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1. MY FIRST HOME My first home was a beautiful meadow with a pond of clear water.

There were some large trees near the pond. On one side of the meadow was a field and on the other was the house of our master, Farmer Grey. During the day I ran around the meadow with my mother. At night I lay next to her. When it was hot we stood under the trees by the pond. When it was cold we stayed in a warm shed. There were six young colts in our meadow. I used to play with them, and had great fun. But one day my mother whinnied to me and said: The colts dont have good manners. But you are well-bred and are going to grow up gentle and good. Now, remember, do your work well and dont bite or kick. I never forgot my mothers advice.

MI PRIMER HOGAR Mi primera casa fue un hermoso prado con un estanque de clara agua. Hubo algunos grandes rboles cerca del estanque. Por un lado de la pradera estaba un campo y en el otro estaba la casa de nuestro amo, granjero Grey. Durante el da corra alrededor del prado con mi madre. En la noche me acostaba a su lado. Cuando haca calor estbamos bajo los rboles junto al estanque. Cuando haca fro nos alojamos en una cabaa clida. Haba seis jvenes potros en nuestro prado. Yo sola jugar con ellos, y la pasamos de maravilla. Pero un da mi madre relinch y me dijo: "Los potros no tienen buenos modales. Pero ests bien-educado y vas a crecer amable y bueno. Ahora, recuerda, hacer su trabajo bien y no morder o patear." Nunca olvid el consejo de mi madre.

His first home was a beautiful meadow with a pond of clear water

2. THE HURT LA CAZA One day before I was two years old something strange happened. I was Un da antes de cumplir dos aos sucedi algo extrao. Yo estaba eating grass with the other colts when we heard the sound of dogs. comiendo hierba con los dems potros cuando omos el sonido de los perros. "They can smell a hare," said my mother. Just then a hare tried to get through the fence. We heard a scream, and "Ellos pueden oler una liebre," dijo mi madre. the end of her. Justo en ese momento una liebre trat de pasar la valla. Omos un grito, y el final de ella. By the brook lay two horses and a rider. Por el arroyo yacan dos caballos y un jinete. "The man's neck is broken," said my mother. "El cuello del hombre est roto", dijo mi madre. The rider was George Gordon, a tall young man who Squire Gordon's El jinete era George Gordon, un joven alto quien era el nico hijo del only son. Hacendado Gordon. When the vet saw the black horse he shook his head. There was a bang Cuando el veterinario vio el caballo negro sacudi la cabeza. Hubo una and the horse did not move again. explosin y el caballo no se movi de nuevo. A few days later, we heard the church bells. Some men were carrying Unos pocos das ms tarde, escuchamos las campanas de la iglesia, George Gordon to the churchyard. And I knew that a beautiful horse algunos hombres llevaban George Gordon al cementerio. Yo saba and a young man were dead, all because of one little hare. que un caballo hermoso y un joven murieron, todo por culpa de una pequea liebre....

3.- MY BREAKING-IN As I grew bigger, I became handsome. My coat was bright and black. I had one white foot and a pretty white star on my forehead. When I was four years old Squire Gordon decided to buy me. Then Farmer Grey began to break me in.

CUANDO SE ENTRENA A UN CABALLO JOVEN Como crec ms grande, me hice bien parecido. Mi abrigo estaba brillante y negro, Tena un pie blanco y una estrella bastante blanca en la frente. Cuando tena cuatro aos de edad el Hacendado Gordon decidi comprarme. Luego el granjero Grey comenz a entrenarme.

* Breaking in * means to teach a horse to wear a saddle and bridle, and * Breaking in * significa ensear a un caballo para llevar una silla y el to carry a person on his back. He mustn't speak to other horses, or bite, freno, y para llevar a una persona a la espalda. l no tiene que hablar or kick, but he must always do what his master says. con otros caballos, morder o patear, pero l siempre tiene que hacer lo que dice su amo. I hated wearing a bit (piece of metal in a horse's mouth to hold reins) in my mouth. It was horrible, like a metal finger between my teeth. The saddle was not so bad. One morning my master rode me round the meadow. I was proud to carry him and I soon got used to it. Odiaba llevar una pieza de metal en mi boca. Fue horrible, como un dedo de metal entre mis dientes. La silla no era tan mala. Una maana mi amo me mont alrededor de la pradera. Me sent orgulloso de llevarlo y pronto me acostumbr.

But I didn't like the iron shoes. They were very stiff and heavy on my Pero no me gustan los zapatos de hierro. Eran muy rgidos y pesados feet. But in time I got used to that too. sobre mis pies. Pero con el tiempo me acostumbr a eso tambin. My mother told me: "There are good men like our master, but there are Mi madre me dijo: "Hay hombres buenos como nuestro amo, pero hay bad men too. I hope you have good masters. But remember, always do hombres malos tambin. Espero que tengan buenos amos, pero your best." recuerda, hacer siempre lo mejor..."

4.- BIRTWICK PARK Early in May a man took me to Squire Gordon's home, near the village A principios de mayo, un hombre me llev a la casa de Squire Gordon, of Birtwick. My new stable was large and comfortable. There was a cerca del pueblo de Birtwick. Mi nuevo establo era grande y little fat grey pony next to me. confortable. Haba un pequeo poni gordo junto a m. " How do you do? What is your name? I said. He said, " My name is Merrylegs, I hope you are good-tempered. I don't like horses that bite." "Cmo ests t? Cul es tu nombre?Dije. l dijo: "Mi nombre es Merrylegs, espero que ests de buen humor. No me gustan los caballos que muerden."

He looked over at a tall chestnut horse, In the afternoon, when she El mir a un caballo alto y castao. Por la tarde, cuando ella sali, went out, Merrylegs told me about her. Merrylegs me habl de ella. "That's Ginger," he said, "She bites. One day she bit James, the groom. She says no one was kind to her before. But James and John Manly, our grooms, are very good to us, and Squire Gordon does not whip his horses, so I think she's going to like it here. "Es Ginger", dijo, "Ella muerde. Un da, ella mordi a James, el cuidador. Ella dice que nadie era amable con ella antes. Pero James y John Manly, nuestros cuidadores, son muy buenos con nosotros, y Squire Gordon no azota a sus caballos, as que creo que le va a gustar aqu. La siguiente maana John me llev a dar un paseo. A la vuelta nos encontramos con el seor y la Seora Gordon. El hacendado pregunt a John: "Bueno, John, Cmo est el nuevo caballo?" Y John respondi: "Muy bien, seor." La Sra. Gordon dijo: "Es una belleza. Vamos a llamarlo Belleza Negra." "Belleza Negra?" dijo el Hacendado. "S, es un muy buen nombre." Unos das ms tarde sal con Ginger, y nos llevamos bien. Y pronto me convert en su gran amigo con Merrylegs tambin. Merrylegs era el favorito de todos. Las nias, Jessie y Flora, les encantaba jugar con l y su pequeo perro Frisky (juguetn).

The next morining John took me for a ride. On the way back we met the Squire and Mrs Gordon. The Squire asked John: "Well, John, What's the new horse like?" And John answered: "Excellent, sir." Mrs Gordon said, "He's a beauty. Let's call him Black Beauty."

"Black Beauty?" said the Squire. "Yes, that's a very good name." A few days later I went out with Ginger, and we got on well. And I soon became great friends with Merrylegs too. He was a favourite with everyone. The little girls, Jessie and Flora, loved to play with him and their little dog Frisky.

I was very happy in my new home. Everyone who worked there was Yo estaba muy feliz en mi nuevo hogar. Todo el mundo que trabajaba kind, I had a comfortable stable and good food. And best of all, we had all era amable, tena un establo cmodo y buena alimentacin. Y lo a day free every Sunday in the summer, When we spent the day in the mejor de todo, nosotros tenamos un da libre cada domingo en el

old orchard.










The grass was soft there, the air was sweet, and we did just what we La hierba era suave all, el aire era dulce, y solo hacamos lo que nos liked. We galloped, we lay down, we rolled on our backs and ate the gustaba. Galopbamos, nos acostbamos, nos volcbamos en nuestra grass. And we stood under the large chestnut tree and told stories. espalda y comamos la hierba. Y estbamos bajo el grande rbol y contamos historias.

5.- GINGERS STORY LA HISTORIA DE GINGER One day when Ginger and I were alone, we had a long talk. I told her Un da, cuando Ginger y yo estbamos solos, tuvimos una larga about my breaking-in. conversacin. Le habl de mi adiestramiento. "It was different for me" she replied. "A horrible man called Samson tried to break me in. One morning he gave me a new kind of bit. It was very painful, so I kicked him. Then he got angry and he began to whip me. In the end I threw him on the ground. After that another man broke me in. He was kind and so I soon learned what to do." "Fue diferente para m", respondi ella. "Un horrible hombre llamado Sansn trat de lastimarme. Una maana me dio un nuevo tipo de metal. Era muy doloroso, as que le di una patada. Entonces l se enoj y empez a azotarme. Al final me lo ech en el suelo. Despus de que otro hombre me lastim. l fue amable tan pronto se enter de lo que debe hacer. "Ginger" Tambin me habl de su primera casa. "Un caballero" en Londres me compr. Tuvimos que usar una rienda corta, y yo la odiaba. Un da mord al hombre. l se enoj y me golpe en la cabeza con un ltigo. Despus de esto un caballero en el pas me compr. Era amable, pero su cuidador era como Sansn. l sola pegarme, as que le mord tambin. Mi amo me vendi de nuevo y llegu aqu no mucho antes que t. Pero decid que los hombres eran mis enemigos. " Yo sent tristeza por Ginger, pero como pasaban las semanas ella se volvi ms amable y alegre. Un da, el Hacendado lleg y le pregunt: "Cmo va todo con usted, Ginger?". Y ella puso su nariz en l para ser amable. Mientras viva en Britwick estaba orgulloso y feliz de estar en un buen hogar. Todo el mundo amaba al Hacendado y a la seora Gordon. Eran amables con todos y por todo con a las personas, caballos, perros y gatos, cuervos y aves.

"Ginger" also told me about her first home. "A gentleman in london bought me. We had to wear a short rein, and I hated it. One day I bit the man. He got angry and hit me on the head with a whip. After this a gentleman in the country bought me. He was kind, but his groom was like Samson. He used to hit me, so I bit him too. My master sold me again and I come here not long before you, But I decided that men were my enemies."

I felt sorry for Ginger, but as the weeks went on she became more gentle and cheerful. One day the Squire came and asked her: "How are things with you, Ginger?". And she put her nose up to him to be friendly. While I lived at Britwick I was proud and happy to be in such a good home. Everyone loved the Squire and Mrs. Gordon. They were kind to everybody an everything, to people as well as horses, dogs and cats, crows and birds.

6.- A STORMY DAY One day in autumn Squire Gordon went on a long journey. John went with him and I pulled the cart. The weather was rainy and windy, but we travelled happily until we came to the old wooden bridge.

UN DA DE TORMENTA Un da de otoo Squire Gordon hizo un largo viaje. John fue con l y yo tir del carro. El tiempo era lluvioso y ventoso, pero viajamos felizmente hasta que llegamos al viejo puente de madera.

The man at the tollgate told us the river was rising fast. "Theres going El hombre en la estacin de peaje nos dijo que el ro estaba creciendo to be a bad storm tonight," he said. rpidamente. "Va a haber una tormenta esta noche", dijo. We arrived in the town, but Squire Gordon's business took a long time. Llegamos a la ciudad, pero el negocio de Squire Gordon llev a un We didn't leave until late afternoon. The wind was blowing, making a largo tiempo. No salimos hasta la tarde. El viento soplaba, haciendo un terrible sound. ruido terrible. Suddenly we heard a crack, and a huge tree fell across the road in front De repente omos un crujido, y un enorme rbol cay sobre la carretera of us. I stopped still. I was shaking with fear, but I did not turn round en frente de nosotros. Me detuve todava. Yo estaba temblando de or run away. miedo, pero no me di la vuelta o hu. "We must go back to the crossroads," said John " and drive six miles to "Tenemos que volver a la encrucijada", dijo John "y manejar seis the wooden bridge." millas al puente de madera." When we got there it was nearly dark. There was water on the middle of the bridge, but the Squire did not stop. As soon as my feet touched the bridge I knew that something was wrong. I stopped dead. Go on, Beauty," said the Squire. "There's something wrong, sir," said John. He got out and tried to lead me forward. "Come on, Beauty," he said. But I knew that the bridge was not safe. Just then the man saw us. "Hey there! Stop!" he cried. Cuando llegamos all ya era casi de noche. Haba agua en la mitad del puente, pero el Hacendado no se detuvo. Tan pronto como mis pies tocaron el puente supe que algo andaba mal. Me detuve en seco. Vamos, Belleza ", dijo el hacendado. "Hay algo malo, seor", dijo John. Se levant y trat de llevarme adelante. "Vamos, Belleza," dijo. Pero yo saba que el puente no era seguro. En ese momento, el hombre nos vio. "Eh! Alto!" -exclam-.

"What is it?" shouted the Squire. "Qu es?" -grit el hacendado. "The bridge is broken in the middle," he answered. "If you go on to it, "El puente est roto en el medio", respondi. "Si ustedes va hacia l, you are all going to drown in the river." todos ustedes se van a ahogar en el ro." "Thank God!" said the Squire, "Thank you, Beauty!" said John. We turned around and went along the road by the river. For a long time no one said anything. Then John said: "Black Beauty saved our lives. He Knew the bridge was dangerous." "Gracias Dios!" dijo el Hacendado, "Gracias, belleza!" dijo John. Nos dimos la vuelta y nos fuimos por la carretera junto al ro. Durante mucho tiempo nadie dijo nada. Luego John dijo: " belleza Negra salv nuestras vidas. l supo que el puente era peligroso."

When we returned home the Squire told Mrs. Gordon: "We are all safe, Cuando volvimos a casa del hacendado dijo la Seora Gordon: thanks to Black Beauty!" "Estamos a salvo, gracias a belleza Negra!" That night I had good food to eat and a comfortable bed of straw. And Esa noche tuve una buena comida para comer y una cmoda cama de I was glad, because I was very tired. paja. Y me alegr, porque estaba muy cansado. a) One day Black Beauty went with Squire Gordon and John on a long journey. b). When they were going home a tree fell on the road in front of them. c) They couldnt pass so they decided to go back to the wooden bridge. d) When they got to the bridge it was nearly dark. e) There was water in the middle of the bridge. The weather was rainy and windy and the weather was rising fast

7.- THE FIRE EL FUEGO On day the Squire and Mrs Gordon decided to visit some friends who El da en que el hacendado y la Sra. Gordon decidieron visitar a unos lived about forty-six miles from our home, and James drove them. amigos que vivan a cuarenta y seis millas de nuestra casa, y James los llev. In the evening we stopped at a big hotel to spend the night. We drove Por la noche nos detuvimos en un gran hotel para pasar la noche. Nos into a yard. The stableman brought us into the stable and two grooms condujo a un patio. El caballerizo nos puso en el establo y dos looked after us. One man, Towler, had a pipe in his mouth. cuidadores nos cuidaron. Un hombre, Towler, tena una pipa en la boca. "Towler," the stableman said. Get some hay for these horses. Put your pipe down first!" "Towler," dijo el caballatizo. Obtener un poco de paja para los caballos all. Ponga tu pipa hacia abajo primero! " "All right," said Towler. He got the hay, and left. "Esta bien", dijo Towler. l consigui la paja, y se fue. I didn't know what time it was, but I woke up in the middle of the night. I felt very uncomfortable. Ginger was coughing. It was dark, and No saba qu hora era, pero me despert en medio de la noche. Me I couldn't see anything, but the stable was full of smoke, and it was sent muy incmodo. Ginger estaba tosiendo. Estaba oscuro y no poda hard to breathe. ver nada, pero el establo estaba lleno de humo, y era difcil respirar. I heard a strange noise. I did not know what the noise was, but I was He odo un ruido extrao. Yo no saba lo que era el ruido, pero estaba very frightened. muy asustado. At last I heard steps outside, and the stableman came in with a light. He tried to lead the horses out but they were very frightened. Eventually he came to me next and tried to drag me out. I didn't want to go. In the end, he tried us all and then left the stable. Por fin o pasos fuera y el caballerizo entr con una luz. Trat de llevar a los caballos pero estaban muy asustados. Finalmente l vino a m despus y trat de sacarme. Yo no quise ir. Al final, El intent todo y luego sali del establo.

Maybe we were foolish, but we knew we were in danger and we did Quizs hicimos una tontera, pero sabamos que estbamos en peligro not trust anyone. y no confiamos en nadie. I looked up and I saw a red light dancing on the wall. Then I heard the shout of "Fire!" coming from outside. There was a terrible roaring noise. Next I heard James' voice, clam and cheerful, "Come my beauties, wake up and come with me," he said. He tied his scarf over my eyes, and led me out of the stable, and out of danger. Then he ran back inside. I gave a whinny as I saw him go. Ginger told me later that she Mir hacia arriba y vi una luz roja bailando en la pared. Entonces o el grito de "Fuego!" que viene de fuera. Hubo un terrible rugiente ruido. A continuacin o la voz de James, tranquilo y alegre: "Vengan mis bellezas, despierta y ven conmigo", dijo. l at su pauelo sobre mis ojos, y me sac del establo, y fuera de peligro. Luego corri hacia el interior. Di un relincho como lo vi pasar. Ginger me dijo despus que

heard my whinny and it gave her the courage to come out. I heard a crash in the stable, then I saw James with Ginger; she was coughing and he was not able to speak. We got out as quickly as possible, then Squire Gordon took us all to a large hotel on the other side of town.

oy mi relincho y este le dio el coraje para salir.

O un accidente en el establo, luego vi a James con Ginger, ella estaba tosiendo y l no era capaz de hablar. Salimos lo ms rpido posible, y luego Squire Gordon nos llev a todos a un gran hotel en el otro lado de la ciudad. Pero Ginger y yo sabamos que dos caballos murieron en el incendio But Ginger and I knew that two horses burned to death in the stable - it del establo por quemaduras Esto fue terrible! Nos sentimos muy was terrible! We felt very sad. tristes. The next morning James heard that Dick Towler was responsible for the fire. The night before, a man saw him in the stable with a pipe in his mouth. At Britwick Park the rules was "no pipes in the stable". And it was a very good rule. A la maana siguiente James se enter que Dick Towler fue responsable por el fuego. La noche anterior, un hombre lo vio en el establo con una pipa en la boca. En Britwick Parque las normas son "no se admite pipas en el establo". Esta fue una muy buena regla.

N 8 FETCHING THE DOCTOR One night, John came into the stable, calling "Wake up, Beauty" He put my saddle and bridle in and rode up to the front door of the house. The Squire was there. "John," he said, "Mrs. Gordon is very ill. Ride to he doctor's and give him this note." "Now, Beauty, do your best," said John. I went as fast as possible. When we arrived at Dr. White's house, John told him: "Mrs Gordon is very ill. Squire Gordon thinks she is going to die. Please go to her immediately "Yes", said the doctor, "but my son has my horse. Can I have yours?" he asked The doctor was heavier than John, and not such a good rider. But I did my very best and went as fast as possible. When we got to Birtwick Park, Squire Gordon was at the door. The doctor went into the house with him, and Joe led me to the stable. I was glad to be home. My legs were shaking, and I was very wet. Joe was young and he forgot to put a warm blanket on me. Then he gave me cold water to drink. Soon all my body began to shake, and I felt very cold. A long time later John came back. He covered me with two or three warm blankets, and ran to the house for some hot water. He gave me some warm food, and then I think I went to sleep. Over and over again, John said to himself. "Stupid boy! Stupid boy! I was now very sick, and John was nursing me night and day. The Squire came to see me. "Poor Beauty", he said one day. "You saved Mrs Gordon's life"

RECOGIDA DEL DOCTOR Una noche, John entr en el establo, diciendo "Levntate Belleza" Puso mi silla y el freno y cabalg hasta la puerta principal de la casa. El hacendado estaba all. "John", dijo, " la seora Gordon est muy enferma. Pasen por el mdico y le dan esta nota." "Ahora, Belleza da lo mejor de ti", dijo John. Fui lo ms rpido posible. Cuando llegamos a la casa blanca del doctor, John le dijo: "La seora Gordon est muy enferma. El hacendado Gordon piensa que va a morir. Por favor, vaya a ella inmediatamente "S", dijo el doctor, "pero mi hijo tiene mi caballo. Puedo tener el suyo?" le pregunt. El mdico era ms pesado que John, y no un buen jinete. Pero yo hice mi mejor esfuerzo y fui tan rpido como sea posible. Cuando llegamos al Parque Birtwick, el hacendado Gordon estaba en la puerta. El mdico entr en la casa con l, y Joe me llev al establo. Me alegr de estar en casa. Me temblaban las piernas, y yo estaba muy hmedo. Joe era joven y l se olvid de poner una manta sobre m. Luego me dio agua fra para beber. Pronto todo mi cuerpo comenz a temblar, y sent mucho fro Mucho tiempo despus John regres. Me cubri con dos o tres mantas, y corri por un poco de agua caliente. Me dio un poco de comida caliente, y luego creo que me dorm. Una y otra vez, John dijo. Chico estpido! Chico estpido! Ahora estaba muy enfermo, y John me estaba amamantando noche y da. El hacendado vino a verme "Pobre de belleza", dijo un da "Usted salv la vida de la seora Gordon".

John said, "Black Beauty went so fast, he seemed to know what was wrong. But after that I was ill for a long time, and I thought I was going to die One night Thomas Green, Joe's father, came in to help John. He told John: "Joe is very upset about Black Beauty. He knows it was all his fault. He is young, he is not a bad boy". John said slowly, "I know he's not a bad boy. But you see, that horse is

John dijo: "Belleza Negra fue tan rpido que pareca saber lo que estaba mal. Pero despus de que yo estaba enfermo durante mucho tiempo, yo pens que iba a morir. Una noche, Thomas Green, el padre de Joe, entr para ayudar a John. Dijo a John: "Joe est muy molesto por Belleza Negra. l sabe que todo es su culpa. l es joven, l no es un chico malo "

very special to us all. But don't worry, I think Beauty is going to get John dijo lentamente "S que no es un chico malo. Pero ya ves, ese better caballo es muy especial para todos nosotros. Pero no te preocupes, And sure enough, in the morning I was much better creo que belleza se va a mejorar. Y, por supuesto, por la maana estaba mucho mejor.

N 9 LEAVING BIRTWICK PARK I lived happily at Birtwick Park for three years, but one day everything changed. The Gordons had to go away, as Mrs Gordon was ill and the doctor said she must leave England and go to live in a warm country for two or three years. Everybody was sad to hear this.


Yo viva felizmente en el Parque Birtwick por tres aos, pero un da todo cambi. Los Gordon tuvieron que irse, como la seora Gordon estaba enferma y el mdico dijo que tena que salir de Inglaterra e ir a vivir en un pas clido durante dos o tres aos. Todos estaban tristes al escuchar esto. The Squire sold Ginger and I to his old friend who lived at Earlshall El hacendado vendi a Ginger y a m a su viejo amigo quien viva en Park, and he gave Merrylegs to the vicar. el Parque Earlshall, y le dio a Piernas Alegres al vicario. And so our last day came Ginger and I brought the carriage up to the Y as lleg el ltimo da Ginger y yo llevamos el coche hasta la puerta front door for the last time. The Squire carried Mrs Gordon to the por ltima vez. El hacendado llev a la seora Gordon al transporte. carriage. All the servants were crying. Todos los sirvientes estaban llorando. "Goodbye, again" said the Squire. "We are never going to forget you" "Adis, de nuevo", dijo el hacendado. "Nunca vamos a olvidarlos" When we reached the ralway station Mrs Gordon said: Cuando llegamos a la estacin de tren la Sra. Gordon dijo: "Goodbye, John. God bless you" "Adis, John. Dios te bendiga" When the train left, John said sadly: Cuando el tren se fue, dijo John tristemente: "We are never going to see Mrs Gordon again and we drove slowly "Nunca vamos a ver a la seora Gordon de nuevo", y poco a poco nos home. fuimos a casa. But it was not our home now. Pero esta no era nuestra casa ahora.

10 EARLSHALL The next morning, John took Ginger and I to Earlshall Park. John and Mr York, our new groom, took us to a large stable. We were happy to be next to each other. John said to Mr York, "These horses like a long rein". But Mr York replied, "Here we user a short rein. My lady wants her horses to hold their heads high". John came to pat and speak to us for the last time. His voice was very sad. I put my face up to him to say goodbye, and then he left. At three o'clock in the afternoon Mr York took us round to the front of the house. It was very grand. Soon the lady of the house came and looked at us. She said nothing, and going into the carriage. This was the first time I wore a short rein. And it was very uncomfortable. The next day the lady sai, "York, you must put those horses heads higher". That day we had to go up a huge hill. I tried to pull the carriage along, but I had to pull with my head up. It was hard and it hurt my back and legs. After that our reins got shorter and shorter every day. I hated it. And things got worse after that. One day Mr York fixed the rein very tight. It was terrible. Ginger didnt like it at all. She reared up. York hit nose and his hat fell off. She reared again, and kicked. Then she fell down, kicking me too. I stood angry, with a sore leg, my head still high. I was very miserable. They didnt put Ginger into the carriage again. But one of the Lords sons wanted to use her for hunting. As for me, I had a new partner called Max. But I had to wear that short rein for four long months. When I finished work my neck and chest hurt, my mouth and tongue were sore, and I felt tired and sad. In my old home Birtwck Park I always felt that John and Squire Gordon were my friends, but here, I had no friends at all.

10 EARLSHALL A la maana siguiente, John tom Ginger y a m para el Parque Earlshall. John y el seor York, nuestro nuevo cuidador, nos llevaron a un establo grande. Estbamos contentos de estar uno a lado del otro. John dijo al seor York, "A estos caballos les gusta las riendas largas" Pero el seor York respondi: "Aqu nosotros usamos una rienda corta Mi seora quiere que sus caballos mantengan la cabeza en alto " John vino a acariciar y hablar con nosotros por ltima vez. Su voz era muy triste. Puse mi cara hacia l para decirle adis, y luego l se fue. A las tres de la tarde el seor York nos llev a la parte delantera de la casa. Era muy grande. Pronto, la seora de la casa se acerc y nos mir. Ella no dijo nada, y entr en el carro. Esta fue la primera vez que me puse una rienda corta. Y era muy incmodo. Al da siguiente, dijo la dama, "York, usted debe poner a estos caballos las cabezas ms altos" Ese da tuvimos que subir una enorme colina. Trat de tirar del carro a lo largo, pero tuve que sacar con la cabeza en alto. Fue duro y me dola la espalda y las piernas. Despus que nuestras riendas consiguieron ms cortos cada da Lo odiaba. Y las cosas empeoraron despus. Un da el seor York fijo la rienda muy apretada. Esto fue terrible. A Ginger no le gust en absoluto. Ella se irgui. York golpe la nariz y su sombrero se cay. Ella se alz de nuevo, y pateo. Luego cay al suelo, patendome tambin. Me puse furioso, con un dolor en la pierna, mi cabeza todava en alto. Yo estaba muy triste. No pusieron a Ginger en el carro de nuevo. Pero uno de los hijos del Seor quera usarla para la caza. En cuanto a m, yo tena un nuevo compaero llamado Max. Pero tuve que usar esa rienda corta durante cuatro largos meses. Cuando termin el trabajo me dola mi cuello y el pecho, la boca y la lengua estaba con llagas, y me sent cansado y triste. En mi antigua casa el Parque Birtwck siempre sent que John y el hacendado Gordon eran mis amigos, pero en este caso, yo no tena amigos.

11 THE RUNAWAY HORSE 11 EL CABALLO EN FUGA Early in spring, the Lord and some of his family went to London. A principios de la primavera, el Seor, y algunos de sus familiares Ginger and I and some other horses stayed at home. fueron a Londres. Ginger y yo y algunos otros caballos nos quedamos en casa. The Earls daughter, Lady Anne, loved riding horses with her brother A la Hija del conde, Lady Anne, le encantaba montar a caballo con su and cousins. She was a good rider, and a gentle and beautiful person hermano y primos. Ella era un buen jinete, y una persona amable y too. I was her horse, and she named me Black Auster. I enjoyed these muy bonita. Yo era su caballo, y ella me llamaba "Auster Negro". rides with Lady Anne in the clear cold air. Disfrut de estos paseos con Lady Anne en el aire fro y puro. One day lady Anne wanted to ride Lizzie, a bright bay mare. Mr Un da la seora Anne quera montar a Lizzie, una yegua baya Blantyre, her cousin, who was staying at the hall, said: brillante. El seor Blantyre, su primo, quien estaba alojado en la sala, dijo: Lizzie is too nervous for you. She is not safe "Lizzie est demasiado nerviosa para usted. No es seguro " Lady Anne said: Dont worry, Blantyre. Im a good rider. You can Lady Anne dijo: "No te preocupes, Blantyre. Soy un buen jinete. Usted ride Black Auster puede montar Auster Negro " As we were leaving, a servant gave Lady Anne a note from her sister, Cuando nos bamos, un sirviente le dio a Lady Anne una nota de su asking her to go to the doctors. We rode to the village, and arrived at hermana, pidindole que vaya al mdico. Nos fuimos hasta el pueblo, the doctors gate. There was a long drive up to the house between tall y llegamos a la puerta del doctor. Se hizo un largo viaje en coche hasta trees. Lady Ann said to Mr Blantyre, You go to the house. I can wait la casa entre los rboles altos. Lady Ann dijo al Sr. Blantyre, "Vas a la here with Lizzie. casa. Puedo esperar aqu con Lizzie. Lizzie was standing by the side of the road not far from me Lady Anne Lizzie staba de pie a un lado de la carretera, no lejos de m Lady Anne was sitting on Lizzie, humming a little song. There was a field nearby estaba sentada en Lizzie, tarareando una cancin. Haba un campo With a gate. cercano con una puerta. Just then some horses and colts came out of the gate. One of them ran En ese momento, algunos caballos y potros salieron de la puerta. Uno across the road and up against Lizzies back legs. Suddenly Lizzie de ellos corri a travs de la carretera y en contra de las patas traseras gave a big kick, and galloped off down the road. Lady Anne nearly fell de Lizzie. De repente Lizzie dio un gran golpe, y se alej galopeando off but she soon recovered. I neighed loudly for help. por el camino. Lady Anne casi se cae pero pronto se recuper. Yo relinche ruidosamente en busca de ayuda. Mr Blantyre came running to the gate, he saw Lady Anne and Lizzie far away down the road. Quickly he jumped on my back and we El seor Blantyre lleg corriendo a la puerta, vio a Lady Anne y Lizzie chased after them. muy lejos por el camino. Rpidamente salt sobre mi espalda y sali tras ellos. Several times we saw them and then lost them again. An old man was standing by the side of the road. To the common, to the common, Varias veces nos vimos y luego los perdimos de nuevo. Un anciano sir! he told us. estaba de pie a un lado de la carretera. "Para el comn", a lo comn, seor! ", Nos dijo. Then we saw Lady Anne pass in front of us in her green coat. Her hat Luego vimos a Lady Anne pasar delante de nosotros con su abrigo

was gone, and her long hair was loose. Her head and body were verde. Su sombrero haba desaparecido, y su largo cabello suelto. La thrown back, as if she were pulling as hard as possible. She looked cabeza y el cuerpo fueron arrojados hacia atrs, como si estuviera exhausted. But we were gaining on them. tirando tan duro como sea posible. Ella pareca agotada. Pero les estbamos ganando a ellos. About halfway across the common Lizzie tried to jump over a ditch but fell down. When we arrived, Lady Ann was lying on the ground. Her face was white and her eyes were closed. Annie, dear Annie, speak to me cried Mr Blantyre. But there was no answer. Blantyre saw a man working nearby and called: Quick! Ride to the doctors. Tell him its urgent. Then go to Earlshall Park, and tell them to send the carriage. Im going to stay here The man jumped on my back. I went as fast as I could. We went to the doctors, then to Earlshall Park. After we gave the news, they sent Ginger out with the carriage. I heard it driving out of the yard. A mitad de camino a travs de la comn Lizzie trat de saltar por encima de una zanja, pero cay. Cuando llegamos, Lady Ann estaba tendida en el suelo. Su rostro estaba plido y tena los ojos cerrados. "Annie, querida Annie, hblame" grit el seor Blantyre. Pero no hubo respuesta. Blantyre vio a un hombre trabajando cerca y llam: "Rpido! Ve al mdico. Dile que es urgente. Luego vayan al Parque Earlshall, y diles que enven el carro. Yo me voy a quedar aqu " El hombre salt sobre mi espalda. Fui tan rpido como pude. Fuimos al mdico y luego al Parque Earlshall. Despus de que nos dieron la noticia, enviaron Ginger con el carro. He odo que la conduccin fuera del patio. Pareca un largo tiempo antes de que Ginger regrese. Cuando estuvimos solos, me dijo lo que haba sucedido. "Galopamos casi todo el camino", dijo, "Entonces el doctor puso algo en la boca de la seora, y le dijo: No est muerta. Un poco ms tarde nos trajeron a casa en el coche. Dos das despus del accidente el Sr. Blantyre entr en el establo con Lord George. l me dio una palmada y le dijo a Lord George: "Creo que Belleza Negra saba que Lady Anne estaba en peligro. Pero ella est mejor ahora y puede montar de nuevo pronto. "Me sent feliz de or las buenas noticias.

It seemed a long time before Ginger came back. When we were alone she told me what had happened. We galloped nearly all the way she said, Then the doctor poured something into the ladys mouth, and said She is not dead. A little later we brought her home in the carriage. Two days after the accident Mr Blantyre came into the sable with Lord George. He patted me and told Lord George: I think Black Beauty knew that Lady Anne was in danger. But she is better now and can ride again soon. I felt happy to hear the good news.

12 REUBEN SMITH Reuben Smith was in charge of the stables when Mr York was in London. He was gentle and very good with horses. Everybody liked him. But he had one big problem: he loved alcohol. One day Smith drove to the railway station. Afterwards the took me to the White Lion hotel. He left me in the stable there and said he was coming back at four oclock. In fact it was nearly nine oclock when he returned. A nail in one of my front shoes was coming out. When Smith arrived the groom told him about the nail. I can fix it for you, he said. No said Smith, leave it. I need to get home. He spoke in a very loud, strange way. He seemed to be in a very bad temper. We began to gallop along the road. It was very dark and the roads were stony. My shoe became looser, and suddenly it fell off But Reuben Smith was too drunk to notice. As I galloped faster and faster along the road with only one shoe Smith hit me with his whip. Faster! Faster! He shouted. The stones cut my foot and the pain was terrible. Suddenly, I fell down on my knees. Smith fell off onto the ground, and lay on the road by the light of the moon. I stood there and listened for the sound of horses, or wheels, or mens footsteps! It was a beautiful April night. I thought of the summer nights long ago, when I lay next to my mother in the green field at Farmer Greys. It was nearly midnight when I heard the sound of a horses feet. I neighed loudly, and heard a neigh back. It was Ginger! There were mens voices too. I heard Robert from our stables. The men arrived and looked at Reubens body on the ground.

12 REUBEN SMITH Reuben Smith estaba a cargo de las caballerizas cuando el seor York estaba en London. Era amable y muy bueno con los caballos. A todo el mundo le gusta. Pero tena un gran problema: l amaba el alcohol. Un da, Smith se dirigi a la estacin de tren. Despus el me llev al hotel White Lion. Me dej en el establo y dijo que iba a volver a las cuatro. De hecho, era casi las nueve cuando regres. Un clavo en uno de mis zapatos delanteros sala. Cuando Smith lleg el cuidador le dijo sobre el clavo. "Puedo arreglarlo para usted", dijo. "No", dijo Smith, dejalo. Tengo que volver a casa. l habl de una manera muy fuerte, extrao. Pareca estar de muy mal humor. Empezamos a galope por la carretera. Estaba muy oscuro y las calles eran de piedra. Mi zapato se hizo ms flexible, y de repente se cay. Pero Reuben Smith estaba demasiado borracho para darse cuenta.

Como galope ms rpido y ms rpido a lo largo de la carretera con un solo zapato Smith me golpe con su ltigo. "Ms rpido! Ms rpido! Grit. Las piedras cortaron el pie y el dolor era terrible. De repente, ca de rodillas. Smith se cay al suelo y se qued en el camino con la luz de la luna. Me qued all y escuch el sonido de los caballos, ruedas, o los pasos de los hombres! Era una hermosa noche de abril. Pens en las noches de verano de hace mucho tiempo, cuando me acost al lado de mi madre en el campo verde en Farmer Grey. Era casi medianoche cuando escuch el sonido de los pies de un caballo. Me relinch con fuerza, y escuche un relinchar. Fue jengibre! Haba voces de los hombres tambin. Escuche a Robert de nuestros establos. Los hombres llegaron y vieron el cuerpo de Rubn en el suelo. Smith is dead, said one of the men. His hands are very cold. "Smith est muerto", dijo uno de los hombres. "Sus manos son muy fras". Then the men saw my cut knees. A continuacin, los hombres vieron mis rodillas cortadas Robert tried to lead me forward. I tried to walk, but almost fell again. Robert trat de llevar adelante. Trat de caminar, pero casi me caigo de nuevo. Poor fellow said Robert and he led me home. The walk that night Pobre hombre", dijo Robert y l me llev a casa. El paseo de esa noche

was terrible, it was more than three miles. Robert led me very slowly, fue terrible, eran ms de tres millas. Robert me llevo muy lentamente, and limped in great pain. But Robert patted me, and spoke to me in a y cojeaba con un gran dolor. Pero Robert me acarici y me habl con gentle voice. una voz suave. At last I reached my stable. I slept well even though I was in pain. Por fin llegu a mi establo. Dorm muy bien a pesar de que estaba con dolor. The next day the vet came. He did his best to cure me. I took a long Al da siguiente lleg el veterinario. l hizo todo lo posible para time and it was very painful. In the end I got better, but I had no hair curarme. Me tom mucho tiempo y fue muy doloroso. Al fin me sent on my knees. mejor, pero no tena pelo en mis rodillas. Because Reuben Smith died suddenly, there was an inquest. The Porque Reuben Smith muri de repente, hubo una investigacin. El groom at the White Lion hotel said that Reuben was drunk everyone cuidador del hotel White Lion dijo que Rubn estaba borracho todo el knew Reubens death was not my fault mundo saba de la muerte de Rubn no fue mi culpa.

13 RUINED When my knees were better they put me into a small field for a month or two. I enjoyed the freedom and the sweet grass. But I was very lonely. Ginger and I were good friends, and I missed her very much. One morning the gate opened, and Ginger came in. I trotted up to her and she told me her story. She said: Lord George is young and does not look after his horses. One day he rode me in a race. The groom told him I was too tired to race. I came in with the first three horses, but my back was ruined. Ginger and I both felt that we were not the same as before. But we enjoyed being together. We ate grass, and lay down together. We stood for hours under the trees with our heads close together. And so we passed the time until the family returned from London.

13. ARRUINADA Cuando mis rodillas eran mejores que me pusieron en un pequeo campo por un mes o dos. Disfrut de la libertad y de la hierba dulce. Pero yo estaba muy solo. Ginger y yo ramos buenos amigos, y la extrae mucho. Una maana, la puerta se abri, y Ginger entr trotaba hacia ella y me cont su historia. Ella dijo: " El Seor George es joven y no se ocupa de sus caballos. Un da me mont en una carrera. El cuidador le dijo que estaba demasiado cansada para correr. Llegu con los tres primeros caballos, pero mi espalda estaba arruinada. "Ginger y yo sentimos que no ramos los mismos que antes. Pero disfrutbamos estar juntos. Comimos hierba, y nos acostamos juntos. Nos pusimos de pie durante horas bajo los rboles con la cabeza muy juntos. Y as pasamos el tiempo hasta que la familia regres de Londres. Un da, el conde entr en la pradera, y el Sr. York estaba con l. Nos examin cuidadosamente. El conde pareca enojado. "Mis viejos amigos dos hermosos caballos estn en ruinas. Ginger debe descansar por un ao. Y tenemos que vender a Belleza Negra ahora, debido a las rodillas " "S que en el bao principal que quiere un nrdico", dijo York. "Yo s que l se ocupa de sus caballos bien Despus de esto nos dejaron Van a llevarte lejos, dijo Ginger, y voy a perder mi nico amigo. Es una vida dura Alrededor de una semana despus de esto Robert vino y me llev. Ginger relinch a m y relinch de nuevo. Ella corri a lo largo de la cerca, y me llam para que me fuera. Cuando llegu a mi nueva casa que tena un cmodo establo. No era tan bonito como el ltimo, pero tena buena comida. Nuestro nuevo maestro nos cuidara muy bien. Tena un montn de los caballos y carruajes de diferentes tipos de alquiler. A veces sus propios hombres los manejaban, a veces alquilaba el caballo y el carro a los caballeros o damas que conducan ellos mismos. A veces tenamos malos conductores, que iban muy rpido y nos azotaban. Pero una maana me fui a una casa en Pulteney Street. Dos

One day the Earl came into the meadow, and Mr York was with him. They examined us carefully. The Earl seemed angry. My old friends two beautiful horses are ruined. Ginger must rest for year. And we have to sell Black Beauty now, because of his knees I know a main in Bath who wants a norse, said York. I know he looks after his horses well After this they left us Theyre going to take you away, said Ginger, and I am going to lose my only friend. Its a hard life About a week after this Robert came and led me away. Ginger neighed to me and I neighed back. She trotted along by the hedge, and called to me as I left. When I reached my new home I had a comfortable stable. It was not as nice as my last one, but I had good food. Our new master looked after us well. He had a lot of of horses and carriages of different kinds for rent. Sometimes his own men drove them, sometimes he rented the horse and cart to gentlemen or ladies who drove themselves. Sometimes we had bad drivers, who went very fast and whipped us. But one morning I went to a house in Pulteney Street. Two gentlemen came out. One man drove me and I can remember now how quietly he

turned me round, and we were off. He was a very good driver. It seemed like old times again. And I was very happy. This gentleman liked me very much. And a friend of his wanted a good horse for riding. He asked my master to sell me. And so in the summer Mr Barry bought me.

caballeros salieron. Un hombre me llev y puedo recordar ahora cmo se volvi en silencio a mi alrededor, y nos fuimos. Era un muy buen conductor. Pareca como en los viejos tiempos. Y yo estaba muy feliz. Este caballero me gustaba mucho. Y un amigo de l quera un buen caballo para montar. l le pidi a mi maestro venderme. Y as, en el verano el Sr. Barry me compr.

14 A THIEF My new master Mr Barry lived in Bath, and was a businessman. He bought me because his doctor told him to take exercise. He had a stable not far from his flat, and the groom was a man named Flicher. My master knew very little about horses, but he treated me well. He told Filcher to give me the best food with plenty of oats, so I was happy. For a few days everything was fine. Filcher kept the stable clean and he looked after me well. He grew fruit and vegetables and his wife kept chickens and rabbits. But after a while I had no oats in my food. After a while I started feeling sick. So, one afternoon Mr Barry took me into the country to see a friend of his, a farmer. This farmer knew a lot about horses. When he saw me said: Barry, your horse does not look very well. Well, said Mr Barry, my groom says that horses are always weak in the autumn. Autumn, rubbish, said he farmer. Why, this is August. What kind of food do you feed him? My master told him. The farmer shook his head slowly, and began to touch me. I cant say who eats your oats, but its not your horse. Someone is taking food from your horse. You must go and ask Mr Flicher about it. I knew where my masters oats went. Flicher came every morning about six oclock, with a little boy, who always had a basket with him. The little boy filled the basket with oats, and then left. Five or six mornings after this, after the boy left the stable, the door opened, and a policeman walked in, holding the child. The child pointed to me and nodded his head. Five or six mornings after this, after the boy left stable, the door opened, and a policeman walked in, holding the child. The child pointed to me and nodded his head. They took Flicher to the police station. I heard afterwards that the man went to prison for two months. After that Mr Barry decided to give up keeping a horse and sell me. So I went to the horse fair again.

14 UN LADRN Mi nuevo amo el seor Barry vivi en Bath, y era un hombre de negocios. Me compr porque su mdico le dijo que tomara el ejercicio. l tena un establo no muy lejos de su departamento y el cuidador era un hombre llamado Flicher. Mi maestro saba muy poco acerca de los caballos, pero l me trat bien. Le dijo a Filcher darme la mejor comida con un montn de avena, as que estaba contento. Durante unos das todo estaba bien. Flicher mantuvo el establo limpio y me cuidaba bien. El cultivaba frutas y hortalizas y su esposa cran pollos y conejos. Pero despus de un tiempo no tuve avena en mi comida. Despus de un tiempo empec a sentirme enfermo. Entonces, una tarde, el Sr. Barry me llev al campo a ver a un amigo suyo, un agricultor. Este agricultor saba mucho de caballos. Cuando me vio dijo: Barry, su caballo no se ve muy bien. -Bueno-dijo el seor Barry, mi cuidador dice que los caballos son siempre dbiles en el otoo. Otoo, basura, dijo el agricultor. Por qu, esto es agosto. Qu tipo de comida le das de comer? Mi maestro le dijo. El granjero movi lentamente la cabeza y empez a tocarme. No puedo decir que come tu avena, este no es tu caballo. Alguien est tomando la comida de tu caballo. Tienes que ir y preguntar al seor Flicher al respecto. Yo saba que la avena de mi seor se fue. Flicher vena cada maana a las seis en punto, con un muchacho pequeo, quien siempre tena una cesta con l. El muchacho llenaba la cesta con avena, y se iva. Cinco o seis maanas despus de esto, despus de que el chico sali del establo, la puerta se abri, y un polica entr, sosteniendo al chico. El chico me seal y asinti con la cabeza. Llevaron a Flicher a la estacin de polica. Escuch despus que el hombre fue a prisin por dos meses. Despus de que el Sr. Barry decidi abandonar el mantenimiento de un caballo y me vendio. As que fui a la Feria del Caballo de nuevo.

15 A horse Fair A horse fair is an interesting place. There is always a lot to see. There are young horses from the country, little Welsh ponies, like Merrylegs, many beautiful horses too. But there were also a lot of poor, thin horses, worn out from hard work. I was very sad to see them. At the horse fair there was a man with a gentle voice and kind grey eyes. He offered twenty three pound for me, but they refused, and he walked away. Then a man with a very loud voice came. I was afraid he was going to buy me, but he walked off. Then the grey-eyed man back again and said: Ill give twenty-four for him. Done, Said the salesman. Hes a quality horse and if you want to him for cab work, hes a bargain Half an hour later, we set off for London, along country roads, until we came to that great city. There were streets to the right, and streets on the left. We went into one of the small streets, and then into a very narrow street, with small, old houses on one side, and stables on the other. My new owner stopped at a house and whistled. The door opened, and a young woman, a little girl and boy, came out. They all looked at me Is he gentle, father yes, Dolly, as gentle as a kitten; you can pat him Dolly, the little girl, patted my shoulder without fear. It felt so good! They let me into a comfortable, clean stable, with plenty and dry straw, and after a delicious meal I lay down to sleep, thinking Im going to be very happy here

15 La feria de Caballos Una feria de caballos es un lugar interesante. siempre hay mucho que ver. hay caballos jvenes del campo, pequeos ponis galeses como merrylegs, y muchos caballos hermosos tambin. pero tambin hay mucha pobreza, caballos flacos desgastados por el trabajo duro. yo estaba muy triste de verlos. en la casa de la feria haba un hombre con una voz gentil y amable ojos grises. l ofreci 23 libras por me, pero ellos le rechazaron la oferta por lo que l se fue. luego un hombre con una voz muy fuerte vino. yo estaba asustado cre que l iba a comprarme, pero l se alej. luego el hombre de los ojos grises regres y dijo: te dar 24 por el hecho, dijo el vendedor. l es un caballo de calidad y si t lo quieres para trabajarlo como taxi, l es una ganga media hora despus nos encaminamos a Londres, a travs de caminos rurales hasta llegar a esa grandiosa ciudad, haba calles a la derecha y a la izquierda. Entramos a una de las pequeas calles y luego a una calle muy estrecha con pequeas casas de un lado y establos del otro. Mi nuevo dueo se detuvo en una casa y silb. La puerta se abri y una joven mujer, una nia y un nio pequeos salieron. Todos ellos me miraron es el manso, padre? Si Dolly. Tan manso como un gatito, tu puedes tocarlo (palmearlo) Dolly, La nia pequea toc mi hombro sin miedo, eso se sinti muy bien! Ellos me ingresaron a un confortable, limpio establo con mucha paja seca, y luego de la deliciosa comida me acost pensando, Voy a ser muy feliz aqu.

16 A LONDON CAB HORSE My new masters name was Jeremiah barker, but everyon e called him jerry. his was called Polly and they had two children, a boy named Harry and a little girl called Dolly. The Barkers were a very happy family, Jerry had a cab and two horses. His other horse was a tall, white animal called Captain. The next morning Harry and Dolly came into the yard to see me. I loved it when they patted me and spoke in gentle voice. Lets call him Jack after the old horse, shall we, Harry? said Dolly. Yes, lets said Harry.

16 UN CABALLO TAXI EN LONDRES El nombre de mi nuevo amo era Jeremas barker, pero todo el mundo le llamaba jerry. Su esposa se llamaba Polly y tuvieron dos hijos, un nio llamado Harry y una pequea nia llamada Dolly. Los Barker eran una familia muy feliz, Jerry tena un taxi y dos caballos. Su otro caballo era un animal alto, blanco llamado Capitn. A la maana siguiente Harry y Dolly entraron en el patio a verme. Me encant cuando ellos me dieron unas palmaditas y me hablaron en voz gentil. "Lo vamos a llamar Jack' como el viejo caballo se llamada, te parece, Harry?", Dijo Dolly. "S, hagmoslo", dijo Harry. El principio de mi vida como Jack, el taxi de Londres, fue muy duro. El ruido y la gente y el trfico en las calles me asustaban. Pero Jerry era buen conductor, y eso ayud mucho. Jerry pronto descubri que yo estaba dispuesto a trabajar duro y hacerlo lo mejor posible, y no me azoto. l nos mantuvo muy limpios, y nos dio toda la comida que queramos. Pero lo mejor era que tenamos los domingos libres.

The first of my life as Jack, the London cab was very hard. The noise and the people and the traffic on the streets frightened me. But Jerry was good driver, and that helped a lot. Jerry soon found that I was ready to work hard and do my best, and he didnt whip me. He kept us very clean, and gave us as much food as we wanted. But the best thing was that we had Sundays off.

17 POOR GINGER One day, while our cab was waiting outside a park, a dirty old cab drove up beside us. The horse was an old chestnut. Suddenly she looked at me and said, Black Beauty, is that you? It was Ginger! But how different she was! She was thin, and tired from too much hard work. She looked miserable and she had a bad cough. She told her sad history. She had a years rest and then a gentleman bought her. For a while she got on very well. Then one day after a long gallop her old problem retuned, and her back hurt again. They bought and sold her several time after that. Then at last she said, a man who has a lot of cabs and horses bought me. I work hard, all week, with no rest on Sundays. I wish I was dead. I was very sad to hear this. I put my nose up to Gingers. but I didnt know what to say to her. She said, Black Beauty, you are my only friend. Just then, her driver came back, and they drove off. I felt very sad indeed to see Ginger like this. A short time after this, I saw a cart with a dead horse in it. It was a chestnut with a long, thin neck. I think it was Ginger. I hope so, for then all her problems were over. One day a lady got into the cab. Jeremiah Barker she said. Is that you? How are Polly and the children? I listened to Jerrys answer and I discovered Mrs Fowler was a lady Polly once worked for. She Asked Jerry:

POBRE GINGER Un da, mientras nuestro taxi estaba esperando fuera de un parque, un taxi viejo y sucio paso a nuestro lado. El caballo era un viejo castao. De repente, me mir y me dijo: "Belleza Negra, eres tu?" Era Ginger! Pero que diferente estaba! Estaba delgada y cansada de tanto trabajo duro. Pareca triste y tena mucha tos. Me cont su triste historia. Tuvo un ao de descanso y luego un caballero la compr. Durante un tiempo se estaba muy bien. Entonces, un da despus de un largo galope su viejo problema regreso y la espalda dola otra vez. Ellos la compraron y vendieron varias veces despus de eso. "Al final", dijo ella, "un hombre que tena una gran cantidad de taxis y caballos me compr. Yo trabaje duro, toda la semana, sin descanso los domingos. Deseara estar muerta. Yo estaba muy triste al escuchar esto. Puse mi nariz hasta Ginger. pero yo no saba qu decirle. Ella dijo: Belleza Negra, t eres mi nico amigo. En ese momento, su chofer volvi, y se fue. Me sent muy triste ver a Ginger as.

Poco tiempo despus de esto, vi un carro con un caballo muerto en ella. Era una castaa con un cuello largo y delgado. Creo que fue Ginger. Espero que s, porque entonces todos sus problemas haban terminado. Un da una seora ingres en el taxi. "Jeremas Barker", dijo. "Verdad? Cmo estn Polly y los nios? " Escuch la respuesta de Jerry y yo descubr que la seora Fowler fue How do you find the cab work in winter? I know Polly was worried una seora para quien Polly trabajaba. Ella pregunt a Jerry: about you last year. Yes, maam, it was a hard winter and had a bad cough he replied. "Cmo se encuentra el trabajo de taxi en invierno? S que Polly Well, Barker, Mrs Fowler continued, I know people who want good estaba preocupada por ustedes el ao pasado ". drivers or grooms. If you stop working on the cabs one day, let me "S, seora, fue un duro invierno y tena una tos muy fuerte", know respondi. Certainly, maam, Smiled Jerry. Thank you he said, and he "Bueno, Barker," la seora Fowler continu: "S de gente que quiere seemed very pleased. buenos conductores o cuidadores. Si deja de trabajar en los taxis un da, que me haga saber "

"Ciertamente, seora", sonri Jerry. "Gracias", dijo, y pareci muy complacido.

18 Jerrys new year. Christmas and New Year are fun for many people. But for cab drivers and their horses it is not a holiday. There are many parties and we have to work hard and often late at night. Sometimes the driver and his horse have to work for hours in the cold while their clients are inside eating and dancing to the music. We had a lot of evening work during Christmas week, and Jerry had a bad cough. One evening, when we got home, Jerrys cough was so bad that he couldnt speak. The doctor came and said it was serious. Jerry was very ill. Jerry was ill for three days. Harry looked after me, but he didnt sing or laugh as he usually did. And he hurried back inside to his father. On the third day Jerry began to get better but the doctor said that he must not work on the cab again. One afternoon Harry was in the stable cleaning me. A few minutes later Dolly danced into the stable. Harry, Ive got wonderful news! she cried. Mrs Fowler says we can go and live near her in the country. There is a cottage there, with a garden and apple trees! Mother is laughing and crying, and father looks very happy! And so the Barkers decided to sell the cab and horses and move to the country as soon as Jerry was well. This was sad news for me. My life in London with Jerry was a happy one. But they promised to find a good place for me.

El Ao Nuevo de Jerry Navidad y Ao Nuevo son una diversin para muchas personas. Pero para los taxistas y sus caballos, no es un da de fiesta. Hay muchas fiestas y tenemos que trabajar duro y, a menudo tarde en la noche. A veces, el conductor y su caballo tienen que trabajar durante horas en el fro, mientras que sus clientes estn en el interior comiendo y bailando con la msica. Hemos tenido un montn de trabajo por la noche durante la semana de Navidad, y Jerry tena mucha tos. Una noche, cuando llegamos a casa, la tos de Jerry era tan fuerte que no poda hablar. El mdico vino y dijo que era algo serio. Jerry estaba muy enfermo. Jerry estuvo enfermo durante tres das. Harry mir detrs de m, pero no cantaba o rea como era su costumbre. Y se apresur a entrar a ver a su padre. Al tercer da, Jerry comenz a mejorar, pero el doctor dijo que no deba trabajar como taxista de nuevo. Una tarde, Harry estaba en el establo limpindome. Unos minutos ms tarde Dolly bail en el establo. "Harry, tengo una noticia maravillosa!" Exclam. "la Sra. Fowler dice que podemos ir a vivir cerca de ella en el campo. Hay una casa all, con jardn y rboles de manzanas! La madre est riendo y llorando, y el padre se vea muy feliz! " Y as los Barkers decidieron vender el coche y los caballos y pasar al campo tan pronto como Jerry estuviera bien. Esta fue una noticia muy triste para m. Mi vida en Londres con Jerry fue feliz. Pero ellos se comprometieron a encontrar un buen lugar para m.

19. HARD TIMES Jerry sold me a man he knew, a baker The food is good there and the work is fair, he told me. But I often carried very heavy loads. In the end they bought a younger horse, and sold me a cab owner. My new master, Nicholas Skinner, was horrible. He had black eyes and a large nose. His horses didnt have a rest on Sundays, even in summer in the city, when it was very hot. Still, I did my best. But my life was now so bad that I wanted to die. And no day my wish nearly came true. We collected a family from the railway station. My driver put case after case on top of the cab. The load was very heavy, and I was hungry and tired. I did my best, but I was exhausted and I fell to the ground. I really thought then that I was going to die. The vet came to look at me. He examined me very carefully and said: This horse is not ill. He is simply exhausted from overwork. Give him a rest for six months and hell be fine. Nicholas Skinner said: If he cant work, I need to sell him. And so twelve days after the accident they took me to the horse fair. I held my head high, and hoped for the best.

TIEMPOS DUROS Jerry me vendi a un hombre que conoca, un panadero "La comida es buena y el trabajo no es justo", me dijo. Pero a menudo llevan cargas muy pesadas. Al final se compr un caballo ms joven, y me vendieron propietario de un taxi. Mi nuevo amo, Nicholas Skinner, fue horrible. Tena los ojos negros y una nariz grande. Sus caballos no tenan descanso los domingos, incluso en verano en la ciudad, cuando estaba muy caliente. Sin embargo, hice todo lo posible. Pero mi vida era ahora tan mala que me quera morir. Y un da mi deseo casi se hizo realidad. Recogamos una familia desde la estacin de tren. Mi conductor puso una caja tras otra en la parte superior de la cabina. La carga era muy pesada, y yo estaba hambriento y cansado. Hice lo que pude, pero estaba agotado y me ca al suelo. Realmente pens entonces que me iba a morir. El veterinario vino a verme. Me examin con mucha atencin y dijo: "Este caballo no est enfermo. l simplemente est agotado por el exceso de trabajo. Dale un descanso de seis meses y va a estar bien. " Nicholas Skinner dijo: "Si l no puede trabajar, tengo que venderlo." Y as, doce das despus de que el accidente me llev a la Feria del Caballo. Mantuve la cabeza alta, y esperaba lo mejor

20. FARMER THOROUGHOOD AND HIS GRANDSON WILLIE At the horse fair, this time they put me with the old worn-out horses. I noticed a man who looked like a farmer, with a young boy by his side. The man had a broad back and round shoulders, a kind red face, and he wore a big hat. When he came up to me and the others horses, he stood and looked at us. I saw his eye rest on me. I still had a good mane and tail, so I wasnt bad-looking. I pricked up my ears and looked at the man. Look this horse, Willie, said the man to his grandson. Poor old fellow! said the little boy. You can see hes a well-bred He put out his hand and gave me a kind pat on the face. What is the lowest price you will take from him? said the farmer to the salesman. Five pound, sir, replied the salesman, and so Farmer Thoroughood bought me for five pounds. On his farm I had a good food every morning and night. I was in a meadow with a shed in one corner. And Willie visited me every day, often with a carrot. He spoke to me kindly and patted me and I was very fond of him. The wonderful rest, the good food, the soft grass, and gentle exercise soon began to improve me. During the winter my legs got much better and I began to feel young again. Oh, Grandpa, said Willie one day, I am so glad you bought him! So am I, replied farmer Thoroughood, but now we must look for a nice quiet place for him, a place where everyone is going to love him.

EL GRANJERO THOROUGHOOD Y SU NIETO En la Feria del Caballo, en esta ocasin me pusieron con los viejos caballos agotados. Me di cuenta de un hombre que se pareca a un granjero, con un nio a su lado. El hombre tena una ancha espalda y los hombros redondos, una especie de cara roja, y llevaba un gran sombrero. Cuando l se acerc a m y los otros caballos, se detuvo y mir a nosotros. Vi sus ojos de descanso en m. Todava tena una buena melena y la cola, as que no era mal parecido. Agudice las orejas y mire al hombre. "Mira este caballo, Willie", dijo el hombre a su nieto. "Pobre viejo!", Dijo el nio. "Se puede ver que es un caballo educado" l extendi la mano y me dio una palmadita amable en el rostro. "Cul es el precio ms bajo para el?", Dijo el granjero al vendedor. Cinco libras, seor-respondi el vendedor, por lo que los agricultores Thoroughood me compraron por cinco libras. En su granja tena una buena comida cada maana y noche. Yo estaba en un prado con un cobertizo en una esquina. Y Willie me visitaba todos los das, a menudo con una zanahoria. Me hablaba amablemente y me dio unas palmaditas y estaba muy contento con el. El maravilloso descanso, la buena comida, la hierba suave y ejercicios suaves pronto comenzaron a mejorarme. Durante el invierno, las piernas se pusieron mucho mejor y empec a sentirme joven otra vez. "Oh, abuelo," dijo Willie, un da, "Estoy tan contento de que lo compraras!" "Yo tambin," respondi agricultor Thoroughood, "pero ahora tenemos que buscar un lugar tranquilo y agradable para l, un lugar donde todo el mundo va a amarlo".

21 MY LAST HOME One day the groom cleaned and dresser me very carefully, so that I looked smart and handsome. Willie and his grandfather took to a pretty house with a lawn at the front. While Willie stayed with me, farmer Thoroughgood went into the house. About ten minutes later, he returned, with three ladies. They all looked at me and asked questions. The youngest lady, Miss Ellen, liked me very much. He has such a beautiful face she said. Im sure Ill like him Farmer thorouhgood said Well, try him: if you dont like him, send him back after six months. They agreed and in the morning a smart-looking young man came for me. At first he looked pleased. But when he saw my knees he said to Farmer Thorouhgood: Sir, I am surprised the ladies want a damaged horse Well said the Farmer thorouhgood, Looks arent everything young man. This is a very good horse. So the young man led me to my new home, put me in a comfortable stable, fed me and left me alone. The next day, my new groom came to the stable. When he was cleaning my face, he said: This in just like the star that Black Beauty had. Hes about the same height, and has one white foot too. It must be Black Beauty! Why, Beauty! Do you remember me? Little Joe Green that almost killed you? I didnt remember him, for he was now a man with a beard and a mans voice. But I was sure he knew me and that he was Joe Green, and I was glad to see him again. I put my nose up to him to say that we were friends. He looked very pleased.

Un da el cuidador me limpio y arregl con mucho cuidado, de modo que pareca inteligente y guapo. Willie y su abuelo me llevaron a una casa bonita con un jardn en la parte delantera. Mientras que Willie se qued conmigo, el granjeroThoroughgood entr en la casa. Unos diez minutos ms tarde, regres con tres damas. Todos ellos me miraron e hicieron preguntas. La mujer ms joven, la seorita Ellen, me gust mucho. "Tiene un rostro tan hermoso", dijo ella. "Estoy segura de que me gustar" El granjero thorouhgood dijo: "Bueno, lo prueba: si no le gusta, lo enva de vuelta despus de seis meses." Estuvieron de acuerdo y por la maana un joven de aspecto elegante vino por m. Al principio pareca satisfecho. Pero cuando me vio las rodillas le dijo al granjero Thorouhgood: "Seor, me sorprende que las mujeres quieran un caballo lastimado" "Bueno", dijo el granjero thorouhgood, "Parece que no son todos jvenes. Este es un muy buen caballo". As que el joven me llev a mi nueva casa, me puso en un establo cmodo, me aliment y me dej solo. Al da siguiente, mi nuevo cuidador lleg a la cuadra. Cuando estaba limpiando mi cara, me dijo: "Esta es igual a la estrella que tena Belleza Negra. l es de la misma altura, y tiene un pie blanco tambin. Debe ser Belleza Negra! Por qu, Belleza? Te acuerdas de m? El pequeo Joe Green que casi te mat? "

My old Beauty! I wish John Manly was here to see you In the afternoon Joe and Miss Ellen took me out with her cart. Yo no lo recuerdo, porque era ahora un hombre con barba y una voz de She was a good driver. Joe told her all about me. He said: Im sure hombre. Pero yo estaba seguro de que me conoca y que era Joe Green, this horse is Squire Gordons old Black Beauty. y me alegr de volver a verlo. Puse mi nariz hasta que l dijera que ramos amigos. Pareca muy contento. I have now lived in this happy place a whole year. Joe is the best and

kindest of grooms. My work is easy and pleasant, and I feel strong and Mi viejo Belleza! Ojal John Manly estuviera aqu para verte" healthy again. Por la tarde, Joe y la seorita Ellen me sacaron con su coche. ella era una buena conductora. Joe le cont todo acerca de m. l dijo: Willie always visit me when ha can, and treats me as his special friend. "Estoy seguro de que este caballo es el viejo belleza Negra de Squire My ladies have said that they are never going to sell me and so here Gordon". my story ends. I am at home here. Often, before I wake up, I dream I am still in the orchard at Birtwick park, with my old friends Ginger He vivido en este lugar feliz todo un ao. Joe es el mejor y ms amable and Merrylegs, and we are all together under the big chestnut tree. de los cuidadores. Mi trabajo es sencillo y agradable, y me siento fuerte y sano de nuevo. Willie siempre me visita cuando puede, y me trata como a su amigo especial. Mis dueas han dicho que nunca me van a vender y aqu termina mi historia. Estoy en casa. A menudo, antes de que me despierto, sueo que todava estoy en el huerto en el parque Birtwick, con mis viejos amigos Ginger y Merrylegs, y estamos todos juntos bajo el gran rbol de la castaa.

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