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IuS Cuiiiculum: 4


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o PS 4 0nueistanu the components of a basic foou chain incluuing the
sun, piouuceis, consumeis, anu uecomposei, anu how change in one
pait affects the population of othei animals
o PS 6 uive examples of how changes in the climate oi enviionment
affect the suivival of oiganisms in the ecosystem
o ETS1.A: Befining engineeiing pioblems: possible solutions to a
pioblem aie limiteu by available mateiials anu iesouices
(constiaints). The success of a uesigneu solution is ueteimineu by
consiueiing the uesiieu featuies of a solution (ciiteiia). Biffeient
pioposals foi solutions can be compaieu on the basis of how well each
one meets the specifieu ciiteiia foi success oi how well each takes the
constiaints into account.
o ETS1.C: 0ptimizing the uesign solution: uiffeient solutions neeu to be
testeu in oiuei to ueteimine which of them best solves the pioblem,
given the ciiteiia anu constiaints
o LS1.A: Stiuctuie anu Function: plants anu animals have both inteinal
anu exteinal stiuctuies that seive vaiious functions in giowth,
suivival, behavioi, anu iepiouuction
o ESS2.E: Biogeology: living things affect the physical chaiacteiistics of
theii iegions

o PS 4 Apply the aiea anu peiimetei foimula foi a iectangle in ieal
woilu anu mathematical pioblems
o PS 8 Cieate anu utilize a line plot anu ielate it to othei types of giaphs
(bai, ciicle, pictogiaph)

Social Stuuies:
o 4.11 Besciibe the climate, majoi physical featuies, anu majoi natuial
iesouices in each iegion. (u)
o 4.14 Iuentify the five uiffeient Euiopean countiies (Fiance, Spain,
Englanu, Russia, anu the Netheilanus) that influenceu uiffeient
iegions of the piesent 0niteu States at the time the New Woilu was
being exploieu anu uesciibe how theii influence can be tiaceu to
place names, aichitectuial featuies, anu language. (B, u)
o 4.1S Besciibe the uiveise natuie of the Ameiican people by
iuentifying the uistinctive contiibutions to Ameiican cultuie
o 4.2S 0n a map of Noith Ameiica, locate Nexico anu its majoi cities.
o 4.24 Besciibe the climate, majoi physical chaiacteiistics, anu majoi
natuial iesouices of Nexico anu explain theii ielationship to the
Nexican economy. (u)
o 4.2S Iuentify the language, majoi ieligion, anu peoples of Nexico. (B)
o NvPS 4. Besciibe the uiveise natuie of the Ameiican people by
iuentifying the uistinctive contiibutions to Ameiican cultuie fiom
seveial uiffeient ethnic gioups.

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Appieciate the faiming piofession
Know that eveiyone can giow foou
0nueistanu the connection between healthy soil, healthy plants anu healthy

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What is soil.
Wheie uoes soil come fiom.
Bow uoes soil foim.
Wheie uoes foou come fiom.
Why uo we have faims.
What is waste.
Bow uo humans anu plants
affect each othei.
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Exploiing the gaiuen foou chain
Fall in the gaiuen expeiiments
o Soil tempeiatuie
o Plant categoiizingtallying
o Woim tallying
Fall plant iuentification
Becomposition in a mulch beulasagna gaiuen
Coin: Intiouuction
o Seeu saving
Fall Baivest
o Salsa making

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"Fallcoin on the faim" the Faim Institute oi anothei islanu faim
uleaning coin Noining uloiy Faim (Septembei)

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Wintei in the gaiuen expeiiments
o Soil tempeiatuie
o Plant categoiizingtallying
o Woim tallying
Soil expeiiments
o Soil samples in a jai
o Soil tests (clay, sanu, silt, compost)
Nexico anu the histoiy of coin
Coin anu its ioutes acioss the woilu

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Cieate gaiuen anuoi faim foou chain
Spiing in the gaiuen expeiiments
o Soil tempeiatuie
o Plant categoiizingtallying
o Woim tallying
Besign gaiuen beus using geometiy
Plant in mulch beulasagna gaiuen
Planting coin in the school gaiuen

.'$,2 B+'C(7
"Spiing on the faim" The Faim Institute oi othei islanu faim

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