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Copyright of FoundLetters.com 12th October 2012, Mr. Bentley Thomas General Manager, BF International, New Yor , !ear Mr.

Thomas, I am writing this letter to re"#est yo# a lea$e o% absence %or abo#t one wee , that is, %rom 1&th October to 21st October 2012 an' I(ll )oin again %rom 22n' October 2012. My reason %or the lea$es %rom the o%%ice is my gran'%ather* he has been 'iagnose' as ha$ing a t#mor an' nee's to #n'ergo s#rgery %or the same. I ha$e to accom+any him to the hos+ital %or the s#rgery an' also nee's someone to be with his '#ring reco$ery as I am his only %amily. This whole +rocess, accor'ing to the 'octor nee's two wee s. There%ore this is my h#mble re"#est yo# to grant me a lea$e %or a wee %rom 1&th Oct. I shall res#me wor on 22n' October 2012. ,n' incase i% there is any +roblem, I shall gi$e yo# +rior notice o% 'elay. Than ing yo#. Yo#rs Faith%#lly, -ichmon' .hite This Letter is protected under copyright 2008 FoundLetters.com. Feel free to use letters for your personal purposes. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission is prohi ited

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