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Your Name: Randi Cozad Title of Lesson: Creating Awareness Grade: 6

NOTE: Please list at least two complete standards your lesson plan covers. [Common Core State Standards (math and language arts), Next Generation Science Standards (science), Arizona State Social Studies Standards (social studies)].

Arizona State Social Studies Standard Strand 3 Civics/Government Concept 4 Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship, PO 1 Describe ways an individual can contribute to a school or community. Common Core ELA Standard 6.W.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.

Provide an overview/synopsis of the lesson and the topics that it will cover.

This is the final lesson in a 5 day unit. In this lesson students will be asked to culminate the topics from the week (sustainability and the life cycle of plastic bottle) to create an art project that creates awareness in the school and/or community. The project will be made of repurposed plastic bottles collected throughout the week. It will include facts and statistics regarding the impacts of production, consumption, and disposal of plastic bottles. Students will also write an essay reflecting on the lesson and identifying their role in the sustainable practices involved in the life cycle of plastic bottles.

Describe what you want students to know/be able to do as a result of the lesson. For example, Students will be able to

Students will be able to explain and provide examples of the connection between sustainability and the life cycle of a plastic bottle by answering prompt questions. Students will be able to describe ways they can contribute to their school and/or community through sustainable practices. Students will be able to create a poster and/or display to create awareness of sustainable practices related to the production, consumption, and disposal of a plastic bottle.

What measures will you use to know if you students met the objectives?

This assignment (awareness project and written portion) is worth a total of 30 points. Students will be awarded 6 points for participation in the development and creation of the awareness project. Students will be graded on the conventions and ideas writing traits (part of the six traits of writing). Students will be awarded up to 4 points per question for a total of 24 points possible for the written portion of the assignment. o Proper conventions (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and full sentences) 0 points for more than 2 major mistakes 1 point for 1-2 major mistakes

2 points for no major mistakes o Clear ideas 0 points for not answer or answer does not relate to the question 1 point if idea is not complete and/or statement does not fully answer the question 2 points for clearly and fully answering the questions

What will students need to know prior to completing this lesson and how will you access their prior knowledge?

Students will need to be familiar with the life cycle of a plastic bottle, including the production, consumption, and disposal phases. They will also need to be familiar with the concept and definition of sustainability.

List of required materials.

Collection of plastic bottles (should have been collected all week, should be cleaned before use) Glue (sticks and liquid) Stapler and/or tape Makers/crayons/color pencils Construction paper/tissue paper/poster board Video Plastic Bottle Awareness available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB1AGGbI8PQ Book Adventures of a Plastic Bottle, by Alison Inches and Pete Whitehead.

List of key vocabulary terms.

sustainability - "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (Lemonick, 2009) life cycle of a plastic bottle the process a plastic bottle goes through from production to consumption to disposal. Awareness have knowledge or consciousness of an issue

Procedural Steps (Step by step instructions for teaching the lesson):

Begin by reviewing the product life cycle and its connection to sustainability. o If time permits you could even re-read The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle by Alison Inches and Pete Whitehead. Show the Plastic Bottle Awareness video and have students brainstorm how they could create awareness in the school/community. Allow students to decide if they would like to work as one/two big groups or as several smaller groups. o Divide the materials appropriately o Provide a handout of the facts/statistics covered during the week to be included in the project. o Explain to students that plastic bottles and the facts must be used in the project. Allow 40 minutes to complete the project. If additional time is required, it can be completed the next day. After the project is complete and/or the allotted time is up, allow 5 minutes for cleanup. Once students are back to their seats, introduce the next part of the assignment. o Students will be asked to write a 5-paragraph essay synthesizing everything they have learned in this unit.

Ask students to pull out their writers notebook. This will be used to begin the rough draft of their assignment. Project or write the following prompt on the board: o Define sustainability in your own words. o What is the life cycle of a plastic bottle? o What is the most sustainable way to dispose of a plastic bottle? o What is the most sustainable use of a plastic bottle? o What actions can you take to spread awareness of the sustainable use and disposal of plastic bottles in your school and community? o Do you think sustainable practices are worthwhile or a waste of time? Explain. Explain to the students that after defining sustainability, each question should be answered with a minimum of 2 sentences. They should refer to information presented throughout the unit. Explain that they will copy the questions to their writers notebook. o Then they will write a rough draft of their answers in the notebook. o Then will edit and revise for proper conventions (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and full sentences) and clear ideas. o Finally, they will write a final draft on a loose leaf sheet of paper to be turned in for grading. Inform them they will be graded on proper conventions and clear ideas that fully answer the questions. Provide students 30 minutes to copy the questions down and complete their rough draft. It is up to the teacher and the time available as to whether; o Students can continue working for additional time o The assignment will become homework, or o The assignment can be completed during class the following school day.

List any references you used to create this lesson. If you borrowed ideas from any lesson plans please note them here. Use APA format.

Inches, A., & Whitehead, P. (2009). The adventures of a plastic bottle. Little Green Books. Lemonick, M. (2009). Top ten myths about sustainability. Scientific America. Retrieved from: http://sustainabilityscienceeducation.asu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/10-Sustainability-Myths.pdf YouTube (2013), "Plastic Bottle Awareness". PSU Eco Action. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB1AGGbI8PQ


Provide a complete explanation of how your lesson plan connects to futures, system, strategic, or values thinking. Define the way of thinking you selected and used in this lesson plan. Remember, this should be included meaningfully in the lesson plan.

The four ways of thinking (values, futures, strategic, and systems) are present in this lesson plan. This lesson plan is designed to allow students to use futures thinking to look at facts and statistics from the past and present to imagine what the future could be if we do not make any changes to the current life cycle of plastic bottles. We are asking them to use systems thinking to look at the life cycle of plastic bottles and see how it is connected to so many other systems, include ecosystems and social systems. We teach them how to use strategic thinking to come up with ways of closing the loop and creating awareness of the issues involved in the life cycle of plastic bottles. The goal is to use values thinking to help students understand and develop their own point of view on the concept of sustainability in order to make changes in their own lifestyles and/or influence change in the future.

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