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XXVI Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad

1.1 The 2014 Asian Pa i!i Ma"he#a"i s O$%#&ia' (APMO) is "* +e he$' in "he a!"e,n**n *! M*n'a% Ma, h 10 !*, &a,"i i&a"in- *.n",ies in N*,"h an' S*."h A#e,i as, an' in "he #*,nin- *! T.es'a% Ma, h 11 !*, &a,"i i&a"in- *.n",ies *n /es"e,n Pa i!i an' in Asia. 1.2 The *n"es" 0.es"i*ns a,e "* +e *$$e "e' !,*# "he *n"es"an"s a" "he en' *! "he APMO an' a,e "* +e 1e&" *n!i'en"ia$ .n"i$ "he O,-ani2in- C*.n",% &*s"s "he# *n "he APMO 3e+si"e. A''i"i*na$$%, ea h e4a# &a&e, #.s" *n"ain a 3,i""en $e-en', 3a,nin- "he s".'en"s n*" "* 'is .ss "he &,*+$e#s *5e, "he in"e,ne" .n"i$ "ha" 'a"e. 1.3 Each participating country is responsible for the cost and organisation of the APMO within their country. 1.4 The ai s of the APMO include! a" the disco#ering$ encouraging and challenging of athe atically gifted school students in all Pacific%&i countries b" the fostering of friendly international relations and cooperation between students and teachers in the Pacific%&i &egion c" the creating of an opportunity for the e'change of infor ation on school syllabi and practice throughout the Pacific &egion d" the encourage ent and support of athe atical in#ol#e ent with Oly piad type acti#ities$ not only in the APMO participating countries$ but also in other Pacific%&i countries. 1.( a" The APMO )ountries are grouped as follows! i" The APMO *enior )oordinating )ountry$ ii" The APMO Assistant )oordinating )ountry$ iii" The APMO Moderating )ountry$ i#" The APMO Participating )ountries +countries of i"$ii"$iii" abo#e inclusi#e"$ #" The APMO Obser#er )ountries. b" At the Annual ,eneral Meeting$ the APMO *enior )oordinating )ountry and the APMO )hair are elected for an initial period of three years. Thereafter the Annual ,eneral Meeting ay confir their status on a year%by%year basis. -t is the responsibility of the APMO *enior )oordinating )ountry to no inate the APMO )hair. c" At the Annual ,eneral Meeting$ the APMO Assistant )oordinating )ountry is elected for an initial period of two years. Thereafter the Annual ,eneral Meeting ay confir its status on a year%by%year basis.

2.14 APMO P&O)E/0&E* A1/ &E,02AT-O1*$ PA,E 2. d" At the Annual ,eneral Meeting$ the APMO Moderating )ountry is elected for an initial period of one year. Thereafter the Annual ,eneral Meeting ay confir its status on a year%by% year basis. e" The E'ecuti#e C*##i""ee of the APMO consists of! the APMO )hair$ the APMO Proble s )hair$ the )ountry &epresentati#e of the APMO Assistant )oordinating )ountry$ the &etiring APMO )hair$ the APMO *ecretary and the APMO Treasurer. 1.3 The Annual ,eneral Meeting of the APMO )o ittee$ with the agree ent of the organisers of the -MO host country$ is to be held during the annual -MO. )o unications details of the APMO e bership are to be initially identified at the abo#e eeting. 1.4 The APMO *n"es" *nsis"s *! *ne !*.,6h*., &a&e, *nsis"in- *! !i5e 0.es"i*ns *! 5a,%in'i!!i .$"% an' ea h ha5in- a #a4i#.# s *,e *! 7 &*in"s. 1.5 )ountries6 representati#es should be sensiti#e to the need for rapid reliable co unications between the sel#es and the *enior )oordinating )ountry. 7hene#er possible$ i ediate co unications should be ade by 8A9 and:or e%MA-2 to be followed by air ail letters confir ing the earlier contacts.

2.1 All countries on the Pacific &i $ including countries in Asia and in the A ericas$ are eligible to participate in the annual APMO. ;owe#er$ in their re<uest to be a e ber$ they ust ha#e the support of an appropriate educational: athe atical body in their country. 2.2 C*n"es"an"s sh*.$' n*" ha5e !*,#a$$% en,*$$e' a" a .ni5e,si"% (*, e0.i5a$en" &*s"6 se *n'a,% ins"i"."i*n) an' "he% #.s" +e %*.n-e, "han 20 %ea,s *! a-e *n "he 1s" 8.$% *! "he %ea, *! "he *n"es". 2.3 /hi$e a &a,"i .$a, *.n",% #a% ha5e, .n*!!i ia$$%, an% n.#+e,( 10) *! s".'en"s si""in"he APMO in "hei, *.n",%, "he 'e"ai$s an' ,es.$"s *! "he "*& (a #a4i#.# *!) "en s".'en"s *'e' in ,an1e' *,'e, *n "he S.##a,% *! Res.$"s F*,#, &$.s *&ies *! "he 1s", 9,' an' 7"h ,an1in- s".'en"s: s*$."i*n &a&e,s a,e "* +e sen" "* "he Seni*, C**,'ina"in- C*.n",% !*, "ha" %ea,. C*n"es"an"s ha5in- "he sa#e s *,e #.s" +e ,an1e' +% "hei, *.n",%:s APMO O,-anisin- C*##i""ee. E0.a$ ,an1in- is n*" &e,#i""e'. +8or e'a ple$ suggestions for brea=ing tie scores could include the ran=ing of the contestants6 scores on the ost difficult <uestion and:or assessing the <uality of solutions and so on." 2.4 All APMO contestants will recei#e a )ertificate of Award$ ;onourable Mention or &epresentation. The constraints for the issuing of Award certificates in general for a particular country are as follows! a" To deter ine the o#erall nu bers and le#els of gold$ sil#er and bron>e award certificates$ the following guidelines are to be used!

2.14 APMO P&O)E/0&E* A1/ &E,02AT-O1*$ PA,E 3. i" Ma4i#.# "*"a$ n.#+e, *! a3a,' e,"i!i a"es = @+n +1" : 2? $ where n A total nu ber of APMO contestants +when ties occur$ increase nu ber" B ii" S *,es !*, -*$' a3a,'s m + ; s *,es !*, si$5e, a3a,'s m + + : 3" ; an' s *,es !*, +,*n2e a3a,'s m + : 3" $ where m A ean APMO score$ and A standard de#iation of all the APMO scores. b" F*, a &a,"i .$a, *.n",% "he n.#+e, *! i" G*$' a3a,'s < 1$ ii" G*$' = Si$5e, a3a,'s < 9$ and iii" G*$' = Si$5e, = >,*n2e a3a,'s < 7. 2.( A certificate of ;onourable Mention will be awarded to any contestant who has not recei#ed an Award certificate but who has perfor ed creditably according to so e criteria +#ariable fro year to year and dependent upon the actual spread of scores" deter ined each year by the *enior )oordinating )ountry after consultation with the Assistant )oordinating )ountryB for e'a ple$ a contestant who has obtained a perfect score of 4 for at least one <uestion or has obtained scores of ( or 3 for at least two <uestions. 2.3 The <uestion proposals should$ if possible$ co#er fields of pre%uni#ersity athe atics and$ if possible$ be of #arying degrees of difficulty. The proposals should be written in English.

3.1 The Chai, *! "he APMO C*##i""ee is responsible for organising the agenda and other necessary atters at the Annual Meeting of the APMO )o ittee. The )hair ust ensure that the *enior and Assistant )oordinating )ountries ha#e been identified for the following two years. 3.2 The Seni*, C**,'ina"in- C*.n",%$ with the cooperation of the Assistant )oordinating )ountry$ is responsible for! a" proposing +up to four" additional <uestions$ solutions and ar=ing sche es for the APMO$ if necessary b" setting of the <uestions$ preparing solutions and ar=ing sche es for the APMO c" sending to the Assistant )oordinating )ountry the proposed APMO contest paper$ two reser#e <uestions$ solutions and ar=ing sche es for oderation by 14 October each year d" sending an English #ersion of the APMO contest <uestions$ solutions and ar=ing sche es to the appropriate contact person +representati#e or co ittee e ber" in each of the participating countries by 14 Canuary the following year e" the coordination and ran=ing of the results +as per clauses 2.4 and 2.( abo#e" to be sent to the participating countries as soon as possible in April or early May of each year f" sending a sufficient nu ber of Award$ ;onourable Mention and &epresentation certificates to each of the participating countries

2.14 APMO P&O)E/0&E* A1/ &E,02AT-O1*$ PA,E 4. + g" preparing a su ary report to be sent to the )hair by 31 May each year" + h" =eeping the APMO )hair infor ed of APMO6s progress at appropriate ti es during the year." 3.3 The Assis"an" C**,'ina"in- APMO C*.n",% is responsible$ when re<uired$ for direct and general support of the *enior )oordinating )ountry in helping set and oderate the APMO )ontest paper and other proble s if they arise. -n particular! a" it should propose +up to three" additional <uestions$ solutions and ar=ing sche es for the APMO$ if necessary$ which are to be sent to the *enior )oordinating )ountry by 1 August of each year$ and b" it should send reactions to APMO draft papers to the *enior )oordinating )ountry by 14 of 1o#e ber of each year. 3.4 The M*'e,a"in- APMO C*.n",% is responsible for final ar=ing sche e. 3.( A$$ "he Pa,"i i&a"in- APMO *.n",ies are responsible for! a" indicating to the *enior )oordinating )ountry that they wish to be placed on the APMO ailing list and$ at the sa e ti e$ identifying their country6s contact person$ and address details by 1 of Culy of each year. )ountries ust also sub it a co pleted Participation 8or +a#ailable on the APMO website" by 1o#e ber 3.. 1ote! it is i portant that the contact person or no inee be a#ailable at the designated address for the period fro Culy to April of the following year. b" organising the APMO for their countries each year +in 2.14" during the afternoon of the second Monday of March +Monday March 1." for countries in Oceania and in the A ericas$ and in the orning of the second Tuesday of March +Tuesday March 11" for countries on the 7estern Pacific &i and in Asia +as defined in clause 1.1". c" proposing at least two <uestions +#arying degrees of difficulty and topics" with solutions and suggested ar=ing sche es if possible i" to be gi#en to the APMO )hair +or his:her representati#e" at the Annual APMO ,eneral Meeting if their country is represented at the annual -MOB or ii" to be sent to the APMO )hair by 1 of Culy if their country is not represented at the annual -MO. iii" at the sa e ti e to identify the na es and institutions of the proposers of the <uestions$ as well as the source of the <uestionsB and i#" to indicate whether the proposed <uestions which are not selected for the APMO$ are a#ailable to be published in the final APMO report or are re<uired to be returned in confidence to the proposers$ or are to be placed in a <uestion ban= for future APMO6sB d" infor ing the APMO *enior )oordinating )ountry i ediately of ha#ing recei#ed the )ontest papers and of the contest schedule for their country e" ar=ing their students6 APMO solutions +with an integer score" and co pleting the APMO &esults *u ary 8or B and f" sending the co pleted APMO &esults 8or $ by D April each year +2.14" +by e ail or air ail". This letter should also include copies of the papers of the 1st$ 3rd and 4th ran=ing students in their country. oderation of the APMO paper and

2.14 APMO P&O)E/0&E* A1/ &E,02AT-O1*$ PA,E (. g" contributing a registration fee of 0*E1.. for participating in an APMO and this fee should be sent to the *enior APMO )oordinating )ountry by 1 August each year. 1ote! The coordination of results will proceed generally no later than April 1( of each year. -f a country has not sent in its results$ consistent with the regulations$ it will auto atically be e'cluded fro that year6s general result processing.

4. YEARLY TIMETA>LE 1s" 8.$% *, AGM

APMO Pa,"i i&a"in- *.n",ies (A$$ *.n",ies, 3ishin- "* &a,"i i&a"e in "he ne4" APMO) i" to indicate to the APMO )hair that they wish to be placed on the APMO ailing list and$ at the sa e ti e$ ii" to identify their country6s contact person and all contact address + ail$ telephone$ 8A9$ and e% ail" details. +Much of this infor ation should be gi#en$ where possible$ at the annual APMO eeting during the Culy -MO"B and (APMO Pa,"i i&a"in- *.n",ies *"he, "han Assis"an" C**,'ina"in- C*.n",%) iii" +i"" to gi#e two <uestions$ solutions and ar=ing sche e proposals to the APMO )hair +or his:her representati#e" at the Annual APMO ,eneral Meeting if their country is represented at the annual -MOB or i#" +ii"" to send two <uestions$ solutions and ar=ing sche e proposals to the APMO )hair by 1 Culy if their country is not represented at the annual -MO$ and other details noted in clause 3.( +c".

1s" A.-.s"
APMO Assis"an" C**,'ina"in- C*.n",% "* sen'? two or three <uestions$ solutions$ ar=ing sche e proposals and other details noted in clause 3.( +c" to the APMO )hair. A$$ C*.n",ies "* sen'? Annual registration fee or re<uest for non%pay ent of fees to the APMO )hair.

14"h O "*+e,
APMO Seni*, C**,'ina"in- C*.n",% to send draft APMO <uestion papers$ solutions and ar=ing sche es plus reser#e <uestions etc.$ to the APMO Assistant )oordinating )ountry for oderation.

14"h N*5e#+e,
APMO Assis"an" C**,'ina"in- C*.n",% to send their reactions and co paper to the APMO *enior )oordinating )ountry. ents on the AMPO draft

90"h N*5e#+e,
A$$ *.n",ies to send their co pleted Participation 8or s to the *enior )oordinating )ountry.

2.14 APMO P&O)E/0&E* A1/ &E,02AT-O1*$ PA,E 3.

14"h De e#+e,
APMO Seni*, C**,'ina"in- C*.n",% to send proposal of the APMO paper to Moderating )ountry for final oderation +identification of possible =nown proble s".

14"h 8an.a,%
APMO Seni*, C**,'ina"in- C*.n",% to send co plete set of APMO contest papers$ solutions$ ar=ing sche es$ &esults 8or s and Ac=nowledge ent of &eceipt 8or s to all APMO Participating countriesB and A$$ APMO Pa,"i i&a"in- C*.n",ies to confir +by 8A9 where possible" the receipt of the contest papers and to indicate their countries6 intended contest schedules to the APMO *enior )oordinating )ountry.

10"h@11"h Ma, h, 2014

A$$ APMO Pa,"i i&a"in- C*.n",ies to hold the APMO in their own country. +&e inder! )ontest papers to be collected to a'i i>e security of papers during that period. Also$ the e'a ust ha#e a written re<uest to the students$ telling the not to discuss the proble s on the -nternet until the Organi>ing )ountry publishes the on the APMO website."

A"h A&,i$
A$$ APMO Pa,"i i&a"in- C*.n",ies ust send to the APMO *enior )oordinating )ountry$ to be recei#ed not later than D April! i" co pleted APMO &esult 8or by Electronic Mail +otherwise by 8a'"B and ii" another copy of the co pleted APMO &esult 8or plus copies of their 1st$ 3rd and 4th ran=ing students6 papers sent #ia E ail +or Air ail or courier" not later than D April.

2n' Ma%
The APMO Seni*, C**,'ina"in- C*.n",% to send to all APMO Participating )ountries! i" the o#erall results indicating ,old$ *il#er$ Fron>e and ;onourable Mention )ertificate winnersB ii" copy of the abo#e su ary of scoring on <uestions and a collection of blan= Award$ ;onourable Mention and &epresentation )ertificates.

91s" Ma%
The APMO Seni*, C**,'ina"in- C*.n",% to send an APMO su ary report to the APMO )hair.

Ea,$% 8.$%
The APMO Chai, to prepare the agenda and papers for the Annual ,eneral Meeting of the APMO during the annual -MO.

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