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This information came from another autism blog, and we thought it was something we should definitely pass on. To visit the blog directly, use the link at the bottom. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To say that getting a diagnosis of Autism can be overwhelming is a huge understatement. Emotionally, physically and financially, Autism can quickly take its toll on an entire family. During this time of upheaval, parents are faced with the often difficult decision of what approach to take in helping their autistic child reach his ultimate potential. Doing a Google search on the word "Autism" results in enough approaches and professed treatments to make anyone's head spin. That's why I've put together what I hope will be a helpful resource for those of you who find yourselves in this very position. So here are my top ten reasons for choosing an autism therapy program that is based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). 1. ABA has been proven by decades of peer-reviewed, scientific research to be effective in treating people on the Autism Spectrum. Many treatments that have been associated with Autism are more anecdotal in nature. Not ABA. Its efficacy is substantiated by objective data. To learn more about the science behind ABA, visit the website of The Association for Science in Autism Research (ASAT), and be sure not to miss their informative link on "Making Decisions About Treatment and Intervention." 2. There is an accredited regulatory body that oversees professional behavior analysts. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board was established in 1998 "to meet professional credentialing needs identified by behavior analysts, governments, and consumers of behavior analysis services." Certificants who receive the designation of Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) must earn specific academic degrees and pass a board exam before awarded their designation. As registrants, they are then obliged to adhere to the Board's guidelines and code of ethics. A parent who hires a Board Certified Behavior Analyst has that extra peace of mind and protection from individuals who may claim to have experience or expertise in ABA when they in fact do not. 3. A GOOD ABA program is a FUN ABA program! An important component of any quality ABA-based intervention is reinforcement. This can be in the form of a preferred toy or object, favorite movie, food, or simple pat on the back accompanied by a "good job, buddy!" Why shouldn't my son love his ABA program and his dedicated therapists? He gets tons of praise for accomplishments both big and small and is surrounded by a learning environment based on positive energy and enthusiasm.

4. ABA is endorsed by many upstanding organizations including the US Surgeon General, Autism Speaks, The American Academy of Neurology, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychological Association, The Autism Society of America, the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development, the National Institute of Mental Health, and many others. 5. ABA treatment is funded by a growing number of school districts, governments and insurance companies. 6. Almost all individuals on the Autism Spectrum can benefit from ABA, regardless of their age or level of ability. 7. ABA can be done anywhere and at any time... in school, at home, in a grocery store, library or park. It's easily adaptable to an endless number of learning environments and situations. (To learn more about the pros and cons of providing a home- vs. school-based program, read my article entitled "Should I Home-School My Child?" 8. ABA therapy can be delivered by wide range of individuals. With adequate training and under appropriate senior-level supervision, front-line ABA therapy providers can include parents, siblings, friends, volunteers, college students and virtually anyone else who wants to help out and has a keen interest in learning more about effective Autism treatment. 9. ABA is objective. Because it is based on the collection and analysis of data, you know when things are working and when they are not. Furthermore, when they are not working, you can understand why and change your teaching approaches to ensure that they do. To learn more about how your autistic child can benefit from data, check out my blog entitled "D-A-T-A: Not The Four-Letter Word You Thought It Was!" 10.There's a lot of choice and diversity within an "ABA toolkit". Your learner will never grow tired of an ABA program that is based on a wide variety of teaching approaches and methodologies including: forward and backward chaining, activity schedules, and many others that you can learn more about on ASAT's website. - See more at: http://autismbeacon.com/blog/post/autism_and_applied_behavior_analysis_10_reasons_to_d o_aba#.UtguxxCwJqM

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