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1. Tuberculosis is a disease affecting lungs. 2. What do macrophages attack? Bacteria 3. Streptomycin is an antibiotic that works against what disease?

TB . Who was !obert "och? #ounder of bacteriology $. What is immuni%ation and how does immuni%ation work? &nrecogni%able molecules enter the body and the immune system fights it to get out. 'nce a method is disco(ered) the system memori%es the method and uses it e(ery time the body gets in(aded to make sure the same molecules don*t come back. +. ,ow do T-cells and B-cells help the immune system remember pathogens? T cells can kill cells and help cells. B cells search for matches on the enemy molecule and copy themsel(es so now they ha(e a molecule clone. Both combined causes B cells to gi(e T cells a database to find and destroy. .. What is the difference between bacteria and (iruses? /iruses need a host to sur(i(e and reproduce 0. 1olio and influen%a are caused by (iruses. 2. ,ow do antibiotics fight disease? The antibacterial stops the bacteria from reproducing by either killing the bacteria or blocking areas so the bacteria don*t grow. 13. Why are antibiotics 4'T effecti(e against (iruses? /iruses use cells for themsel(es and cannot be stopped without killing the cells and the (irus indi(idually. 11. 5iscuss why the de(elopment of sanitation methods has been effecti(e in fighting diseases. 6leaning surfaces can destroy bacteria on them from entering the body. 6leaning yourself can pre(ent (iruses from passing between people. Washing hands is an e7ample.

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