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-- ---------------------------------------

-- 0.7 Quick Table and object information

-- ---------------------------------------
SELECT distinct substr(t.owner, 1, 25),
t.chain_cnt, t.logging, s.relative_fno FROM dba_tables t, dba_segments s WHERE
t.owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM',
AND t.table_name=s.segment_name
AND s.segment_type='TABLE' AND s.segment_name like 'CI_PAY%';

SELECT substr(segment_name, 1, 30), segment_type, substr(owner, 1, 10), extents,

initial_extent, next_extent, max_extents FROM dba_segments WHERE extents >
max_extents - 100 AND owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM');

SELECT segment_name, owner, tablespace_name, extents FROM dba_segments

WHERE owner='SALES' -- you use the correct schema here
and extents > 700;

SELECT owner, substr(object_name, 1, 30), object_type, created, last_ddl_time, status

FROM dba_objects where OWNER='CLASSIFIED';

SELECT owner, substr(object_name, 1, 30), object_type, created, last_ddl_time, status

FROM dba_objects WHERE created > SYSDATE-1;

SELECT owner, substr(object_name, 1, 30), object_type, created,

last_ddl_time, status
FROM dba_objects
Compare 2 owners:
select table_name from dba_tables
where owner='MIS_OWNER' and
table_name not in (SELECT table_name from dba_tables where OWNER='MARPAT');

Table and column information:

select substr(table_name, 1, 3) schema, table_name, column_name, substr(data_type,1 ,1)
from user_tab_columns where COLUMN_NAME='ENV_ID' where
table_name like 'ALG%'
or table_name like 'STG%'
or table_name like 'ODS%'
or table_name like 'DWH%'
or table_name like 'MKM%'
order by
decode(substr(table_name, 1, 3), 'ALG', 10, 'STG', 20, 'ODS', 30, 'DWH', 40, 'MKM', 50,
60), table_name
, column_id

Check on existence of JServer:

select count(*) from all_objects where object_name = 'DBMS_JAVA';
should return a count of 3

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