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Bay 1S anu 14

Stuuents will unueistanu that systems of equations aie useu to mathematically ueteimine
the point wheie two lines inteisect. Stuuents ueteimine the uiffeiences between the
substitution anu lineai combination methous anu aie able to ueteimine which methou
woiks best in a paiticulai situation.

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S. Piove that, given a system of two equations in two vaiiables, ieplacing one equation by
the sum of that equation anu a multiple of the othei piouuces a system with the same
6. Solve systems of lineai equations exactly anu appioximately (e.g., with giaphs), focusing
on paiis of lineai equations in two vaiiables.
1u. 0nueistanu that the giaph of an equation in two vaiiables is the set of all its solutions
plotteu in the cooiuinate plane, often foiming a cuive (which coulu be a line).

11. Explain why the x-cooiuinates of the points wheie the giaphs of the equations y = f(x)
anu y = g(x) inteisect aie the solutions of the equation f(x) = g(x); finu the solutions
appioximately, e.g., using technology to giaph the functions, make tables of values, oi finu
successive appioximations. Incluue cases wheie f(x) anuoi g(x) aie lineai, polynomial,
iational, absolute value, exponential, anu logaiithmic functions.

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4. Beteimine the meaning of woius anu phiases as they aie useu in the text, incluuing
figuiative anu connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific woiu
choices on meaning anu tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time anu place; how
it sets a foimal oi infoimal tone).

7. Analyze vaiious accounts of a subject tolu in uiffeient meuiums (e.g., a peison's life stoiy
in both piint anu multimeuia), ueteimining which uetails aie emphasizeu in each account.

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6. 0se technology, incluuing the Inteinet, to piouuce, publish, anu upuate inuiviuual oi
shaieu wiiting piouucts, taking auvantage of technology's capacity to link to othei
infoimation anu to uisplay infoimation flexibly anu uynamically.

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1. Initiate anu paiticipate effectively in a iange of collaboiative uiscussions (one-on-one, in
gioups, anu teachei-leu) with uiveise paitneis on giaues 9-1u topics, texts, anu issues,
builuing on otheis' iueas anu expiessing theii own cleaily anu peisuasively.

2. Integiate multiple souices of infoimation piesenteu in uiveise meuia oi foimats (e.g.,
visually, quantitatively, oially) evaluating the cieuibility anu accuiacy of each souice.

S. Evaluate a speakei's point of view, ieasoning, anu use of eviuence anu ihetoiic,
iuentifying any fallacious ieasoning oi exaggeiateu oi uistoiteu eviuence.

1.c. Piopel conveisations by posing anu iesponuing to questions that ielate the cuiient
uiscussion to bioauei themes oi laigei iueas; actively incoipoiate otheis into the
uiscussion; anu claiify, veiify, oi challenge iueas anu conclusions.

4. Piesent infoimation, finuings, anu suppoiting eviuence cleaily, concisely, anu logically
(using appiopiiate eye contact, auequate volume, anu cleai pionunciation) such that
listeneis can follow the line of ieasoning anu the oiganization, uevelopment, substance,
anu style aie appiopiiate to puipose (e.g., aigument, naiiative, infoimative, iesponse to
liteiatuie piesentations), auuience, anu task.

S. Nake stiategic use of uigital meuia (e.g., textual, giaphical, auuio, visual, anu inteiactive
elements) in piesentations to enhance unueistanuing of finuings, ieasoning, anu eviuence
anu to auu inteiest.

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Stuuents uemonstiate cieative thinking, constiuct knowleuge, anu uevelop innovative
piouucts anu piocesses using technology. Stuuents:

a. apply existing knowleuge to geneiate new iueas, piouucts, oi piocesses.
b. cieate oiiginal woiks as a means of peisonal oi gioup expiession.
c. use mouels anu simulations to exploie complex systems anu issues.
u. iuentify tienus anu foiecast possibilities.

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Stuuents use uigital meuia anu enviionments to communicate anu woik collaboiatively,
incluuing at a uistance, to suppoit inuiviuual leaining anu contiibute to the leaining of
otheis. Stuuents:

a. inteiact, collaboiate, anu publish with peeis, expeits, oi otheis employing a vaiiety of
uigital enviionments anu meuia.
b. communicate infoimation anu iueas effectively to multiple auuiences using a vaiiety of
meuia anu foimats.
u. contiibute to pioject teams to piouuce oiiginal woiks oi solve pioblems.

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Stuuents apply uigital tools to gathei, evaluate, anu use infoimation. Stuuents:

u. piocess uata anu iepoit iesults.

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Stuuents use ciitical thinking skills to plan anu conuuct ieseaich, manage piojects, solve
pioblems, anu make infoimeu uecisions using appiopiiate uigital tools anu iesouices.

a. iuentify anu uefine authentic pioblems anu significant questions foi investigation.
b. plan anu manage activities to uevelop a solution oi complete a pioject.
c. collect anu analyze uata to iuentify solutions anuoi make infoimeu uecisions.
u. use multiple piocesses anu uiveise peispectives to exploie alteinative solutions.

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Stuuents unueistanu human, cultuial, anu societal issues ielateu to technology anu piactice
legal anu ethical behavioi. Stuuents:

b. exhibit a positive attituue towaiu using technology that suppoits collaboiation, leaining,
anu piouuctivity.
u. exhibit leaueiship foi uigital citizenship.

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Stuuents uemonstiate a sounu unueistanuing of technology concepts, systems, anu
opeiations. Stuuents:

a. unueistanu anu use technology systems.

- iPau
- Khan Acauemy
- Ninu Neistei
- Euucieations
- Skitch
- uoogle Naps
- Biopbox
- Eveinote
- AiiSeivei
- Pages

1) Bave stuuents watch Khan acauemy viueo iefeiiing to solving systems of equations.
Bave stuuents take notes on Eveinote as they watch viueo anu monitoi theii activity. Aftei
the viueo, involve stuuents in a uiscussion of systems of equations using the Euucieations
app on the iPau as a tool to uemonstiate iueas. Key iueas that must be uiscusseu aie:
- Systems of Equations allow us to finu wheie two line cioss without guessing
- The two methous that aie useu aie substitution anu lineai combination
- The goal in substitution is to isolate one vaiiable
- The steps to substitution aie:
Isolate one vaiiable in the fiist equation
Substitute the isolateu vaiiable in the seconu equation to solve foi the
seconu vaiiable
Plug in the known vaiiable into eithei equation to solve foi the fiist
Wiite the answei as an oiueieu paii, as the answei is a point
- In lineai combination, equations can be multiplieu inuiviuually anu auueu togethei
- The goal in lineai combination is to cancel one vaiiable to finu the othei
- x can be cancelleu to finu y, anu vice veisa
- The steps to lineai combination aie:
Nultiply equations such that the x oi y vaiiable in both equations aie
Eliminate the cancelleu vaiiable by auuing oi subtiacting the two
Solve foi the iemaining vaiiable
Repeat the piocess fiom the stait, but cancel the othei vaiiable. The
othei option is to plug the founu vaiiable into any equation to finu the
missing vaiiable.
Wiite the answei as an oiueieu paii.

2) Bave stuuents cieate a minu map using Ninu Neistei. The Ninu Nap neeus to outline
the two uiffeient way to solve systems of equations. Aftei stuuents cieate theii oiiginal
maps, have them meet in gioups of foui to shaie theii woik. Stuuents must be encouiageu
to euit theii map baseu on what they see fiom theii peeis. Walk aiounu the ioom to
monitoi piogiess anu pioviue feeuback. Ask stuuents to submit theii map via Biopbox
once they have cieateu theii final uiaft.

S) Stuuents will finu foui systems of equations pioblems on the class blog. Instiuct
stuuents to use Euucieations to cieate a viueo that uemonstiates how to solve two of the
pioblems. Stuuents then neeu to post the 0RL to the viueo in the comment section of the
pioblem they chose to uemonstiate. Stuuents may woik with paitneis if they choose.
Pioblems foi the class blog aie:
1) y = Sx 2) x - y = 7 S) 4x + Sy = 9 4) x + 6y = 1u
4x + 2y = 2u Sx + 2y = 6 Sx - 4y = 1u 4x - 6y = SS

4) Instiuct stuuents to watch thiee othei viueos maue by theii classmates anu then
comment on the viueos. Stuuents neeu to comment one thing that they agiee with in the
viueo anu one thing that neeus to be impioveu if theie is something. Aftei all stuuents have
commenteu, watch thiee viueos with the entiie class anu uiscuss the accuiacy of the film.

S) Biviue stuuents into gioups of foui. Instiuct stuuents about the "Cai Chase" Assignment.
Stuuents will use uoogle Naps to get a pictuie of theii favoiite city. Bave stuuents choose
one location on the map foi a "iobbei" to stait anu anothei cai foi a "police cai" to stait.
0sing the Skitch app, stuuents will map out the city stieets anu place them on a giaph. 0n a
Pages uocument, stuuents will iecoiu equations that take into account the location anu
speeu of both vehicles. Stuuents will illustiate anu calculate the exact location wheie the
two vehicles will colliue. Stuuents will paste the image fiom Skitch into the Pages uocument
anu then uploau the uocument into the Biopbox foluei.

6) Bave stuuents complete the following ieview quiz

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a) y = Sx b) 2x + y = 9 c) Sx = 12y u) x - y = 9
Sx + 2y = SS Sy - 2x = SS 9y - Sx = 1S Sy + 2x = SS

23 4+'1 5$%(% "$% 6+'%) *(,)) 7)+'8 6+'%0( *,:9+'0"+,'
a) 2x - y = 1S b) Sx + 2y = 22 c) Sy + 4x = 11 u) y = 12x - 7
6x + y = 17 Sx - 14y = 6 Sy + Sx = 7 y = 22x - S7

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