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Date 7.5 .


To, The Secretary Co-Operative Housing Society Limited Plot no.Action Area-1 e!to!n. Sir "espected Sir, # am Sura$it %is!as a Civil &ngineer '%.&( also a managing partner o) "a$ Construction. Than* you very much )or giving us the opportunity to su+mit Tender ,uotation )or the a+ove -entioned !or*, !e pleased to su+mit our o))er )or your *ind consideration. .e are sure that !e !ould +e a+le to prove our !orth, i) our company to selected to e/ecute the same. Trust you !ill )ind our +id as most competitive no!. Than*ing you and assuring you o) our +est services and co-operation at all time. 1.Bidding- 1000000000000 Rate of Project -1200 / sft

Total Cost 10200 sft X 1200/ = 12,240,000-00 ( ne Crore T!ent" T!o #ac$s %ort" T&o'sand nl" (

1ours )aith)ully "a$ Construction Sura$it %is!as Civil &ngineer '%.&( -anaging partner

)er*ice 1. .ater line )rom H#2CO supply to 34"

5. 6or 7 passenger elevator li)t'Otis( !ell. .hite !ash8cement !ash. Li)t car !ould +e o) ma*e 9. &lectrical connection )rom .%S&%.'2eposited money paid +y o!ner( 7. 6or %ric* !or*, #nside Plaster, -ar+le, &lectrical, Plum+ing, !indo! and paris !or* .e are given +ill a)ter complete t!o )loors. :. Advance money deducted )rom ; ".A %ill.

)&'ttering +aterial .e are used Steel props, Steel span, Ply +oard, !ooden +atten, Sal +alli, +am+oo. Read" ,o*ern+ent -a-er 1. 5. 9. 7. Trade License <at Service Ta/ &/cise

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