vibration1lyrics9find1something1to1do1lyrics.html Literar% techni.ue. 1n.d.2 4n Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 3etrieved &rom htt/*//en.,i-i/edia.org/,i-i/Literar%5techni.ue Literar% Terms. "996. 4n Everything English b% Thin-7uest Team $ 6#8. 3etrieved &rom htt/*//librar%.thin-.uest.org/$ 6#8/librar%/terms/inde0.html The story by /r. euss... )::=. 7n tri'e. 5etrieved from http:99tribes.tribe.net9star1belliedsneetches9thread9a&b=d8&)1#&*:1$>?:1?>*:1 #cd#:$$=)?cc 9ings. $0"". 4n :outube. 3etrieved &rom htt/*//,,,.%outube.com/,atch;v<g+g uMl=%>+

Appended Materials: "esson !rganizer ;urriculum Framewor% /ocument "iterary Techni,ue /efinitions handout "iterary Techni,ue 3xamples handout "iterary Techni,ue 0or%sheet handout +esson "rgani,er: @rior Anowledge and B30 7nstructional ;ontent "rior #nowledge: tudents have previously learned to identify an author.s main idea and purpose, to summarize text relating supporting details, to identify the characteristics that distinguish literary forms, to use literary terms in describing and analyzing selections, and to explain the relationship between and among elements of literature. ()W Content: "pening Activity Play the video, Wings.

As) st-dents what %ind of emotion they feel the singer is trying to elicit in the lyrics. As) st-dents how they thin% the song writer elicits that9those emotion-s). Are there any special words* phrases* sounds that help create the emotion+s,What are theyExamp es: 'stitch my wings( -hoo%) metaphor 'That air bubble, that mesh, the box, the smell, the stuffin, the tread...( -line =) vis-al imagery guide students to loo% for repetition o* so-nds. (ords. phrases +esson Pass o-t '"iterary Techni,ue /efinitions( and the '"iterary Techni,ue 3xamples( handouts. -appended) !ead alo-d and explain the terms and their definitions on the '"iterary Techni,ue /efinitions( handout. Cave the students use the Wings example on the '"iterary Techni,ue 3xamples( handout as a reference for the next activity. Call on st-dents to determine which specific techni,ues were used in the video. ave st-dents read aloud the line-s) that contain the literary techni,ue they thin% is present. Ans(ers *or Wings may vary b-t sho-ld incl-de: alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, repetition, rhyme, D rhythm. !ead alo-d the remaining examples listed on the '"iterary Techni,ue 3xamples( handout. Call on st-dents to identify the literary techni,ues present in each one. / *or /endetta: alliteration, onomatopoeia The Sleeper: alliteration, consonance, onomatopoeia, rhyme, rhythm !ichard II: parallelism Find Something To Do: repetition, rhyme, rhythm The Bells: alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, parallelism, repetition, rhyme, rhythm

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings: onomatopoeia, parallelism, repetition, rhyme, rhythm Call on st-dents to describe what they perceive to me the visual image and9or emotion present in each example. ave st-dents explain why they have that image. What did the author say that gives you that visual imageimpression- emotionand o-t the '"iterary Techni,ues 0or%sheet( -appended) !ead $neetches on 'eaches aloud to students. -appended in the '"iterary Techni,ue 3xamples( handout) ave st-dents listen and ta)es notes writing down any literary techni,ues they hear in the story. Ans(ers (ill be disc-ssed a*ter the *ollo(ing activity0 &ivide st-dents into pairs. &irect st-dents to read each example on the '"iterary Techni,ues 0or%sheet( handout. ave st-dents p-t a chec) next to each literary techni,ue they find in the examples. ave st-dents highlight, circle, or underline the literary techni,ue they find in the examples. 7f students finish early, they may choose one of the examples on the wor%sheet and dra( an ill-stration of the visual image they have from it. I have a dream parallelism The Highwayman alliteration, consonance, onomatopoeia, repetition, rhyme, rhythm El Dorado assonance, consonance, rhyme, rhythm 1ox in $ox alliteration, rhyme, rhythm Miss Spider s Wedding consonance, onomatopoeia, parallelism, rhyme, rhythm !ealots alliteration, consonance, rhyme, rhythm $neetches on 'eaches alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, parallelism, rhyme, rhythm Call on st-dents to read their answer aloud including where the literary

techni,ue is within the text example. As) the class if they agree with the pair. 7f any student agrees, have them explain (hy they agree. 7f any student disagrees, have them explain (hy they disagree. Give the correct ans(ers and explain why. As) st-dents to brainstorm as to other places they might find examples of the literary techni,ues discussed in class. Ans(ers may vary and might incl-de: advertisements, nursery rhymes, Eingles, lectures, political speeches, propaganda, safety guidelines, health advise, news stories, etc. choolF 6usinessF @oliticsF 4ediaF 3ntertainmentF ComeF 0or%placeF As) st-dents to list various emotions and write them on the board. As) st-dents to brainstorm and demonstrate various literary techni,ues that might help elicit some of the %ey emotions listed. What words might spea& .or .ear- love- con.usion- etc% Create a graphic organi,er on the board -word bubble chart) to help students 'see( the relationships. Ans(ers may vary (idely0 Enco-rage st-dents to explore and thin) o-tside the box0 "#ided e$ample: /ive me a word that might represent happiness- glee.ul What is a word that might wor& with glee.ul- giddy /ive me a character% a little girl Give me an action. skipped Give me a place. the beach "lee%#lly& giddy& the little girl s'ipped along the (ea)h* Call on st-dents to define each of the literary techni,ues. Correct st-dents if necessary. As) if anyone needs further explanation or clarification. Assign homewor%. 4ain 3vents of 7nstruction

7nteractive "ecture Guestion and +nswer 0or%sheet +ctivity tory Telling <ideo <iewing

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