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Lesson Topic: ___A Short Gothic Tale: Making inferences about Gothic Literature____________________ Grade level:______11th______ Length of lesson:

______About 2 Da s !"or #ork ti$e%____ Stage 1 & Desired 'esults (ontent Standard!s%:

(This lesson was taught in Superior, WI and these standards are based upon the Common Core.) 1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support anal sis o! what the text sa s explicitl as well as in!erences drawn !rom the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. ". #nal $e the impact o! the author%s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements o! a stor or drama (e.g., where a stor is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed). &. 'etermine the meaning o! words and phrases as the are used in the text, including !igurative and connotative meanings( anal $e the impact o! speci!ic word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularl !resh, engaging, or beauti!ul. (Include Sha)espeare as well as other authors.)

)nderstanding !s%*goals Students will understand* #uthors alwa s have a reason !or what the include in their writing( nothing is accidental (i.e. !oreshadowing). Strong readers ma)e in!erences about texts to determine how the text ma end and the author%s reasons !or their writing choices.

+ssential ,uestion!s%: Wh do authors use !oreshadowing+ Wh is it important to ma)e predictions about texts+ ,ow does the readers interpretation e!!ect the meaning o! the text+

Student ob-ectives !outco$es%: Students will be able to* #ll students will be able to* 1. -a)e in!erences about the text b participating in the Tea .art and !illing out their .robable .assage ,and out. /. Students will be able to compare and contrast between their own predictions about the text and what was actuall meant b the words or 0uotes on their .robable .assage ,and out. ". -a)e predictions about the ending o! the text b writing their own ending or creating a wor) o! art that depicts their ending and reasoning their interpretation o! the ending b writing a short paragraph about their artwor) or stor . -ost students will be able to* 1. See !oreshadowing in the text and be able to use !oreshadowing in their wor)s. Some students will be able to* 1. #nal $e and see reason with the author%s choice o! the elements in the stor .

Stage 2 & Assess$ent +vidence .erfor$ance Task!s%: /ther +vidence: Students will be summativel Students will participate in a assessed on their predicted Tea .art pre1reading learning ending o! the short stor activit . (either a written wor) or a wor) o! art). Students will be !ormativel assessed on their .robable .assage ,and out.

Stage 0 & Learning .lan Learning Materials: Tea .art papers .robable .assage ,and12ut

.rediction .ro3ect ,and12ut 4The -an in the 5lac) Suit6 copies Learning Activities: #nticipator Set* (7 -inutes) Students will be given slips o! paper with either a name o! a character, a setting, or a 0uote !rom the text, and the .robable .assage hand out. 2n the .robable .assage hand out, students will write what part o! the stor the thin) their word or 0uote belongs to (#bout 1 minute). The students will then participate in a Tea .art pre1reading activit . In this learning activit , students will wal) around the room and tal) with their peers and tr to ma)e predictions about the text using the words on their slips o! paper. 2n the .robabl .assage hand out, students will write what parts o! the stor the thin) their peers word or 0uotes belong to (#bout 8 -inutes). #!ter students are done, the will then write a prediction o! the text in the .robable .assage ,and out (#bout / -inutes). 'evelopmental #ctivit * (#bout "9 -inutes) Students will then be given the !irst hal! o! 4The -an in the 5lac) Suit6. While reading the short stor , students will be loo)ing at their .robable .assage ,and out and writing on a piece o! noteboo) paper have the students ma)e two columns one stating similarities and another di!!erences. The will be comparing and contrasting their in!erences about the text to what is actuall written in the text (#bout /9 -inutes). #!ter students are done reading the !irst hal! o! the short stor , the will either write a probable ending or draw a depiction o! a probable ending. ,ave them write about their reasoning !or depicting the ending in the wa that the did. (This probabl will not be !inished b the end o! class). #!ter students have !inished their prediction o! the end o! the text, the will read the last hal! o! the short stor . Summar :Wrap1up* #!ter students have !inished reading, have them write a ; page summar o! the text and a ; page re!lection about how their prediction turned out (what shoc)ed them, was their an thing that the were spot on with in the plot<) ,ave students hand their summar and re!lection in b the end o! class.

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