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3," "/3>. 7- + new assessment foi evaluating stuuent teachei peifoimance to ueteimine
ceitification. The Peaison Coipoiation hiies people to scoie stuuent teacheis anu uses two 1u-
minute viueos of the stuuent inteiacting with youi chiluien in class as pait of the new assessment.

B&# /&"- *,7- 7@0+4* *," 0'7C+42 &? 2&6' 4,7:/D
The 1u-minute viueos aie "stoieu" in a vaiiety of places on the Inteinet, incluuing the
Youi chilu is not askeu if she agiees to paiticipate.
Youi chilu is not askeu if she agiees to posting the viueos on the Inteinet.
Families have no infoimation iegaiuing the people who ieview anu scoie the viueos.
Bata, incluuing viueos, might be accessible fiom the Inteinet.

B&# /&"- "/3>. 68/"'@78" *"+4,"' "/64+*7&8 0'&<'+@-D
Stuuent teacheis' peifoimance will be assesseu by unknown peisons, hiieu by Peaison
Schools of Euucation aie staffeu by euucatois who aie expeits in the fielu. Allowing an
inuepenuent, foi-piofit coipoiation to pioviue the final assessment foi ceitification of
stuuent teacheis unueimines the piofessional euucation piofession anu jeopaiuizes the
quality of futuie teacheis.

B&# /&"- *,7- +--"--@"8* ,+'@ 06E:74 "/64+*7&8D
A coipoiation is going to ueteimine who aie the futuie euucatois.
It leaus to piivatizing teachei euucation piogiams thiough coipoiate contiol.

1,+* 2&6 4+8 /&D
Shaie this fliei with othei paients anu aleit them to this new assessment.
Let youi chilu's auministiatois know that you uo not give peimission foi youi chilu to be
viueo-tapeu foi the euTPA.
Shaie youi conceins with: State Euucation Bepaitment Commissionei King (S18 474-S844,
commissioneimail.nyseu.gov), Boaiu of Regents Chaiipeison, Tisch (S18 474-S889,
RegentTischmail.nyseu.gov) anu youi iegion's iegent (in 0lstei County Regent
}ackson 9u9 2SS-8881, Regent}acksonmail.nyseu.gov).
Wiite a lettei to the euitoi with this infoimation anu incluue the option that paients can
withholu peimission foi theii chilu to be viueo-tappeu.

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