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I. T Derrida
M Birkbeck College
6 M 1995. T Radical Philosophy, A. H
, , . A
Derrida Spectres de Marx (Paris, ditions Galile, 1993)1.
, ,
. A
, , ,
- Derrida.
, , ,
A 2. ,

Derrida , Nietzsche, Heidegger, Freud,
Benjamin, Levinas, Blanchot .. O , Derrida , .
Derrida, Marx
Freud Gramsci3.
. O Simon Critchley ( Essex)

O A .


Derrida. O Alex Callinicos

( York) Kate Soper ( B ) Marx
Derrida. O Callinicos Derrida
Marx Stirner I4. A
, Walter Benjamin . A , Kate Soper
Marx, Derrida Marx ,
. T,
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak ( Columbia). H Spivak
Derrida Marx,
. E, Spivak, , ,
, , . I
. A ( ) 5.
Derrida . A
, Derrida Marx
. K , Derrida
, . O ,
Fukuyama. O Derrida, , , ,
. , Marx Derrida,
, . , , ,
Derrida , ,
E, , ,
, , ,
, .

A M T Derrida


, - , , , , : Fukuyama
A Fukuyama
Derrida 6; B, , , , , , .
, ,
. T
, M M E , ,
, 7. O Derrida , ,
8. ,
Derrida , ,
, , , , ,

Marx 9.
H Derrida,
. H
Derrida, 10 ,
, . H
, , ,
[drglement], ,
. , , , . M , : , , , ,

, , .



. A :
[ ] , ,
, ...
, , ...13.

O Derrida Marx
. , Derrida ,
Marx 14. M
, , , . K Marx , ,
, : A : Marx! !
; 15. O, . ,
- Derrida
, Marx . K
, , ,
, , , Marx 16. B Derrida, ,
. , . O Derrida Marx
, 17, . A Marx,
, , Derrida,
. Derrida,

. M Derrida: ... Marx, Marx: , Marx,
, . ,
A , ,
, Derrida
. O Derrida

A M T Derrida


. A , , : O Marx , , ,
, , . : Z
, !19 O Derrida , M
M E (, , , , , ,
) . A Derrida
Marx ,
20. A

Marx , . B, Marx
. ,
: Marx
, , : Marx
, ,
Marx, .
, , : ,
, , ! ,
, . A
, : O Marx, ,
. , ,
, .
A Marx, . T
H , , ,
. O Derrida, Fukyama, , , . A
, , , , (, )


, . , , ,
, . , : , ,
... , , , , 22. X , , , , , , 23
: ,
, , , , , 24.

H Derrida
, , .
Derrida. ,
Marx .
T , , Derrida
Marx . O Derrida, K Whither
Marxism?, Chris Hani. , Hani Apartheid, , N A.
Derrida Marx. O Derrida
, , Marx
, . E
, ,
, , 25. , , ,
...26. A Derrida
. A
, , de facto

A M T Derrida


( , K K ...)27. Derrida 50
. ,
, de facto , 50,

M , :
, , ,
, Althusser de facto ,
Chris Hani;

; , , ; A Derrida
, 29; K , ,
, . B Derrida
Derrida Apartheid)
30. O . K ,
Marx ,
. Z , , , , , 31. O , . O ,
, Marx , 32, ,
, , , : , , , , 33 , 34. O Derrida 35
. A , , ,
-, . (O , , - !) O Derrida,
36, -


Marx .
K Derrida,
, , , .
, , 37. H Derrida
, . H
(in principle) , , . M
, ,
-. A ,
, , 38.
O Derrida, , . , ! , 39. P: T ; ;.
; A, ; A
Marx, : T 40. B , ! ,
Derrida, , - Marx, -, - -41. -
Derrida. O
42. , Derrida , . A , . A
, ,
( )
, , , . A : , , , ,
. A, , ,
, 43. K , ,
- Corpus, Corpus

A M T Derrida


H , ,
( , ,
) ,
, , , , , , 45! A
Derrida, :
H N ... E
, , , ,
1848, , . E
, , ,
, , out of joint, , , , ( ,
), , . T ,
- , , -
Marx ... ,
, , , , - ( ) , ,

T Derrida. A
, - , . O
. O Derrida
: , ,
(spiritual) (abstract). H
, ,
, 47. , , , , ,
. E
, , , , .
, 48.


, . N
A (Marcuse .)48,

, , .
N 49. O,
, Derrida
, ,
; ;
50; M ,
(, .),
, ; A Derrida, , , ;
. A
, . H , Derrida,
. O , ,
. H , Derrida,
- . E
. E , Levinas : H
. Derrida, , . , , : ,
, Derrida
52. E,
Callinicos , Derrida /
53. E ,

A M T Derrida


Derrida ,
, . T , ,
. O Derrida , : ,
, . , , ,
, 54.

V. H
, , , .
: , ,
, , .
O Derrida, , , , ,
. , ,
, (ralit effective/actual reality) , Derrida
, . K Derrida,

, . - ,
. H ,
, ,
, , . -55.
B Derrida . , - . M
, ; , , ; --


, ...; M K; E, ; H
, , Derrida; M
, ;
, , (empirical actuality); H
[] ; H ( )
, Derrida . H , , 57. K , - . T ,
, ,
, , , , 58. H . , , ,
, Derrida
, ,
. , Derrida , ,
, , . E, Derrida
, . K , , M59. K :
A , ...
, ,

- , 60.

O Derrida ,
Fukuyama, . ,
Marx . H ,
, . A , , ,

A M T Derrida


. , Derrida .

Derrida :
( , , , ) , , ,
, ;62.

, . ,
, , ,
, , , 63. H Benjamin . O Benjamin,
, ,

, 64. B Derrida Benjamin
, . H Benjamin
. Benjamin Derrida
. ,
, Benjamin,
, . H ,
. A
, ,
. , ,

. A ,
, , , 65.
E , Derrida
, , . O 66. K


67. ,
, Marx, . O
Marx, Derrida, ,
, , 68.
Derrida , , . M
. H , ,
69. , , ,
. ,
( )
. . T , Derrida, , , ,
70. , Derrida - , . , sui generis , -, :
M, , Derrida,
, . H
, , .


H : Derrida Marx ; M, ,
Derrida , , ,
Derrida / Marx
73. A
Derrida. H
. M -

A M T Derrida


, ,
, , . ,
, . O
. E . A

. O , ,
. O Derrida
, , ,
, , .
T . O .
. T , , , A , . , ,
. A
Marx, , ,
, ,
74. A
. Marx, ( Derrida) , 75.

1. Jacques Derrida, Specters of Marx: the state of the debt, the work of mourning, and the new international,
translated by Peggy Kamuf, New York and London, Routledge, 1994.
2. T Derrida Marx
K (Riverside) 22 24 A 1993 : Whither Marxism?
Global Crises in International Perspective. T Bernd Magnus Stephen
Cullenberg . B. B. Magnus & s. Cullenberg, eds., Whither Marxism? Global Crises in


International perspective, (New York and London, Routledge, 1995).

. : , O, 13 (1994).
3. A Derrida K Marx I. E Derrida , Unheimliche Trauerarbeit. T,
Derrida .
4. O Callinicos Derrida
Marx I, Max Stirner Der Einzige und sein Eigentum
(1845). K , Stirner, , Derrida, Nietzsche Heidegger, Stirner. T
Alex Callinicos , Kate Soper John Fletcher,
75 Radical Philosophy. B. Alex Callinicos, Messianic ruminations: Derrida,
Stirner and Marx, Radical Philosophy, 75 (1996), . 37-41, . 41. T , Symposium: Spectres os Derrida,
Sprectres of Derrida. M , Alex , . , , Derrida.
5. B. Spivak K, Whither Marxism, . 109-119.
6. O N ,
. FukuyamaDerrida . , Derrida Fukuyama,
. B. Aijaz Ahmad Derrida New Left
Review: A. Ahmad, Reconciling Derrida: Specters of Marx and Deconstructive Politics, New Left Review, 208
(1994), . 88-106. O Ahmad Derrida Fukuyama (. .
. 90). E Derrida Fukuyama
. E ,
: Perry Anderson, The Ends of History, A Zone of Engagement (London, Verso, 1992) Alex
Callinicos, Theories and Narratives: Reflections on the Philosophy of History, (Cambridge, Polity Press, 1995).
7. , -, .
Bryan D. Palmer, Descent into Discourse: The Reification of Language and the writing of Social History, (Philadelphia,
Temple University Press, 1990). - - .
, Alex Callinicos, Against Post-modernism (Cambridge, Polity Press, 1989) Peter Dews,
Logics of Disintergations: Post-structuralist Thought and the Claims of Critical Theory (London, Verso, 1987)
John ONeil, The Poverty of Postmodernism (London, Routledge, 1994). B.
Monthly Review (vol. 47, No. 3, July/August 1995) -: , In Defense of
History: Marxism and the Post-Modern Agenda, -. K
Aijaz Ahmad, Terry Eagleton, Ellen Meiksins Wood, David McNally ..
8. E Derrida , , . O, Derrida . (argumentative) . O Ahmad Derrida : T
Derrida;, Ahmad :
, , . A
, (performance). , ,
. : ... (. . . 91). A Derrida

A M T Derrida


Simon Critchley, On Derridas Specters of Marx, Philosophy and Social Criticism, 21 (no 3, 1995) . 1-30, . 28. I Terry Eagleton
Derrida. O Eagleton Derrida ,
, . T ,
, ,
(B. Terry Eagleton, Marxism Without Marxism, Radical Philosophy 73 (1995), . 35-37, . 36).
9. O Derrida, , A,
. E ,
Marx . , Ahmad,
M 68, Khruschchev ,
T, B
. O A . A,
, A, ,
(Ahmad, . ., . 97). K Eagleton,
Derrida A,
A, ,
, - . , , Eagleton,
, , . , Derrida , Cornell California. M , sexy , ,
. O Eagleton Derrida: A
, ,
: , , , (Eagleton, . ., . 37 Derrida Specters of Marx, .
85/72 (141). O . T
Derrida , . H
. A ,
, .
10. Specters of Marx Whither
Marxism, Derrida
Whither Marxism? Global Crises in International Perspective.
. , ,
B (1989), EOK. O Derrida
. M
New Left Review, 205 (1994) A Lecture on Marx.
11. Specters of Marx, . 50/69-70 (88).
12. B. The Deconstruction of Actuality: an Interview with Jacques Derrida, Radical Philosophy, 68 (1994),
. 28-41. H Passages 1993.


13. . ., . 38. . Specters of Marx, . 70/92 (119). O Derrida

Freud, . , Marx .
14. Derrida Marx,
. E Jean-Louis Houdedine Guy Scarpetta 17 I 1971, Positions, (Paris, Minuit, 1972) Alan Bass, Positions,
(London, The Athlone Press, 1981). B. Politics and Friendship,
The Althusserian Legacy (London, Verso, 1993), E.A. Kaplan M. Sprinkel. B Derrida ,
70 , . Derrida . S.
Critchley, . ., . 1-2, 25-26 Frederic Jameson, Marxs Purloined Letter, New Left Review, 209, (1995),
. 75-109, . 76, 83. . B. M. Ryan, Marxism and Deconstruction: A Critical Articulation, (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Un. Press, 1982). E
Gayatri Spivak, Speculations on Reading Marx: After Reading Derrida, Derek Altridge et al,
eds., Post-Structuralism and the Question of History, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987).
15. Specters of Marx, . 88/112-113 (144-145).
16. Specters of Marx, . 91/115 (149).
17. Specters of Marx, . 88/113 (145). M
, Derrida ,
. . M ,
, Derrida E. B. Jacques
Derrida, The Other heading: Reflections on Todays Europe, (Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1992), . 79, Lautre cap (Paris, Les ditions de Minuit, 1991).
. David Hoy Derrida Quentin Skinner, The
Return of Grand Theory in the Human Sciences (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990), . 43-64,
. 49. B. Callinicos Against Postmodrnism (. 9 ..)
Terry Eagleton Ideology: An Introduction (London, Verso, 1991)
Christopher Norris The end of Ideology revisited: the gulf war postmodernism and realpolitik,
Philosophy and Social Criticism, 17 (1991), . 1-40. X, ,
Habermas, The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity (Cambridge, Polity Press, 1987). B. : O (A, A, 1993). B.
Habermas Taking Aim at the Heart of the Present Hubert L. Dreyfus Paul Rabinow, What
is Maturity? Habermas and Foucault on What is Enlightenment,
David Hoy, Foucault, A Critical Reader (Oxford, Blackwell, 1986), . 103-121.
18 Specters of Marx, . 13/26 (35-36).
, . H

19. Specters of Marx, . 51-52/71 (90). E Fukuyama, . Encounter 1990: A Symposium, Who was
Right, who was Wrong and Why: An Inquest on the Death of Communism, I, Encounter, vol. 75, No. 1 (July-August
1990), . 3-17 II, Encounter No. 2 (September, 1990), . 24-32.
20. Specters of Marx, . 31, 53/45, 73 (60-61, 93).
21. Specters of Marx, . 32/46 (61-62).
22. Specters of Marx, . 52, 68, 85/72, 90, 109-110 (91, 116, 141).
23. O Derrida 81-84/105-110 (134-139) -

A M T Derrida


, . ,
, : 1. , 2.
, , 3. , 4. , 5.
, 6. , 7.
, 8. , 9. 10.
24. The Deconstruction of Actuality, o Derrida , , ,
. A , , Derrida
E, . The Other Heading, . 6, 39, 62, 63 78.
25. Specters of Marx, . 54/74 (93-94).
26. Specters of Marx, . 97/126 (160).
27. Specters of Marx, . 14/27 (36-37).
28. . .
29. Derrida Callinicos
. O Ahmad , :
Derrida ; (. ., . 92-93).
30. Derrida , O 1968 N
Y, B
M 68. (B. Derrida, The Ends of Man Margins of Philosophy,
(Bringhton, The Harvester Press, 1982). B. Derrida Artists
against Apartheid. T Critical Inquiry, 12 (1985), . 290-299.
31. Specters of Marx, . 14/26 (36).
32. , Derrida, , . B.
John Fletcher Marx the Uncanny?: Ghosts and their relation to the mode of
production, Radical Philosophy, 75 (1996), . 31-37, . 35 ..
33. Specters of Marx, . 14-15/27-28 (36-38).
34. B, Ahmad
Derrida. O Ahmad : O Derrida , . , , [],
A [Derrida] (. ., . 93).
35. Specters of Marx, . 15/28 (38).
36. O Callinicos
Derrida . , . , ,
- ,
Trotsky A A. B. Messianic ruminations..., . ., . 38.
37. Specters of Marx, . 3, 13, 87/15, 26, 192 (21, 36, 144).
37. Specters of Marx, . 68/90 (116). Eagleton, o Derrida . A,
. O Derrida, Eagleton, ,
. ,
Eagleton, , . . A . O Eagleton
Derrida A,
, , X, -


, , ... H Derrida
, , , , (B. Eagleton, . ., . 35, 37). A Kate Soper 75 Radical philosophy: Kate Soper, The Limits of
Hauntology, Radical Philosophy, 75 (1996), . 26-31. H Soper Marx
- Ernesto Laclau Chantal Mouffe (. ., . 28).
38. Specters of Marx, . 88/113 (145).
39. H Derrida
40. Specters of Marx, . 88, 104/113, 134 (145, 170).
41. Specters of Marx, . 50/70 (88).
42. Specters of Marx, . 89/114 (146).
43. Specters of Marx, . 88-89/113-114 (145-146).
44. Specters of Marx, . 88-89/113 (146). B. Derrida
V .
45. Specters of Marx, . 29/43 (58).
46. Specters of Marx, . 85-86/110 (141-142).
47. Specters of Marx, . 89/114 (147). . Derrida , The Deconstruction of Actuality, . . . 39.
48. Specters of Marx, . 89-90/114-115 (147-149). . Critchley, . ., . 24.
48. B Marcuse, One Dimensional Man (Boston, Beacon Press, 1964), An
Essay on Liberation (Hermondsworth, Penguin Books, 1969), Five Lectures, Psychoanalysis, Politics and Utopia
(Boston, Beacon Press, 1970), Repressive Tolerance, A Critique of Pure Tolerance (Boston, Beacon Press,
1965 1968). X, N A, E.
Batalov, The Philosophy of Revolt: Criticism of Left Radical Ideology (Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1975).
N A B . Lin Chun, The British New Left (Edinburgh,
Edinburgh University Press, 1993) Michael Kenny, The First New Left: British Intellectuals After
Stalin (London, Lawrence and Wishart, 1995). B. Fred Inglis, Dorothy Tompson Jim
McGuigan 215 (1996) New Left Review.
49. Derrida
, (critiques). H
. O Ahmad -,
() (. ., . 103).
50. O Critchley Derrida (. ., . 24).
51. Specters of Marx, . 22-23, 28/36, 42-49, 56). O Derrida Emmanuel Levinas,
Totalit et infini (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1961), . 62. B. Critchley (. ., . 9). O
Critchley Derrida Levinas
Force of Law. B. J. Derrida, Force of Law: The Mystical
Foundation of Authority, Deconstruction and the Possibility of Justice, ed. D. Cornell et al. (London/New York,
Routledge, 1992). A Ricahrd Kearney,
Derridas Ethical Re-Turn Drucilla Cornell, The Violence of the Masquerade: Law Dressed Up as Justice,
Gary B. Madison, ed., Working Through Derrida (Evaston, Illinois, Northwestern University Press, 1993), . 2850 77-93 . B. Soper, The Limits of Hauntology, . ., . 27 29.
52. Specters of Marx, . 23-29/36-43 (49-57).
Derrida, Heidegger .
O Jameson Derrida , (the Heideggerian Master-narrative), Heidegger Derrida (Heidegger looms ever larger in this work).
O Jameson : ,
Heidegger Heidegger
, , Heidegger

A M T Derrida


(. ., . 77, 82). B.
Critchley (. ., . 12-15). Heidegger .
Tom Rockmore, Heidegger and the French Philosophy: Humanism, Anti-humanism and Being (London, Routledge, 1995).
53. O Callinicos Rawls, Nozick, Dworkin, Sen, MacIntyre, Walzer, Sandel, Rorty, Barry
Cohen. B. Messianic ruminations..., . ., . 41.
54. Specters of Marx, . 39, 99, 135-136/54, 128, 170 (71, 162-163, 216). O Eagleton, , Derrida . , Derrida , , , . H
, Eagleton, Derrida . T N Derrida : M
, M, ,
(Eagleton, . ., . 37).
55. Specters of Marx, . 170, 191-192/209, 217-218 (269, 230). H Derrida
. B. , Positions, . 64-65.
56. O Callinicos Derrida
Roy Bhaskar, A Realist Theory of Science
(Hassocks, Harvester, 1978), L. Althusser E. Balibare, Reading Capital (London,
Verso, 1979), Derrida
. B. Messianic ruminations..., . ., . 39-40. O Critchley
(. ., . 4-6). B. ,
Hoy, . ., . 52. Derrida
, . M.C. Dillon, The Metaphysics of
Presence: Critique of a Critique, Working Throught Derrida, . 189-203.
57. O Derrida, , , -. A . K : H , , , , ,
, ... ... M
- . H , ,
, , . Y, , .... Specters of Marx, . 92/117 (151). B. Ahmad, .
., . 100 Critchley, . ., . 1.
58. Specters of Marx, . 170/208 (270).
59. Specters of Marx, . 59, 65, 75/80, 87, 97 (102, 111-112, 126).
60. Specters of Marx, . 89/114 (146-147).
61. Specters of Marx, . 89-90/114 (147). The Deconstruction of Actuality : ,
(. ., . 32).
62. Specters of Marx, . 37/52 (68-69).
63. Specters of Marx, . 90/115 (148), . . 28/42 (56).
64. Specters of Marx, . 55, 180-181/75, 98-99 (95-96). O Habermas Derrida. T Derrida
. B. Habermas, The Philosophical Dicourse of Modernity, VII, . 160-184, . 182184, 46 406.
65. Benjamin I . Theses on the Philosophy of
History, W. Benjamin, Illuminations (London, Fontana, 1973), . 255-266. B. A. Callinicos,


Making History, (Cambridge, Polity Press, 1987), . 5 Habermas, . ., . 11 .. O F. Jameson

Benjamin : H :
Benjamin. ,
(. ., . 106).
66. Specters of Marx, . 168/206 (266).
67. Specters of Marx, . 65, 166-170/86-87, 205-206 (111-112, 264-268).
68. Specters of Marx, . 148/184 (236).
69. B. Critchley, . ., . 16-19.
70. Specters of Marx, . 168-207 (267).
. B,
Derrida , . B. Derrida: D un certain ton apocalyptique adopt naqure en
philosophie (Paris, Galile, 1983) comment ne pas parler Psych: Inventions de l autre (Paris, Galile,
1987). T H. Coward T.
Foshlay, Derrida and Negative Theology (New York, State University of New York Press, 1992): Of an Apocalyptic
Tone Newly Adopted in Philosophy, . 73-142. B. Schibboleth: Pour Paul Calan (Paris, Galile, 1986).
A Schiboleth: For Paul Calan G. Hartman and S. Budick, Midrash and Literature, (New
Haven, Ct., Yale University Press, 1986). T : Circonfession, G. Bennigton and Jacques Derrida,
Jacques Derrida (Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 1991), . 3-315 [ , Jacques
Derrida, (Paris, ditions du Seuil, 1991)] Donner la mort, L thique du don, Jacques Derrida et la pense du
don (Paris, Mtalili-Transition, 1992). A Derrida, The Gift of Death
(Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1995). E Derrida G. Vattimo
E : Jacque Derrida et Gianni Vattimo, La religion (Paris,
Seuil, 1996). Foi et Savoir: Les deux sources de la religion aux limites de la simple
raison (. ., . 9-86), Derrida . T . T, . Richard Kearney, Derridas Ethical Re-turn, Working Through Derrida, . 28-50, . 41-47 Critchley, . ., . 16-17, Graham
Ward, Barth, Derrida and the Language of Theology (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1995).
B -
Derrida. , . T Derrida,
Marx, . , , ,
, (Specters of Marx, . 65-66, 166-170/86, 205-209 (111112, 264-268). T Derrida,
Diffrance (1968), , ,
, , , , . O Derrida
, . , , (. Diffrance, Margins of
Philosophy, . 6, . . 26). T
Marx . , Marx
. Marx,
, . T opium
(K. Marx, Towards a Critique of Hegels Philosophy of Right: Introducton, Karl Marx: Selected Writings,
edited by David McLellan, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1977, . 64). M ,
. A, Derrida ,
. A ,
Marx , , -

A M T Derrida


. H I Derrida .
, ,
. K Derrida. H Ahmad. O Ahmad Derrida, : O Derrida
. K -
... (. ., . 94).
71. Specters of Marx, . 169/207 (267-268). B. Critchley, . ., . 18-19.
72. Critchley, . ., . 6. B. Peter Dews, The Limits of Disenchantment, New Left Review 213
(1996), 61-75, . 66-68. H Derrida
. , Derrida/ ,
, , M 1968. E Derrida , / Heidegger . , Derrida ,
Paul de Man, A,
N. O
Derrida : Les fins de l homme (1968), The ends of man, Margins of Philosophy, . 111-136. T N
A: Le dernier mot du racisme (1983) Admiration de Nelson Mandela, ou les lois de la reflexion (1986).
T Psych: Inventions de l autre (Paris, Galile, 1987). B.
: Racisms Last War, Race, Writing Difference, ed. H.L. Gates (Chicago, The
University of Chicago Press, 1986) Critical Inquiry, 12 (1985/86) . 290-299 The Laws of Reflection:
Nelson Mandela, in Admiration, For Nelson Mandela, ed. Jacques Derrida and Mustapha Tlili, (New York,
Seaver Books, 1987). Psych, . 363-386 No Apocalypse, Not Now
. No Apocalypse, Not Now (Full Speed Ahead, Seven Misiles, Seven Missives), Diacritics, 14 (Summer 1984),
. 20-31. T Colloquim Nuclear Criticism, A 1984 Cornell University
. T Paul de Man Heidegger: Memoirs, for Paul de Man, (New York,
Columbia University Press, 1986) Like the sound of the Sea Deep within a Shell: Paul de Mans War, Critical
Inquiry, 14 (1988), . 590-652 De l esprit, Heidegger et la question (Paris, Galile, 1987), Of
Spirit: Heidegger and the question (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1989) Philosophers Hell, Le Nouvel Observateur (N 1987), , ,
Points: Interviews 1974-1994 (Stanford, Cal., Stanford University Press, 1995), .
181-190. T : Force of Law, The Mystical Foundation of Authority, Deconstruction and the Possibility
of Justice, . 3-67. L autre Cap (1991), The Other Heading: Reflections on Todays Europe
(1992). T, Specters of Marx (1993) The Deconstruction of Actuality (1994). E Heidegger, . Richard Wolin, ed., The Heidegger Controversy: A Critical Reader (Cambridge,
Mass., The MIT Press, 1993) The Heidegger Controversy, Critical Inquiry, 15 (1989), . 407-418
Peter Osborne, Tactics, ethics, or temporality? Heideggers Politcs reviewed, Radical Philosophy, 70 (1995),
. 16-28. Derrida . Eleanor Macdonald,
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