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This tiip was built aiounu the uesiie to achieve a majoi ambition, to be at the Nelbouine Ciicket uiounu (NCu) on
Boxing Bay, watching Englanu v Austialia. The ambition was achieveu, togethei with a iecoiu ciowu of 91,u92,
although the ciicket was pooi! Enough saiu. Bowevei, with this uate in minu, the tiip incluueu an entiy into
Austialia at Caiins, then Nelbouine, followeu by a tiip to the Noithein Teiiitoiy anu finally passing thiough Bali
on the way home. Foi each of these tiips we hau a guiue foi a few uays followeu by a peiiou of sightseeing anu
soiting iecoius!

Section 1 : Caiins anu Poit Bouglas (Bec 12
- 2u
The fiist two uays in Caiins weie spent on the Baiiiei Reef, two touis, Sea Quest
(https:www.uivingcaiins.com.au) anu Passions (http:www.passions.com.au). The fiist of these tiips was a
typical Baiiiei tiip, with snoikeling at two uiffeient sites anu was veiy enjoyable. Bowevei, the seconu tiip hau
been chosen specifically because they visit Nichaelmas Cay - a biiu sanctuaiy with the ability to snoikel fiom the
beach with thousanus of biius flying aiounu! This enableu us to get close to Common Nouuy, Silvei uulls, Biown
Boobys, (Lessei) Ciesteu anu Sooty teins.

Common Nouuy & chick Lessei Ciesteu Tein

Biius iecoiueu uuiing this pait of the tiip : Bouse Spaiiow, Common Nyna, Austialian Nagpie, Willie Wagtail,
Peaceful Bove, Nagpie Laik, Biown Boneyeatei, uieat Egiet, uull-billeu Tein, Eastein Cuilew, Welcome Swift,
Eastein Reef Egiet, Faiiy Naitin, Common Nouuy, Silvei uull, Biown Booby, (Lessei) Ciesteu anu Sooty Tein.

Biiing a cai enableu us to then uiive up to the Kingfishei Paik Louge, }ulatten, (http:www.biiuwatcheis.com.au).
This is a uelightful place to be baseu foi biiuing in this iegion. The louge has no uining facilities, so eating is best
uone at the neaiby Bighlanuei Tavein, which seives goou foou at a ieasonable piice. The Louge is nameu aftei the
Buff-bieasteu Paiauise Kingfishei, anu at the time we weie theie goou viewings weie guaianteeu.

Buff-bieasteu Paiauise Kingfishei Rainbow Loiikeets

Also seen on the piemises weie Rainbow Loiikeets, Netallic Stailing, Reu-neckeu Ciake, Spectacleu Nonaich,
Yellow-spotteu Boneyeatei, Pacific Black Buck, Austialian Figbiiu, Little Shiike Thiush, White-bieasteu Robin,
Reu-bioweu Finch, White-iumpeu Swiftlet, Silveieye, White-bieasteu Woouswallow, Emeialu Bove anu Bai-
shoulueieu Bove. Also spotteu was a Boyu's Foiest Biagon plus meal anu a few Agile Wallabies.

The next thiee uays weie taken up with touis oiganizeu by Bel Richaius (http:www.finefeatheitouis.com.au).
These weie well oiganizeu, anu Bel was a chaiming host foi the touis as well as being blesseu with a keen eye, anu
gieat patience to enable all the biius be seen anu photogiapheu, wheie possible.
- Tiip to Baintiee (12 uay); this incluues a toui aiounu the suiiounuing countiysiue biiuing, anu then
a boat-tiip along the Baintiee iivei. Biius noteu incluueu: Sulphui-ciesteu Cockatoo, Nankeen
Kestiel, uiey uoshawk, Naskeu Lapwing, Stiaw-neckeu Ibis, Netallic Stailing, Peaceful Bove, Nagpie
Laik, Austialian Swiftlet, Faiiy Naitin, Spotteu Tuitle Bove, uieat anu Little Egiet, Puiple Swamphen,
Nagpie uoose, Biahminy anu Whistling Kite, Eastein Cuilew, Beach Stone-Cuilew, Austialian White
Ibis, Austialian Pelican, uieat-billeu Beion, Little Pieu Coimoiant, Shining Flycatchei, Pieu Impeiiel
Pigeon, Papuan Fiogmouth, Supeib Fiuit Bove, uieat Coimoiant, Nankeen Night Beion, Yellow 0iiole,
Laughing Kookabuiia, Black Bittein, White-faceu heion, Inteimeuiate Egiet, Black-neckeu Stoik,
Laige-billeu ueiygone anu Little Shiike Thiush.
- 0ui next tiip was a full uays biiuing, staiting in the lowlanus anu touiing aiounu. The list incluueu:
Lemon-bellieu anu Leauen Flycatchei, Pale Yellow anu Eastein Yellow Robins, Nacleay's, Busky,
uiaceful, Biown, Biown-backeu, Blue-faceu, Yellow anu Yellow-spotteu Boneyeateis, Black
Butcheibiiu, uoulu's Bionze Cuckoo, Spectacleu anu Black-faceu Nonaichs, 0live-backeu 0iiole,
Foiest Kingfishei, vaiieu Tiillei, White-bellieu Cuckoo-shiike, Bollai Biiu, Scaly-bieasteu Loiikeet,
Black Kite, White-iumpeu Swiftlet, White-thioateu Neeuletail, Austialasian Pipit, Figbiiu, Wampoo
Fiuit anu Biown Cuckoo Bove, Belmeteu anu Little Fiiaibiiu, Rainbow Bee-eatei, uiey Teal, Naskeu
Lapwing, Comb-ciesteu }acanna, Euiasian Coot, Little Black Coimoiant, uieen Pygmy uoose,
Austialasian Baitei, Black Swan, Caspian Tein, Bush Stone-cuilew, Spotteu Baiiiei, Austialian
Bustaiu, ualah, Pale-heaueu Rosella, Blue-wingeu Kookabuiia, Apostle Biiu, uieat Bowei Biiu,
Spangleu Biongo, Reu-backeu Faiiy Wien, Biown Falcon anu Chestnut-bieasteu Nannikin.
- The last toui was possibly the best, involving a long walk up Nount Lewis thiough the iain foiest. The
new biius seen incluueu: Silveieye, Biush Cuckoo, Nistletoe Biiu, uieyheaueu Robin, uiey anu Rufous
Fantail, Tooth-billeu anu uoluen Boweibiius (gieat views), White-thioateu Tieecieepei, King Paiiot,
Laige-billeu Sciub Wien, victoiia's Rifle-biiu, Supeib Fiuit Bove, Topknot anu White-heaueu Pigeons,
Boweis anu Little Shiike-thiushes, Biiuleu Boneyeatei, Austialasian Feinwien, Atheiton Sciub Wien,
Yellow-eyeu Cuckoo Shiike, Spotteu Catbiiu, Nountain Thoinbill anu uoluen Whistlei.

uieat-billeu Beion uoluen Boweibiiu

Finally, we ietuineu to Caiins, wheie fuithei biiuing along the ueseiteu beachfiont yielueu Shaip-taileu, Teiek
anu Cuilew Sanupipeis, Reu-neckeu Stint, Bai anu Black Taileu uouwits, Royal Spoonbill anu a Reu-cappeu anu
Lessei Plovei. Also as well as the Flying Foxes that ioost in Caiins (although maybe foi not much longei) we weie
also pointeu to a Rufous 0wl, in theii vicinity. A fine biiu to finish this pait of the tiip.

Section 2 : Nelbouine - The next stage was in Nelbouine, wheie we stayeu in the city, walking uistance fiom the
NCu anu the city centie, both impoitant aspects of this stage! Two tiips hau been oiganizeu with Paul Backett of
Nelbouine Biiuing Touis, http:melbouinebiiuing.com. Paul aiiangeu to pick us up fiom the hotel each uay,
staiting at S.Su am - which gave us plenty of time to be in position as light impioveu. Coffee anu iefieshments
weie supplieu along with a keen eye anu knowleuge of wheie to finu the biius. The two touis weie "4 Babitats
Toui" anu "Rainfoiest Toui".
- 4 Babitats Toui, involveu a shoit uiive of appioximately 4u minutes fiom Nelbouine beginning in a
uiy eucalyptus foiest (You Yangs) befoie jouineying thiough faimlanu on the way to the Westein
Tieatment Plant, Weiiibee. The biius seen weie New Bollanu, White-plumeu anu Yellow-faceu
Boneyeatei, Puiple-ciowneu Loiikeets, Reu-iumpeu Paiiots, Eastein Rosella, Long-billeu Coiella, Reu
Wattlebiiu, Ciesteu Pigeon, Blackbiiu, Euiopean uieenfinch, Austialian Woou Buck, Reu-cappeu
Robin, Biown Thoinbill, Ciesteu Shiike-tit, Rufous Whistlei, vaiieu Sitella, White-wingeu Chough,
Silveieye, Supeib Faiiy-wien, Busky Woouswallow, Biamonu Fiietail Finch, Black-faceu Cuckoo
Shiike, ualah, Sulphui-ciesteu Cockatoo, White-bioweu Woouswallow, }acky Wintei, Restless
Flycatchei, Tawny Fiogmouth, Cape Baiien uoose, Euiopean Stailing, Little Raven, Euiopean
uolufinch, Euiopean Skylaik, Biolga, Austialian Sheluuck, Whiskeieu Tein, Black Swan, Puiple
Swamphen, Boaiy-heaueu anu uieat-ciesteu uiebe, White-faceu Beion, uieat Egiet, Euiasian Coot,
uiey anu Chestnut Teal, Baiuheau, Naskeu Lapwing, Black-wingeu Stilt, Shaip-taileu anu Naish
Sanupipei, Long-toeu anu Reu-neckeu Stint, uoluen-heaueu Cisticola, White Ibis, Austialian Spotteu
anu Baillon's Ciake, Stiaw-neckeu Ibis, Black-shoulueieu Kite anu Black Kite, Reu-kneeu Botteiel, Reu
Knot, Reu-neckeu Avocet, Little Pieu, Little Black anu uieat Coimoiant, Pieu 0ysteicatchei, White-
fionteu Chat, Buff-banueu Rail, Swamp Baiiiei, Austialasian Pelican, Royal anu Yellow-billeu
Spoonbill, Pink-eaieu, Pacific Black anu Nusk Buck, Austialian Shovellei, Bai-taileu uouwit, Black-
taileu Native Ben, Faiiy Naitin, Welcome Swallow anu White-bellieu Sea-eagle. We weie also shown
a Koala sleeping anu saw seveial Eastein uiey Kangaioos.
- Rainfoiest Toui - this toui staits off in the Banuenongs National Paik anu then noimally looks
aiounu othei paits off this National Paik, howevei, on the uay we weie theie the weathei was bau
(goou appaiently foi Supeib Lyiebiiu sightings!) anu so we then went looking foi othei sites
incluuing Bunyip State Paik. Although the list was not long, it uiu have some splenuiu biius incluuing
seveial Supeib Lyiebiius, who, while not peifoiming, uiu call on seveial occasions anu the iange of
calls was veiy impiessive. 0thei biius weie the Ciimson anu Eastein Rosella, uoluen, uoluen anu
Rufous Whistlei, Rufous anu uiey Fantail, Eastein Yellow Robin, Supeib Faiiy-wien, Whitebioweu
Sciubwien, White-thioateu Tieecieepei, Eastein Spinebill, King Paiiot, uiey Cuiiawong, 0live-
backeu 0iiole, Reu Wattlebiiu, Common Bionzewing, Sacieu Kingfishei, Laughing Kookabuiia, Satin
Boweibiiu, Willie Wagtail, Austialian Raven, Common Nyna anu Ciesteu Shiike-tit. Non-biiuing we
also saw Black Wallabies anu seveial Yabbys, a fieshwatei Ciayfish that sometimes lives by the paths
in the iain foiests!

Tawney Fiogmouth King Paiiot

Black Swan

Next up, was a flight to Baiwin, anu then two tiips; the fiist in Kakauoo anu then uown to Alice Spiings,
anu a uiive (4 -S h) to 0luiu. 0nfoitunately we weie let uown foi this stage as oui guiue uiu not show up,
being stiuck uown by the tiopical weathei that hit the Noithein Teiiitoiy as we aiiiveu! Not-with-
stanuing the iain, we hau hiieu a 4x4 anu so weie able to get to most of the sites we intenueu to visit.
- Kakauu : 0n the way in, anu out, we stoppeu at Namukala, a gieat spot in 0ctobei appaiently, but
quiet in late Becembei! Then tiavelleu on to }abiiu, wheie we stayeu foi 2 nights uiiving aiounu
vaiious spots anu also checking out the lake. As well as the biius, see next list, the aboiiginal sites
weie also outstanuing anu well woith the walk in the heat! The biius spotteu weie Whiskeieu Tein,
Nagpie uoose, Pacific Black Buck, Austialian Woou Buck, uieen Pygmy Buck, Puiple Swamphen, Pieu
Beion, uieat anu Inteimeuiate Egiet, Blackneckeu Stoik, Comb-ciesteu }acana, Naskeu Lapwing,
Sulphui-ciesteu anu Reu-taileu Black Cockatoo, Stiawneckeu Ibis, Black anu Whistling Kite, Willie
Wagtail, Little Coiella, Blue-faceu anu White-thioateu Boneyeatei, White-bellieu Cuckoo Shiike,
Spangleu Biongo, Reuwingeu Paiiot, Bai-shoulueu Bove, Baitei, Pieu Coimoiant, White-gapeu
Boneyeatei, Ciimson Finch, Belmeteu Fiiaibiiu, Stiiateu Paiuolote anu uoluen-heaueu Cisticola.
- 0luiu - the flight to Alice Spiings was followeu by a long uiive thiough the outback to the iesoit
aiounu 0luiu. The main puipose of this tiip was ieally to photogiaph the iock, which we achieveu
ielatively easily (aftei all it moves veiy slowly ielative to the vieweis). Bowevei, seveial biius weie
seen both on the tiip out anu back, anu aiounu the iesoit anu the iocks. The biius seen weie Zebia
Finch, Ciesteu Pigeon, Yellow-thioateu Nyna, Rainbow Bee-eatei, White-plumeu Boney-eatei,
Ciesteu Bellbiiu, Black Buzzaiu, Austialian Ringneck, Weuge-taileu Eagle.

Blackneckeu Ciane Ciesteu Pigeon

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