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Teaching and Learning Institute Preparing to Teach October 7, 2010, 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Questions from Ken Bains What the Best College Teachers Do ddress the !o""o#ing !our $uestions regarding a course %ou current"% teach or cou"d imagine teaching: &1' (hat shou"d m% students be ab"e to do inte""ectua""%, ph%sica""%, or emotiona""% as a resu"t o! their "earning) *a+e a broader sense o! cu"tura" competenc% ,e ab"e to na+igate through ethics #ith critica" thin-ing s-i""s. .iscuss internationa" issues and "a#s. &2' *o# can I best he"p and encourage them to de+e"op those abi"ities and the habits o! the heart and mind to use them) /i+e them the reigns .i+ersi!% de"i+er% o! materia"s.

&0' *o# can m% students and I best understand the nature, $ua"it%, and progress o! their "earning) Through discussions, papers, and presentations.

&1' *o# can I e+a"uate m% e!!orts to !oster that "earning)

2id-semester sur+e%s Periodic note card !eedbac-

Teaching and Learning Institute Preparing to Teach October 7, 2010, 9:00-11:00 a.m. Planning Template1 Stage 1 Desired Results Established Goals ! /ain a broader understanding o! cu"tura" competenc% ,e ab"e to debate and reason through ethica" issues #ith man% gra% areas ,roader -no#"edge base o! internationa" socia" #or- issues 34pand research and presentation s-i""s "nderstanding#s$! Students will understand that Language5cu"ture5societ% can great"% comp"icate practice It is necessar% to ha+e a g"oba" perspecti+e !or current practice Essential Question#s$%! 6an socia" #or- ethics be uni+ersa") *o# can #e practice our (estern trained socia" #or- #ith c"ients #ho are not (estern) Students will be able to - 6onnect in!ormation "earned to micro me::o, and macro "e+e"s o! practice

Students will know 2u"tip"e 78 con+entions 9tructures o! internationa" "a# and en!orcement ;arious socia" issues through the internationa" "ens

<rom Understanding by Design Pro!essiona" .e+e"opment (or-boo- &p. 01', b% /. (iggins and =. 2cTighe, 2001, "e4andria, ; : ssociation !or 9uper+ision and 6urricu"um .e+e"opment. 6op%right 2001 b% the ssociation !or 9uper+ision and 6urricu"um .e+e"opment. >34panded 3dition, 200?@ 2 (hat shou"d students be ab"e to do inte""ectua""%, ph%sica""% or emotiona""% as a resu"t o! their "earning) &,ain, 2001, p. 19') 3 3ssentia" $uestions go to the heart o! a discip"ine, recur natura""% throughout oneAs "earning and in the histor% o! a !ie"d, raise other important $uestions, ha+e no one ob+ious BrightC ans#er, and are de"iberate"% !ramed to pro+o-e and sustain student interest.

Teaching and Learning Institute Preparing to Teach October 7, 2010, 9:00-11:00 a.m. Stage &ssessment E'iden(e *ther E'iden(e! .iscussion Desponse to guest spea-ers /roup #orLoo-s on !aces

Performan(e Tas)#s$! 2ini-"ecture d+ocac% Paper rtic"e reactions

Stage % +earning Plan +earning &(ti'ities! 8aEa 8aEa cu"tura" acti+it% 6"ass discussions around readings and current e+ents 3ngaging guest spea-ers ;ideos and discussion Obser+ation and !eedbac- o! mini-"ectures

,riti(al Questions to &ddress Regarding -our ,ourse.


,ain, F. &2001'. What the Best College Teachers Do. 6ambridge: *ar+ard 7ni+ersit% Press. 6hapter 1, B*o# .o The% Prepare to Teach)C

Teaching and Learning Institute Preparing to Teach October 7, 2010, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
1. (hat big $uestions #i"" m% course he"p students ans#er, or #hat s-i""s, abi"ities, or $ua"ities #i"" it he"p them de+e"op, and ho# #i"" I encourage m% studentsA interest in these $uestions and abi"ities) 2. (hat reasoning abi"ities must students ha+e or de+e"op to ans#er the $uestions that the course raises) 0. (hat menta" mode"s are students "i-e"% to bring #ith them that I #i"" #ant them to cha""enge) *o# can I he"p them construct that inte""ectua" cha""enge) 1. (hat in!ormation #i"" m% students need to understand in order to ans#er the important $uestions o! the course and cha""enge their assumptions) *o# #i"" the% best obtain that in!ormation) ?. *o# #i"" I he"p m% students #ho ha+e di!!icu"t% understanding the $uestions and using e+idence and reason to ans#er them) G. *o# #i"" I con!ront m% students #ith con!"icting prob"ems &ma%be e+en con!"icting c"aims about truth' and encourage them to grapp"e &perhaps co""aborati+e"%' #ith the issues) 7. *o# #i"" I !ind out #hat the% -no# a"read% and #hat the% e4pect !rom the course, and ho# #i"" I reconci"e an% di!!erences bet#een m% e4pectations and theirs) H. *o# #i"" I he"p students "earn to "earn, to e4amine and assess their o#n "earning and thin-ing, and to read more e!!ecti+e"%, ana"%tica""%, and acti+e"%) 9. *o# #i"" I !ind out ho# students are "earning be!ore assessing them, and ho# #i"" I pro+ide !eedbac- be!oreIand separate !romIan% assessment o! them) 10. *o# #i"" I communicate #ith students in a #a% that #i"" -eep them thin-ing) 11. *o# #i"" I spe"" out the inte""ectua" and pro!essiona" standards I #i"" be using in assessing studentsA #or-, and #h% do I use those standards) *o# #i"" I he"p students "earn to assess their o#n #or- using those standards) 12. *o# #i"" the students and I best understand the nature, progress, and $ua"it% o! their "earning) 10. *o# #i"" I create a natura" critica" "earning en+ironment in #hich I embed the s-i""s and in!ormation I #ish to teach in assignments &$uestions and tas-s' that students #i"" !ind !ascinating Iauthentic tas-s that #i"" arouse curiosit%, cha""enge students to rethin- their assumptions and e4amine their menta" mode"s o! rea"it%) *o# #i"" I create a sa!e en+ironment in #hich students can tr%, !ai", recei+e !eedbac-, and tr% again)

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